Changeset 2290 in MondoRescue for branches/2.2.9/mondo/src/mondorestore

Jul 22, 2009, 2:03:44 PM (16 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Fix a printing error in mindi for the tar command
  • Fix all mr_asprintf which had no second param as a string
3 edited


  • branches/2.2.9/mondo/src/mondorestore/mondo-prep.c

    r2230 r2290  
    612612  // - faulty devices ignored
    613613  // - persistent superblock always used as this is recommended
    614   mr_asprintf(&program,
    615        "mdadm --create --force --run --auto=yes %s --level=%s --raid-devices=%d",
    616        raidlist->el[i].raid_device, level,
    617        raidlist->el[i].data_disks.entries);
     614  mr_asprintf(&program, "mdadm --create --force --run --auto=yes %s --level=%s --raid-devices=%d", raidlist->el[i].raid_device, level, raidlist->el[i].data_disks.entries);
    618615  if (raidlist->el[i].parity != -1) {
    619616    mr_asprintf(&strtmp, "%s", program);
    711708    if (strlen(format) <= 2) {
    712         mr_asprintf(&tmp,
    713                 "%s has a really small format type ('%s') - this is probably a hexadecimal string, which would suggest the partition is an image --- I shouldn't format it",
    714                 device, format);
     709        mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%s has a really small format type ('%s') - this is probably a hexadecimal string, which would suggest the partition is an image --- I shouldn't format it", device, format);
    715710        log_it(tmp);
    716711        paranoid_free(tmp);
    778773                while (1) {
    779                     mr_asprintf(&tmp,
    780                             "vinum lp -r %s | grep '^S' | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d: -f2 | cut -f1 | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/I //' | sed 's/%%//'",
    781                             line);
     774                    mr_asprintf(&tmp, "vinum lp -r %s | grep '^S' | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d: -f2 | cut -f1 | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/I //' | sed 's/%%//'", line);
    782775                    FILE *pin = popen(tmp, "r");
    783776                    paranoid_free(tmp);
  • branches/2.2.9/mondo/src/mondorestore/mondo-rstr-compare.c

    r2242 r2290  
    8181            insist_on_this_cd_number((++g_current_media_number));
    8282        } else {
    83             mr_asprintf(&tmp_ptr,
    84                     "No CD's left. No biggiefiles left. No prob, Bob.");
     83            mr_asprintf(&tmp_ptr, "No CD's left. No biggiefiles left. No prob, Bob.");
    8584            log_msg(2, tmp_ptr);
    8685            paranoid_free(tmp_ptr);
    8988    }
    9089    if (!(fin = fopen(slice_fname(bigfileno, 0, ARCHIVES_PATH, ""), "r"))) {
    91         mr_asprintf(&tmp_ptr,
    92                 "Cannot open bigfile %ld (%s)'s info file",
    93                 bigfileno + 1, bigfile_fname_ptr);
     90        mr_asprintf(&tmp_ptr, "Cannot open bigfile %ld (%s)'s info file", bigfileno + 1, bigfile_fname_ptr);
    9491        log_to_screen(tmp_ptr);
    9592        paranoid_free(tmp_ptr);
    148145        }
    149146    }
    150     mr_asprintf(&tmp_ptr, "bigfile #%ld ('%s') ", bigfileno + 1,
    151             bigfile_fname_ptr);
     147    mr_asprintf(&tmp_ptr, "bigfile #%ld ('%s') ", bigfileno + 1, bigfile_fname_ptr);
    152148    if (!strcmp(checksum_ptr, original_cksum_ptr) != 0) {
    153149        mr_strcat(tmp_ptr, " ... OK");
  • branches/2.2.9/mondo/src/mondorestore/mondorestore.c

    r2242 r2290  
    17831783//      if (strstr(tarball_fname, ".star."))
    17841784        if (use_star) {
    1785             mr_asprintf(&command,
    1786                     "star -x -force-remove -U " STAR_ACL_SZ
    1787                     " errctl= file=%s", tarball_fname);
     1785            mr_asprintf(&command, "star -x -force-remove -U " STAR_ACL_SZ " errctl= file=%s", tarball_fname);
    17881786            if (strstr(tarball_fname, ".bz2")) {
    17891787                mr_strcat(command, " -bz");
    17911789        } else {
    17921790            if (filelist_subset_fname[0] != '\0') {
    1793                 mr_asprintf(&command,
    1794                         "afio -i -M 8m -b %ld -c %ld %s -w '%s' %s",
    1795                         TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE,
    1796                         BUFSIZE, executable, filelist_subset_fname,
    1797 //             files_to_restore_this_time_fname,
    1798                         tarball_fname);
     1791                mr_asprintf(&command, "afio -i -M 8m -b %ld -c %ld %s -w '%s' %s", TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE, BUFSIZE, executable, filelist_subset_fname, tarball_fname);
    17991792            } else {
    1800                 mr_asprintf(&command,
    1801                         "afio -i -b %ld -c %ld -M 8m %s %s",
    1802                         TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE,
    1803                         BUFSIZE, executable, tarball_fname);
     1793                mr_asprintf(&command, "afio -i -b %ld -c %ld -M 8m %s %s", TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE, BUFSIZE, executable, tarball_fname);
    18041794            }
    18051795        }
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