Changeset 2230 in MondoRescue for branches/2.2.9/mondo/src/mondorestore
- Timestamp:
- Jun 17, 2009, 10:53:23 PM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/2.2.9/mondo/src/mondorestore
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2227 r2230 240 240 241 241 // do_this_last[0] = '\0'; 242 log_it(" %s","STARTING");242 log_it("STARTING"); 243 243 log_msg(1, "OK, opened i-want-my-lvm. Shutting down LVM volumes..."); 244 244 if (find_home_of_exe("lvm")) // found it :) cool … … 417 417 system("sync"); 418 418 sleep(1); 419 log_it(" %s","ENDING");419 log_it("ENDING"); 420 420 if (retval > 2) { 421 421 log_msg(1, "%d errors. I'm reporting this.", retval); … … 1613 1613 system("sync"); 1614 1614 #else 1615 log_it(" %s","New, kernel-friendly partition remover");1615 log_it("New, kernel-friendly partition remover"); 1616 1616 for (i = 20; i > 0; i--) { 1617 1617 fprintf(pout_to_fdisk, "d\n%d\n", i); … … 2591 2591 log_it("--- Hugo, 2002/11/20"); 2592 2592 } 2593 log_it(" %s","Resizing mountlist");2593 log_it("Resizing mountlist"); 2594 2594 make_list_of_drives_in_mountlist(mountlist, drivelist); 2595 log_it(" %s","Back from MLoDiM");2595 log_it("Back from MLoDiM"); 2596 2596 for (driveno = 0; driveno < drivelist->entries; driveno++) { 2597 2597 resize_drive_proportionately_to_suit_new_drives(mountlist, -
r2227 r2230 576 576 577 577 /* edit_mountlist if wanted */ 578 log_it(" %s","About to edit mountlist");578 log_it("About to edit mountlist"); 579 579 if (g_text_mode) { 580 580 save_mountlist_to_disk(mountlist, g_mountlist_fname); … … 585 585 res = edit_mountlist(g_mountlist_fname, mountlist, raidlist); 586 586 } 587 log_it(" %s","Finished editing mountlist");587 log_it("Finished editing mountlist"); 588 588 if (res) { 589 589 paranoid_MR_finish(1); … … 594 594 g_current_media_number = 1; 595 595 mvaddstr_and_log_it(1, 30, "Comparing Automatically"); 596 log_it(" %s","Pre-MAD");596 log_it("Pre-MAD"); 597 597 retval = mount_all_devices(mountlist, FALSE); 598 log_it(" %s","Post-MAD");598 log_it("Post-MAD"); 599 599 if (retval) { 600 600 unmount_all_devices(mountlist); -
r2227 r2230 2067 2067 int res = 0; 2068 2068 2069 log_it(" %s","entering eml");2069 log_it("entering eml"); 2070 2070 2071 2071 if (g_text_mode) { … … 2076 2076 res = edit_mountlist_in_newt(mountlist_fname, mountlist, raidlist); 2077 2077 } 2078 log_it(" %s","leaving eml");2078 log_it("leaving eml"); 2079 2079 return (res); 2080 2080 } … … 2732 2732 assert(disklist != NULL); 2733 2733 2734 log_it(" %s","malloc'ing");2734 log_it("malloc'ing"); 2735 2735 malloc_string(tmp); 2736 2736 malloc_string(help_text); … … 2760 2760 sizeof(struct list_of_disks)); 2761 2761 2762 log_it(" %s","Post-malloc");2762 log_it("Post-malloc"); 2763 2763 strcpy(help_text, 2764 2764 " Edit this RAID device's list of partitions. Choose OK or Cancel when done."); -
r2227 r2230 2419 2419 2420 2420 assert(wait_for_percentage <= 100); 2421 log_it(" %s","wait_until_software_raids_are_prepped");2421 log_it("wait_until_software_raids_are_prepped"); 2422 2422 while (unfinished_mdstat_devices > 0) { 2423 2423 // FIXME: Prefix '/dev/' should really be dynamic! -
r2229 r2230 262 262 int retval = 0; 263 263 264 log_it(" %s","inside catchall");264 log_it("inside catchall"); 265 265 assert(bkpinfo != NULL); 266 266 assert(mountlist != NULL); 267 267 assert(raidlist != NULL); 268 268 malloc_string(tmp); 269 log_it(" %s","pre wrm");269 log_it("pre wrm"); 270 270 c = which_restore_mode(); 271 log_it(" %s","post wrm");271 log_it("post wrm"); 272 272 if (c == 'I' || c == 'C') { 273 273 interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user(FALSE); … … 286 286 } 287 287 288 log_it(" %s","post int");288 log_it("post int"); 289 289 290 290 if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type == iso) { … … 465 465 } 466 466 467 log_it(" %s","About to load config file");467 log_it("About to load config file"); 468 468 get_cfg_file_from_archive_or_bust(); 469 469 read_cfg_file_into_bkpinfo(g_mondo_cfg_file); 470 log_it(" %s","Done loading config file; resizing ML");470 log_it("Done loading config file; resizing ML"); 471 471 if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type == nfs) { 472 472 strcpy(tmp, bkpinfo->prefix); … … 493 493 } 494 494 for (done = FALSE; !done;) { 495 log_it(" %s","About to edit mountlist");495 log_it("About to edit mountlist"); 496 496 if (g_text_mode) { 497 497 save_mountlist_to_disk(mountlist, g_mountlist_fname); … … 502 502 res = edit_mountlist(g_mountlist_fname, mountlist, raidlist); 503 503 } 504 log_it(" %s","Finished editing mountlist");504 log_it("Finished editing mountlist"); 505 505 if (res) { 506 506 paranoid_MR_finish(1); … … 681 681 } 682 682 683 log_it(" %s","About to leave interactive_mode()");683 log_it("About to leave interactive_mode()"); 684 684 if (retval) { 685 685 mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, … … 691 691 paranoid_free(fstab_fname); 692 692 paranoid_free(old_restpath); 693 log_it(" %s","Leaving interactive_mode()");693 log_it("Leaving interactive_mode()"); 694 694 return (retval); 695 695 } … … 885 885 return (retval); 886 886 } 887 log_it(" %s","Restoring everything");887 log_it("Restoring everything"); 888 888 retval += restore_everything(NULL); 889 889 clean_multipathconf(); … … 1006 1006 "Restore files to where? )", 1007 1007 bkpinfo->restore_path, MAX_STR_LEN / 4)) { 1008 log_it(" %s","Restoring everything");1008 log_it("Restoring everything"); 1009 1009 retval += restore_everything(filelist); 1010 1010 free_filelist(filelist); … … 2035 2035 2036 2036 if (g_getfattr) { 2037 log_it(" %s","Restoring xattr stuff");2037 log_it("Restoring xattr stuff"); 2038 2038 res = set_fattr_list(filelist_subset_fname, xattr_fname); 2039 2039 if (res) { … … 2046 2046 2047 2047 if (g_getfacl) { 2048 log_it(" %s","Restoring acl stuff");2048 log_it("Restoring acl stuff"); 2049 2049 res = set_acl_list(filelist_subset_fname, acl_fname); 2050 2050 if (res) { … … 2505 2505 fclose(fbw); 2506 2506 if (length_of_file(biggies_whose_EXATs_we_should_set) > 2) { 2507 log_it(" %s","Setting biggie-EXATs");2507 log_it("Setting biggie-EXATs"); 2508 2508 if (g_getfattr) { 2509 2509 if (length_of_file(xattr_fname) > 0) { … … 2522 2522 } 2523 2523 } else { 2524 log_it(" %s","No biggiefiles selected. So, no biggie-EXATs to set.");2524 log_it("No biggiefiles selected. So, no biggie-EXATs to set."); 2525 2525 } 2526 2526 } … … 2630 2630 } 2631 2631 if (ctrl_chr == BLK_START_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES) { 2632 log_it(" %s","Reading EXAT files from tape");2632 log_it("Reading EXAT files from tape"); 2633 2633 res = 2634 2634 read_EXAT_files_from_tape(&tmp_size, tmp_fname, … … 2944 2944 } 2945 2945 2946 log_it(" %s","what time is it");2946 log_it("what time is it"); 2947 2947 2948 2948 /* Process command-line parameters */ … … 3127 3127 log_msg(2, "FYI, MOUNTLIST_FNAME = %s ", g_mountlist_fname); 3128 3128 3129 log_it(" %s","About to call load_mountlist and load_raidtab");3129 log_it("About to call load_mountlist and load_raidtab"); 3130 3130 strcpy(bkpinfo->restore_path, MNT_RESTORING); 3131 3131 read_cfg_file_into_bkpinfo(g_mondo_cfg_file); 3132 3132 retval = load_mountlist(mountlist, g_mountlist_fname); 3133 3133 retval += load_raidtab_into_raidlist(raidlist, RAIDTAB_FNAME); 3134 log_it(" %s","Returned from calling load_mountlist and load_raidtab successfully");3134 log_it("Returned from calling load_mountlist and load_raidtab successfully"); 3135 3135 3136 3136 // BCO:To be reviewed … … 3156 3156 3157 3157 if (bkpinfo->restore_mode == nuke) { 3158 log_it(" %s","nuking");3158 log_it("nuking"); 3159 3159 retval += nuke_mode(mountlist, raidlist); 3160 3160 } else if (bkpinfo->restore_mode == interactive) { 3161 log_it(" %s","catchall");3161 log_it("catchall"); 3162 3162 retval += catchall_mode(mountlist, raidlist); 3163 3163 } else if (bkpinfo->restore_mode == compare) { 3164 log_it(" %s","compare");3164 log_it("compare"); 3165 3165 retval += compare_mode(mountlist, raidlist); 3166 3166 } else if (bkpinfo->restore_mode == isoonly) { 3167 log_it(" %s","iso");3167 log_it("iso"); 3168 3168 retval = iso_mode(mountlist, raidlist, FALSE); 3169 3169 } else if (bkpinfo->restore_mode == mbr) { 3170 log_it(" %s","mbr");3170 log_it("mbr"); 3171 3171 retval = mount_all_devices(mountlist, TRUE); 3172 3172 if (!retval) { … … 3178 3178 } 3179 3179 } else if (bkpinfo->restore_mode == isonuke) { 3180 log_it(" %s","isonuke");3180 log_it("isonuke"); 3181 3181 retval = iso_mode(mountlist, raidlist, TRUE); 3182 3182 } else { 3183 log_it(" %s","catchall (no mode specified in command-line call");3183 log_it("catchall (no mode specified in command-line call"); 3184 3184 retval += catchall_mode(mountlist, raidlist); 3185 3185 }
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