Changeset 1938 in MondoRescue

May 17, 2008, 1:16:14 AM (17 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

Better instructions for getting support (test versions, size of attachments)

1 edited


  • branches/2.2.6/website/support.shtml

    r1502 r1938  
    1818            <li><tt>/var/log/mondorestore.log</tt></li>
    1919    </ul></p>
     20    <p>Feel free to compress them if their size is greater than 400kB - limit of the mailing list attachements size. And the preferred way is to provide them as multiple files compressed, rather than a compressed tar file if possible :-)</p>
    2021    <p>Second look at the <a href="/docs.shtml">Mondo Rescue documentation</a> and the extensive FAQ section of the Mondo Rescue HOWTO, as a lot of good tip and tricks are provided there.</p>
    2122    <p>Third look at the <a href="">Mondo Rescue wiki</a> which may contain additional comments,and feel free to contribute by adding your remarks.</p>
    22     <p>Fourth look at the <a href="">Mondo Rescue Mailing List Archives</a> as you're probably not the first with this problem.</p>
     23    <p>Fourth look at the <a href="">Mondo Rescue Mailing List Archives</a> as you're probably not the first with this problem. Or look at existing <a href="">bug reports</a>.</p>
     24    <p>Fifth, if you're willing to help debugging the future Mondo Rescue versions, try the latest beta available under the <a href="">test directory</a> of our ftp server.</p>
    2325    <p>Finally post on the <a href="">Mondo Rescue Mailing List</a> if you did not find what you were looking for, as there are more than 400 users there who could help you, including dev team members. <b>But</b>, they can only help you if your provide at least the above mentioned <b>2 first log files</b>.</p>
    2426    <p>If your think you found a bug in Mondo Rescue, please <a href="">fill a bug report</a> and also include the log files.</p>
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