Changeset 1869 in MondoRescue

Jan 17, 2008, 6:41:21 PM (17 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

Solve an issue on Bigfiles:
When one bigfile (such as mondo's ISO image) is deleted during the archiving,
it creates a hole in the suite of Bigfiles (in my case bigfile 0 was missing)
So at restore time, it was aborting the rest of the restoration of big files as this one was failing, which is worng
Now mondorestore loops until it reaches the number of bigfiles, so will restore the others.

1 edited


  • branches/2.2.5/mondo/src/mondorestore/mondo-restore.c

    r1747 r1869  
    20722072                       "Please wait. This may take some time.",
    20732073                       "", total_slices);
    2074     for (bigfileno = 0, finished = FALSE; !finished;) {
     2074    for (bigfileno = 0, finished = FALSE ; !finished && (bigfileno < noof_biggiefiles);) {
    20752075        log_msg(2, "Thinking about restoring bigfile %ld", bigfileno + 1);
    20762076        if (!does_file_exist(slice_fname(bigfileno, 0, ARCHIVES_PATH, ""))) {
    20822082                    g_current_media_number);
    20832083            log_msg(3, "Slicename would have been %s",
    2084                     slice_fname(bigfileno + 1, 0, ARCHIVES_PATH, ""));
     2084                    slice_fname(bigfileno, 0, ARCHIVES_PATH, ""));
    20852085            // I'm not positive 'just_changed_cds' is even necessary...
    20862086            if (just_changed_cds) {
    20962096                just_changed_cds = TRUE;
    20972097            } else {
     2098                /* That big file doesn't exist, but the followings may */
     2099                /* So we need to continue looping */
    20982100                log_msg(2, "There was no bigfile #%ld. That's OK.",
    2099                         bigfileno + 1);
     2101                    bigfileno + 1);
    21002102                log_msg(2, "I'm going to stop restoring bigfiles now.");
    2101                 finished = TRUE;
     2103                retval++;
     2104                bigfileno++;
     2105                }
    21022106            }
    21032107        } else {
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