1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 | #
3 | # $Id$
4 | # Copyright B. Cornec 2005-2014
5 | # Provided under the GPL v2
6 | #
7 | # Get the complete network configuration of the system
8 | #
9 | use strict 'vars';
10 | use ProjectBuilder::Base;
11 | use ProjectBuilder::Version;
12 | use Data::Dumper;
13 | use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_abbrev no_ignore_case);
14 | use English;
15 |
16 |
17 | =pod
18 |
19 | =head1 NAME
20 |
21 | mr-label labelling tool
22 |
23 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
24 |
25 | mr-label labels VFAT devices or files representing VFAT devices
26 |
27 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
28 |
29 | mr-label [-v][-h][-L LABEL|-U UUID] device|file
30 |
31 | =head1 ARGUMENTS
32 |
33 | =over 4
34 |
35 | =item B<device|file>
36 |
37 | This is the VFAT device or file representing a VFAT device to modify with regards to its label
38 |
39 | =back
40 |
41 | =head1 OPTIONS
42 |
43 | =over 4
44 |
45 | =item B<-v|--verbose>
46 |
47 | Increase verbosity
48 |
49 | =item B<-h|--help>
50 |
51 | Print a brief help message and exits.
52 |
53 | =item B<--man>
54 |
55 | Prints the manual page and exits.
56 |
57 | =item B<-L LABEL>
58 |
59 | This is the new LABEL to put on the VFAT filesystem
60 |
61 | =item B<-U UUID>
62 |
63 | This is the new UUID to put on the VFAT filesystem
64 |
65 | =back
66 |
67 | =head1 WEB SITES
68 |
69 | The main Web site of the project is available at L<http://www.mondorescue.org>. Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at L<http://trac.mondorescue.org/>.
70 |
72 |
73 | For community exchanges around MondoRescue please use the list L<http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=mondo-devel>
74 |
75 | =head1 AUTHORS
76 |
77 | The MondoRescue team lead by Bruno Cornec L<mailto:bruno@mondorescue.org>.
78 |
79 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
80 |
81 | MondoRescue is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license or later,
82 | described in the file C<COPYING> included with the distribution.
83 |
84 | =cut
85 |
86 | # Global variables
87 | my ($mrver,$mrrev) = pb_version_init();
88 | my $appname = "mr-label";
89 | my %opts; # CLI Options
90 |
91 | # Initialize the syntax string
92 |
93 | pb_syntax_init("$appname Version $mrver-$mrrev\n");
94 |
95 | GetOptions("help|?|h" => \$opts{'h'},
96 | "man" => \$opts{'man'},
97 | "verbose|v+" => \$opts{'v'},
98 | "label|L=s" => \$opts{'L'},
99 | "uuid|U=s" => \$opts{'U'},
100 | ) || pb_syntax(-1,0);
101 |
102 | if (defined $opts{'h'}) {
103 | pb_syntax(0,1);
104 | }
105 | if (defined $opts{'man'}) {
106 | pb_syntax(0,2);
107 | }
108 | if (defined $opts{'v'}) {
109 | $pbdebug++;
110 | }
111 | pb_log_init($pbdebug, $pbLOG);
112 | pb_temp_init($pbdebug);
113 |
114 | my $label=$opts{'L'};
115 | my $uuid=$opts{'U'};
116 | die "Unable no label/uuid defined" if ((not defined $label) && (not defined $uuid));
117 |
118 | my $inputf = $ARGV[0];
119 | die "$0: no input file defined" if (not defined $inputf);
120 |
121 | my($inputfh, $buffer, $offset, $length, $hexlabel);
122 |
123 | # Evaluate the size of the FAT with blkid -p
124 | open(FS,"blkid -p $inputf|") || die "$0: cannot blkid -p $inputf: $!";
125 | my $verfs = <FS>;
126 | close(FS);
127 | $verfs =~ s/.*VERSION="FAT([0-9][0-9]).*"/FAT$1/;
128 | chomp($verfs);
129 | pb_log(1,"Working on a FS ot type ***$verfs***\n");
130 |
131 | open($inputfh, "+< $inputf") || die "$0: cannot open $inputf for reading/writing: $!";
132 | binmode($inputfh) || die "binmode failed: $!";
133 |
134 | # Source https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/fs/fat/fat-1.html
135 | if (defined $label) {
136 | # x first bytes are untouched
137 | $offset = 43 if (($verfs =~ /FAT16/) || ($verfs =~ /FAT12/));
138 | $offset = 71 if ($verfs =~ /FAT32/);
139 | $length = 11;
140 | } elsif (defined $uuid) {
141 | # x first bytes are untouched
142 | $offset = 39 if (($verfs =~ /FAT16/) || ($verfs =~ /FAT12/));
143 | $offset = 67 if ($verfs =~ /FAT32/);
144 | $length = 4;
145 | } else {
146 | die "Nothing to do no label/uuid defined";
147 | }
148 |
149 | if (! seek($inputfh, $offset,0)) {
150 | die "Unable to seek $inputf: $!";
151 | }
152 | # then read the following bytes
153 | my $size = read($inputfh, $buffer, $length);
154 | if ($size != $length) {
155 | die "Unable to read existing label/uuid: $!";
156 | }
157 |
158 | if (defined $label) {
159 | pb_log(1,"Previous label was ***$buffer***\n");
160 | } elsif (defined $uuid) {
161 | my ($hex) = unpack( 'H*', $buffer );
162 | pb_log(1,"Previous hex was ***$hex***\n");
163 | my @loc = ($hex =~ m/../g);
164 | #print Dumper(@loc);
165 | $hex = join('',reverse(@loc));
166 | pb_log(1,"Previous uuid was ***$hex***\n");
167 | } else {
168 | die "Nothing to do no label/uuid defined";
169 | }
170 |
171 | if (defined $label) {
172 | $hexlabel=sprintf("%-11s", uc($label));
173 | pb_log(1,"New label is ***$hexlabel***\n");
174 | } elsif (defined $uuid) {
175 | # Remove separator
176 | $uuid =~ s/-//;
177 | pb_log(1,"New uuid is ***$uuid***\n");
178 | my @loc = ($uuid =~ m/../g);
179 | my $hex = join('',reverse(@loc));
180 | ($hexlabel) = pack( 'H*', $hex );
181 | } else {
182 | die "Nothing to do no label/uuid defined";
183 | }
184 | # Go back
185 | seek($inputfh, $offset,0);
186 | print $inputfh $hexlabel;
187 | close($inputfh) || die "couldn't close $inputf: $!";