1 | <!--
2 | First many thanks to the guys at http://www.frozen-bubble.org for their kind authorisation to reuse their design and artwork. Especially
3 | <a href="http://zarb.org/~gc/">Guillaume Cottenceau</a>: design & programming<br />
4 | <a href="http://www.73lab.com/">Alexis Younes (Ayo73)</a>: graphics & website design<br />
5 | <a href="mailto:amaury foo linuxfr.org">Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie</a>: website coding
6 |
7 | Yup, we know this website may not be fully W3C compatible.
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10 | Please send an email to the webmaster_at_mondorescue,org should you have any problem accessing the website.
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