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11 | <h1>Mondo Rescue Home Page</h1>
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13 | <h2>Latest news</h2>
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16 | <p> For more news look <a href="/news.shtml">here</a></p>
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18 | <div class="h2-1">
19 | <h2>What is Mondo Rescue ?</h2>
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21 | <div class="c"> <img src="/images/screenshots.png" alt="Mondo Rescue screenshots" title="Mondo Rescue Screenshots" /></div>
22 | <p class="c">Mondo Rescue is a GPL disaster recovery solution. It supports Linux (i386, x86_64, ia64) and FreeBSD (i386). It's packaged for multiple distributions (RedHat, RHEL, SuSE, SLES, Mandriva, Debian, Gentoo). </p>
23 | <p class="c">It supports tapes, disks, network and CD/DVD as backup media, multiple filesystems, LVM, software and hardware Raid.</p>
24 | <p class="c">You need it to be safe.</p>
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27 | <h2>Authors</h2>
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29 | <p><a href="http://www.hyper-linux.org/">Bruno Cornec</a>: lead development, maintenance, rpm packaging, web site, documentation<br>
30 | <a href="http://www.desknow.com/desknow/directfiles/aleidenfrost/mr-debs-unofficial/index.html">Andree Leidenfrost</a>: co-development, maintenance, Official Debian packager<br>
31 | </p>
32 | <p>Original Author</p>
33 | <p>
34 | <a href="mailto:hugo_at_mondorescue.org">Hugo Rabson</a>: Creator of Mondo Rescue. The Mondo Rescue <a href="http://oldwww.mondorescue.org">original Web site</a> made by Hugo is also still available. Note that the paypal icon there is for rewarding Hugo's work, but has nothing to do with the current development of Mondo Rescue.<br>
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39 | <h2>Made with</h2>
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41 | <div class="c"><a href="http://www.gnu.org"><img src="/images/gnubanner-2_114x40.png" width="114" height="40" alt="GNU logo" title="We run GNU" /></a>
42 | <a href="http://www.vim.org"><img src="/images/icon-vim.png" width="140" height="40" alt="Vim logo" title="Edited with Vim" /></a>
43 | <a href="http://www.perl.org/"><img src="/images/icon-perl.png" width="100" height="40" alt="Perl" title="Made with Perl" /></a>
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47 | <h2>About this website</h2>
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49 | <div class="c"><a href="http://www.73lab.com/"><img src="/images/icon-73lab.png" width="89" height="40" alt="73lab logo" title="Graphics by Ayo" /></a>
50 | <a href="http://www.mandriva.com/"><img src="/images/icon-mandriva.png" width="160" height="40" alt="Mandriva" title="Hosted on Mandriva Linux" /></a>
51 | <a href="http://www.hpintelco.net"><img src="/images/hpisc.png" width="160" height="40" alt="HP/Intel Solution Center" title="Sponsored and hosted by the HP/Intel Solution Center" /></a>
52 | <a href="http://www.hp.com/linux"><img src="/images/hp.png" width="120" height="40" alt="Linux at HP" title="Sponsored HP" /></a>
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55 | <p>This website has been designed according to the <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mondorescue.org">W3C standards</a> in order to be viewable by most standard compliant browsers. Since it uses some CSS techniques, it may not render correctly on some non-free (as in <i>freedom</i>) widely used browser. If this is the case with your browser, you may want to try the latest version of <a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/">Firefox</a>, a standards compliant free software browser.</p>
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