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9 | <h1>Download Mondo Rescue</h1>
10 | <div class="h2-1">
11 | <h2>This is Free Software</h2>
12 | </div>
13 | <p>Copyright (c) 2000-2006
14 | Mondo Rescue is a copyrighted work, written collectively by many
15 | <a href="/thanks.shtml">contributors</a>, delivered under the GPL.</p>
16 | <p>
17 | This program is <a href="http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a>; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the <a href="http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU General Public License</a> version 2, as published by the <a href="http://www.fsf.org/">Free Software Foundation</a>.<br/>
18 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.</p>
19 |
20 | <div class="h2-2">
21 | <h2>Mirrors</h2>
22 | </div>
23 | <p><A NAME="mirrors"></A>
24 | <p>We are interested in up to date mirrors for both the Web and FTP sites. Please contact us on the <a href="/support.shtml">mailing list</a>.
25 | <ul>
26 | <li><b>Europe</b>:
27 | <ul>
28 | <li><i>France</i>:</li>
29 | <ul>
30 | <li>HP/Intel Solution Center :
31 | <a href="http://www.mondorescue.org">Web site</a>,
32 | <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org">Ftp site (ftp)</a>
33 | <a href="rsync://rsync.mondorescue.org::mondorescue-ftp">Ftp site (rsync)</a>
34 | <ul>
35 | <li>Update times: Master site</li>
36 | <li>Internet Bandwith: 4Mbit</li>
37 | </ul>
38 | </li>
39 | </ul>
40 | <li><i>Germany</i>:</li>
41 | <ul>
42 | <li>Linjection.org :
43 | <a href="http://mondorescue.linjection.org">Web site</a>,
44 | <a href="http://mondorescue.linjection.org/ftp">Ftp site (http)</a>
45 | </li>
46 | </ul>
47 | <li><i>Italy</i>:</li>
48 | <ul>
49 | <li>Daniele Carbonetti (<a href="http://www.dcl-arch.it">http://www.dcl-arch.it</a>):
50 | <a href="http://mondorescue.dcl-arch.it">Web site</a>,
51 | <a href="http://www.dcl-arch.it/pub/mondorescue">Ftp site (http)</a>
52 | <a href="ftp://ftp.dcl-arch.it/pub/mondorescue">Ftp site (ftp)</a>
53 | <a href="rsync://rsync.dcl-arch.it::mondorescue">Ftp site (rsync)</a>
54 | <ul>
55 | <li>Update times: 2 times/day</li>
56 | <li>Internet Bandwith: 100Mbit</li>
57 | </ul>
58 | </li>
59 | </ul>
60 | </ul>
61 | </ul>
62 |
63 | <div class="h2-3">
64 | <h2>Dependencies</h2>
65 | </div>
66 | <p><A NAME="dependencies"></A>
67 | <p>The solution has been written in C/bash/perl and developed on a <a href="http://www.mandriva.com/">Mandriva</a> <a href="http://www.gnu.org/">Gnu</a>/<a href="http://www.lwn.net/">Linux</a> distribution. For it to work, you will need:</p>
68 | <ul>
69 | <li><b><a href="">afio</a></b>: the packaging tool used to create the archive packets</li>
70 | <li><b><a href="">gzip</a></b>: the most standard compressor used by Mondo Rescue</li>
71 | <li><b><a href="">mkisofs</a></b>: the tool to create ISO images</li>
72 | <li><b><a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src">mindi-busybox</a></b>: the swiss army knife <a href="http://www.busybox.net">busybox</a> configured for mindi: a full set of commands in a single binary (embedded)</li>
73 | <li><b><a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src">mindi</a></b>: the mini-distro builder part of the project</li>
74 | <li><b><a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src">mondo</a></b>: the disaster recovery tool in itself</li>
75 | </ul>
76 |
77 | <p>For Mandriva/Mandrake distributions, just use the magic :<br>
78 | <tt>urpmi mondo</tt></p>
79 | <p>
80 | For Debian, just use the magic : <br>
81 | <tt>apt-get install mondo</tt></p>
82 | <p>
83 | For the other RPM based distributions, you will have to issue a <br>
84 | <tt>rpm -ivh *.rpm</tt><br>
85 | in the directory containing all the required packages, and solve dependancies manually.
86 | </p>
87 |
88 | <div class="h2-4">
89 | <h2>Downloads</h2>
90 | </div>
91 | <p>Mondo's FTP site is available at <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org</a></p>
92 | <h3>Source code</h3>
93 | <ul>
94 | <li>tarballs are available under <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src</a></li>
95 | <li>Subversion browing available at <a href="http://trac.mondorescue.org/browser/">http://trac.mondorescue.org/browser/</a></li>
96 | <li>Anonymous SVN Subversion check out of the project available with the following instruction set: <pre><tt>svn checkout svn://svn.mondorescue.org/mondorescue/branches/stable</tt></pre></li>
97 | </ul>
98 |
99 | <h3>Packages</h3>
100 |
101 | <p>Most of the time, you'll be able to download directly the packages suited for your distribution. Currently we provide packages for :
102 | <ul>
103 | <li>RedHat <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/redhat/7.3">7.3</a> and <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/redhat/9">9</a>.</li>
104 | <li>Fedora <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/fedora/4">Core 4</a> and <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/fedora/5">Core 5</a>.</li>
105 | <li>RedHat Enterprise Linux <!--<a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/rhel/2.1">2.1</a>, --><a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/rhel/3">3</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/rhel/4">4</a>.</li>
106 | <li>Mandriva <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/mandrake/10.1">10.1</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/mandrake/10.2">10.2</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/mandriva/2006.0">2006.0</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/mandriva/2007.0">2007.0</a>.</li>
107 | <li>OpenSuSE <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/suse/9.3">9.3</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/suse/10.0">10.0</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/suse/10.1">10.1</a>. Look also at <a href="http://www.mikenjane.net/~mike/">this</a> web page for SuSE details. <a href="http://packman.links2linux.org/">Packman</a> may have some useful additional packages.
108 | <li>SuSE Linux Enterprise Server <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/sles/9">9</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/sles/10">10</a>.</li>
109 | <li>Debian <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/debian/3.1">3.1</a>. Look also at <a href="http://www.desknow.com/desknow/directfiles/aleidenfrost/mr-debs-unofficial/index.html">this</a> web page for Debian details.</li>
110 | <li>Gentoo <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/gentoo/1.6">1.6</a>.
111 | </ul>
112 |
113 | <p>Older packages are also on the <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/">ftp</a> site to help for some old fashion distros/versions.</p>
114 |
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116 | <h3>Mondo Rescue CD</h3>
117 |
118 | <p>In order to make it as easy as possible for you to use Mondo Rescue, you may want to download the latest <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/iso/mondorescue.iso">Mondo Rescue CD</a> which contains all the packages with its dependancies available on the ftp site. It is updated daily (Currently un-available for bandwidth issues)
119 | <div class="h2-5">
120 | <h2>Change Logs</h2>
121 | </div>
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