1 | /*
2 | * Common defines across the project
3 | *
4 | * $Id: my-stuff.h 973 2006-11-23 18:05:21Z bruno $
5 | */
6 |
7 | #ifndef _MY_STUFF_H_
8 | #define _MY_STUFF_H_
9 |
10 | // Extra info for ACLs and SELINUX users
11 | #define STAR_ACL_SZ "-xfflags -acl"
12 |
13 | /*The number of lines of log output to keep at the bottom of the screen.*/
14 | #define NOOF_ERR_LINES 6
15 |
16 | /* Hardcoded: Bad for the moment */
17 | #define MONDO_CACHE "/var/cache/mondo"
18 | #define MONDORESTORECFG MONDO_CACHE"/mondo-restore.cfg"
19 |
20 |
21 | /**
22 | * @file
23 | * The main header file for Mondo.
24 | */
25 |
26 | #include <stdio.h>
27 | #include "mr_mem.h"
28 |
29 | #if !defined(bool) && !defined(__cplusplus)
30 | /**
31 | * Create the illusion of a Boolean type.
32 | */
33 | #define bool unsigned char
34 | #define TRUE 1
35 | #define FALSE 0
36 | #endif
37 |
38 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
39 | #include <config.h>
40 | #endif
41 | /* BERLIOS
42 | * Useful ?
43 | */
44 |
45 | #ifndef __FreeBSD__
46 | #include <getopt.h>
47 | #endif
48 |
49 | #include <sys/types.h>
50 | #include <sys/shm.h>
51 | #include <sys/ipc.h>
52 | #include <sys/ioctl.h>
53 | #include <sys/sem.h>
54 | #include <sys/param.h>
55 |
56 | #include <stdlib.h>
57 | #include <sys/stat.h>
58 | #include <fcntl.h>
59 | #include <errno.h>
60 | #include <stddef.h>
61 | #include <sys/stat.h>
62 | #include <sys/wait.h>
63 | #include <time.h>
64 | #include <unistd.h>
65 | #ifndef S_SPLINT_S
66 | #include <signal.h>
67 | #endif
68 | #include <newt.h>
69 | #include <ctype.h>
70 | #include <string.h>
71 | #ifndef S_SPLINT_S
72 | #include <pthread.h>
73 | #endif
74 | #include <assert.h>
75 |
76 | #define STD_PREFIX "mondorescue"
77 |
78 | /**
79 | * The biggielist stub (appended to the directory where all.tar.gz was unpacked).
80 | */
81 | #define BIGGIELIST_TXT_STUB "tmp/biggielist.txt"
82 |
83 | /**
84 | * The filelist stub (appended to the directory where all.tar.gz was unpacked).
85 | */
86 | #define FILELIST_FULL_STUB "tmp/filelist.full.gz"
87 |
88 | /**
89 | * The mountlist stub (appended to the directory where all.tar.gz was unpacked).
90 | */
91 | #define MOUNTLIST_FNAME_STUB "tmp/mountlist.txt"
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * The mondo-restore.cfg stub (appended to the directory where all.tar.gz was unpacked).
95 | */
96 | #define MONDO_CFG_FILE_STUB "tmp/mondo-restore.cfg"
97 |
98 | /**
99 | * The RAID kernel proc file
100 | */
101 | #define MDSTAT_FILE "/proc/mdstat"
102 |
103 | /**
104 | * @bug Apparently unused.
105 | */
106 | #define MONDO_TRACEFILE "/var/log/mondo-tracefile.log"
107 |
108 | #undef assert
109 |
110 | extern void _mondo_assert_fail(const char *file, const char *function,
111 | int line, const char *exp);
112 |
113 | /**
114 | * An assert macro that calls _mondo_assert_fail() when it fails.
115 | */
116 | #ifdef NDEBUG
117 | # define assert(exp) ((void)0)
118 | #else
119 | # ifndef S_SPLINT_S
120 | # define assert(exp) ((exp)?((void)0):_mondo_assert_fail(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, #exp))
121 | # else
122 | # define assert(exp) ((void)0)
123 | # endif
124 | #endif
125 |
126 | #define CRC_M16 0xA001 ///< Mask for crc16.
127 | #define CRC_MTT 0x1021 ///< Mask for crc-ccitt.
128 |
129 | #define SCREEN_LENGTH 25 ///< The default size of the screen.
130 | #define ARBITRARY_MAXIMUM 2000 ///< The maximum number of items showing at once in the mountlist or filelist editor.
131 | #define MAX_TAPECATALOG_ENTRIES 8192 ///< The maximum number of entries in the tape catalog.
132 | #define MAX_STR_LEN 384 ///< The maximum length of almost all @p char buffers in Mondo.
133 | /// Note: Make this divisible by eight to avoid aligment issues
134 | /// on 64bit platforms like ia64.
135 | #define MAXIMUM_RAID_DEVS 32 ///< The maximum number of RAID devices in the raidlist.
136 | #define MAXIMUM_ADDITIONAL_RAID_VARS 32 ///< The maximum number of additional RAID variables per RAID device in the raidlist.
137 | #define MAXIMUM_DISKS_PER_RAID_DEV 32 ///< The maximum number of disks per RAID device in the raidtab.
138 |
139 | #define RAIDTAB_FNAME "/etc/raidtab" ///< The filename of the raidtab file, at least on Linux.
140 |
141 | #define BLK_START_OF_BACKUP 1 ///< Marker block: start a backup.
142 | #define BLK_START_OF_TAPE 2 ///< Marker block: start a tape.
143 | #define BLK_START_AFIOBALLS 10 ///< Marker block: start the afioball section.
144 | #define BLK_STOP_AFIOBALLS 19 ///< Marker block: stop the afioball section.
145 | #define BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE 20 ///< Marker block: start an afioball or a slice.
146 | #define BLK_STOP_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE 29 ///< Marker block: stop an afioball or a slice.
147 | #define BLK_START_BIGGIEFILES 30 ///< Marker block: start the biggiefile section.
148 | #define BLK_STOP_BIGGIEFILES 39 ///< Marker block: stop the biggiefile section.
149 | #define BLK_START_A_NORMBIGGIE 40 ///< Marker block: start a normal biggiefile.
150 | #define BLK_START_A_PIHBIGGIE 41 ///< Marker block: start a ntfsprog'd biggiefile
151 | #define BLK_START_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES 45 ///< Marker block: start xattr/acl info
152 | #define BLK_STOP_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES 46 ///< Marker block: stop xattr/acl info
153 | #define BLK_START_EXAT_FILE 47
154 | #define BLK_STOP_EXAT_FILE 48
155 | #define BLK_STOP_A_BIGGIE 59 ///< Marker block: stop a biggiefile.
156 | #define BLK_START_FILE 80 ///< Marker block: start a file (non-afio or slice).
157 | #define BLK_STOP_FILE 89 ///< Marker block: stop a file (non-afio or slice).
158 | #define BLK_END_OF_TAPE 100 ///< Marker block: end of tape.
159 | #define BLK_END_OF_BACKUP 101 ///< Marker block: end of backup.
160 | #define BLK_ABORTED_BACKUP 102 ///< Marker block: backup was aborted.
161 |
162 | /// The external tape blocksize.
163 | #ifdef EXTTAPE
164 | #define TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE (long)EXTTAPE
165 | #else
166 | #define TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE 131072L /* was 8192; 06/2002-->65536; 11/2002-->131072 */
167 | #endif
168 |
169 | #define DEFAULT_INTERNAL_TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE 32768 // Nov 2003?
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 | #define SLICE_SIZE 4096 ///< The size of a slice of a biggiefile.
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 | /**
182 | * Determine whether @p x (t_bkptype) is a streaming backup.
183 | */
184 | #define IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(x) (x == tape || x == udev || x == cdstream)
185 |
186 |
187 | /**
188 | * @c mkisofs command to generate a nonbootable CD, except for -o option and the directory to image.
189 | */
190 | #define MONDO_MKISOFS_NONBOOT "mkisofs -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL_Version -V _CD#_"
191 |
192 | /**
193 | * @c mkisofs command to generate a bootable CD using isolinux, except for -o option and the directory to image.
194 | */
195 | #define MONDO_MKISOFS_REGULAR_SYSLINUX "mkisofs -J -boot-info-table -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -c boot.cat -boot-load-size 4 -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL_Version -V _CD#_"
196 | #define MONDO_MKISOFS_REGULAR_LILO "mkisofs -J -boot-info-table -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -c boot.cat -boot-load-size 4 -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_"
197 | #define MONDO_MKISOFS_REGULAR_ELILO "mkisofs -no-emul-boot -b images/mindi-bootroot.8192.img -c boot.cat -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_"
198 |
199 | /**
200 | * The stub name of the temporary ISO image to create, burn, and remove.
201 | */
202 | #define MONDO_TMPISOS "/temporary.iso"
203 |
204 | /**
205 | * @c growisofs command to generate a bootable DVD using isolinux, except for the directory to image.
206 | */
207 | #define MONDO_GROWISOFS_REGULAR_SYSLINUX "growisofs -use-the-force-luke -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -b isolinux.bin --boot-info-table -c boot.cat -boot-load-size 4 -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL_Version -V _CD#_ -v"
208 |
209 | /**
210 | * @c growisofs command to generate a bootable DVD using LILO, except for the directory to image.
211 | */// -b images/mindi-boot.2880.img
212 | #define MONDO_GROWISOFS_REGULAR_ELILO "growisofs -use-the-force-luke -no-emul-boot -b images/mindi-boot.2880.img -c boot.cat -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_ -v"
213 |
214 | /**
215 | * @c growisofs command to generate a bootable DVD using LILO, except for the directory to image.
216 | */// -b images/mindi-boot.2880.img
217 | #define MONDO_GROWISOFS_REGULAR_LILO "growisofs -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -c boot.cat -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_ -v"
218 |
219 | /**
220 | * @c growisofs command to generate a nonbootable DVD, except for the directory to image.
221 | */
222 | #define MONDO_GROWISOFS_NONBOOT "growisofs -use-the-force-luke -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_ -v"
223 |
224 | /**
225 | * Welcome string displayed at the top of the newt interface.
226 | */
227 | #define WELCOME_STRING _("W E L C O M E T O M O N D O R E S C U E")
228 |
229 | /**
230 | * The maximum length of a filename in the tape catalog.
231 | */
232 | #define MAX_TAPECAT_FNAME_LEN 32
233 |
234 | /**
235 | * Compatibility #define to ease the transition to logfile-in-a-variable.
236 | */
237 | #define MONDO_LOGFILE "/var/log/mondo-archive.log"
238 |
239 | /**
240 | * Assert that (@p x != NULL) and (@p x[0] != '\\0').
241 | */
242 | #define assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(x) {assert(x!=NULL);assert(x[0]!='\0');}
243 |
244 | /**
245 | * Log the file, line, Mondo error message, and OS error message (errno).
246 | */
247 | #define log_OS_error(x) {log_msg(0, "%s, line %ld: %s (%s)", __FILE__, __LINE__, x, strerror(errno));}
248 |
249 | /**
250 | * Assert that (@p x != NULL).
251 | */
252 | #define assert_pointer_is_not_NULL(x) {assert(x!=NULL);}
253 |
254 | /**
255 | * close() @p x and log a message if it fails.
256 | */
257 | #define paranoid_close(x) {if(close(x)) {log_msg(5, "close err");} x=-999; }
258 |
259 | /**
260 | * fclose() @p x and log a message if it fails.
261 | */
262 | #define paranoid_fclose(x) {if(fclose(x)) {log_msg(5, "fclose err");} x=NULL; }
263 |
264 | /**
265 | * pclose() @p x and log a message if it fails.
266 | */
267 | #define paranoid_pclose(x) {if(pclose(x)) {log_msg(5, "pclose err");} x=NULL; }
268 |
269 | /**
270 | * Run the command @p x and log it if it fails.
271 | */
272 | #define paranoid_system(x) {if(system(x)) log_msg(4, x); }
273 |
274 | /**
275 | * Free variables and call finish(@p x).
276 | */
277 | #define paranoid_MR_finish(x) {free_MR_global_filenames (); if (g_bkpinfo_DONTUSETHIS) mr_free (g_bkpinfo_DONTUSETHIS ); finish(x); }
278 |
279 | /**
280 | * Log file, function, line, and @p x.
281 | */
282 | #define iamhere(x) {log_it("%s, %s, %ld: %s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, x);}
283 |
284 | /**
285 | * Yes, we want malloc() to help us fix bugs.
286 | */
287 | #define MALLOC_CHECK_ 1
288 |
289 | /**
290 | * Malloc @p x to be MAX_STR_LEN bytes and call fatal_error() if we're out of memory.
291 | */
292 | #define malloc_string(x) { x = (char *)mr_malloc(MAX_STR_LEN); x[0] = x[1] = '\0'; }
293 |
294 | /**
295 | * Path to the location the hard drive is mounted on during a restore.
296 | */
297 | #define MNT_RESTORING "/mnt/RESTORING"
298 |
299 | /** @def VANILLA_SCSI_CDROM The first SCSI CD-ROM in the system (most likely to be the one to write to). */
300 | /** @def VANILLA_SCSI_TAPE The SCSI tape radical on the system (most likely to be the one towrite to. */
301 | /** @def DONT_KNOW_HOW_TO_EVALUATE_THIS_DEVICE_TYPE A string whose presence in a device name indicates the
302 | * inability to check this device for errors in the mountlist. */
303 | /** @def RAID_DEVICE_STUB The stub of a RAID device (set up RAID if we find it). */
304 | /** @def SANE_FORMATS Sane formats for this OS, separated by spaces. */
305 | /** @def ALT_TAPE The first IDE tape in the system. */
306 | /** @def MKE2FS_OR_NEWFS @c mke2fs or @c newfs, depending on the OS. */
307 | /** @def CP_BIN The GNU @c cp binary to use. */
308 | #ifdef __FreeBSD__
309 | #define VANILLA_SCSI_CDROM "/dev/cd0"
310 | #define VANILLA_SCSI_TAPE "/dev/sa"
311 | #define VANILLA_USB_DEVICE "/dev/tobegivenbyfreebsdguru"
312 | #define DONT_KNOW_HOW_TO_EVALUATE_THIS_DEVICE_TYPE "/dev/vinum/"
314 | #define SANE_FORMATS "swap image msdosfs nfs ntfs raid lvm ffs ufs ext2fs"
315 | #define ALT_TAPE "/dev/ast"
316 | #define MKE2FS_OR_NEWFS "newfs"
317 | #define CP_BIN "gcp"
318 | #else
319 | #define VANILLA_SCSI_CDROM "/dev/scd0"
320 | #define VANILLA_SCSI_TAPE "/dev/st"
321 | #define VANILLA_USB_DEVICE "/dev/sda"
324 | #define SANE_FORMATS "swap image vfat ext2 ext3 xfs vfs jfs reiserfs dos minix coda nfs ntfs hpfs raid lvm cifs"
325 | #define ALT_TAPE "/dev/ht"
326 | #define MKE2FS_OR_NEWFS "mke2fs"
327 | #define CP_BIN "cp"
328 | #endif
329 |
330 |
331 | /**
332 | * The template for a filelist filename.
333 | * The first argument (%s) is the tempdir and the second (%d) is the filelist number.
334 | */
335 | #define FILELIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ "%s/filelist.%ld"
336 |
337 | #define XATTR_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ "%s/xattr_list.%ld.gz"
338 | #define XATTR_BIGGLST_FNAME_RAW_SZ "%s/xattr_list.big.gz"
339 | #define ACL_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ "%s/acl_list.%ld.gz"
340 | #define ACL_BIGGLST_FNAME_RAW_SZ "%s/acl_list.big.gz"
341 |
342 | /**
343 | * The template for an afioball filename.
344 | * The first argument (%s) is the tempdir and the second (%d) is the filelist number.
345 | */
346 | #define AFIOBALL_FNAME_RAW_SZ (bkpinfo->use_star)?"%s/tmpfs/%ld.star.%s":"%s/tmpfs/%ld.afio.%s"
347 | #define ARCH_THREADS 2 ///< The number of simultaneous threads running afio in the background.
348 | #define ARCH_BUFFER_NUM (ARCH_THREADS*4) // Number of permissible queued afio files
349 | #define FORTY_SPACES " " ///< 40 spaces.
350 | #define PPCFG_RAMDISK_SIZE 350 ///< Size of the tmpfs, in megabytes, to attempt to mount (to speed up Mondo).
351 |
352 | #define DO_MBR_PLEASE "/tmp/DO-MBR-PLEASE"
353 |
354 |
355 | /**
356 | * Compatibility define to change log_it() calls to log_debug_msg() calls.
357 | */
358 | #define log_it(format, args...) log_debug_msg(2, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, format, ## args)
359 |
360 | /**
361 | * Macro to log a message along with file, line, and function information.
362 | */
363 | #define log_msg(level, format, args...) log_debug_msg(level, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, format, ## args)
364 |
365 | #define DEFAULT_DVD_DISK_SIZE 4380 ///< The default size (in MB) of a DVD disk, unless the user says otherwise.
366 |
367 | #define DEFAULT_DEBUG_LEVEL 4 ///< By default, don't log messages with a loglevel higher than this.
368 |
369 | #define SZ_NTFSPROG_VOLSIZE "1048576" // was 4096
370 | #define NTFSPROG_PARAMS "-z0 -V" SZ_NTFSPROG_VOLSIZE " -o -b -d -g1"
371 |
372 | #define MNT_CDROM "/mnt/cdrom"
373 | #define MNT_FLOPPY "/mnt/floppy"
374 |
375 | #define DEFAULT_MR_LOGLEVEL 4
376 |
377 | #ifdef ENABLE_NLS
378 | # include <libintl.h>
379 | # undef _
380 | # define _(String) dgettext (PACKAGE, String)
381 | # ifdef gettext_noop
382 | # define N_(String) gettext_noop (String)
383 | # else
384 | # define N_(String) (String)
385 | # endif
386 | #else
387 | # define textdomain(String) (String)
388 | # define gettext(String) (String)
389 | # define dgettext(Domain,Message) (Message)
390 | # define dcgettext(Domain,Message,Type) (Message)
391 | # define bindtextdomain(Domain,Directory) (Domain)
392 | # define _(String) (String)
393 | # define N_(String) (String)
394 |
395 | #endif
396 |
397 |
398 | #endif /* _MY_STUFF_H_ */