1 | /*
2 | $Id: libmondo-filelist.c 2641 2010-06-09 22:05:36Z bruno $
3 | */
4 |
5 | /**
6 | * @file
7 | * Functions which create, chop, and edit the filelist.
8 | */
9 |
10 | #include "my-stuff.h"
11 | #include "mondostructures.h"
12 | #include "lib-common-externs.h"
13 | #include "libmondo-filelist.h"
14 | #include "libmondo-string-EXT.h"
15 | #include "libmondo-files-EXT.h"
16 | #include "libmondo-fork-EXT.h"
17 | #include "libmondo-gui-EXT.h"
18 | #include "libmondo-tools-EXT.h"
19 | #include "mr_mem.h"
20 | #include "mr_str.h"
21 |
22 | #include <time.h>
23 | #include <stdio.h>
24 | #include <sys/types.h>
25 | #include <sys/stat.h>
26 | #include <dirent.h>
27 | #include <errno.h>
28 | #include <stdio.h>
29 |
30 |
31 | extern ssize_t getline(char **lineptr, size_t * n, FILE * stream);
32 | extern char *MONDO_LOGFILE;
33 |
34 | /* Reference to global bkpinfo */
35 | extern struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo;
36 |
37 |
38 | /*@unused@*/
39 | //static char cvsid[] = "$Id: libmondo-filelist.c 2641 2010-06-09 22:05:36Z bruno $";
40 |
41 | /**
42 | * Number of lines in the filelist last loaded.
43 | * @warning This implies that two filesets cannot be loaded at once.
44 | * @ingroup globalGroup
45 | */
46 | long g_original_noof_lines_in_filelist = 0;
47 |
48 | /**
49 | * Number of filesets in the current backup.
50 | * @ingroup globalGroup
51 | */
52 | long g_noof_sets = 0;
53 |
54 | extern bool g_text_mode;
55 | extern newtComponent g_progressForm;
56 | extern int g_currentY;
57 | extern int g_noof_rows;
58 |
59 | extern char *g_getfacl;
60 | extern char *g_getfattr;
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 | /**
65 | * @addtogroup filelistGroup
66 | * @{
67 | */
68 | /**
69 | * Call chop_filelist() to chop the filelist into sets.
70 | * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used:
71 | * - @c bkpinfo->image_devs
72 | * - @c bkpinfo->optimal_set_size
73 | * - @c bkpinfo->scratchdir
74 | * - @c bkpinfo->tmpdir
75 | * @see chop_filelist
76 | */
77 | int call_filelist_chopper()
78 | {
79 | /*@ buffers *********************** */
80 | char *dev = NULL;
81 | char *filelist = NULL;
82 | char *tempfile = NULL;
83 | long noof_sets;
84 |
85 | /*@ pointers ********************** */
86 | char *ptr;
87 | FILE *fout;
88 |
89 | /*@ int *************************** */
90 | int i, retval = 0;
91 |
92 | mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY, 0, "Dividing filelist into sets");
93 |
94 | log_to_screen("Dividing filelist into sets. Please wait.");
95 | i = 0;
96 | mr_asprintf(&filelist, "%s/archives/filelist.full", bkpinfo->scratchdir);
97 | if (!does_file_exist(filelist)) {
98 | log_it("filelist %s not found", filelist);
99 | mr_free(filelist);
100 | fatal_error("call_filelist_chopper() -- filelist not found!");
101 | }
102 |
103 | noof_sets = chop_filelist(filelist, bkpinfo->tmpdir, bkpinfo->optimal_set_size);
104 | mr_free(filelist);
105 | estimate_noof_media_required(noof_sets); // for cosmetic purposes
106 |
107 | mr_asprintf(&tempfile, "%s/biggielist.txt", bkpinfo->tmpdir);
108 | if (!(fout = fopen(tempfile, "a"))) {
109 | log_OS_error("Cannot append to biggielist");
110 | retval++;
111 | mr_free(tempfile);
112 | return (retval);
113 | }
114 | mr_free(tempfile);
115 |
116 | log_it(bkpinfo->image_devs);
117 |
118 | ptr = bkpinfo->image_devs;
119 |
120 | malloc_string(dev);
121 | while (ptr && *ptr) {
122 | strcpy(dev, ptr);
123 | log_it("Examining imagedev %s", dev);
124 | for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(dev) && dev[i] != ' '; i++);
125 | dev[i] = '\0';
126 | if (!strlen(dev)) {
127 | continue;
128 | }
129 | fprintf(fout, "%s\n", dev);
130 | log_it("Adding '%s' to biggielist", dev);
131 | if ((ptr = strchr(ptr, ' '))) {
132 | ptr++;
133 | }
134 | }
135 | paranoid_fclose(fout);
136 | mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, 74, "Done.");
137 |
138 | paranoid_free(dev);
139 | return (retval);
140 | }
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 | int sort_file(char *orig_fname)
145 | {
146 | char *tmp_fname = NULL;
147 | char *command = NULL;
148 | int retval = 0;
149 |
150 | log_msg(5, "Sorting file %s", orig_fname);
151 |
152 | if (!does_file_exist(orig_fname)) {
153 | log_msg(2, "file %s empty", orig_fname);
154 | return (0);
155 | } // no sense in trying to sort an empty file
156 |
157 | mr_asprintf(&tmp_fname, "%s/sortfile", bkpinfo->tmpdir);
158 |
159 | mr_asprintf(&command, "sort %s > %s 2>> %s", orig_fname, tmp_fname, MONDO_LOGFILE);
160 | retval = system(command);
161 | mr_free(command);
162 |
163 | if (retval) {
164 | log_msg(2, "Failed to sort %s - oh dear", orig_fname);
165 | } else {
166 | log_msg(5, "Sorted %s --> %s OK. Copying it back to %s now", orig_fname, tmp_fname, orig_fname);
167 | mr_asprintf(&command, "mv -f %s %s", tmp_fname, orig_fname);
168 | retval += run_program_and_log_output(command, 5);
169 | mr_free(command);
170 |
171 | if (retval) {
172 | log_msg(2, "Failed to copy %s back to %s - oh dear", tmp_fname, orig_fname);
173 | } else {
174 | log_msg(5, "%s was sorted OK.", orig_fname);
175 | }
176 | }
177 | mr_free(tmp_fname);
178 | log_msg(5, "Finished sorting file %s", orig_fname);
179 | return (retval);
180 | }
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 | /**
185 | * Chop the filelist into sets.
186 | * Each fileset is a list of files whose total (uncompressed) size is usually
187 | * about X KB. Files bigger than 8X KB are placed in a "biggielist"; they will
188 | * be sliced and compressed separately from the regular files.
189 | *
190 | * @param filelist The big filelist (filelist.full) to chop up.
191 | * @param outdir The directory to place the files (filelist.N where N is
192 | * an integer, biggielist.txt, and LAST-FILELIST-NUMBER) created
193 | * @param maxsetsizeK Optimal size of a fileset (X above).
194 | * @return number of errors encountered (0 for success).
195 | */
196 | int chop_filelist(char *filelist, char *outdir, long maxsetsizeK)
197 | {
198 | /*@ long ****************************************/
199 | long lino = 0;
200 | long max_sane_size_for_a_file;
201 | long curr_set_size;
202 | long noof_lines;
203 | long siz;
204 |
205 | /*@ int **************************************** */
206 | int i;
207 | long curr_set_no;
208 |
209 | /*@ buffers ************************************* */
210 | char *outfname = NULL;
211 | char *biggie_fname = NULL;
212 | char *incoming;
213 | char *tmp = NULL;
214 |
215 | /*@ pointers *********************************** */
216 | FILE *fin;
217 | FILE *fout;
218 | FILE *fbig;
219 |
220 | /*@ structures ********************************* */
221 | struct stat buf;
222 | int err = 0;
223 |
224 | assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(filelist);
225 | assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(outdir);
226 | assert(maxsetsizeK > 0);
227 |
228 | max_sane_size_for_a_file = 64L * 1024L;
229 | // max_sane_size_for_a_file = maxsetsizeK*2;
230 | // if (max_sane_size_for_a_file > 32*1024)
231 | // { max_sane_size_for_a_file = 32*1024; }
232 |
233 | log_it("filelist=%s;", filelist);
234 | open_evalcall_form("Dividing filelist into sets");
235 | noof_lines = count_lines_in_file(filelist);
236 | if (!(fin = fopen(filelist, "r"))) {
237 | log_OS_error("Cannot openin filelist");
238 | return (0);
239 | }
240 | curr_set_no = 0;
241 | curr_set_size = 0;
242 | mr_asprintf(&outfname, "%s/filelist.%ld", outdir, curr_set_no);
243 | mr_asprintf(&biggie_fname, "%s/biggielist.txt", outdir);
244 | log_it("outfname=%s; biggie_fname=%s", outfname, biggie_fname);
245 | if (!(fbig = fopen(biggie_fname, "w"))) {
246 | log_OS_error("Cannot openout biggie_fname");
247 | err++;
248 | mr_free(outfname);
249 | mr_free(biggie_fname);
250 | return (curr_set_no + 1);
251 | }
252 | if (!(fout = fopen(outfname, "w"))) {
253 | log_OS_error("Cannot openout outfname");
254 | err++;
255 | mr_free(outfname);
256 | mr_free(biggie_fname);
257 | return (curr_set_no + 1);
258 | }
259 | incoming = malloc(MAX_STR_LEN * 2);
260 |
261 | (void) fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN * 2 - 1, fin);
262 | while (!feof(fin)) {
263 | lino++;
264 | i = strlen(incoming) - 1;
265 | if (i < 0) {
266 | i = 0;
267 | }
268 | if (i > MAX_STR_LEN - 1) {
269 | incoming[MAX_STR_LEN - 30] = '\0';
270 | log_msg(1, "Warning - truncating file %s's name", incoming);
271 | err++;
272 | }
273 | if (incoming[i] < 32) {
274 | incoming[i] = '\0';
275 | }
276 | if (!strncmp(incoming, "/dev/", 5)) {
277 | siz = 1;
278 | } else if (lstat(incoming, &buf) != 0) {
279 | siz = 0;
280 | } else {
281 | siz = (long) (buf.st_size >> 10);
282 | }
283 | if (siz > max_sane_size_for_a_file) {
284 | log_msg(10, "Adding %s to big files\n", incoming);
285 | fprintf(fbig, "%s\n", incoming);
286 | } else {
287 | curr_set_size += siz;
288 | log_msg(10, "Adding %s to filelist %d\n", incoming, curr_set_no);
289 | fprintf(fout, "%s\n", incoming);
290 | if (curr_set_size > maxsetsizeK) {
291 | paranoid_fclose(fout);
292 | sort_file(outfname);
293 | mr_free(outfname);
294 | curr_set_no++;
295 | curr_set_size = 0;
296 |
297 | mr_asprintf(&outfname, "%s/filelist.%ld", outdir, curr_set_no);
298 | if (!(fout = fopen(outfname, "w"))) {
299 | log_OS_error("Unable to openout outfname");
300 | err++;
301 | mr_free(outfname);
302 | mr_free(biggie_fname);
303 | paranoid_free(incoming);
304 | return (curr_set_no + 1);
305 | }
306 | update_evalcall_form((int) (lino * 100 / noof_lines));
307 | }
308 | }
309 | (void) fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN * 2 - 1, fin);
310 | }
311 | paranoid_free(incoming);
312 | paranoid_fclose(fin);
313 | paranoid_fclose(fout);
314 | paranoid_fclose(fbig);
315 |
316 | if (length_of_file(outfname) <= 2) {
317 | unlink(outfname);
318 | g_noof_sets--;
319 | }
320 | g_noof_sets = curr_set_no;
321 | sort_file(outfname);
322 | mr_free(outfname);
323 |
324 | sort_file(biggie_fname);
325 | mr_free(biggie_fname);
326 |
327 | mr_asprintf(&outfname, "%s/LAST-FILELIST-NUMBER", outdir);
328 | mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%ld", curr_set_no);
329 | if (write_one_liner_data_file(outfname, tmp)) {
330 | log_OS_error
331 | ("Unable to echo write one-liner to LAST-FILELIST-NUMBER");
332 | err = 1;
333 | }
334 | mr_free(tmp);
335 | mr_free(outfname);
336 |
337 | if (curr_set_no == 0) {
338 | mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Only one fileset. Fine.");
339 | } else {
340 | mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Filelist divided into %ld sets", curr_set_no + 1);
341 | }
342 | log_msg(1, tmp);
343 | mr_free(tmp);
344 | close_evalcall_form();
345 | /* This is to work around an obscure bug in Newt; open a form, close it,
346 | carry on... I don't know why it works but it works. If you don't do this
347 | then update_progress_form() won't show the "time taken / time remaining"
348 | line. The bug only crops up AFTER the call to chop_filelist(). Weird. */
349 | #ifndef _XWIN
350 | if (!g_text_mode) {
351 | open_progress_form("", "", "", "", 100);
352 | newtPopHelpLine();
353 | newtFormDestroy(g_progressForm);
354 | newtPopWindow();
355 | }
356 | #endif
357 | return (err ? 0 : curr_set_no + 1);
358 | }
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 | /**
365 | * Free all the memory used by a filelist structure.
366 | * Since this may take a long time for large filelists, a progress bar will be displayed.
367 | * @param filelist The filelist to free.
368 | */
369 | void free_filelist(struct s_node *filelist)
370 | {
371 | /*@ int's ******************************************************* */
372 | static int depth = 0;
373 | int percentage;
374 |
375 | /*@ long's ****************************************************** */
376 | static long i = 0;
377 |
378 | /*@ end vars **************************************************** */
379 |
380 | assert(filelist != NULL);
381 | if (depth == 0) {
382 | open_evalcall_form("Freeing memory");
383 | log_to_screen("Freeing memory formerly occupied by filelist");
384 | }
385 | depth++;
386 |
387 | if (filelist->ch == '\0') {
388 | if (!(i++ % 1111)) {
389 | percentage =
390 | (int) (i * 100 / g_original_noof_lines_in_filelist);
391 | update_evalcall_form(percentage);
392 |
393 | }
394 | }
395 |
396 | if (filelist->right) {
397 | free_filelist(filelist->right);
398 | filelist->right = NULL;
399 | }
400 | if (filelist->down) {
401 | /* if (!(i++ %39999)) { update_evalcall_form(0); } */
402 | free_filelist(filelist->down);
403 | filelist->down = NULL;
404 | }
405 | filelist->ch = '\0';
406 | paranoid_free(filelist);
407 | depth--;
408 | if (depth == 0) {
409 | close_evalcall_form();
410 | log_it("Finished freeing memory");
411 | }
412 | }
413 |
414 |
415 | int call_exe_and_pipe_output_to_fd(char *syscall, FILE * pout)
416 | {
417 | FILE *pattr;
418 | char *tmp;
419 | pattr = popen(syscall, "r");
420 | if (!pattr) {
421 | log_msg(1, "Failed to open fattr() %s", syscall);
422 | return (1);
423 | }
424 | if (feof(pattr)) {
425 | log_msg(1, "Failed to call fattr() %s", syscall);
426 | paranoid_pclose(pattr);
427 | return (2);
428 | }
429 | malloc_string(tmp);
430 | for ((void)fgets(tmp, MAX_STR_LEN, pattr); !feof(pattr);
431 | (void)fgets(tmp, MAX_STR_LEN, pattr)) {
432 | fputs(tmp, pout);
433 | }
434 | paranoid_pclose(pattr);
435 | paranoid_free(tmp);
436 | return (0);
437 | }
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 | int gen_aux_list(char *filelist, char *syscall_sprintf,
442 | char *auxlist_fname)
443 | {
444 | FILE *fin;
445 | FILE *pout;
446 | char *pout_command = NULL;
447 | char *syscall;
448 | char *file_to_analyze;
449 | char *strtmp = NULL;
450 | char *tmp = NULL;
451 | int i;
452 |
453 | if (!(fin = fopen(filelist, "r"))) {
454 | log_msg(1, "Cannot openin filelist %s", filelist);
455 | return (1);
456 | }
457 | mr_asprintf(&pout_command, "gzip -c1 > %s", auxlist_fname);
458 | if (!(pout = popen(pout_command, "w"))) {
459 | log_msg(1, "Cannot openout auxlist_fname %s", auxlist_fname);
460 | fclose(fin);
461 | mr_free(pout_command);
462 | return (4);
463 | }
464 | mr_free(pout_command);
465 |
466 | malloc_string(file_to_analyze);
467 | for ((void)fgets(file_to_analyze, MAX_STR_LEN, fin); !feof(fin);
468 | (void)fgets(file_to_analyze, MAX_STR_LEN, fin)) {
469 | i = strlen(file_to_analyze);
470 | if (i > 0 && file_to_analyze[i - 1] < 32) {
471 | file_to_analyze[i - 1] = '\0';
472 | }
473 | log_msg(8, "Analyzing %s", file_to_analyze);
474 | tmp = mr_stresc(file_to_analyze, "`$\\\"(){}[]'*?&|!#~", '\\');
475 | mr_asprintf(&strtmp, syscall_sprintf, tmp);
476 | paranoid_free(tmp);
477 | mr_asprintf(&syscall, "%s 2>> /dev/null", strtmp); // " MONDO_LOGFILE);
478 | paranoid_free(strtmp);
479 | log_msg(20,"calling %s\n",syscall);
480 | call_exe_and_pipe_output_to_fd(syscall, pout);
481 | paranoid_free(syscall);
482 | }
483 | paranoid_fclose(fin);
484 | paranoid_pclose(pout);
485 | paranoid_free(file_to_analyze);
486 | return (0);
487 | }
488 |
489 |
490 | int get_acl_list(char *filelist, char *facl_fname)
491 | {
492 | char *command = NULL;
493 | int retval = 0;
494 |
495 | if (g_getfacl != NULL) {
496 | mr_asprintf(&command, "touch %s", facl_fname);
497 | run_program_and_log_output(command, 8);
498 | mr_free(command);
499 |
500 | retval =
501 | gen_aux_list(filelist, "getfacl --all-effective -P %s",
502 | facl_fname);
503 | }
504 | return (retval);
505 | }
506 |
507 |
508 | int get_fattr_list(char *filelist, char *fattr_fname)
509 | {
510 | char *command;
511 | int retval = 0;
512 |
513 | if (g_getfattr != NULL) {
514 | mr_asprintf(&command, "touch %s", fattr_fname);
515 | run_program_and_log_output(command, 8);
516 | mr_free(command);
517 | retval =
518 | gen_aux_list(filelist, "getfattr --en=hex -m - -h -d \"%s\"",
519 | fattr_fname);
520 | }
521 | return (retval);
522 | }
523 |
524 |
525 | int set_EXAT_list(char *orig_msklist, char *original_exat_fname,
526 | char *executable)
527 | {
528 | const int my_depth = 8;
529 | char *command = NULL;
530 | char *syscall_pin = NULL;
531 | char *syscall_pout = NULL;
532 | char *incoming;
533 | char *current_subset_file, *current_master_file;
534 | char *masklist = NULL;
535 | int retval = 0;
536 | int i;
537 | char *p, *q;
538 | char *tmp = NULL;
539 | FILE *pin, *pout, *faclin;
540 |
541 | log_msg(1, "set_EXAT_list(%s, %s, %s)", orig_msklist,
542 | original_exat_fname, executable);
543 | if (!orig_msklist || !orig_msklist[0]
544 | || !does_file_exist(orig_msklist)) {
545 | log_msg(1, "No masklist provided. I shall therefore set ALL attributes.");
546 | if (strstr(executable,"acl")) {
547 | /* setfacl needs no additional option for physical walk */
548 | mr_asprintf(&tmp,"");
549 | } else {
550 | /* setfattr needs option -h for physical walk */
551 | mr_asprintf(&tmp,"-h");
552 | }
553 | mr_asprintf(&command, "gzip -dc %s | %s %s --restore - 2>> %s", original_exat_fname, executable, tmp, MONDO_LOGFILE);
554 | mr_free(tmp);
555 | log_msg(1, "command = %s", command);
556 | retval = system(command);
557 | mr_free(command);
558 | log_msg(1, "Returning w/ retval=%d", retval);
559 | return (retval);
560 | }
561 | if (length_of_file(original_exat_fname) <= 0) {
562 | log_msg(1,
563 | "original_exat_fname %s is empty or missing, so no need to set EXAT list",
564 | original_exat_fname);
565 | return (0);
566 | }
567 | malloc_string(incoming);
568 | malloc_string(current_subset_file);
569 | malloc_string(current_master_file);
570 | mr_asprintf(&masklist, "%s/masklist", bkpinfo->tmpdir);
571 | mr_asprintf(&command, "cp -f %s %s", orig_msklist, masklist);
572 | run_program_and_log_output(command, 1);
573 | mr_free(command);
574 |
575 | sort_file(masklist);
576 | current_subset_file[0] = current_master_file[0] = '\0';
577 |
578 | mr_asprintf(&syscall_pout, "%s --restore - 2>> %s", executable, MONDO_LOGFILE);
579 | log_msg(1, "syscall_pout = %s", syscall_pout);
580 | pout = popen(syscall_pout, "w");
581 | mr_free(syscall_pout);
582 |
583 | if (!pout) {
584 | log_it("Unable to openout to syscall_pout");
585 | mr_free(masklist);
586 | return (1);
587 | }
588 |
589 | mr_asprintf(&syscall_pin, "gzip -dc %s", original_exat_fname);
590 | log_msg(1, "syscall_pin = %s", syscall_pin);
591 | pin = popen(syscall_pin, "r");
592 | mr_free(syscall_pin);
593 |
594 | if (!pin) {
595 | pclose(pout);
596 | log_it("Unable to openin from syscall");
597 | return (1);
598 | }
599 | faclin = fopen(masklist, "r");
600 | if (!faclin) {
601 | pclose(pin);
602 | pclose(pout);
603 | log_it("Unable to openin masklist");
604 | mr_free(masklist);
605 | return (1);
606 | }
607 | // printf("Hi there. Starting the loop\n");
608 |
609 | (void)fgets(current_subset_file, MAX_STR_LEN, faclin);
610 | (void)fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN, pin);
611 | while (!feof(pin) && !feof(faclin)) {
612 | // printf("incoming = %s", incoming);
613 |
614 | strcpy(current_master_file, incoming + 8);
615 |
616 | p = current_subset_file;
617 | if (*p == '/') {
618 | p++;
619 | }
620 | i = strlen(p);
621 | if (i > 0 && p[i - 1] < 32) {
622 | p[i - 1] = '\0';
623 | }
624 |
625 |
626 | q = current_master_file;
627 | if (*q == '/') {
628 | q++;
629 | }
630 | i = strlen(q);
631 | if (i > 0 && q[i - 1] < 32) {
632 | q[i - 1] = '\0';
633 | }
634 |
635 | i = strcmp(p, q);
636 | log_msg(my_depth, "'%s' v '%s' --> %d\n", p, q, i);
637 |
638 | // printf("%s v %s --> %d\n", p, q, i);
639 |
640 | if (i < 0) { // read another subset file in.
641 | log_msg(my_depth, "Reading next subset line in\n\n");
642 | (void)fgets(current_subset_file, MAX_STR_LEN, faclin);
643 | continue;
644 | }
645 |
646 | if (!i) {
647 | fputs(incoming, pout);
648 | }
649 | (void)fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN, pin);
650 | if (!i) {
651 | log_msg(my_depth, "Copying master %s", q);
652 | }
653 | // if (!i) { printf("Match --- %s\n", q); }
654 |
655 | while (!feof(pin) && strncmp(incoming, "# file: ", 8)) {
656 | if (!i) {
657 |
658 | // printf("%s", incoming);
659 |
660 | fputs(incoming, pout);
661 | }
662 | (void)fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN, pin);
663 | }
664 | if (!i) {
665 | (void)fgets(current_subset_file, MAX_STR_LEN, faclin);
666 | }
667 | }
668 | while (!feof(pin)) {
669 | (void)fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN, pin);
670 | }
671 | fclose(faclin);
672 | pclose(pin);
673 | pclose(pout);
674 |
675 | // printf("OK, loop is done\n");
676 |
677 | unlink(masklist);
678 | mr_free(masklist);
679 |
680 | paranoid_free(current_subset_file);
681 | paranoid_free(current_master_file);
682 | paranoid_free(incoming);
683 | return (retval);
684 | }
685 |
686 |
687 | int set_fattr_list(char *masklist, char *fattr_fname)
688 | {
689 | if (find_home_of_exe("setfattr")) {
690 | return (set_EXAT_list(masklist, fattr_fname, "setfattr"));
691 | } else {
692 | log_msg(1, "ERROR: set_EXAT_list: setfattr doesn't exist");
693 | return(0);
694 | }
695 | }
696 |
697 |
698 |
699 | int set_acl_list(char *masklist, char *acl_fname)
700 | {
701 | if (find_home_of_exe("setfacl")) {
702 | return (set_EXAT_list(masklist, acl_fname, "setfacl"));
703 | } else {
704 | log_msg(1, "ERROR: set_EXAT_list: setfacl doesn't exist");
705 | return(0);
706 | }
707 | }
708 |
709 |
710 | /**
711 | * Get the number of the last fileset in the backup.
712 | * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Only the @c bkpinfo->tmpdir field is used.
713 | * @return The last filelist number.
714 | * @note This function should only be called at restore-time.
715 | */
716 | int get_last_filelist_number()
717 | {
718 | /*@ buffers ***************************************************** */
719 | char val_sz[MAX_STR_LEN];
720 | char *cfg_fname = NULL;
721 |
722 | /*@ long ******************************************************** */
723 | int val_i;
724 |
725 | /*@ end vars **************************************************** */
726 |
727 | assert(bkpinfo != NULL);
728 |
729 | strcpy(val_sz,"");
730 | mr_asprintf(&cfg_fname, "%s/mondo-restore.cfg", bkpinfo->tmpdir);
731 | read_cfg_var(cfg_fname, "last-filelist-number", val_sz);
732 | mr_free(cfg_fname);
733 |
734 | val_i = atoi(val_sz);
735 | if (val_i <= 0) {
736 | val_i = 500;
737 | }
738 | return (val_i);
739 | }
740 |
741 |
742 | /**
743 | * Add a string at @p startnode.
744 | * @param startnode The node to start at when searching for where to add the string.
745 | * @param string_to_add The string to add.
746 | * @return 0 for success, 1 for failure.
747 | * @bug I don't understand this function. Would someone care to explain it?
748 | */
749 | int add_string_at_node(struct s_node *startnode, char *string_to_add)
750 | {
751 |
752 |
753 | /*@ int ******************************************************** */
754 | int noof_chars;
755 | int i;
756 | int res;
757 |
758 | /*@ sturctures ************************************************* */
759 | struct s_node *node, *newnode;
760 |
761 | /*@ char ****************************************************** */
762 | char char_to_add;
763 |
764 | /*@ bools ****************************************************** */
765 |
766 | const bool sosodef = FALSE;
767 |
768 | static int depth = 0;
769 | static char original_string[MAX_STR_LEN];
770 |
771 | assert(startnode != NULL);
772 | assert(string_to_add != NULL);
773 |
774 | if (!depth) {
775 | strcpy(original_string, string_to_add);
776 | }
777 |
778 | noof_chars = strlen(string_to_add) + 1; /* we include the '\0' */
779 |
780 | /* walk across tree if necessary */
781 | node = startnode;
782 | char_to_add = string_to_add[0];
783 | if (node->right != NULL && node->ch < char_to_add) {
784 | log_msg(7, "depth=%d --- going RIGHT ... %c-->%c", depth,
785 | char_to_add, node->ch, (node->right)->ch);
786 | return (add_string_at_node(node->right, string_to_add));
787 | }
788 |
789 | /* walk down tree if appropriate */
790 | if (node->down != NULL && node->ch == char_to_add) {
791 | log_msg(7, "depth=%d char=%c --- going DOWN", depth, char_to_add);
792 | depth++;
793 | res = add_string_at_node(node->down, string_to_add + 1);
794 | depth--;
795 | return (res);
796 | }
797 |
798 | if (char_to_add == '\0' && node->ch == '\0') {
799 | log_msg(6, "%s already in tree", original_string);
800 | return (1);
801 | }
802 |
803 | /* add here */
804 | if (!(newnode = (struct s_node *) malloc(sizeof(struct s_node)))) {
805 | log_to_screen("failed to malloc");
806 | depth--;
807 | return (1);
808 | }
809 | if (char_to_add < node->ch) // add to the left of node
810 | {
811 | log_msg(7, "depth=%d char=%c --- adding (left)", depth,
812 | char_to_add);
813 | memcpy((void *) newnode, (void *) node, sizeof(struct s_node));
814 | node->right = newnode;
815 | } else if (char_to_add > node->ch) // add to the right of node
816 | {
817 | log_msg(7, "depth=%d char=%c --- adding (right)", depth,
818 | char_to_add);
819 | newnode->right = node->right; // newnode is to the RIGHT of node
820 | node->right = newnode;
821 | node = newnode;
822 | }
823 | // from now on, we're working on 'node'
824 | node->down = NULL;
825 | node->ch = char_to_add;
826 | node->expanded = node->selected = FALSE;
827 | if (char_to_add == '\0') {
828 | log_msg(6, "Added %s OK", original_string);
829 | return (0);
830 | }
831 | // add the rest
832 | log_msg(6, "Adding remaining chars ('%s')", string_to_add + 1);
833 | for (i = 1; i < noof_chars; i++) {
834 | if (!
835 | (node->down =
836 | (struct s_node *) malloc(sizeof(struct s_node)))) {
837 | log_to_screen("%s - failed to malloc", string_to_add);
838 | return (1);
839 | }
840 | node = node->down;
841 | char_to_add = string_to_add[i];
842 | log_msg(6, "Adding '%c'", char_to_add);
843 | node->ch = char_to_add;
844 | node->right = node->down = NULL;
845 | node->expanded = node->selected = FALSE;
846 | if (!node->ch) {
847 | node->selected = sosodef;
848 | }
849 | }
850 | log_msg(6, "Finally - added %s OK", original_string);
851 | return (0);
852 | }
853 |
854 |
855 |
856 |
857 | /**
858 | * Load a filelist into a <tt>struct s_node</tt>.
859 | * When you are done with the filelist, call free_filelist().
860 | * @param filelist_fname The file to load the filelist from.
861 | * @return A filelist tree structure.
862 | */
863 | struct s_node *load_filelist(char *filelist_fname)
864 | {
865 |
866 | /*@ structures ************************************************* */
867 | struct s_node *filelist;
868 |
869 | /*@ pointers *************************************************** */
870 | FILE *pin;
871 |
872 | /*@ buffers **************************************************** */
873 | char *command_to_open_fname = NULL;
874 | char fname[MAX_STR_LEN];
875 | char tmp[MAX_STR_LEN];
876 | char *tmp1 = NULL;
877 | int pos_in_fname;
878 | /*@ int ******************************************************** */
879 | int percentage;
880 |
881 | /*@ long ******************************************************* */
882 | long lines_in_filelist;
883 | long lino = 0;
884 | /*@ end vars *************************************************** */
885 |
886 | assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(filelist_fname);
887 |
888 | if (!does_file_exist(filelist_fname)) {
889 | fatal_error("filelist does not exist -- cannot load it");
890 | }
891 | log_to_screen("Loading filelist");
892 | mr_asprintf(&tmp1, "zcat %s | wc -l", filelist_fname);
893 | log_msg(6, "tmp1 = %s", tmp1);
894 | lines_in_filelist = atol(call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(tmp1));
895 | mr_free(tmp1);
896 |
897 | if (lines_in_filelist < 3) {
898 | log_to_screen("Warning - surprisingly short filelist.");
899 | }
900 | g_original_noof_lines_in_filelist = lines_in_filelist;
901 | if (!(filelist = (struct s_node *) malloc(sizeof(struct s_node)))) {
902 | return (NULL);
903 | }
904 | filelist->ch = '/';
905 | filelist->right = NULL;
906 | filelist->down = malloc(sizeof(struct s_node));
907 | filelist->expanded = filelist->selected = FALSE;
908 | (filelist->down)->ch = '\0';
909 | (filelist->down)->right = (filelist->down)->down = FALSE;
910 | (filelist->down)->expanded = (filelist->down)->selected = FALSE;
911 |
912 | mr_asprintf(&command_to_open_fname, "gzip -dc %s", filelist_fname);
913 | if (!(pin = popen(command_to_open_fname, "r"))) {
914 | log_OS_error("Unable to openin filelist_fname");
915 | mr_free(command_to_open_fname);
916 | return (NULL);
917 | }
918 | mr_free(command_to_open_fname);
919 |
920 | open_evalcall_form("Loading filelist from disk");
921 | for ((void)fgets(fname, MAX_STR_LEN, pin); !feof(pin);
922 | (void)fgets(fname, MAX_STR_LEN, pin)) {
923 | if ((fname[strlen(fname) - 1] == 13
924 | || fname[strlen(fname) - 1] == 10) && strlen(fname) > 0) {
925 | fname[strlen(fname) - 1] = '\0';
926 | }
927 | // strip_spaces (fname);
928 | if (!strlen(fname)) {
929 | continue;
930 | }
931 | for (pos_in_fname = 0; fname[pos_in_fname] != '\0'; pos_in_fname++) {
932 | if (fname[pos_in_fname] != '/') {
933 | continue;
934 | }
935 | strcpy(tmp, fname);
936 | tmp[pos_in_fname] = '\0';
937 | if (strlen(tmp)) {
938 | add_string_at_node(filelist, tmp);
939 | }
940 | }
941 | add_string_at_node(filelist, fname);
942 | if (!(++lino % 1111)) {
943 | percentage = (int) (lino * 100 / lines_in_filelist);
944 | update_evalcall_form(percentage);
945 | }
946 | }
947 | paranoid_pclose(pin);
948 | close_evalcall_form();
949 | log_it("Finished loading filelist");
950 | return (filelist);
951 | }
952 |
953 |
954 | /**
955 | * Log a list of files in @p node.
956 | * @param node The toplevel node to use.
957 | */
958 | void show_filelist(struct s_node *node)
959 | {
960 | static int depth = 0;
961 | static char current_string[200];
962 |
963 | if (depth == 0) {
964 | log_msg(0, "----------------show filelist--------------");
965 | }
966 | current_string[depth] = node->ch;
967 |
968 | log_msg(3, "depth=%d", depth);
969 | if (node->down) {
970 | log_msg(3, "moving down");
971 | depth++;
972 | show_filelist(node->down);
973 | depth--;
974 | }
975 |
976 | if (!node->ch) {
977 | log_msg(0, "%s\n", current_string);
978 | }
979 |
980 | if (node->right) {
981 | log_msg(3, "moving right");
982 | show_filelist(node->right);
983 | }
984 | if (depth == 0) {
985 | log_msg(0, "----------------show filelist--------------");
986 | }
987 | return;
988 | }
989 |
990 |
991 |
992 |
993 | /**
994 | * Reset the filelist to the state it was when it was loaded. This does not
995 | * touch the file on disk.
996 | * @param filelist The filelist tree structure.
997 | */
998 | void reload_filelist(struct s_node *filelist)
999 | {
1000 | assert(filelist != NULL);
1001 | toggle_node_selection(filelist, FALSE);
1002 | toggle_path_expandability(filelist, "/", FALSE);
1003 | toggle_all_root_dirs_on(filelist);
1004 | }
1005 |
1006 |
1007 |
1008 | /**
1009 | * Save a filelist tree structure to disk.
1010 | * @param filelist The filelist tree structure to save.
1011 | * @param outfname Where to save it.
1012 | */
1013 | void save_filelist(struct s_node *filelist, char *outfname)
1014 | {
1015 | /*@ int ********************************************************* */
1016 | static int percentage;
1017 | static int depth = 0;
1018 |
1019 | /*@ buffers ***************************************************** */
1020 | static char str[MAX_STR_LEN];
1021 |
1022 | /*@ structures ************************************************** */
1023 | struct s_node *node;
1024 |
1025 | /*@ pointers **************************************************** */
1026 | static FILE *fout = NULL;
1027 |
1028 | /*@ long ******************************************************** */
1029 | static long lines_in_filelist = 0;
1030 | static long lino = 0;
1031 |
1032 | /*@ end vars *************************************************** */
1033 |
1034 | assert(filelist != NULL);
1035 | assert(outfname != NULL); // will be zerolength if save_filelist() is called by itself
1036 | if (depth == 0) {
1037 | log_to_screen("Saving filelist");
1038 | if (!(fout = fopen(outfname, "w"))) {
1039 | fatal_error("Cannot openout/save filelist");
1040 | }
1041 | lines_in_filelist = g_original_noof_lines_in_filelist; /* set by load_filelist() */
1042 | open_evalcall_form("Saving selection to disk");
1043 | }
1044 | for (node = filelist; node != NULL; node = node->right) {
1045 | str[depth] = node->ch;
1046 | log_msg(5, "depth=%d ch=%c", depth, node->ch);
1047 | if (!node->ch) {
1048 | // if (node->selected)
1049 | // {
1050 | fprintf(fout, "%s\n", str);
1051 | // }
1052 | if (!(++lino % 1111)) {
1053 | percentage = (int) (lino * 100 / lines_in_filelist);
1054 | update_evalcall_form(percentage);
1055 | }
1056 | }
1057 | if (node->down) {
1058 | depth++;
1059 | save_filelist(node->down, "");
1060 | depth--;
1061 | }
1062 | }
1063 | if (depth == 0) {
1064 | paranoid_fclose(fout);
1065 | close_evalcall_form();
1066 | log_it("Finished saving filelist");
1067 | }
1068 | }
1069 |
1070 |
1071 |
1072 | /**
1073 | * Toggle all root dirs on.
1074 | * @param filelist The filelist tree structure to operate on.
1075 | * @bug I don't understand this function. Would someone care to explain it?
1076 | */
1077 | void toggle_all_root_dirs_on(struct s_node *filelist)
1078 | {
1079 | /*@ structures ************************************************** */
1080 | struct s_node *node;
1081 |
1082 | /*@ int ********************************************************* */
1083 | static int depth = 0;
1084 | static int root_dirs_expanded;
1085 |
1086 | /*@ buffers ***************************************************** */
1087 | static char filename[MAX_STR_LEN];
1088 |
1089 | /*@ end vars *************************************************** */
1090 |
1091 | assert(filelist != NULL);
1092 | if (depth == 0) {
1093 | log_it("Toggling all root dirs ON");
1094 | root_dirs_expanded = 0;
1095 | }
1096 | for (node = filelist; node != NULL; node = node->right) {
1097 | filename[depth] = node->ch;
1098 | if (node->ch == '\0' && strlen(filename) > 1
1099 | && (!strchr(filename + 1, '/'))) {
1100 | node->selected = FALSE;
1101 | node->expanded = TRUE;
1102 | // log_it (filename);
1103 | root_dirs_expanded++;
1104 | }
1105 | if (node->down) {
1106 | depth++;
1107 | toggle_all_root_dirs_on(node->down);
1108 | depth--;
1109 | }
1110 | }
1111 | if (depth == 0) {
1112 | log_it("Finished toggling all root dirs ON");
1113 | }
1114 | }
1115 |
1116 |
1117 | /**
1118 | * Toggle the expandability of a path.
1119 | * @param filelist The filelist tree to operate on.
1120 | * @param pathname The path to toggle expandability of.
1121 | * @param on_or_off Whether to toggle it on or off.
1122 | * @bug I don't understand this function. Would someone care to explain it?
1123 | */
1124 | void
1125 | toggle_path_expandability(struct s_node *filelist, char *pathname,
1126 | bool on_or_off)
1127 | {
1128 |
1129 | /*@ int ******************************************************** */
1130 | static int depth = 0;
1131 | static int total_expanded;
1132 | static int root_depth;
1133 | int j;
1134 | /*@ structures ************************************************* */
1135 | struct s_node *node;
1136 |
1137 | /*@ buffers **************************************************** */
1138 | static char current_filename[MAX_STR_LEN];
1139 |
1140 | /* char tmp[MAX_STR_LEN+2]; */
1141 |
1142 | /*@ end vars *************************************************** */
1143 |
1144 | assert(filelist != NULL);
1145 | assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(pathname);
1146 | if (depth == 0) {
1147 | total_expanded = 0;
1148 | // log_it ("Toggling path's expandability");
1149 | for (root_depth = (int) strlen(pathname);
1150 | root_depth > 0 && pathname[root_depth - 1] != '/';
1151 | root_depth--);
1152 | if (root_depth < 2) {
1153 | root_depth = (int) strlen(pathname);
1154 | }
1155 | }
1156 | for (node = filelist; node != NULL; node = node->right) {
1157 | current_filename[depth] = node->ch;
1158 | if (node->down) {
1159 | depth++;
1160 | toggle_path_expandability(node->down, pathname, on_or_off);
1161 | depth--;
1162 | }
1163 | if (node->ch == '\0') {
1164 | if (!strncmp(pathname, current_filename, strlen(pathname))) {
1165 | for (j = root_depth;
1166 | current_filename[j] != '/'
1167 | && current_filename[j] != '\0'; j++);
1168 | if (current_filename[j] != '\0') {
1169 | for (j++;
1170 | current_filename[j] != '/'
1171 | && current_filename[j] != '\0'; j++);
1172 | }
1173 | if (current_filename[j] == '\0') {
1174 | node->expanded =
1175 | (!strcmp(pathname, current_filename) ? TRUE :
1176 | on_or_off);
1177 | }
1178 | }
1179 | }
1180 | if (node->expanded) {
1181 | if (total_expanded < ARBITRARY_MAXIMUM - 32
1182 | || !strrchr(current_filename + strlen(pathname), '/')) {
1183 | total_expanded++;
1184 | } else {
1185 | node->expanded = FALSE;
1186 | }
1187 | }
1188 | }
1189 | if (depth == 0) {
1190 | // log_it ("Finished toggling expandability");
1191 | }
1192 | }
1193 |
1194 | /**
1195 | * Toggle whether a path is selected.
1196 | * @param filelist The filelist tree to operate on.
1197 | * @param pathname The path to toggle selection of.
1198 | * @param on_or_off Whether to toggle it on or off.
1199 | * @bug I don't understand this function. Would someone care to explain it?
1200 | */
1201 | void
1202 | toggle_path_selection(struct s_node *filelist, char *pathname,
1203 | bool on_or_off)
1204 | {
1205 | /*@ int ********************************************************* */
1206 | static int depth = 0;
1207 | int j;
1208 |
1209 | /*@ structures ************************************************** */
1210 | struct s_node *node;
1211 |
1212 | /*@ buffers ***************************************************** */
1213 | static char current_filename[MAX_STR_LEN];
1214 |
1215 | /*@ end vars *************************************************** */
1216 | assert(filelist != NULL);
1217 | assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(pathname);
1218 | if (depth == 0) {
1219 | log_it("Toggling path's selection");
1220 | }
1221 | for (node = filelist; node != NULL; node = node->right) {
1222 | current_filename[depth] = node->ch;
1223 | if (node->down) {
1224 | depth++;
1225 | toggle_path_selection(node->down, pathname, on_or_off);
1226 | depth--;
1227 | }
1228 | if (node->ch == '\0') {
1229 | if (!strncmp(pathname, current_filename, strlen(pathname))) {
1230 | for (j = 0;
1231 | pathname[j] != '\0'
1232 | && pathname[j] == current_filename[j]; j++);
1233 | if (current_filename[j] == '/'
1234 | || current_filename[j] == '\0') {
1235 | node->selected = on_or_off;
1236 | }
1237 | }
1238 | }
1239 | }
1240 | if (depth == 0) {
1241 | log_it("Finished toggling selection");
1242 | }
1243 | }
1244 |
1245 |
1246 | /**
1247 | * Toggle node selection of a filelist tree.
1248 | * @param filelist The filelist tree to operate on.
1249 | * @param on_or_off Whether to toggle selection on or off.
1250 | * @bug I don't understand this function. Would someone care to explain it?
1251 | */
1252 | void toggle_node_selection(struct s_node *filelist, bool on_or_off)
1253 | {
1254 | /*@ structure ************************************************** */
1255 | struct s_node *node;
1256 |
1257 | /*@ end vars *************************************************** */
1258 | assert(filelist != NULL);
1259 | for (node = filelist; node != NULL; node = node->right) {
1260 | if (node->ch == '/') {
1261 | continue;
1262 | } /* don't go deep */
1263 | if (node->ch == '\0') {
1264 | node->selected = on_or_off;
1265 | }
1266 | if (node->down) {
1267 | toggle_node_selection(node->down, on_or_off);
1268 | }
1269 | }
1270 | }
1271 |
1272 |
1273 |
1274 | /**
1275 | * The pathname to the skeleton filelist, used to give better progress reporting for mondo_makefilelist().
1276 | */
1277 | char *g_skeleton_filelist = NULL;
1278 |
1279 |
1280 |
1281 | /**
1282 | * Get the next entry in the space-separated list in @p incoming.
1283 | * So if @p incoming was '"one and two" three four', we would
1284 | * return "one and two".
1285 | * @param incoming The list to get the next entry from.
1286 | * @return The first item in the list (respecting double quotes).
1287 | * @note The returned string points to static data that will be overwritten with each call.
1288 | */
1289 | char *next_entry(char *incoming)
1290 | {
1291 | char *sz_res;
1292 | char *p;
1293 | bool in_quotes = FALSE;
1294 |
1295 | mr_asprintf(&sz_res, "%s", incoming);
1296 | p = sz_res;
1297 | while ((*p != ' ' || in_quotes) && *p != '\0') {
1298 | if (*p == '\"') {
1299 | in_quotes = !in_quotes;
1300 | }
1301 | p++;
1302 | }
1303 | *p = '\0';
1304 | return (sz_res);
1305 | }
1306 |
1307 |
1308 |
1309 |
1310 | /**
1311 | * Number of entries in the skeleton filelist.
1312 | */
1313 | long g_skeleton_entries = 0;
1314 |
1315 |
1316 | /**
1317 | * Recursively list all files in @p dir newer than @p time_of_last_full_backup to @p fout.
1318 | * @param dir The directory to list to @p fout.
1319 | * @param sth The directories to skip (exclude).
1320 | * @param fout The file to write everything to.
1321 | * @param time_of_last_full_backup Only backup files newer than this (0 to disable).
1322 | * @return 0, always.
1323 | * @bug Return value should be @c void.
1324 | */
1325 | int open_and_list_dir(char *dir1, char *sth, FILE * fout,
1326 | time_t time_of_last_full_backup)
1327 | {
1328 | const char delims[] = " ";
1329 |
1330 | DIR *dip;
1331 | struct dirent *dit;
1332 | struct stat statbuf;
1333 | char *new;
1334 | char *tmp;
1335 | char *dir = NULL;
1336 | static int percentage = 0;
1337 | char *skip_these;
1338 | char *new_with_spaces;
1339 | char *strtmp;
1340 | char *token;
1341 | char *find_excludes;
1342 | static char *name_of_evalcall_form;
1343 | int i;
1344 | int lastpos = 0;
1345 | static int depth = 0;
1346 | char *p;
1347 | static int counter = 0;
1348 | static int uberctr = 0;
1349 | static char *find_skeleton_marker;
1350 | static long skeleton_lino = 0;
1351 | static time_t last_time = 0;
1352 | time_t this_time;
1353 |
1354 | /* dir is needed when we pass it to the shell */
1355 | dir = mr_stresc(dir1, "`$\\\"(){}'[]&*?|!#~", '\\');
1356 | p = strrchr(dir1, '/');
1357 | if (p) {
1358 | if (!strcmp(p, "/.") || !strcmp(p, "/..")) {
1359 | mr_free(dir);
1360 | return (0);
1361 | }
1362 | }
1363 |
1364 | if (!depth) {
1365 | malloc_string(name_of_evalcall_form);
1366 | malloc_string(find_skeleton_marker);
1367 | mr_asprintf(&find_excludes, " ");
1368 | while((token = mr_strtok (sth, delims, &lastpos))) {
1369 | mr_asprintf(&strtmp,"%s", find_excludes);
1370 | paranoid_free(find_excludes);
1371 | mr_asprintf(&find_excludes,"%s -path %s -prune -o", strtmp, token);
1372 | paranoid_free(strtmp);
1373 | mr_free(token);
1374 | }
1375 |
1376 | /**
1377 | * The maximum depth of directories to put in the skeleton filelist.
1378 | * This is a balance between performance and a good progress indicator.
1379 | */
1380 | #define MAX_SKEL_DEPTH 3
1381 |
1382 | #if linux
1383 | // 2.6 has /sys as a proc-type thing -- must be excluded
1384 | mr_asprintf(&strtmp, "find '%s' -maxdepth %d -fstype mvfs -prune -o -fstype devpts -prune -o -fstype tmpfs -prune -o -fstype proc -prune -o -fstype sysfs -prune -o -fstype rpc_pipefs -prune -o -fstype none -prune -o %s -type d -print > %s 2> /dev/null", dir, MAX_SKEL_DEPTH, find_excludes, g_skeleton_filelist);
1385 | #else
1386 | // On BSD, for example, /sys is the kernel sources -- don't exclude
1387 | mr_asprintf(&strtmp, "find '%s' -maxdepth %d -fstype mvfs -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o %s -type d -print > %s 2> /dev/null", dir, MAX_SKEL_DEPTH, find_excludes, g_skeleton_filelist);
1388 | #endif
1389 | paranoid_free(find_excludes);
1390 | log_msg(5, "find command = %s", strtmp);
1391 | (void)system(strtmp);
1392 | paranoid_free(strtmp);
1393 | mr_asprintf(&tmp, "wc -l %s | awk '{print $1;}'", g_skeleton_filelist);
1394 | g_skeleton_entries =
1395 | 1 + atol(call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(tmp));
1396 | paranoid_free(tmp);
1397 | sprintf(name_of_evalcall_form, "Making catalog of %s", dir1);
1398 | open_evalcall_form(name_of_evalcall_form);
1399 | find_skeleton_marker[0] = '\0';
1400 | skeleton_lino = 1;
1401 | log_msg(5, "entries = %ld", g_skeleton_entries);
1402 | percentage = 0;
1403 | } else if (depth <= MAX_SKEL_DEPTH) // update evalcall form if appropriate
1404 | {
1405 | sprintf(find_skeleton_marker,
1406 | "grep -Fv '%s' %s > %s.new 2> /dev/null", dir,
1407 | g_skeleton_filelist, g_skeleton_filelist);
1408 | // log_msg(0, "fsm = %s", find_skeleton_marker);
1409 | if (!system(find_skeleton_marker)) {
1410 | percentage = (int) (skeleton_lino * 100 / g_skeleton_entries);
1411 | skeleton_lino++;
1412 | // log_msg(5, "Found %s", dir);
1413 | // log_msg(2, "Incrementing skeleton_lino; now %ld/%ld (%d%%)", skeleton_lino, g_skeleton_entries, percentage);
1414 | sprintf(find_skeleton_marker, "mv -f %s.new %s",
1415 | g_skeleton_filelist, g_skeleton_filelist);
1416 | // log_msg(6, "fsm = %s", find_skeleton_marker);
1417 | paranoid_system(find_skeleton_marker);
1418 | time(&this_time);
1419 | if (this_time != last_time) {
1420 | last_time = this_time;
1421 | #ifndef _XWIN
1422 | if (!g_text_mode) {
1423 | mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Reading %-68s", dir1);
1424 | newtDrawRootText(0, g_noof_rows - 3, tmp);
1425 | paranoid_free(tmp);
1426 | }
1427 | #endif
1428 | update_evalcall_form(percentage);
1429 | }
1430 | }
1431 | }
1432 |
1433 | depth++;
1434 |
1435 | // log_msg(0, "Cataloguing %s", dir);
1436 | if (sth[0] == ' ') {
1437 | mr_asprintf(&skip_these, "%s", sth);
1438 | } else {
1439 | mr_asprintf(&skip_these, " %s ", sth);
1440 | }
1441 | mr_asprintf(&new_with_spaces, " %s ", dir1);
1442 | if ((dip = opendir(dir1)) == NULL) {
1443 | mr_asprintf(&tmp,"opendir %s", dir1);
1444 | log_OS_error(tmp);
1445 | paranoid_free(tmp);
1446 | } else if (strstr(skip_these, new_with_spaces)) {
1447 | log_msg(10, "Found dir ***%s**** excluded", dir1);
1448 | fprintf(fout, "%s\n", dir1); // if excluded dir then print dir ONLY
1449 | } else {
1450 | log_msg(10, "Found dir ***%s**** parsed", dir1);
1451 | fprintf(fout, "%s\n", dir1);
1452 | while ((dit = readdir(dip)) != NULL) {
1453 | i++;
1454 | if (strcmp(dir1, "/")) {
1455 | mr_asprintf(&new,"%s/%s",dir1,dit->d_name);
1456 | } else {
1457 | mr_asprintf(&new,"%s%s",dir1,dit->d_name);
1458 | }
1459 | paranoid_free(new_with_spaces);
1460 | mr_asprintf(&new_with_spaces, " %s ", new);
1461 | if (strstr(skip_these, new_with_spaces)) {
1462 | fprintf(fout, "%s\n", new);
1463 | log_msg(10, "Found child dir ***%s**** excluded", new);
1464 | paranoid_free(new_with_spaces);
1465 | } else {
1466 | paranoid_free(new_with_spaces);
1467 | if (!lstat(new, &statbuf)) {
1468 | if (!S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode)
1469 | && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
1470 | log_msg(10, "Found child dir ***%s**** parsed", new);
1471 | open_and_list_dir(new, skip_these, fout,
1472 | time_of_last_full_backup);
1473 | } else {
1474 | if (time_of_last_full_backup == 0
1475 | || time_of_last_full_backup <
1476 | statbuf.st_ctime) {
1477 | log_msg(10, "Found child file ***%s**** parsed", new);
1478 | fprintf(fout, "%s\n", new);
1479 | if ((counter++) > 128) {
1480 | counter = 0;
1481 | uberctr++;
1482 | mr_asprintf(&tmp, " %c ", special_dot_char(uberctr));
1483 | #ifndef _XWIN
1484 | if (!g_text_mode) {
1485 | newtDrawRootText(77, g_noof_rows - 3,
1486 | tmp);
1487 | newtRefresh();
1488 | }
1489 | #endif
1490 | paranoid_free(tmp);
1491 | }
1492 | }
1493 | }
1494 | }
1495 | }
1496 | paranoid_free(new);
1497 | }
1498 | }
1499 | paranoid_free(new_with_spaces);
1500 | paranoid_free(skip_these);
1501 | mr_free(dir);
1502 |
1503 | if (dip) {
1504 | if (closedir(dip) == -1) {
1505 | log_OS_error("closedir");
1506 | }
1507 | }
1508 | depth--;
1509 | if (!depth) {
1510 | close_evalcall_form();
1511 | paranoid_free(name_of_evalcall_form);
1512 | paranoid_free(find_skeleton_marker);
1513 | unlink(g_skeleton_filelist);
1514 | log_msg(5, "g_skeleton_entries = %ld", g_skeleton_entries);
1515 | }
1516 | return (0);
1517 | }
1518 |
1519 |
1520 |
1521 | /**
1522 | * Create the filelist for the backup. It will be stored in [scratchdir]/archives/filelist.full.
1523 | * @param logfile Unused.
1524 | * @param tmpdir The tmpdir of the backup.
1525 | * @param scratchdir The scratchdir of the backup.
1526 | * @param include_paths The paths to back up, or NULL if you're using a user-defined filelist.
1527 | * @param excp The paths to NOT back up.
1528 | * @param differential The differential level (currently only 0 and 1 are supported).
1529 | * @param userdef_filelist The user-defined filelist, or NULL if you're using @p include_paths.
1530 | * @return 0, always.
1531 | * @bug @p logfile is unused.
1532 | * @bug Return value is meaningless.
1533 | */
1534 | int mondo_makefilelist(char *logfile, char *tmpdir, char *scratchdir,
1535 | char *include_paths, char *excp, int differential,
1536 | char *userdef_filelist)
1537 | {
1538 | char *p, *q;
1539 | char *sz_datefile;
1540 | char *sz_filelist, *exclude_paths, *tmp;
1541 | int i;
1542 | FILE *fout;
1543 | char *command = NULL;
1544 | time_t time_of_last_full_backup = 0;
1545 | struct stat statbuf;
1546 | char *tmp1 = NULL;
1547 | char *tmp2 = NULL;
1548 |
1549 | malloc_string(tmp);
1550 | malloc_string(g_skeleton_filelist);
1551 | if (!(exclude_paths = malloc(8*MAX_STR_LEN))) {
1552 | fatal_error("Cannot malloc exclude_paths");
1553 | }
1554 | mr_asprintf(&sz_datefile,MONDO_CACHE"/difflevel.%d" , 0);
1555 | if (!include_paths && !userdef_filelist) {
1556 | fatal_error
1557 | ("Please supply either include_paths or userdef_filelist");
1558 | }
1559 | // make hole for filelist
1560 | mr_asprintf(&command, "mkdir -p %s/archives", scratchdir);
1561 | paranoid_system(command);
1562 | mr_free(command);
1563 |
1564 | mr_asprintf(&sz_filelist, "%s/tmpfs/filelist.full", tmpdir);
1565 | make_hole_for_file(sz_filelist);
1566 |
1567 | if (differential == 0) {
1568 | // restore last good datefile if it exists
1569 | mr_asprintf(&command, "cp -f %s.aborted %s", sz_datefile, sz_datefile);
1570 | run_program_and_log_output(command, 3);
1571 | mr_free(command);
1572 |
1573 | // backup last known good datefile just in case :)
1574 | if (does_file_exist(sz_datefile)) {
1575 | mr_asprintf(&command, "mv -f %s %s.aborted", sz_datefile,
1576 | sz_datefile);
1577 | paranoid_system(command);
1578 | mr_free(command);
1579 | }
1580 | make_hole_for_file(sz_datefile);
1581 | write_one_liner_data_file(sz_datefile,
1582 | call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output
1583 | ("date +%s"));
1584 | } else if (lstat(sz_datefile, &statbuf)) {
1585 | log_msg(2,
1586 | "Warning - unable to find date of previous backup. Full backup instead.");
1587 | differential = 0;
1588 | time_of_last_full_backup = 0;
1589 | } else {
1590 | time_of_last_full_backup = statbuf.st_mtime;
1591 | log_msg(2, "Differential backup. Yay.");
1592 | }
1593 | paranoid_free(sz_datefile);
1594 |
1595 | // use user-specified filelist (if specified)
1596 | if (userdef_filelist) {
1597 | log_msg(1,
1598 | "Using the user-specified filelist - %s - instead of calculating one",
1599 | userdef_filelist);
1600 | mr_asprintf(&command, "cp -f %s %s", userdef_filelist, sz_filelist);
1601 | if (run_program_and_log_output(command, 3)) {
1602 | mr_free(command);
1603 | fatal_error("Failed to copy user-specified filelist");
1604 | }
1605 | mr_free(command);
1606 | } else {
1607 | log_msg(2, "include_paths = '%s'", include_paths);
1608 | log_msg(1, "Calculating filelist");
1609 | mr_asprintf(&tmp2, "%s", call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output("mount | grep -Ew 'ntfs|ntfs-3g|fat|vfat|dos' | awk '{print $3}'"));
1610 | if (strlen(tmp2) < 1) {
1611 | mr_asprintf(&tmp1," ");
1612 | } else {
1613 | log_msg(2, "Found windows FS: %s",tmp2);
1614 | mr_asprintf(&tmp1, "find %s -name '/win386.swp' -o -name '/hiberfil.sys' -o -name '/pagefile.sys' 2> /dev/null\n",tmp2);
1615 | paranoid_free(tmp2);
1616 | mr_asprintf(&tmp2, "%s", call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(tmp1));
1617 | log_msg(2, "Found windows files: %s",tmp2);
1618 | }
1619 | paranoid_free(tmp1);
1620 |
1621 | snprintf(exclude_paths, (size_t)8*MAX_STR_LEN," %s %s %s %s %s . .. \
1622 | " MNT_CDROM " " MNT_FLOPPY " /media /tmp \
1623 | /proc /sys /dev/shm " MINDI_CACHE, MONDO_CACHE, excp, tmp2, (tmpdir[0] == '/' && tmpdir[1] == '/') ? (tmpdir + 1) : tmpdir, (scratchdir[0] == '/' && scratchdir[1] == '/') ? (scratchdir + 1) : scratchdir);
1624 | paranoid_free(tmp2);
1625 |
1626 | log_msg(2, "Excluding paths = '%s'", exclude_paths);
1627 | log_msg(2,
1628 | "Generating skeleton filelist so that we can track our progress");
1629 | sprintf(g_skeleton_filelist, "%s/tmpfs/skeleton.txt", tmpdir);
1630 | make_hole_for_file(g_skeleton_filelist);
1631 | log_msg(4, "g_skeleton_entries = %ld", g_skeleton_entries);
1632 | log_msg(2, "Opening out filelist to %s", sz_filelist);
1633 | if (!(fout = fopen(sz_filelist, "w"))) {
1634 | fatal_error("Cannot openout to sz_filelist");
1635 | }
1636 | i = 0;
1637 | if (strlen(include_paths) == 0) {
1638 | log_msg(1, "Including only '/' in %s", sz_filelist);
1639 | open_and_list_dir("/", exclude_paths, fout,
1640 | time_of_last_full_backup);
1641 | } else {
1642 | p = include_paths;
1643 | while (*p) {
1644 | q = next_entry(p);
1645 | log_msg(1, "Including %s in filelist %s", q, sz_filelist);
1646 | open_and_list_dir(q, exclude_paths, fout,
1647 | time_of_last_full_backup);
1648 | p += strlen(q);
1649 | paranoid_free(q);
1650 | while (*p == ' ') {
1651 | p++;
1652 | }
1653 | }
1654 | }
1655 | paranoid_fclose(fout);
1656 | }
1657 | log_msg(2, "Copying new filelist to scratchdir");
1658 | mr_asprintf(&command, "mkdir -p %s/archives", scratchdir);
1659 | paranoid_system(command);
1660 | mr_free(command);
1661 |
1662 | mr_asprintf(&command, "cp -f %s %s/archives/", sz_filelist, scratchdir);
1663 | paranoid_system(command);
1664 | mr_free(command);
1665 |
1666 | mr_asprintf(&command, "mv -f %s %s", sz_filelist, tmpdir);
1667 | paranoid_system(command);
1668 | mr_free(command);
1669 |
1670 | paranoid_free(sz_filelist);
1671 | log_msg(2, "Freeing variables");
1672 | paranoid_free(exclude_paths);
1673 | paranoid_free(tmp);
1674 | paranoid_free(g_skeleton_filelist);
1675 | log_msg(2, "Exiting");
1676 | return (0);
1677 | }
1678 |
1679 | /**
1680 | * Wrapper around mondo_makefilelist().
1681 | * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used:
1682 | * - @c bkpinfo->differential
1683 | * - @c bkpinfo->exclude_paths
1684 | * - @c bkpinfo->include_paths
1685 | * - @c bkpinfo->make_filelist
1686 | * - @c bkpinfo->scratchdir
1687 | * - @c bkpinfo->tmpdir
1688 | * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
1689 | * @see mondo_makefilelist
1690 | */
1691 | int prepare_filelist()
1692 | {
1693 |
1694 | /*@ int **************************************************** */
1695 | int res = 0;
1696 |
1697 | assert(bkpinfo != NULL);
1698 | log_it("tmpdir=%s; scratchdir=%s", bkpinfo->tmpdir,
1699 | bkpinfo->scratchdir);
1700 | if (bkpinfo->make_filelist) {
1701 | mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY, 0,
1702 | "Making catalog of files to be backed up");
1703 | } else {
1704 | mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY, 0,
1705 | "Using supplied catalog of files to be backed up");
1706 | }
1707 |
1708 | if (bkpinfo->make_filelist) {
1709 | res =
1710 | mondo_makefilelist(MONDO_LOGFILE, bkpinfo->tmpdir,
1711 | bkpinfo->scratchdir, bkpinfo->include_paths,
1712 | bkpinfo->exclude_paths,
1713 | bkpinfo->differential, NULL);
1714 | } else {
1715 | res =
1716 | mondo_makefilelist(MONDO_LOGFILE, bkpinfo->tmpdir,
1717 | bkpinfo->scratchdir, NULL,
1718 | bkpinfo->exclude_paths,
1719 | bkpinfo->differential,
1720 | bkpinfo->include_paths);
1721 | }
1722 |
1723 | if (res) {
1724 | log_OS_error("Call to mondo_makefilelist failed");
1725 | mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, 74, "Failed.");
1726 | } else {
1727 | mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, 74, "Done.");
1728 | }
1729 | return (res);
1730 | }
1731 |
1732 |
1733 | /**
1734 | * Locate the string @p string_to_find in the tree rooted at @p startnode.
1735 | * @param startnode The node containing the root of the directory tree.
1736 | * @param string_to_find The string to look for at @p startnode.
1737 | * @return The node containing the last element of @p string_to_find, or NULL if
1738 | * it was not found.
1739 | */
1740 | struct s_node *find_string_at_node(struct s_node *startnode,
1741 | char *string_to_find)
1742 | {
1743 | /*@ int ******************************************************** */
1744 | int noof_chars;
1745 | static int depth = 0;
1746 | static char original_string[MAX_STR_LEN];
1747 |
1748 | /*@ sturctures ************************************************* */
1749 | struct s_node *node;
1750 |
1751 | /*@ char ****************************************************** */
1752 | char char_to_find;
1753 |
1754 | /*@ bools ****************************************************** */
1755 |
1756 | if (!depth) {
1757 | strcpy(original_string, string_to_find);
1758 | }
1759 |
1760 | assert(startnode != NULL);
1761 | assert(string_to_find != NULL);
1762 |
1763 | noof_chars = strlen(string_to_find) + 1; /* we include the '\0' */
1764 |
1765 | log_msg(7, "starting --- str=%s", string_to_find);
1766 |
1767 | /* walk across tree if necessary */
1768 | node = startnode;
1769 | char_to_find = string_to_find[0];
1770 | if (node->right != NULL && node->ch < char_to_find) {
1771 | log_msg(7, "depth=%d --- going RIGHT ... %c-->%c", depth,
1772 | char_to_find, node->ch, (node->right)->ch);
1773 | return (find_string_at_node(node->right, string_to_find));
1774 | }
1775 |
1776 | /* walk down tree if appropriate */
1777 | if (node->down != NULL && node->ch == char_to_find) {
1778 | log_msg(7, "depth=%d char=%c --- going DOWN", depth, char_to_find);
1779 | depth++;
1780 | node = find_string_at_node(node->down, string_to_find + 1);
1781 | depth--;
1782 | return (node);
1783 | }
1784 |
1785 | if (char_to_find == '\0' && node->ch == '\0') {
1786 | log_msg(7, "%s is in tree", original_string);
1787 | return (node);
1788 | } else {
1789 | log_msg(7, "%s is NOT in tree", original_string);
1790 | return (NULL);
1791 | }
1792 | }
1793 |
1794 |
1795 |
1796 | /**
1797 | * Write all entries in @p needles_list_fname which are also in
1798 | * @p filelist to @p matches_list_fname.
1799 | * @param needles_list_fname A file containing strings to look for, 1 per line.
1800 | * @param filelist The node for the root of the directory structure to search in.
1801 | * @param matches_list_fname The filename where we should put the matches.
1802 | * @return The number of matches found.
1803 | */
1804 | long save_filelist_entries_in_common(char *needles_list_fname,
1805 | struct s_node *filelist,
1806 | char *matches_list_fname,
1807 | bool use_star)
1808 | {
1809 | int retval = 0;
1810 | struct s_node *found_node;
1811 | FILE *fin;
1812 | FILE *fout;
1813 | char *fname;
1814 | char *tmp;
1815 | size_t len = 0; // Scrub's patch doesn't work without that
1816 |
1817 | // log_msg(1, "use_star = %s", (use_star)?"TRUE":"FALSE");
1818 | malloc_string(fname);
1819 | malloc_string(tmp);
1820 | log_msg(5, "starting");
1821 | log_msg(5, "needles_list_fname = %s", needles_list_fname);
1822 | log_msg(5, "matches_list_fname = %s", matches_list_fname);
1823 | if (!(fin = fopen(needles_list_fname, "r"))) {
1824 | fatal_error("Cannot openin needles_list_fname");
1825 | }
1826 | if (!(fout = fopen(matches_list_fname, "w"))) {
1827 | fatal_error("Cannot openout matches_list_fname");
1828 | }
1829 | while (!feof(fin)) {
1830 | // fscanf(fin, "%s\n", fname);
1831 | len = MAX_STR_LEN - 1;
1832 | (void)getline(&fname, &len, fin); // patch by Scrub
1833 | if (!use_star) {
1834 | if (fname[0] == '/') {
1835 | strcpy(tmp, fname);
1836 | } else {
1837 | tmp[0] = '/';
1838 | strcpy(tmp + 1, fname);
1839 | }
1840 | strcpy(fname, tmp);
1841 | }
1842 | while (strlen(fname) > 0 && fname[strlen(fname) - 1] < 32) {
1843 | fname[strlen(fname) - 1] = '\0';
1844 | }
1845 |
1846 | log_msg(5, "Looking for '%s'", fname);
1847 | found_node = find_string_at_node(filelist, fname);
1848 | if (found_node) {
1849 | if (found_node->selected) {
1850 | if (fname[0] == '/') {
1851 | strcpy(tmp, fname + 1);
1852 | strcpy(fname, tmp);
1853 | }
1854 | log_msg(5, "Found '%s'", fname);
1855 | turn_wildcard_chars_into_literal_chars(tmp, fname);
1856 | fprintf(fout, "%s\n", tmp);
1857 | retval++;
1858 | }
1859 | }
1860 | }
1861 | paranoid_fclose(fout);
1862 | paranoid_fclose(fin);
1863 | paranoid_free(fname);
1864 | paranoid_free(tmp);
1865 | return (retval);
1866 | }
1867 |
1868 |
1869 |
1870 |
1871 |
1872 |
1873 | /**
1874 | * Add all files listed in @p list_of_files_fname to the directory structure rooted at
1875 | * @p filelist.
1876 | * @param filelist The top node of the directory structure to add the files to.
1877 | * @param list_of_files_fname The file containing the files to add, 1 per line.
1878 | * @param flag_em If TRUE, then flag the added files for restoration.
1879 | * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
1880 | */
1881 | int add_list_of_files_to_filelist(struct s_node *filelist,
1882 | char *list_of_files_fname, bool flag_em)
1883 | {
1884 | FILE *fin;
1885 | char *tmp;
1886 | struct s_node *nod;
1887 |
1888 | malloc_string(tmp);
1889 | log_msg(3, "Adding %s to filelist", list_of_files_fname);
1890 | if (!(fin = fopen(list_of_files_fname, "r"))) {
1891 | log_it("%s",list_of_files_fname);
1892 | return (1);
1893 | }
1894 | for ((void)fgets(tmp, MAX_STR_LEN, fin); !feof(fin);
1895 | (void)fgets(tmp, MAX_STR_LEN, fin)) {
1896 | if (!tmp[0]) {
1897 | continue;
1898 | }
1899 | if ((tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] == 13 || tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] == 10)
1900 | && strlen(tmp) > 0) {
1901 | tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] = '\0';
1902 | }
1903 | log_msg(2, "tmp = '%s'", tmp);
1904 | if (!tmp[0]) {
1905 | continue;
1906 | }
1907 | if ((nod = find_string_at_node(filelist, tmp))) {
1908 | log_msg(5, "Found '%s' in filelist already. Cool.", tmp);
1909 | } else {
1910 | add_string_at_node(filelist, tmp);
1911 | nod = find_string_at_node(filelist, tmp);
1912 | }
1913 |
1914 | if (nod && flag_em) {
1915 | toggle_path_selection(filelist, tmp, TRUE);
1916 | log_msg(5, "Flagged '%s'", tmp);
1917 | }
1918 | }
1919 | paranoid_fclose(fin);
1920 | paranoid_free(tmp);
1921 | return (0);
1922 | }
1923 |
1924 | /* @} - end of filelistGroup */