1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | #
3 | # $Id: analyze-my-lvm 2428 2009-09-28 00:29:12Z bruno $
4 | #
5 |
6 | Die() {
7 | echo "$1" >> /dev/stderr
8 | exit -1
9 | }
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 | GetValueFromField() {
14 | local res
15 | sed s/' '/~/ "$1" | tr -s ' ' ' ' | sed s/'~ '/'~'/ | grep -i "$2~" | cut -d'~' -f2,3,4,5 | tr '~' ' ' | gawk '{ if ($2=="MB") {printf "%dm",$1;} else if ($2=="KB") {printf "%dk",$1;} else if ($2=="GB") {printf "%fg",$1;} else {print $0;};}'
16 | }
17 |
18 |
19 | GetLastBit() {
20 | local i res
21 | i=20
22 | res=""
23 | while [ ! "$res" ] ; do
24 | i=$(($i-1))
25 | res=`echo "$1" | cut -d'/' -f$i`
26 | done
27 | echo "$res"
28 | }
29 |
30 |
31 | ProcessLogicalVolume() {
32 | local LV_full_string fname logical_volume volume_group device
33 | LV_full_string=$1
34 | if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then
35 | echo "WARNING - cannot find LV file $1" | tee -a /dev/stderr
36 | return
37 | fi
38 | volume_group=`echo "$LV_full_string" | cut -d'/' -f3`
39 | logical_volume=`echo "$LV_full_string" | cut -d'/' -f4`
40 | if [ $lvmversion = 2 ]; then
41 | device=$LV_full_string
42 | params=`GenerateLvcreateParameters $device`
43 | else
44 | fname=/proc/lvm/VGs/$volume_group/LVs/$logical_volume
45 | if [ ! -e "$fname" ] ; then
46 | echo "WARNING - cannot find $volume_group's $logical_volume LV file" | tee -a /dev/stderr
47 | return
48 | else
49 | device=`GetValueFromField $fname "name:"`
50 | params=`GenerateLvcreateParameters $device`
51 | fi
52 | fi
53 | echo "# $LVMCMD lvcreate$params -n $logical_volume $volume_group"
54 | }
55 |
56 |
57 | GenerateLvcreateParameters() {
58 | local device stripes stripesize device fname allocation output readahead
59 | fname=$MINDI_TMP/PLF.$$.txt
60 | device=$1
61 | output=""
62 | $LVMCMD lvdisplay $device > $fname
63 | stripes=`GetValueFromField $fname "Stripes"`
64 | stripesize=`GetValueFromField $fname "Stripe size (MByte)"`m
65 | [ "$stripesize" = "m" ] && stripesize=`GetValueFromField $fname "Stripe size (KByte)"`k
66 | [ "$stripesize" = "k" ] && stripesize=""
67 | allocation=`GetValueFromField $fname "LV Size"`
68 | [ ! "`echo "$allocation" | grep "[k,m,g]"`" ] && allocation="$allocation"m
69 | if echo "$allocation" | grep -E '^.*g$' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
70 | val=`echo "$allocation" | sed s/g//`
71 | allocation=`echo "$val" | awk '{c=$1; printf "%d", c*1024;}'`m
72 | fi
73 | readahead=`GetValueFromField $fname "Read ahead sectors"`
74 | rm -f $fname
75 | [ "$stripes" ] && output="$output -i $stripes"
76 | [ "$stripesize" ] && output="$output -I $stripesize"
77 | [ "$allocation" ] && output="$output -L $allocation"
78 | [ "$readahead" ] && output="$output -r $readahead"
79 | echo "$output"
80 | }
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 | GenerateVgcreateParameters() {
85 | local current_VG device fname incoming VG_info_file max_logical_volumes max_physical_volumes physical_extent_size output blanklines
86 | current_VG=$1
87 | VG_info_file=$MINDI_TMP/$$.vg-info.txt
88 | # We use cat here as a way to avoid SElinux to prevent us from writing in $VG_info_file
89 | $LVMCMD vgdisplay $current_VG | cat > $VG_info_file
90 | max_logical_volumes=`GetValueFromField "$VG_info_file" "MAX LV"`
91 | [ $max_logical_volumes -ge 256 ] && max_logical_volumes=255
92 | max_physical_volumes=`GetValueFromField "$VG_info_file" "MAX PV"`
93 | [ $max_physical_volumes -ge 256 ] && max_physical_volumes=255
94 | physical_extent_size=`GetValueFromField "$VG_info_file" "PE Size"`
95 | output=""
96 | [ "$max_logical_volumes" ] && output="$output -l $max_logical_volumes"
97 | [ "$max_physical_volumes" ] && output="$output -p $max_physical_volumes"
98 | [ "$physical_extent_size" ] && output="$output -s $physical_extent_size"
99 | echo "$output"
100 | rm -f $VG_info_file
101 | }
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 | ProcessVolumeGroup() {
108 | local current_VG physical_volumes i list_of_devices VG_params
109 | current_VG=$1
110 | if [ $lvmversion = 2 ]; then
111 | VG_params=`GenerateVgcreateParameters $current_VG`
112 | list_of_devices=`$LVMCMD pvs | grep " $current_VG " | awk '{print $1}'`
113 | else
114 | info_file=/proc/lvm/VGs/$current_VG/group
115 | physical_volumes=`ls /proc/lvm/VGs/$current_VG/PVs`
116 | VG_params=`GenerateVgcreateParameters $current_VG`
117 | list_of_devices=""
118 | for i in $physical_volumes ; do
119 | fname=/proc/lvm/VGs/$current_VG/PVs/$i
120 | device=`GetValueFromField $fname "name:"`
121 | list_of_devices="$list_of_devices $device"
122 | done
123 | fi
124 | l=""
125 | if [ -f /etc/multipath.conf ]; then
126 | # If multipath check which type of devidec are given, mpath prefered
127 | for d in $list_of_devices; do
128 | l="$l `GiveMapperOfdm $d`"
129 | done
130 | list_of_devices=$l
131 | fi
132 |
133 | echo "# $LVMCMD vgcreate $current_VG$VG_params $list_of_devices"
134 | echo "# $LVMCMD vgchange -a y $current_VG"
135 | }
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 | ListAllPhysicalVolumes() {
140 | if [ $lvmversion = 2 ]; then
141 | $LVMCMD pvscan 2> /dev/null | grep 'PV' | awk '{print $2}' > $MINDI_TMP/pv.tmp
142 | else
143 | pvscan 2> /dev/null | grep '"' | cut -d'"' -f2 > $MINDI_TMP/pv.tmp
144 | fi
145 | if [ -f /etc/multipath.conf ]; then
146 | # If multipath check which type of devidec are given, mpath prefered
147 | for d in `cat $MINDI_TMP/pv.tmp`; do
148 | GiveMapperOfdm $d
149 | done
150 | else
151 | cat $MINDI_TMP/pv.tmp
152 | fi
153 | rm -f $MINDI_TMP/pv.tmp
154 | }
155 |
156 |
157 | ListAllVolumeGroups() {
158 | $LVMCMD vgdisplay 2> /dev/null | awk '/^ *VG Name/ {print $3;}'
159 | }
160 |
161 | GiveMapperOfdm () {
162 |
163 | major=`stat -c "%t" $1`
164 | minor=`stat -c "%T" $1`
165 |
166 | for i in `ls /dev/mapper/*`; do
167 | mj=`stat -c "%t" $i`
168 | mn=`stat -c "%T" $i`
169 | if [ "$mj" = "$major" ] && [ "$mn" = "$minor" ]; then
170 | echo "$i"
171 | return
172 | fi
173 | done
174 | echo $1
175 | }
176 |
177 |
178 | ListLvmDrivesAndPartitions() {
179 | for d in `$LVMCMD vgdisplay -v 2> /dev/null | grep "PV Name" | sed 's/(#)//' | awk '{print $3}'`; do
180 | # Skip devices excluded, coming from mondoarchive
181 | if [ "$EXCLUDE_DEVS" ] && [ "`echo " $EXCLUDE_DEVS " | grep " $d "`" ]; then
182 | continue
183 | fi
184 | # If multipath check which type of devides are given, mpath prefered
185 | if [ -f /etc/multipath.conf ]; then
186 | GiveMapperOfdm $d
187 | else
188 | echo $d
189 | fi
190 | done
191 | }
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 | PrettifyList() {
196 | local i
197 | echo -en "$1"
198 | for i in $2 ; do
199 | echo -en "$i "
200 | done
201 | echo ""
202 | }
203 |
204 |
205 | ListAllLogicalVolumes() {
206 | if [ $lvmversion = 2 ]; then
207 | $LVMCMD lvscan 2> /dev/null | grep "'" | grep -iw "ACTIVE" | cut -d"'" -f2
208 | else
209 | lvscan 2> /dev/null | grep '"' | grep -iw "ACTIVE" | cut -d'"' -f2
210 | fi
211 | }
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 | WriteShutdownScript() {
216 | local i
217 | echo ""
218 | echo "Finally, to shut down and delete the volumes, do this:-"
219 | for i in `ListAllLogicalVolumes` ; do
220 | echo "($LVMCMD lvremove -f $i)"
221 | done
222 | for i in `ListAllVolumeGroups` ; do
223 | echo "($LVMCMD vgchange -a n $i)"
224 | done
225 | for i in `ListAllVolumeGroups` ; do
226 | echo "($LVMCMD vgremove $i)"
227 | done
228 | if [ $lvmversion = 2 ]; then
229 | echo "(rmmod dm-mod & rmmod dm_mod & )"
230 | else
231 | echo "(rmmod lvm-mod)"
232 | fi
233 | }
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 | # -------------------------------- main -----------------------------------
238 | which lvmdiskscan 2>/dev/null 2>&1 || Die "lvmdiskscan not found. Won't handle LVM."
239 | if [ -e "/proc/lvm/global" ] && [ "`tr -s '\t' ' ' < /proc/lvm/global | grep "0 VGs 0 PVs 0 LVs"`" != "" ]; then
240 | exit 1
241 | fi
242 |
243 | # Older lvmdiskscan use --help, newer --version
244 | lvmopt="--help"
245 | lvmdiskscan $lvmopt 2>&1 | grep -q -- "--version"
246 | if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
247 | lvmopt="--version"
248 | fi
249 |
250 |
251 | lvmversion=`lvmdiskscan --help 2>&1 |
252 | grep -E "Logical Volume Manager|LVM version:" |
253 | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d. -f1 |
254 | awk '{print $NF}' |
255 | sed -e 's/ //g'`
256 |
257 | if which lvm 2>/dev/null; then
258 | version=`lvm version | grep "LVM version" | awk '{print $3}'`
259 | i="`echo "$version" | cut -d'.' -f1`"
260 | echo "i=$i"
261 | if [ "$i" -ge "2" ] ; then
262 | lvmversion=2
263 | fi
264 | fi
265 |
266 | if [ $lvmversion = 2 ]; then
267 | echo "LVM version >= 2.0 found."
268 | LVMCMD="lvm"
269 | else
270 | LVMCMD=""
271 | fi
272 |
273 | all_lvm_drives_and_partitions=`ListLvmDrivesAndPartitions`
274 | echo "Just before you extrapolate mountlist to include RAID partitions,"
275 | echo "extrapolate it to include the following LVM drives and partitions:-"
276 | PrettifyList ">>>>> " "$all_lvm_drives_and_partitions"
277 | echo "To get started, type:-"
278 | if [ $lvmversion = 2 ]; then
279 | echo "(insmod dm-mod)"
280 | echo "(insmod dm_mod)"
281 | else
282 | echo "(insmod lvm-mod)"
283 | fi
284 | echo "# $LVMCMD vgchange -an"
285 | for i in `ListAllPhysicalVolumes` ; do
286 | echo "# echo y | $LVMCMD pvcreate -ff $i"
287 | done
288 | echo "# $LVMCMD vgscan"
289 | echo ""
290 | echo "Create and activate the VG's (volume groups)."
291 | all_volume_groups=`ListAllVolumeGroups`
292 | for current_VG in $all_volume_groups ; do
293 | if [ $lvmversion -ne 2 ]; then
294 | echo "# rm -Rf /dev/$current_VG"
295 | fi
296 | ProcessVolumeGroup $current_VG
297 | done
298 | echo ""
299 | echo "Finally, create the LV's (logical volumes)."
300 | all_logical_volumes=`ListAllLogicalVolumes`
301 | for current_LV in $all_logical_volumes ; do
302 | ProcessLogicalVolume $current_LV
303 | done
304 | echo ""
305 | echo "# $LVMCMD vgscan"
306 | echo "Now you may format the LV's:-"
307 | for i in `ListAllLogicalVolumes` ; do
308 | echo "(mkfs -t foo $i or something like that)"
309 | done
310 | WriteShutdownScript
311 | exit 0
312 |
313 |
314 |