Ticket #681: test-results.2.htm

File test-results.2.htm, 2.6 KB (added by victor gattegno, 11 years ago)

results of test.sh (old detection mode) on RHEL 4 and 6 and SLES 10 and 11

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8 <h2>Results of test.sh</h2>
9 <h3>RHEL 4</h3>
10 # ./test.sh<br>
11 --- Main<br>
12 --- Kernel fs detection routine<br>
13 &nbsp;<br>
14 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 8)<br>
15 Kernel is /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp<br>
16 &nbsp;<br>
17 &nbsp; GetInitrdFilesystemToUse(): gzip magic found at lvOffset
18 17956.<br>
19 &nbsp;<br>
20 lvScanRes=&lt;6&gt;checking if image is initramfs...<br>
21 &lt;3&gt;EXT2-fs: blocksize too small for device.<br>
22 &nbsp;<br>
23 lvUseFilesystem=ext2fs<br>
24 <h3>RHEL 6</h3>
25 $ ./test.sh<br>
26 --- Main<br>
27 --- Kernel fs detection routine<br>
28 &nbsp;<br>
29 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.3 (Santiago)<br>
30 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.3 (Santiago)<br>
31 Kernel is /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-279.22.1.el6.i686<br>
32 &nbsp;<br>
33 &nbsp; GetInitrdFilesystemToUse(): gzip magic found at lvOffset
34 13932.<br>
35 &nbsp;<br>
36 lvScanRes=&lt;6&gt;Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...<br>
37 &nbsp;<br>
38 lvUseFilesystem=initramfs<br>
39 <br>
40 <h3>SLES 10 SP4</h3>
41 <p># ./test.sh<br>
42 --- Main<br>
43 --- Kernel fs detection routine<br>
44 &nbsp;<br>
45 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)<br>
46 VERSION = 10<br>
47 PATCHLEVEL = 4<br>
49 Kernel is /boot/vmlinuz-<br>
50 &nbsp;<br>
51 &nbsp; GetInitrdFilesystemToUse(): gzip magic found at lvOffset
52 39080.<br>
53 &nbsp;<br>
54 lvScanRes=&lt;6&gt;checking if image is initramfs...<br>
55 &lt;3&gt;EXT2-fs: blocksize too small for device.<br>
56 &nbsp;<br>
57 lvUseFilesystem=ext2fs<br>
58 </p>
59 <h3>SLES 11 SP1</h3>
60 # ./test.sh<br>
61 --- Main<br>
62 --- Kernel fs detection routine<br>
63 &nbsp;<br>
64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)<br>
65 VERSION = 11<br>
66 PATCHLEVEL = 1<br>
68 Kernel is /boot/vmlinuz-<br>
69 &nbsp;<br>
70 &nbsp; GetInitrdFilesystemToUse(): gzip magic found at lvOffset
71 14953.<br>
72 &nbsp;<br>
73 lvScanRes=&lt;6&gt;Unpacking initramfs...<br>
74 &nbsp;<br>
75 lvUseFilesystem=initramfs<br>
76 </body>