Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: assigned (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#183 LVM restore incorrect when cloning Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.4 major
#198 Wrong ext3 block size after restore Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.4 normal
#202 Backup of partition larger than local tmp and scratch space Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.4 blocker
#213 XFS volumes with external log could not be mounted during restore Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 normal
#230 allow exclusion of files Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.4 normal
#231 mondorescue: Storage Dir form input limited to 51 characters Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.4 minor
#267 UIDs / GIDs not enough bits Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.5 normal
#272 mondo should support other type of NICs Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.6 normal
#403 mondo ignore non system partitions Bruno Cornec defect normal normal
#695 Mondo does not seem to support drbd Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.3 normal
#95 Physical extent size for volume group isn't preserved Bruno Cornec defect low 2.2.0 minor

Status: new (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#67 mondoarchive should have an option to select NIC Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.0.9 normal
#94 Show Command Assembled in GUI Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.0 normal
#619 Improve cloning support Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.1 normal
#758 partial scratch dirs usage for USB media Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.4 normal
#810 Look at mbuffer instea of buffer Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.2.2 normal
#740 add iscsi support for RHEL4 Bruno Cornec enhancement low 3.0.4 normal
#788 No progress indicated when copying in USB mode Bruno Cornec defect low 3.2.1 normal
#793 Incorrect localization after restore Bruno Cornec defect low 3.2.1 minor
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.