# $Id: README 2715 2011-02-02 12:18:23Z bruno $ # README MINDI LINUX / MONDO RESCUE February 7th, 2002 For a really groovy boot disk, use Mindi in combination with Mondo Rescue, which may be found at . This media image contains the tools required to do basic system maintenance, e.g. formatting, moving files, mounting partitions. If you used Mondo to make this CD (or set of floppies) then oh boy, are you in for some fun. To do a basic restore, type:- # mondorestore To edit the mountlist, type:- # mondorestore --edit-mountlist The archives can be accessed manually using the afio command, like so:- # afio -i -P bzip2 -Z /mnt/cdrom/archives/N.afio.bz2 OR # afio -i -P lzop -Z /mnt/cdrom/archives/N.afio.lzo Tape archives cannot be accessed directly. NFS mounts should be made available automatically. If they aren't, use mount accordingly. Before you e-mail us, please read the FAQ, the manual, the log and preferably the mailing list. - Dev Team