# MondoRescue configuration file # # $Id$ # # We tried to give sensible defaults in this file. # It will always be loaded by the tools before your other configuration files. # DO NOT CHANGE THAT FILE IN ANYWAY AS ITS MD5 SUM IS USED AS A CHECK !! # Anyway changing some values in your own configuration file may render # MondoRescue tools instable or cause failures. Use with care. # Temporary directory # Under it a temporary directory will be created to host all # temporary files for mrmini. That subdirectory is erased at the end of mrmini # mr_tmp_dir default = /tmp # # Location of the fstab file # mr_fstab default = /etc/fstab # # Interface to burner # mr_burn_cmd default = /usr/bin/wodim #mr_burn_cmd default = /usr/bin/cdrecord mr_burn_opt default = -v # # LVM commands and conf files # Is it LSB ? # mr_lvmdiskscan default = /sbin/lvmdiskscan mr_lvmprocfile default = /proc/lvm/global mr_lvmcmd default = /sbin/lvm mr_lvmpath default = /sbin/