/* libmondo-raid.c subroutines for handling RAID $Id: libmondo-raid.c 30 2005-09-28 23:32:28Z bcornec $ . 06/29 - added create_raidtab_from_mdstat() - changed char[MAX_STR_LEN] to char* 10/21/2003 - get_next_raidtab_line() --- correctly handle multiple spaces between label and value 07/03 - line 447 - changed assert() 05/08 - cleaned up some FreeBSd-specific stuff 05/05 - added Joshua Oreman's FreeBSD patches 04/25 - added a bunch of RAID utilities from mondorestore/mondo-restore.c 04/24/2003 - added some assert()'s and log_OS_error()'s 10/19/2002 - added some comments 07/24 - created */ /** * @file * Functions for handling RAID (especially during restore). */ #include "my-stuff.h" #include "mondostructures.h" #include "libmondo-gui-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-files-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-tools-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-string-EXT.h" #include "lib-common-externs.h" #include "libmondo-raid.h" #ifdef __FreeBSD__ /* Nonstandard library functions: */ extern void errx (int exitval, const char *fmt, ...); extern char *strsep (char **stringp, const char *delim); #endif /*@unused@*/ //static char cvsid[] = "$Id: libmondo-raid.c 30 2005-09-28 23:32:28Z bcornec $"; /** * @addtogroup raidGroup * @{ */ /** * See if a particular RAID level is supported by the kernel. * @param raidno The RAID level (-1 through 5) to check. -1 means "linear" under Linux and * "concatenated" under FreeBSD. It's really the same thing, just different wording. * @return TRUE if it's supported, FALSE if not. */ bool is_this_raid_personality_registered (int raidno) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ return ((raidno == -1) || (raidno == 0) || (raidno == 1) || (raidno == 5)) ? TRUE : FALSE; #else /*@ buffer ***********************************************************/ char *command; int res; command = malloc(MAX_STR_LEN*2); strcpy (command, "cat /proc/mdstat | grep \""); if (raidno == -1) { strcat (command, "linear"); } else { sprintf (command + strlen (command), "raid%d", raidno); } strcat (command, "\" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"); log_it ("Is raid %d registered? Command = '%s'", raidno, command); res = system (command); paranoid_free(command); if (res) { return (FALSE); } else { return (TRUE); } #endif } /** * Search for @p device in @p disklist. * @param disklist The disklist to search in. * @param device The device to search for. * @return The index number of @p device, or -1 if it does not exist. */ int where_in_drivelist_is_drive (struct list_of_disks *disklist, char *device) { /*@ int **************************************************************/ int i = 0; assert(disklist!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(device); for (i = 0; i < disklist->entries; i++) { if (!strcmp (disklist->el[i].device, device)) { break; } } if (i == disklist->entries) { return (-1); } else { return (i); } } /** * Determine which RAID device is using a particular partition. * @param raidlist The RAID information structure. * @param device The partition to find out about. * @return The index number of the RAID device using @p device, or -1 if there is none. */ int which_raid_device_is_using_this_partition (struct raidlist_itself *raidlist, char *device) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ // FreeBSD-specific version of which_raid_device_is_using_this_partition() /*@ int **********************************************************/ int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < raidlist->entries; i++) { bool thisone = FALSE; int j, k, l; for (j = 0; j < raidlist->el[i].plexes; ++j) { for (k = 0; k < raidlist->el[i].plex[j].subdisks; ++k) { for (l = 0; l < raidlist->disks.entries; ++l) { if (!strcmp (raidlist->disks.el[l].device, device) && !strcmp (raidlist->el[i].plex[j].sd[k].which_device, raidlist->disks.el[l].name)) thisone = TRUE; } } } if (thisone) { break; } } if (i == raidlist->entries) { return (-1); } else { return (i); } } #else // Linux-specific version of which_raid_device_is_using_this_partition() // and one other function which FreeBSD doesn't use int current_raiddev = 0; assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(device); assert(raidlist!=NULL); for (current_raiddev = 0; current_raiddev < raidlist->entries; current_raiddev++) { if (where_in_drivelist_is_drive (&raidlist->el[current_raiddev].data_disks, device) >= 0 || where_in_drivelist_is_drive (&raidlist->el[current_raiddev]. spare_disks, device) >= 0 || where_in_drivelist_is_drive (&raidlist->el[current_raiddev]. parity_disks, device) >= 0 || where_in_drivelist_is_drive (&raidlist->el[current_raiddev]. failed_disks, device) >= 0) { break; } } if (current_raiddev == raidlist->entries) { return (-1); } else { return (current_raiddev); } } /** * Write an @c int variable to a list of RAID variables. * @param raidrec The RAID device record to write to. * @param lino The variable index number to modify/create. * @param label The label to write. * @param value The value to write. */ void write_variableINT_to_raid_var_line (struct raid_device_record *raidrec, int lino, char *label, int value) { /*@ buffers ******************************************************/ char *sz_value; malloc_string(sz_value); assert(raidrec!=NULL); assert(label!=NULL); sprintf (sz_value, "%d", value); strcpy (raidrec->additional_vars.el[lino].label, label); strcpy (raidrec->additional_vars.el[lino].value, sz_value); paranoid_free(sz_value); } #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ /** * Add a disk to a RAID plex. * @param p The plex to add the device to. * @param device_to_add The device to add to @p p. */ void add_disk_to_raid_device(struct vinum_plex *p, char*device_to_add) { strcpy (p->sd[p->subdisks].which_device, device_to_add); ++p->subdisks; } #else /** * Add a disk to a RAID device. * @param disklist The disklist to add the device to. * @param device_to_add The device to add to @p disklist. * @param index The index number of the disklist entry we're creating. */ void add_disk_to_raid_device(struct list_of_disks *disklist, char*device_to_add, int index) { int items; assert(disklist!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(device_to_add); items = disklist->entries; strcpy( disklist->el[items].device, device_to_add ); disklist->el[items].index = index; items++; disklist->entries = items; } #endif /** * Save the additional RAID variables to a stream. * @param vars The RAID variable list to save. * @param fout The FILE pointer to save them to. */ void save_additional_vars_to_file(struct additional_raid_variables *vars, FILE *fout) { int i; assert(vars!=NULL); assert(fout!=NULL); for(i = 0; i < vars->entries; i++ ) { fprintf(fout," %-21s %s\n",vars->el[i].label, vars->el[i].value); } } /** * Save a raidlist structure to disk in raidtab format. * @param raidlist The raidlist to save. * @param fname The file to save it to. * @return 0, always. * @bug Return value is redundant. */ int save_raidlist_to_raidtab(struct raidlist_itself *raidlist, char *fname) { FILE *fout; int current_raid_device; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ int i; #else // Linux #endif assert(raidlist!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(fname); if (raidlist->entries <= 0) { unlink(fname); log_it("Deleting raidtab (no RAID devs anyway)"); return(0); } if (!(fout=fopen(fname,"w"))) { log_OS_error("Failed to save raidlist");return(1); } fprintf (fout, "# Generated by Mondo Rescue\n"); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ for (i = 0; i < raidlist->disks.entries; ++i) { fprintf (fout, "drive %s device %s\n", raidlist->disks.el[i].name, raidlist->disks.el[i].device); } for (i = 0; i < (raidlist->spares.entries); ++i) { fprintf (fout, "drive %s device %s hotspare\n", raidlist->spares.el[i].name, raidlist->spares.el[i].device); } #endif for(current_raid_device = 0; current_raid_device < raidlist->entries; current_raid_device++ ) { save_raidrec_to_file(&raidlist->el[current_raid_device],fout); } paranoid_fclose(fout); return(0); } /** * Save an individual RAID device record to a stream. * @param raidrec The RAID device record to save. * @param fout The stream to save it to. */ void save_raidrec_to_file( struct #ifdef __FreeBSD__ vinum_volume #else raid_device_record #endif *raidrec, FILE *fout ) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ int i, j; fprintf (fout, "\nvolume %s\n", raidrec->volname); for (i = 0; i < raidrec->plexes; ++i) { char org[24]; switch (raidrec->plex[i].raidlevel) { case -1: strcpy (org, "concat"); break; case 0: strcpy (org, "striped"); break; case 5: strcpy (org, "raid5"); break; } fprintf (fout, " plex org %s", org); if (raidrec->plex[i].raidlevel != -1) { fprintf (fout, " %ik", raidrec->plex[i].stripesize); } fprintf (fout, "\n"); for (j = 0; j < raidrec->plex[i].subdisks; ++j) { fprintf (fout, " sd drive %s size 0\n", raidrec->plex[i].sd[j].which_device); } } #else assert(raidrec!=NULL); assert(fout!=NULL); fprintf(fout,"raiddev %s\n",raidrec->raid_device); if (raidrec->raid_level == -1 ) { fprintf(fout," raid-level linear\n"); } else { fprintf(fout," raid-level %d\n",raidrec->raid_level); } fprintf(fout," chunk-size %d\n",raidrec->chunk_size); fprintf(fout," nr-raid-disks %d\n",raidrec->data_disks.entries); fprintf(fout," nr-spare-disks %d\n",raidrec->spare_disks.entries); if (raidrec->parity_disks.entries > 0) { fprintf(fout," nr-parity-disks %d\n",raidrec->parity_disks.entries); } fprintf(fout," persistent-superblock %d\n",raidrec->persistent_superblock); save_additional_vars_to_file(&raidrec->additional_vars,fout); fprintf(fout,"\n"); save_disklist_to_file("raid-disk", &raidrec->data_disks, fout); save_disklist_to_file("spare-disk", &raidrec->spare_disks, fout); save_disklist_to_file("parity-disk", &raidrec->parity_disks, fout); save_disklist_to_file("failed-disk", &raidrec->failed_disks, fout); fprintf(fout,"\n"); #endif } /** * Retrieve the next line from a raidtab stream. * @param fin The file to read the input from. * @param label Where to put the line's label. * @param value Where to put the line's value. * @return 0 if the line was read and stored successfully, 1 if we're at end of file. */ int get_next_raidtab_line( FILE *fin, char *label, char *value ) { char *incoming; char *p; malloc_string(incoming); assert(fin!=NULL); assert(label!=NULL); assert(value!=NULL); label[0] = value[0]= '\0'; if ( feof(fin) ) { paranoid_free(incoming); return( 1 ); } for( fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN - 1, fin ); !feof( fin ); fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN - 1, fin ) ) { strip_spaces( incoming ); p = strchr( incoming,' ' ); if ( strlen( incoming ) < 3 || incoming[0] == '#' || !p) { continue; } *(p++) = '\0'; while(*p==' ') { p++; } strcpy( label, incoming ); strcpy( value, p ); paranoid_free(incoming); return( 0 ); } return( 1 ); } /** * Load a raidtab file into a raidlist structure. * @param raidlist The raidlist to fill. * @param fname The file to read from. * @return 0 for success, 1 for failure. */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ int load_raidtab_into_raidlist( struct raidlist_itself *raidlist, char *fname) { FILE*fin; char *tmp; int items; malloc_string(tmp); raidlist->spares.entries = 0; raidlist->disks.entries = 0; if (length_of_file(fname)<5) { log_it("Raidtab is very small or non-existent. Ignoring it."); raidlist->entries=0; paranoid_free(tmp); return(0); } if (!(fin=fopen(fname,"r"))) { log_it("Cannot open raidtab"); paranoid_free(tmp); return(1); } items=0; log_it("Loading raidtab..."); while(!feof(fin)) { int argc; char **argv = get_next_vinum_conf_line (fin, &argc); if (!argv) break; if (!strcmp (argv[0], "drive")) { char *drivename, *devname; if (argc < 4) continue; drivename = argv[1]; devname = get_option_val (argc, argv, "device"); if (!devname) continue; if (get_option_state (argc, argv, "hotspare")) { strcpy (raidlist->spares.el [raidlist->spares.entries].name, drivename); strcpy (raidlist->spares.el [raidlist->spares.entries].device, devname); raidlist->spares.el [raidlist->spares.entries].index = raidlist->disks.entries; raidlist->spares.entries++; } else { strcpy (raidlist->disks.el [raidlist->disks.entries].name, drivename); strcpy (raidlist->disks.el [raidlist->disks.entries].device, devname); raidlist->disks.el [raidlist->disks.entries].index = raidlist->disks.entries; raidlist->disks.entries++; } } else if (!strcmp (argv[0], "volume")) { char *volname; if (argc < 2) continue; volname = argv[1]; strcpy (raidlist->el [raidlist->entries].volname, volname); raidlist->el [raidlist->entries].plexes = 0; raidlist->entries++; } else if (!strcmp (argv[0], "plex")) { int raidlevel, stripesize; char *org = 0; char ** tmp = 0; if (argc < 3) continue; org = get_option_val (argc, argv, "org"); if (!org) continue; if (strcmp (org, "concat")) { tmp = get_option_vals (argc, argv, "org", 2); if (tmp && tmp[1]) { stripesize = (int) (size_spec (tmp[1]) / 1024); } else stripesize = 279; } else stripesize = 0; if (!strcmp (org, "concat")) { raidlevel = -1; } else if (!strcmp (org, "striped")) { raidlevel = 0; } else if (!strcmp (org, "raid5")) { raidlevel = 5; } else continue; raidlist->el[raidlist->entries - 1].plex [raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plexes].raidlevel = raidlevel; raidlist->el[raidlist->entries - 1].plex [raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plexes].stripesize = stripesize; raidlist->el[raidlist->entries - 1].plex [raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plexes].subdisks = 0; raidlist->el[raidlist->entries - 1].plexes++; } else if ((!strcmp (argv[0], "sd")) || (!strcmp (argv[0], "subdisk"))) { char *drive = 0; if (argc < 3) continue; drive = get_option_val (argc, argv, "drive"); if (!drive) continue; strcpy (raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plex [raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plexes - 1].sd [raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plex [raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plexes - 1].subdisks].which_device, drive); raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plex [raidlist->el [raidlist->entries - 1].plexes - 1].subdisks++; } } fclose(fin); log_it("Raidtab loaded successfully."); sprintf(tmp,"%d RAID devices in raidtab", raidlist->entries); log_it(tmp); paranoid_free(tmp); return(0); } #else int load_raidtab_into_raidlist( struct raidlist_itself *raidlist, char *fname) { FILE *fin; char *tmp; char *label; char *value; int items; int v; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(label); malloc_string(value); assert(raidlist!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(fname); if ( length_of_file( fname ) < 5 ) { log_it( "Raidtab is very small or non-existent. Ignoring it." ); raidlist->entries = 0; paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(label); paranoid_free(value); return( 0 ); } if ( !( fin = fopen( fname, "r" ) ) ) { log_it( "Cannot open raidtab" ); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(label); paranoid_free(value); return( 1 ); } items = 0; log_it( "Loading raidtab..." ); get_next_raidtab_line( fin, label, value ); while( !feof( fin ) ) { log_msg(1, "Looking for raid record #%d", items); initialize_raidrec( &raidlist->el[items] ); v = 0; /* find the 'raiddev' entry, indicating the start of the block of info */ while( !feof( fin ) && strcmp( label, "raiddev") ) { strcpy( raidlist->el[items].additional_vars.el[v].label, label ); strcpy( raidlist->el[items].additional_vars.el[v].value, value ); v++; get_next_raidtab_line( fin, label, value ); log_it( tmp ); } raidlist->el[items].additional_vars.entries = v; if ( feof( fin ) ) { log_msg(1, "No more records."); continue; } log_msg(2, "Record #%d (%s) found", items, value); strcpy( raidlist->el[items].raid_device, value ); for( get_next_raidtab_line( fin, label, value); !feof( fin ) && strcmp( label, "raiddev" ); get_next_raidtab_line( fin, label, value ) ) { process_raidtab_line( fin, &raidlist->el[items], label, value ); } items++; } paranoid_fclose( fin ); raidlist->entries = items; log_msg(1, "Raidtab loaded successfully." ); log_msg(1, "%d RAID devices in raidtab", items ); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(label); paranoid_free(value); return( 0 ); } #endif #ifndef __FreeBSD__ /** * Process a single line from the raidtab and store the results into @p raidrec. * @param fin The stream to read the line from. * @param raidrec The RAID device record to update. * @param label Where to put the label processed. * @param value Where to put the value processed. */ void process_raidtab_line( FILE *fin, struct raid_device_record *raidrec, char *label, char *value) { /*@ add mallocs **/ char *tmp; char *labelB; char *valueB; struct list_of_disks *disklist; int index; int v; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(labelB); malloc_string(valueB); assert(fin!=NULL); assert(raidrec!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(label); assert(value!=NULL); if (!strcmp( label, "raid-level" ) ) { if (!strcmp( value, "linear" ) ) { raidrec->raid_level = -1; } else { raidrec->raid_level = atoi(value); } } else if (!strcmp(label,"nr-raid-disks") ) { /* ignore it */ } else if (!strcmp(label,"nr-spare-disks")) { /* ignore it */ } else if (!strcmp(label,"nr-parity-disks")) { /* ignore it */ } else if (!strcmp(label,"nr-failed-disks")) { /* ignore it */ } else if (!strcmp(label,"persistent-superblock")) { raidrec->persistent_superblock = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(label,"chunk-size")) { raidrec->chunk_size = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(label,"device")) { get_next_raidtab_line(fin,labelB,valueB); if (!strcmp(labelB,"raid-disk")) { disklist=&raidrec->data_disks; } else if (!strcmp(labelB,"spare-disk")) { disklist=&raidrec->spare_disks; } else if (!strcmp(labelB,"parity-disk")) { disklist=&raidrec->parity_disks; } else if (!strcmp(labelB,"failed-disk")) { disklist=&raidrec->failed_disks; } else { disklist=NULL; } if (!disklist) { sprintf( tmp, "Ignoring '%s %s' pair of disk %s",labelB,valueB,label); log_it(tmp); } else { index = atoi(valueB); add_disk_to_raid_device(disklist,value,index); } } else { v = raidrec->additional_vars.entries; strcpy(raidrec->additional_vars.el[v].label, label); strcpy(raidrec->additional_vars.el[v].value, value); raidrec->additional_vars.entries = ++v; } paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(labelB); paranoid_free(valueB); } #endif /** * Save a disklist to a stream in raidtab format. * @param listname One of "raid-disk", "spare-disk", "parity-disk", or "failed-disk". * @param disklist The disklist to save to @p fout. * @param fout The stream to write to. */ void save_disklist_to_file(char *listname, struct list_of_disks *disklist, FILE *fout) { int i; assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(listname); assert(disklist!=NULL); assert(fout!=NULL); for(i = 0; i < disklist->entries; i++) { fprintf(fout," device %s\n",disklist->el[i].device); fprintf(fout," %-21s %d\n",listname,disklist->el[i].index); } } #ifdef __FreeBSD__ /** * Add a new plex to a volume. The index of the plex will be v-\>plexes - 1. * @param v The volume to operate on. * @param raidlevel The RAID level of the new plex. * @param stripesize The stripe size (chunk size) of the new plex. */ void add_plex_to_volume(struct vinum_volume *v, int raidlevel, int stripesize) { v->plex[v->plexes].raidlevel = raidlevel; v->plex[v->plexes].stripesize = stripesize; v->plex[v->plexes].subdisks = 0; ++v->plexes; } /** * For internal use only. */ char ** get_next_vinum_conf_line (FILE *f, int *argc) { int cnt = 0; static char *argv[64]; char **ap; char *line = (char *) malloc (MAX_STR_LEN); if (!line) errx (1, "unable to allocate %i bytes of memory for `char *line' at %s:%i", MAX_STR_LEN, __FILE__, __LINE__); (void) fgets (line, MAX_STR_LEN, f); if (feof (f)) { log_it ("[GNVCL] Uh... I reached the EOF."); return 0; } for (ap = argv; (*ap = strsep (&line, " \t")) != NULL;) if (**ap != '\0') { if (++ap >= &argv[64]) break; cnt++; } if (strchr (argv[cnt-1], '\n')) { *(strchr (argv[cnt-1], '\n')) = '\0'; } if (argc) *argc = cnt; return argv; } /** * For internal use only. */ char * get_option_val (int argc, char ** argv, char * option) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (argc - 1); ++i) { if (!strcmp (argv[i], option)) { return argv[i + 1]; } } return 0; } /** * For internal use only. */ char ** get_option_vals (int argc, char ** argv, char * option, int nval) { int i, j; static char **ret; ret = (char **) malloc (nval * sizeof (char *)); for (i = 0; i < (argc - nval); ++i) { if (!strcmp (argv[i], option)) { for (j = 0; j < nval; ++j) { ret[j] = (char *) malloc (strlen (argv[i + j + 1]) + 1); strcpy (ret[j], argv[i + j + 1]); } return ret; } } return 0; } /** * For internal use only. */ bool get_option_state (int argc, char ** argv, char * option) { int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) if (!strcmp (argv[i], option)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * Taken from Vinum source -- for internal use only. */ long long size_spec(char *spec) { u_int64_t size; char *s; int sign = 1; /* -1 if negative */ size = 0; if (spec != NULL) { /* we have a parameter */ s = spec; if (*s == '-') { /* negative, */ sign = -1; s++; /* skip */ } if ((*s >= '0') && (*s <= '9')) { /* it's numeric */ while ((*s >= '0') && (*s <= '9')) /* it's numeric */ size = size * 10 + *s++ - '0'; /* convert it */ switch (*s) { case '\0': return size * sign; case 'B': case 'b': case 'S': case 's': return size * sign * 512; case 'K': case 'k': return size * sign * 1024; case 'M': case 'm': return size * sign * 1024 * 1024; case 'G': case 'g': return size * sign * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; case 'T': case 't': log_it ("Ok, I'm scared... Someone did a TERABYTE+ size-spec"); return size * sign * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; case 'P': case 'p': log_it ("If I was scared last time, I'm freaked out now. Someone actually has a PETABYTE?!?!?!?!"); return size * sign * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; case 'E': case 'e': log_it ("Okay, I'm REALLY freaked out. Who could devote a whole EXABYTE to their data?!?!"); return size * sign * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; case 'Z': case 'z': log_it ("WHAT!?!? A ZETABYTE!?!? You've GOT to be kidding me!!!"); return size * sign * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; case 'Y': case 'y': log_it ("Oh my gosh. You actually think a YOTTABYTE will get you anywhere? What're you going to do with 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes?!?!"); popup_and_OK ("That sizespec is more than 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes. You have a shocking amount of data. Please send a screenshot to the list :-)"); return size * sign * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } } } return size * sign; } #endif int read_mdstat(struct s_mdstat *mdstat, char*mdstat_file) { FILE*fin; char*tmp; char*stub; char*incoming; char*raid_devname; char*p, *q, *r; int diskno; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(stub); malloc_string(incoming); malloc_string(raid_devname); if (!(fin = fopen(mdstat_file, "r"))) { log_msg(1, "%s not found", mdstat_file); return(1); } mdstat->entries = 0; for (fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN - 1, fin); !feof(fin); fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN - 1, fin)) { p = incoming; if (*p != 'm' && *(p+1) == 'm') { p++; } if (strncmp(p, "md", 2)) { continue; } // read first line --- mdN : active raidX ............ mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].md = atoi(p+2); log_msg(8, "Storing /dev/md%d's info", atoi(p+2)); while(*p != ':' && *p) { p++; } while((*p!='r' || *(p+1)!='a') && *p) { p++; } if (!strncmp(p, "raid", 4)) { mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].raidlevel = *(p+4) - '0'; } p += 4; while(*p!=' '&& *p) { p++; } while(*p==' '&& *p) { p++; } for(diskno=0; *p; diskno++) { strcpy(stub, p); // log_msg(1, "diskno=%d; tmp=%s", diskno, tmp); q = strchr(stub, '['); if (q) { *q = '\0'; q++; r = strchr(q, ']'); if (r) { *r='\0'; } mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].disks.el[diskno].index = atoi(q); } else { mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].disks.el[diskno].index = -1; q = strchr(stub, ' '); if (q) { *q = '\0'; } } sprintf(tmp, "/dev/%s", stub); log_msg(8, "/dev/md%d : disk#%d : %s (%d)", mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].md, diskno, tmp, mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].disks.el[diskno].index); strcpy(mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].disks.el[diskno].device, tmp); while(*p!=' '&& *p) { p++; } while(*p==' '&& *p) { p++; } } mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].disks.entries = diskno; // next line --- skip it if (!feof(fin)) { fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN - 1, fin); } else {continue; } // next line --- the 'progress' line if (!feof(fin)) { fgets(incoming, MAX_STR_LEN - 1, fin); } else {continue; } // log_msg(1, "Percentage line = '%s'", incoming); if (!(p=strchr(incoming, '\%'))) { mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].progress = 999; // not found } else if (strstr(incoming, "DELAYED")) { mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].progress = -1; // delayed (therefore, stuck at 0%) } else { for(*p='\0'; *p!=' '; p--); mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].progress = atoi(p); } log_msg(8, "progress =%d", mdstat->el[mdstat->entries].progress); mdstat->entries ++; } fclose(fin); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(stub); paranoid_free(incoming); paranoid_free(raid_devname); return(0); } int create_raidtab_from_mdstat(char*raidtab_fname, char *mdstat_fname) { struct raidlist_itself *raidlist; struct s_mdstat *mdstat; int retval=0; int i; raidlist = malloc(sizeof(struct raidlist_itself)); mdstat = malloc(sizeof(struct s_mdstat)); if (read_mdstat(mdstat, mdstat_fname)) { log_to_screen("Sorry, cannot read %s", mdstat_fname); return(1); } for(i=0; ientries; i++) { sprintf(raidlist->el[i].raid_device, "/dev/md%d", mdstat->el[i].md); raidlist->el[i].raid_level = mdstat->el[i].raidlevel; raidlist->el[i].persistent_superblock = 1; raidlist->el[i].chunk_size = 4; memcpy((void*)&raidlist->el[i].data_disks, (void*)&mdstat->el[i].disks, sizeof(struct list_of_disks)); // FIXME --- the above line does not allow for spare disks log_to_screen("FIXME - create_raidtab_from_mdstat does not allow for spare disks"); } raidlist->entries = i; retval += save_raidlist_to_raidtab(raidlist, raidtab_fname); return(retval); } /* @} - end of raidGroup */