/* libmondo-archive.c $Id: libmondo-archive.c 30 2005-09-28 23:32:28Z bcornec $ subroutines to handle the archiving of files 07/14 - moved all ACL, xattr stuff here from libmondo-filelist.c 07/12 - when trying to find boot loader, look for /boot's /dev, not just /'s dev 07/10 - better detection of changed files - added ACL, xattr support for afio 06/17 - backup with partimagehack if NTFS device; dd, if non-NTFS device 06/14 - use mondorescue.iso instead of mindi.iso 04/28 - cleaned up if/then architecture-specific stuff re: CD-R(W)s 04/03 - added star support 03/12 - modified offer_to_write_floppies() to support dual-disk boot/root thing 01/20/2004 - reformat dvd twice if necessary 12/01/2003 - added pause_for_N_seconds(5, "Letting DVD drive settle"); 11/23 - added #define DVDRWFORMAT 11/20 - use --no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin instead of -b mindi-boot.2880.img 10/23 - wipe DVD at start, whether or not disk is DVD-RW; this is just a test, to see why dvd+rw-format followed by growiosfs locks up the drive - use the singlethreaded make_afioballs_and_images_OLD() instead of the multithreaded make_afioballs_and_images() if backing up to tape 10/21 - if backing up to dvd, look for relevant tools; abort if missing 10/15 - UI tweaks 10/10 - eject/inject DVD after wiping it 09/27 - pause_and_ask_for_cdr() will now blank DVD if necessary 09/26 - proper reporting of media type in displayed strings (i.e. DVD if DVD, CD if CD, etc.) 09/25 - add DVD support 09/23 - malloc/free global strings in new subroutines - malloc_libmondo_global_strings() and free_libmondo_global_strings() - which are in libmondo-tools.c 09/15 - changed a bunch of char[MAX_STR_LEN]'s to char*; malloc; free; 09/14 - cosmetic bug re: call to 'which dvdrecord' 09/09 - copy `locate isolinux.bin | tail -n1` to CD before calling mkisfso if file is missing (in which case, bug in Mindi.pl!) - reduced noof_threads from 3 to 2 - fixed cosmetic bug in make_slices_and_images() 09/02 - fixed cosmetic bug in verify_data() 05/01 - 08/31 - added partimagehack hooks - make twice as many archives at once as before - fixed syntax error re: system(xxx,FALSE) - unmount CD-ROM before burning (necessary for RH8/9) - only ask for new media if sensible - fixed mondoarchive -Vi multi-CD verify bug (Tom Mortell) - use single-threaded make_afioballs_and_images() if FreeBSD - fixed bug on line 476 (Joshua Oreman) - re-enabled the pause, for people w/ weird CD-ROM drives - added Joshua Oreman's FreeBSD patches - don't listen to please_dont_eject_when_restoring ...after all, we're not restoring :) 04/01 - 04/30 - cleaned up archive_this_fileset() - decreased ARCH_THREADS from 3 to 2 - pause_and_ask_for_cd() --- calls retract_CD_tray_and_defeat_autorun() - call assert() and log_OS_error() in various places - cleaned up code a bit - increased ARCH_THREADS from 2 to 3 - misc clean-up (Tom Mortell) 03/15/2003 - fixed problem w/ multi-ISO verify cycle (Tom Mortell) 11/01 - 12/31/2002 - removed references to make_afioballs_and_images_OLD() - added some error-checking to make_afioballs_in_background - make_iso_and_go_on() now copies Mondo's autorun file to CD - set scratchdir dir to 1744 when burning CD - cleaned up code a bit - in call_mindi_...(), gracefully handle the user's input if they specify the boot loader but not the boot device - offer to abort if GRUB is boot loader and /dev/md* is the boot device (bug in grub-install) - if boot loader is R then write RAW as bootloader.name - multithreaded make_afioballs_and_images() - fixed slice_up_file_etc() for 0-compression users - line 1198: added call to is_this_file_compressed() to stop slice_up_file_etc() from compressing files which are already compressed - other hackery related to the above enhancement - afio no longer forcibly compresses all files (i.e. I dropped the -U following suggestions from users); let's see if it works :) 10/01 - 10/31 - mondoarchive (with no parameters) wasn't working if user said yes when asked if BurnProof drive; FIXED - if manual CD tray and writing to ISO's then prompt for each & every new CD - moved a lot of subroutines here from mondo-archive.c and mondo-floppies.c 09/01 - 09/30 - if CD not burned OK then don't try to verify - change 64k to TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE - run_program_and_log_output() now takes boolean operator to specify whether it will log its activities in the event of _success_ - orig_vfy_flag_val added to write_iso_and_go_on, to restore bkpinfo->verify_data's value if altered by verify_cd_image() 08/01 - 08/31 - use data structure to store the fname, checksum, mods & perms of each bigfile ... biggiestruct :) - bigger tmp[]'s in a few places - cleaned up the (user-friendly) counting of biggiefiles a bit - if media_size[N]<=0 then catch it & abort, unless it's tape, in which case, allow it - cleaned up a lot of log_it() calls - fixed NULL filename-related bug in can_we_fit_these_files_on_media() - deleted can_we_fit.....() subroutine because it was causing problems --- moved its code into the one subroutine which called it - created [08/01/2002] */ /** * @file * Functions to handle backing up data. * This is the main file (at least the longest one) in libmondo. */ #include "../common/my-stuff.h" #include "../common/mondostructures.h" #include "libmondo-string-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-stream-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-devices-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-tools-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-gui-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-fork-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-files-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-filelist-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-tools-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-verify-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-archive.h" #include "lib-common-externs.h" #include #include #include #include #define DVDRWFORMAT 1 /** @def DEFAULT_1722MB_DISK The default 1.722M floppy disk to write images to. */ /** @def BACKUP_1722MB_DISK The 1.722M floppy disk to try if the default fails. */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #define DEFAULT_1722MB_DISK "/dev/fd0.1722" #define BACKUP_1722MB_DISK "/dev/fd0.1722" #else #define DEFAULT_1722MB_DISK "/dev/fd0u1722" #define BACKUP_1722MB_DISK "/dev/fd0H1722" #ifndef _SEMUN_H #define _SEMUN_H /** * The semaphore union, provided only in case the user's system doesn't. */ union semun { int val; struct semid_ds *buf; unsigned short int *array; struct seminfo *__buf; }; #endif #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */ /*@unused@*/ //static char cvsid[] = "$Id: libmondo-archive.c 30 2005-09-28 23:32:28Z bcornec $"; /* *************************** external global vars ******************/ extern int g_current_media_number; extern int g_currentY; extern bool g_text_mode; extern bool g_exiting; extern long g_current_progress; extern FILE*g_tape_stream; extern long long g_tape_posK; extern char *g_mondo_home; extern char *g_tmpfs_mountpt; extern bool g_cd_recovery; extern char *g_serial_string; /** * @addtogroup globalGroup * @{ */ /** * The current backup media type in use. */ t_bkptype g_backup_media_type=none; /** * Incremented by each archival thread when it starts up. After that, * this is the number of threads running. */ int g_current_thread_no = 0; /* @} - end of globalGroup */ extern int g_noof_rows; /* Semaphore-related code */ static int set_semvalue(void); static void del_semvalue(void); static int semaphore_p(void); static int semaphore_v(void); static int g_sem_id; static int g_sem_key; /** * Initialize the semaphore. * @see del_semvalue * @see semaphore_p * @see semaphore_v * @return 1 for success, 0 for failure. */ static int set_semvalue(void) // initializes semaphore { union semun sem_union; sem_union.val = 1; if (semctl(g_sem_id, 0, SETVAL, sem_union) == -1) { return(0); } return(1); } /** * Frees (deletes) the semaphore. Failure is indicated by a log * message. * @see set_semvalue */ static void del_semvalue(void) // deletes semaphore { union semun sem_union; if (semctl(g_sem_id, 0, IPC_RMID, sem_union) == -1) { log_msg (3, "Failed to delete semaphore"); } } /** * Acquire (increment) the semaphore (change status to P). * @return 1 for success, 0 for failure. * @see semaphore_v */ static int semaphore_p(void) // changes status to 'P' (waiting) { struct sembuf sem_b; sem_b.sem_num = 0; sem_b.sem_op = -1; // P() sem_b.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; if (semop(g_sem_id, &sem_b, 1) == -1) { log_msg(3, "semaphore_p failed"); return(0); } return(1); } /** * Free (decrement) the semaphore (change status to V). * @return 1 for success, 0 for failure. */ static int semaphore_v(void) // changes status to 'V' (free) { struct sembuf sem_b; sem_b.sem_num = 0; sem_b.sem_op = 1; // V() sem_b.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; if (semop(g_sem_id, &sem_b, 1) == -1) { log_msg(3, "semaphore_v failed"); return(0); } return(1); } //------------------------------------------------------ /** * Size in megabytes of the buffer afforded to the executable "buffer". * This figure is used when we calculate how much data we have probably 'lost' * when writing off the end of tape N, so that we can then figure out how much * data we must recreate & write to the start of tape N+1. */ extern int g_tape_buffer_size_MB; int archive_this_fileset_with_star (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *filelist, char *fname, int setno) { int retval = 0; unsigned int res = 0; int tries = 0; char *command; char *zipparams; char *tmp; char *p; malloc_string(command); malloc_string(zipparams); malloc_string(tmp); if (!does_file_exist (filelist)) { sprintf (tmp, "(archive_this_fileset) - filelist %s does not exist", filelist); log_to_screen (tmp); return (1); } sprintf(tmp, "echo hi > %s 2> /dev/null", fname); if (system(tmp)) { fatal_error("Unable to write tarball to scratchdir"); } sprintf(command, "star H=star list=%s -c " STAR_ACL_SZ " file=%s", filelist, fname); if (bkpinfo->use_lzo) { fatal_error("Can't use lzop"); } if (bkpinfo->compression_level > 0) { strcat(command, " -bz"); } sprintf(command+strlen(command), " 2>> %s", MONDO_LOGFILE); log_msg(4, "command = '%s'", command); for(res=99,tries=0; tries<3 && res!=0; tries++) { log_msg(5, "command='%s'", command); res = system (command); strcpy(tmp, last_line_of_file(MONDO_LOGFILE)); log_msg(1, "res=%d; tmp='%s'", res, tmp); if (bkpinfo->use_star && (res==254 || res==65024) && strstr(tmp, "star: Processed all possible files") && tries>0) { log_msg(1, "Star returned nonfatal error"); res=0; } if (res) { log_OS_error (command); p = strstr(command, "-acl "); if (p) { p[0]=p[1]=p[2]=p[3]=' '; log_msg(1,"new command = '%s'", command); } else { log_msg (3, "Attempt #%d failed. Pausing 3 seconds and retrying...", tries+1); sleep(3); } } } retval += res; if (retval) { log_msg (3, "Failed to write set %d", setno); } else if (tries>1) { log_msg( 3,"Succeeded in writing set %d, on try #%d", setno, tries); } paranoid_free(command); paranoid_free(zipparams); paranoid_free(tmp); return (retval); } /** * Call @c afio to archive the filelist @c filelist to the file @c fname. * * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c compression_level * - @c scratchdir (only verifies existence) * - @c tmpdir (only verifies existence) * - @c zip_exe * - @c zip_suffix * @param filelist The path to a file containing a list of files to be archived * in this fileset. * @param fname The output file to archive to. * @param setno This fileset number. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success). * @ingroup LLarchiveGroup */ int archive_this_fileset (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *filelist, char *fname, int setno) { /*@ int ****************************************************************/ int retval = 0; int res = 0; int i = 0; int tries = 0; static int free_ramdisk_space = 9999; /*@ buffers *************************************************************/ char *command; char *zipparams; char *tmp; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(filelist); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(fname); if (bkpinfo->compression_level > 0 && bkpinfo->use_star) { return(archive_this_fileset_with_star(bkpinfo, filelist, fname, setno)); } malloc_string(command); malloc_string(zipparams); malloc_string(tmp); if (!does_file_exist (filelist)) { sprintf (tmp, "(archive_this_fileset) - filelist %s does not exist", filelist); log_to_screen (tmp); return (1); } sprintf(tmp, "echo hi > %s 2> /dev/null", fname); if (system(tmp)) { fatal_error("Unable to write tarball to scratchdir"); } if (bkpinfo->compression_level > 0) { sprintf (tmp, "%s/do-not-compress-these", g_mondo_home); // -b %ld, TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE sprintf (zipparams, "-Z -P %s -G %d -T 3k", bkpinfo->zip_exe, bkpinfo->compression_level); if (does_file_exist(tmp)) { strcat (zipparams, " -E "); strcat (zipparams, tmp); } else { log_msg(3, "%s not found. Cannot exclude zipfiles, etc.", tmp); } } else { zipparams[0] = '\0'; } // make_hole_for_file(fname); if (!does_file_exist(bkpinfo->tmpdir)) { log_OS_error("tmpdir not found"); fatal_error("tmpdir not found"); } if (!does_file_exist(bkpinfo->scratchdir)) { log_OS_error("scratchdir not found"); fatal_error("scratchdir not found"); } sprintf (command, "rm -f %s %s. %s.gz %s.%s", fname, fname, fname, fname, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); paranoid_system (command); sprintf (command, "cat %s | afio -o -b %ld -M 16m %s %s 2>> %s", filelist, TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE, zipparams, fname, MONDO_LOGFILE); sprintf(tmp, "echo hi > %s 2> /dev/null", fname); if (system(tmp)) { fatal_error("Unable to write tarball to scratchdir"); } for(res=99,tries=0; tries<3 && res!=0; tries++) { log_msg(5, "command='%s'", command); res = system (command); if (res) { log_OS_error (command); log_msg (3, "Attempt #%d failed. Pausing 3 seconds and retrying...", tries+1); sleep(3); } } retval += res; if (retval) { log_msg (3, "Failed to write set %d", setno); } else if (tries>1) { log_msg( 3,"Succeeded in writing set %d, on try #%d", setno, tries); } if (g_tmpfs_mountpt[0] != '\0') { i = atoi( call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("df -m | grep dev/shm | grep -v none | tr -s ' ' '\t' | cut -f4")); if (i>0) { if (free_ramdisk_space > i) { free_ramdisk_space = i; log_msg (2, "min(free_ramdisk_space) is now %d", free_ramdisk_space); if (free_ramdisk_space < 10) { fatal_error ("Please increase PPCFG_RAMDISK_SIZE in my-stuff.h to increase size of ramdisk "); } } } } paranoid_free(command); paranoid_free(zipparams); paranoid_free(tmp); return (retval); } /** * Wrapper function for all the backup commands. * Calls these other functions: @c prepare_filelist(), * @c call_filelist_chopper(), @c copy_mondo_and_mindi_stuff_to_scratchdir(), * @c call_mindi_to_supply_boot_disks(), @c do_that_initial_phase(), * @c make_those_afios_phase(), @c make_those_slices_phase(), and * @c do_that_final_phase(). If anything fails before @c do_that_initial_phase(), * @c fatal_error is called with a suitable message. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Uses most fields. * @return The number of non-fatal errors encountered (0 for success). * @ingroup archiveGroup */ int backup_data(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { int retval=0, res=0; char *tmp; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); set_g_cdrom_and_g_dvd_to_bkpinfo_value(bkpinfo); malloc_string(tmp); if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type == dvd) { #ifdef DVDRWFORMAT if (!find_home_of_exe("dvd+rw-format")) { fatal_error("Cannot find dvd+rw-format. Please install it or fix your PATH."); } #endif if (!find_home_of_exe("growisofs")) { fatal_error("Cannot find growisofs. Please install it or fix your PATH."); } } if ((res=prepare_filelist (bkpinfo))) /* generate scratchdir/filelist.full */ { fatal_error ("Failed to generate filelist catalog"); } if (call_filelist_chopper (bkpinfo)) { fatal_error("Failed to run filelist chopper"); } /* sprintf(tmp, "wc -l %s/archives/filelist.full > %s/archives/filelist.count",bkpinfo->scratchdir, bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (run_program_and_log_output(tmp, 2)) { fatal_error("Failed to count filelist.full"); } */ sprintf(tmp, "gzip -9 %s/archives/filelist.full", bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (run_program_and_log_output(tmp, 2)) { fatal_error("Failed to gzip filelist.full"); } sprintf(tmp, "cp -f %s/archives/*list*.gz %s", bkpinfo->scratchdir, bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (run_program_and_log_output(tmp, 2)) { fatal_error("Failed to copy to tmpdir"); } copy_mondo_and_mindi_stuff_to_scratchdir (bkpinfo); // payload, too, if it exists #if __FreeBSD__ == 5 strcpy (bkpinfo->kernel_path, "/boot/kernel/kernel"); #elif __FreeBSD__ == 4 strcpy (bkpinfo->kernel_path, "/kernel"); #elif linux if (figure_out_kernel_path_interactively_if_necessary(bkpinfo->kernel_path)) { fatal_error ("Kernel not found. Please specify manually with the '-k' switch."); } #else #error "I don't know about this system!" #endif if ((res = call_mindi_to_supply_boot_disks (bkpinfo))) { fatal_error ("Failed to generate boot+data disks"); } retval += do_that_initial_phase (bkpinfo); // prepare sprintf(tmp, "rm -f %s/images/*.iso", bkpinfo->scratchdir); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, 1); retval += make_those_afios_phase (bkpinfo); // backup regular files retval += make_those_slices_phase (bkpinfo); // backup BIG files retval += do_that_final_phase (bkpinfo); // clean up log_msg (1, "Creation of archives... complete."); if (bkpinfo->verify_data) { sleep(2); } paranoid_free(tmp); return(retval); } /** * Call Mindi to generate boot and data disks. * @note This binds correctly to the new Perl version of mindi. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_media_type * - @c boot_loader * - @c boot_device * - @c compression_level * - @c differential * - @c exclude_paths * - @c image_devs * - @c kernel_path * - @c make_cd_use_lilo * - @c media_device * - @c media_size * - @c nonbootable_backup * - @c scratchdir * - @c tmpdir * - @c use_lzo * * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @bug The code to automagically determine the boot drive * is messy and system-dependent. In particular, it breaks * for Linux RAID and LVM users. * @ingroup MLarchiveGroup */ int call_mindi_to_supply_boot_disks (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ buffer *************************************************************/ char *tmp; char *scratchdir; char *command; char *use_lzo_sz; char *use_comp_sz; char *use_star_sz; char *bootldr_str; char *tape_device; char *last_filelist_number; char *broken_bios_sz; char *cd_recovery_sz; char *tape_size_sz; char *devs_to_exclude; char *use_lilo_sz; char *value; char *bootdev; /*@ char ***************************************************************/ char ch = '\0'; /*@ long ***********************************************************/ long lines_in_filelist = 0; /*@ int **************************************************************/ int res = 0; long estimated_total_noof_slices = 0; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); command = malloc(1200); malloc_string ( tmp ); malloc_string ( scratchdir ); malloc_string ( use_lzo_sz ); malloc_string ( use_star_sz ); malloc_string ( use_comp_sz ); malloc_string ( bootldr_str ); malloc_string ( tape_device ); malloc_string ( last_filelist_number ); malloc_string ( broken_bios_sz ); malloc_string ( cd_recovery_sz ); malloc_string ( tape_size_sz ); malloc_string ( devs_to_exclude ); malloc_string ( use_lilo_sz ); /* BCO: shared between LILO/ELILO */ malloc_string ( value ); malloc_string ( bootdev ); strcpy( scratchdir, bkpinfo->scratchdir); sprintf (tmp, "echo \"%s\" | tr -s ' ' '\n' | grep -x \"/dev/.*\" | tr -s '\n' ' ' | awk '{print $0\"\\n\";}'", bkpinfo->exclude_paths); strcpy (devs_to_exclude, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output (tmp)); sprintf (tmp, "devs_to_exclude = '%s'", devs_to_exclude); log_msg (2, tmp); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY, 0, "Calling MINDI to create boot+data disks"); sprintf (tmp, "%s/filelist.full", bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (!does_file_exist(tmp)) { sprintf(tmp, "%s/tmpfs/filelist.full", bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (!does_file_exist(tmp)) { fatal_error("Cannot find filelist.full, so I cannot count its lines"); } } lines_in_filelist = count_lines_in_file (tmp); sprintf (tmp, "%s/LAST-FILELIST-NUMBER", bkpinfo->tmpdir); strcpy (last_filelist_number, last_line_of_file (tmp)); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { sprintf (tape_size_sz, "%ld", bkpinfo->media_size[1]); strcpy (tape_device, bkpinfo->media_device); } else { tape_size_sz[0] = '\0'; tape_device[0] = '\0'; } if (bkpinfo->use_lzo) { strcpy (use_lzo_sz, "yes"); } else { strcpy (use_lzo_sz, "no"); } if (bkpinfo->use_star) { strcpy( use_star_sz, "yes"); } else { strcpy( use_star_sz, "no"); } if (bkpinfo->compression_level>0) { strcpy (use_comp_sz, "yes"); } else { strcpy (use_comp_sz, "no"); } strcpy (broken_bios_sz, "yes"); /* assume so */ if (g_cd_recovery) { strcpy (cd_recovery_sz, "yes"); } else { strcpy (cd_recovery_sz, "no"); } if (bkpinfo->make_cd_use_lilo) { strcpy (use_lilo_sz, "yes"); } else { strcpy (use_lilo_sz, "no"); } if (!bkpinfo->nonbootable_backup && (bkpinfo->boot_loader == '\0' || bkpinfo->boot_device[0] == '\0')) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ strcpy (bootdev, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("mount | grep ' /boot ' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/\\([0-9]\\).*/\\1/'")); if (!bootdev[0]) { strcpy (bootdev, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("mount | grep ' / ' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/\\([0-9]\\).*/\\1/'")); } #else strcpy (bootdev, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("mount | grep ' /boot ' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/[0-9].*//'")); if (strstr(bootdev, "/dev/cciss/")) { strcpy (bootdev, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("mount | grep ' /boot ' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -dp -f1")); } if (!bootdev[0]) { strcpy (bootdev, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("mount | grep ' / ' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/[0-9].*//'")); if (strstr(bootdev, "/dev/cciss/")) { strcpy (bootdev, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("mount | grep ' / ' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -dp -f1")); } } #endif if (bootdev[0]) ch = which_boot_loader (bootdev); else ch = 'U'; if (bkpinfo->boot_loader != '\0') { sprintf (tmp, "User specified boot loader. It is '%c'.", bkpinfo->boot_loader); log_msg (2, tmp); } else { bkpinfo->boot_loader = ch; } if (bkpinfo->boot_device[0] != '\0') { sprintf (tmp, "User specified boot device. It is '%s'.", bkpinfo->boot_device); log_msg (2, tmp); } else { strcpy (bkpinfo->boot_device, bootdev); } } if ( #ifdef __FreeBSD__ bkpinfo->boot_loader != 'B' && bkpinfo->boot_loader != 'D' && #endif #ifdef __IA64__ bkpinfo->boot_loader != 'E' && #endif bkpinfo->boot_loader != 'L' && bkpinfo->boot_loader != 'G' && bkpinfo->boot_loader != 'R' && !bkpinfo->nonbootable_backup) { fatal_error ("Please specify your boot loader and device, e.g. -l GRUB -f /dev/hda. Type 'man mondoarchive' to read the manual."); } if (bkpinfo->boot_loader == 'L') { strcpy (bootldr_str, "LILO"); if (!does_file_exist("/etc/lilo.conf")) { fatal_error("The de facto standard location for your boot loader's config file is /etc/lilo.conf but I cannot find it there. What is wrong with your Linux distribution?"); } } else if (bkpinfo->boot_loader == 'G') { strcpy (bootldr_str, "GRUB"); if (!does_file_exist("/etc/grub.conf") && does_file_exist("/boot/grub/grub.conf")) { run_program_and_log_output("ln -sf /boot/grub/grub.conf /etc/grub.conf", 5); } /* Detect Debian's grub config file */ else if (!does_file_exist("/etc/grub.conf") && does_file_exist("/boot/grub/menu.lst")) { run_program_and_log_output("ln -s /boot/grub/menu.lst /etc/grub.conf", 5); } if (!does_file_exist("/etc/grub.conf")) { fatal_error("The de facto standard location for your boot loader's config file is /etc/grub.conf but I cannot find it there. What is wrong with your Linux distribution? Try 'ln -s /boot/grub/menu.lst /etc/grub.conf'..."); } } else if (bkpinfo->boot_loader == 'E') { strcpy (bootldr_str, "ELILO"); /* BCO: fix it for SuSE, Debian, Mandrake, ... */ if (!does_file_exist("/etc/elilo.conf") && does_file_exist("/boot/efi/efi/redhat/elilo.conf")) { run_program_and_log_output("ln -sf /boot/efi/efi/redhat/elilo.conf /etc/elilo.conf", 5); } if (!does_file_exist("/etc/elilo.conf")) { fatal_error("The de facto mondo standard location for your boot loader's config file is /etc/elilo.conf but I cannot find it there. What is wrong with your Linux distribution? Try finding it under /boot/efi and do 'ln -s /boot/efi/..../elilo.conf /etc/elilo.conf'"); } } else if (bkpinfo->boot_loader == 'R') { strcpy (bootldr_str, "RAW"); } #ifdef __FreeBSD__ else if (bkpinfo->boot_loader == 'D') { strcpy (bootldr_str, "DD"); } else if (bkpinfo->boot_loader == 'B') { strcpy (bootldr_str, "BOOT0"); } #endif else { strcpy (bootldr_str, "unknown"); } sprintf (tmp, "Your boot loader is %s and it boots from %s", bootldr_str, bkpinfo->boot_device); log_to_screen (tmp); sprintf (tmp, "%s/BOOTLOADER.DEVICE", bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (write_one_liner_data_file (tmp, bkpinfo->boot_device)) { log_msg(1, "%ld: Unable to write one-liner boot device", __LINE__); } switch(bkpinfo->backup_media_type) { case cdr: strcpy(value, "cdr"); break; case cdrw: strcpy(value, "cdrw"); break; case cdstream: strcpy(value, "cdstream"); break; case tape: strcpy(value, "tape"); break; case udev: strcpy(value, "udev"); break; case iso: strcpy(value, "iso"); break; case nfs: strcpy(value, "nfs"); break; case dvd: strcpy(value, "dvd"); break; default: fatal_error("Unknown backup_media_type"); } sprintf (tmp, "%s/BACKUP-MEDIA-TYPE", bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (write_one_liner_data_file (tmp, value)) { res++; log_msg(1, "%ld: Unable to write one-liner backup-media-type", __LINE__); } log_to_screen(bkpinfo->tmpdir); sprintf (tmp, "%s/BOOTLOADER.NAME", bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (write_one_liner_data_file (tmp, bootldr_str)) { res++; log_msg(1, "%ld: Unable to write one-liner bootloader.name", __LINE__); } sprintf (tmp, "%s/DIFFERENTIAL", bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (bkpinfo->differential) { res+=write_one_liner_data_file (tmp, "1"); } else { res+=write_one_liner_data_file (tmp, "0"); } estimated_total_noof_slices = size_of_all_biggiefiles_K (bkpinfo) / bkpinfo->optimal_set_size + 1; /* add nfs stuff here? */ sprintf (command, "mkdir -p %s/images", bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (system (command)) { res++; log_OS_error("Unable to make images directory"); } sprintf (command, "mkdir -p %s%s", bkpinfo->scratchdir, MNT_FLOPPY); if (system (command)) { res++; log_OS_error("Unable to make mnt floppy directory"); } sprintf (tmp, "BTW, I'm telling Mindi your kernel is '%s'", bkpinfo->kernel_path); log_msg(1, "lines_in_filelist = %ld", lines_in_filelist); sprintf (command, /* "mindi --custom 2=%s 3=%s/images 4=\"%s\" 5=\"%s\" \ 6=\"%s\" 7=%ld 8=\"%s\" 9=\"%s\" 10=\"%s\" \ 11=\"%s\" 12=%s 13=%ld 14=\"%s\" 15=\"%s\" 16=\"%s\" 17=\"%s\" 18=%ld 19=%d",*/ "mindi --custom %s %s/images \"%s\" \"%s\" \ \"%s\" %ld \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \ \"%s\" %s %ld \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %ld %d", bkpinfo->tmpdir, // parameter #2 bkpinfo->scratchdir, // parameter #3 bkpinfo->kernel_path, // parameter #4 tape_device, // parameter #5 tape_size_sz, // parameter #6 lines_in_filelist, // parameter #7 (INT) use_lzo_sz, // parameter #8 cd_recovery_sz, // parameter #9 bkpinfo->image_devs, // parameter #10 broken_bios_sz, // parameter #11 last_filelist_number, // parameter #12 (STRING) estimated_total_noof_slices, // parameter #13 (INT) devs_to_exclude, // parameter #14 use_comp_sz, // parameter #15 use_lilo_sz, // parameter #16 use_star_sz, // parameter #17 bkpinfo->internal_tape_block_size, // parameter #18 (LONG) bkpinfo->differential); // parameter #19 (INT) // Watch it! This next line adds a parameter... if (bkpinfo->nonbootable_backup) { strcat(command, " NONBOOTABLE"); } log_msg (2, command); // popup_and_OK("Pausing"); res = run_program_and_log_to_screen (command, "Generating boot+data disks"); if (bkpinfo->nonbootable_backup) { res=0; } // hack if (!res) { log_to_screen ("Boot+data disks were created OK"); sprintf (command, "mkdir -p /root/images/mindi/"); log_msg (2, command); run_program_and_log_output (command, FALSE); sprintf (command, "cp -f %s/images/mindi.iso /root/images/mindi/mondorescue.iso", bkpinfo->scratchdir); log_msg (2, command); run_program_and_log_output (command, FALSE); if (bkpinfo->nonbootable_backup) { sprintf(command, "cp -f %s/all.tar.gz %s/images", bkpinfo->tmpdir, bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (system(command)) { fatal_error("Unable to create temporary duff tarball"); } } sprintf(command, "cp -f %s/mindi-*oot*.img %s/images", bkpinfo->tmpdir, bkpinfo->scratchdir); sprintf (tmp, "cp -f %s/images/all.tar.gz %s", bkpinfo->scratchdir, bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (system (tmp)) { fatal_error ("Cannot find all.tar.gz in tmpdir"); } if (res) { mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Errors."); } else { mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Done."); } } else { log_to_screen ("Mindi failed to create your boot+data disks."); sprintf (command, "cat %s | grep \"Fatal error\"", "/var/log/mindi.log"); strcpy (tmp, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output (command)); if (strlen (tmp) > 1) { log_to_screen (tmp); } } paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(use_lzo_sz); paranoid_free(scratchdir); paranoid_free(use_comp_sz); paranoid_free(bootldr_str); paranoid_free(tape_device); paranoid_free(last_filelist_number); paranoid_free(broken_bios_sz); paranoid_free(cd_recovery_sz); paranoid_free(tape_size_sz); paranoid_free(devs_to_exclude); paranoid_free(use_lilo_sz); paranoid_free(value); paranoid_free(bootdev); paranoid_free(command); paranoid_free(use_star_sz); return (res); } /** * Maximum number of filesets allowed in this function. */ #define MAX_NOOF_SETS_HERE 32767 /** * Offset of the bkpinfo pointer (in bytes) from the * buffer passed to create_afio_files_in_background. */ #define BKPINFO_LOC_OFFSET (16+MAX_NOOF_SETS_HERE/8+16) /** * Main function for each @c afio thread. * @param inbuf A transfer block containing: * - @c p_last_set_archived: [offset 0] pointer to an @c int * containing the last set archived. * - @c p_archival_threads_running: [offset 4] pointer to an @c int * containing the number of archival threads currently running. * - @c p_next_set_to_archive: [offset 8] pointer to an @c int containing * the next set that should be archived. * - @c p_list_of_fileset_flags: [offset 12] @c char pointer pointing to a * bit array, where each bit corresponds to a filelist (1=needs * to be archived, 0=archived). * - @c bkpinfo: [offset BKPINFO_LOC_OFFSET] pointer to backup information * structure. Fields used: * - @c tmpdir * - @c zip_suffix * * Any of the above may be modified by the caller at any time. * * @bug Assumes @c int pointers are 4 bytes. * @see archive_this_fileset * @see make_afioballs_and_images * @return NULL, always. * @ingroup LLarchiveGroup */ void *create_afio_files_in_background(void*inbuf) { long int archiving_set_no; char *archiving_filelist_fname; char * archiving_afioball_fname; char *curr_xattr_list_fname; char *curr_acl_list_fname; struct s_bkpinfo*bkpinfo; char *tmp; int res=0, retval=0; int *p_archival_threads_running; int *p_last_set_archived; int *p_next_set_to_archive; char *p_list_of_fileset_flags; int this_thread_no = g_current_thread_no++; malloc_string(curr_xattr_list_fname); malloc_string(curr_acl_list_fname); malloc_string(archiving_filelist_fname); malloc_string(archiving_afioball_fname); malloc_string(tmp); p_last_set_archived = (int*)inbuf; p_archival_threads_running = (int*)(inbuf+4); p_next_set_to_archive = (int*)(inbuf+8); p_list_of_fileset_flags = (char*)(inbuf+12); bkpinfo = (struct s_bkpinfo*)(inbuf+BKPINFO_LOC_OFFSET); sprintf(archiving_filelist_fname, FILELIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, 0L); for (archiving_set_no = 0; does_file_exist (archiving_filelist_fname); sprintf (archiving_filelist_fname, FILELIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, archiving_set_no)) { if (g_exiting) { fatal_error("Execution run aborted (pthread)"); } if (archiving_set_no >= MAX_NOOF_SETS_HERE) { fatal_error("Maximum number of filesets exceeded. Adjust MAX_NOOF_SETS_HERE, please."); } if (!semaphore_p()) { log_msg(3, "P sem failed (pid=%d)", (int)getpid()); fatal_error("Cannot get semaphore P"); } if (archiving_set_no < *p_next_set_to_archive) { archiving_set_no= *p_next_set_to_archive; } *p_next_set_to_archive = *p_next_set_to_archive + 1; if (!semaphore_v()) { fatal_error("Cannot get semaphore V"); } /* backup this set of files */ sprintf (archiving_afioball_fname, AFIOBALL_FNAME_RAW_SZ,bkpinfo->tmpdir, archiving_set_no, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); sprintf (archiving_filelist_fname, FILELIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ,bkpinfo->tmpdir, archiving_set_no); if (!does_file_exist(archiving_filelist_fname)) { log_msg (3, "%s[%d:%d] - well, I would archive %d, except that it doesn't exist. I'll stop now.", FORTY_SPACES, getpid(), this_thread_no, archiving_set_no); break; } sprintf (tmp, AFIOBALL_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, archiving_set_no-ARCH_BUFFER_NUM, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); if (does_file_exist(tmp)) { log_msg(4, "%s[%d:%d] - waiting for storer", FORTY_SPACES, getpid(), this_thread_no); while (does_file_exist(tmp)) { sleep(1); } log_msg(4, "[%d] - continuing", getpid()); } log_msg(4, "%s[%d:%d] - EXATing %d...", FORTY_SPACES, getpid(), this_thread_no, archiving_set_no); sprintf (curr_xattr_list_fname, XATTR_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, archiving_set_no); sprintf (curr_acl_list_fname, ACL_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, archiving_set_no); get_fattr_list(archiving_filelist_fname, curr_xattr_list_fname); get_acl_list(archiving_filelist_fname, curr_acl_list_fname); log_msg(4, "%s[%d:%d] - archiving %d...", FORTY_SPACES, getpid(), this_thread_no, archiving_set_no); res = archive_this_fileset (bkpinfo, archiving_filelist_fname, archiving_afioball_fname, archiving_set_no); retval += res; if (res) { sprintf (tmp, "Errors occurred while archiving set %ld. Please review logs.", archiving_set_no); log_to_screen (tmp); } if (!semaphore_p()) { fatal_error("Cannot get semaphore P"); } set_bit_N_of_array(p_list_of_fileset_flags, archiving_set_no, 5); if (*p_last_set_archived < archiving_set_no) { *p_last_set_archived = archiving_set_no; } // finished archiving this one if (!semaphore_v()) { fatal_error("Cannot get semaphore V"); } log_msg(4, "%s[%d:%d] - archived %d OK", FORTY_SPACES, getpid(), this_thread_no, archiving_set_no); archiving_set_no ++; } if (!semaphore_p()) { fatal_error("Cannot get semaphore P"); } (*p_archival_threads_running) --; if (!semaphore_v()) { fatal_error("Cannot get semaphore V"); } log_msg(3, "%s[%d:%d] - exiting", FORTY_SPACES, getpid(), this_thread_no); paranoid_free(archiving_filelist_fname); paranoid_free(archiving_afioball_fname); paranoid_free(curr_xattr_list_fname); paranoid_free(curr_acl_list_fname); paranoid_free(tmp); pthread_exit(NULL); } /** * Finalize the backup. * For streaming backups, this writes the closing block * to the stream. For CD-based backups, this creates * the final ISO image. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure, used only * for the @c backup_media_type. * @ingroup MLarchiveGroup */ int do_that_final_phase (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ***************************************/ int res = 0; int retval = 0; /*@ buffers ***********************************/ assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY, 0, "Writing any remaining data to media "); log_msg (1, "Closing tape/CD ... "); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) /* write tape/cdstream */ { closeout_tape(bkpinfo); } else /* write final ISO */ { res = write_final_iso_if_necessary (bkpinfo); retval += res; if (res) { log_msg (1, "write_final_iso_if_necessary returned an error"); } } log_msg (2, "Fork is exiting ... "); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Done."); /* final stuff */ if (retval) { mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Errors."); } else { mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Done."); } return (retval); } /** * Initialize the backup. * Does the following: * - Sets up the serial number. * - For streaming backups, opens the tape stream and writes the data disks * and backup headers. * - For CD-based backups, wipes the ISOs in the target directory. * * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_media_type * - @c cdrw_speed * - @c prefix * - @c isodir * - @c media_device * - @c scratchdir * - @c tmpdir * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success). * @ingroup MLarchiveGroup */ int do_that_initial_phase (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ****************************************/ int retval = 0; /*@ buffers ************************************/ char*command, *tmpfile, *data_disks_file; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); malloc_string(command); malloc_string(tmpfile); malloc_string(data_disks_file); sprintf (data_disks_file, "%s/all.tar.gz", bkpinfo->tmpdir); snprintf (g_serial_string, MAX_STR_LEN-1, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output("dd \ if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 2> /dev/null | \ hexdump | tr -s ' ' '0' | head -n1")); strip_spaces(g_serial_string); strcat(g_serial_string, "...word."); log_msg(2, "g_serial_string = '%s'", g_serial_string); assert(strlen(g_serial_string) < MAX_STR_LEN); sprintf(tmpfile, "%s/archives/SERIAL-STRING", bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (write_one_liner_data_file (tmpfile, g_serial_string)) { log_msg(1, "%ld: Failed to write serial string", __LINE__); } mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY, 0, "Preparing to archive your data"); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type == cdstream) { openout_cdstream (bkpinfo->media_device, bkpinfo->cdrw_speed); } else { openout_tape (bkpinfo->media_device, bkpinfo->internal_tape_block_size); /* sets g_tape_stream */ } if (!g_tape_stream) { fatal_error ("Cannot open backup (streaming) device"); } log_msg (1, "Backup (stream) opened OK"); write_data_disks_to_stream (data_disks_file); } else { log_msg (1, "Backing up to CD's"); } sprintf (command, "rm -f %s/%s-[1-9]*.iso", bkpinfo->prefix, bkpinfo->isodir); paranoid_system (command); wipe_archives (bkpinfo->scratchdir); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Done."); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { write_header_block_to_stream (0, "start-of-tape", BLK_START_OF_TAPE); write_header_block_to_stream (0, "start-of-backup", BLK_START_OF_BACKUP); } paranoid_free(command); paranoid_free(tmpfile); paranoid_free(data_disks_file); return (retval); } /** * Calls floppy-formatting @c cmd and tracks its progress if possible. * * @param cmd The command to run (e.g. @c fdformat @c /dev/fd0). * @param title The human-friendly description of the floppy you are writing. * This will be used as the title in the progress bar window. Example: * "Formatting disk /dev/fd0". * @see format_disk * @return The exit code of fdformat/superformat. */ int format_disk_SUB (char *cmd, char *title) { /*@ int ****************************************************************/ int res = 0; int percentage = 0; int maxtracks = 0; int trackno = 0; int last_trkno = 0; /*@ buffers ************************************************************/ char *command; char *tempfile; /*@ pointers ***********************************************************/ FILE *pin; assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(cmd); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(title); malloc_string(command); malloc_string(tempfile); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ /* Ugh. FreeBSD fdformat prints out this pretty progress indicator that's impossible to parse. It looks like VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVF------------------- where V means verified, E means error, F means formatted, and - means not done yet. */ return (run_program_and_log_to_screen (cmd, title)); #endif /* if Debian then do bog-standard superformat; don't be pretty */ if (strstr (cmd, "superformat")) { return (run_program_and_log_to_screen (cmd, title)); } /* if not Debian then go ahead & use fdformat */ strcpy (tempfile, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("mktemp -q /tmp/mondo.XXXXXXXX")); sprintf (command, "%s >> %s 2>> %s; rm -f %s", cmd, tempfile, tempfile, tempfile); log_msg (3, command); open_evalcall_form (title); if (!(pin = popen (command, "r"))) { log_OS_error ("fmt err"); return (1); } if (strstr (command, "1722")) { maxtracks = 82; } else { maxtracks = 80; } for (sleep (1); does_file_exist (tempfile); sleep (1)) { trackno = get_trackno_from_logfile (tempfile); if (trackno < 0 || trackno > 80) { log_msg (1, "Weird track#"); continue; } percentage = trackno * 100 / maxtracks; if (trackno <= 5 && last_trkno > 40) { close_evalcall_form (); strcpy (title, "Verifying format"); open_evalcall_form (title); } last_trkno = trackno; update_evalcall_form (percentage); } close_evalcall_form (); if (pclose (pin)) { res++; log_OS_error("Unable to pclose"); } unlink (tempfile); paranoid_free(command); paranoid_free(tempfile); return (res); } /** * Wrapper around @c format_disk_SUB(). * This function calls @c format_disk_SUB() with a @c device of its @c device * parameter and a @c title of Formatting disk @c device. If the format * fails, the user will be given the option of retrying. * * @param device The floppy drive to write to. * @see format_disk_SUB * @return The exit code of fdformat/superformat. * @ingroup deviceGroup */ int format_disk (char *device) { /*@ int ***************************************************************/ int res = 0; /*@ buffer ************************************************************/ char *command; char *title; assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(device); malloc_string(title); command = malloc(1000); if (!system ("which superformat > /dev/null 2> /dev/null")) { sprintf (command, "superformat %s", device); } else { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ sprintf (command, "fdformat -y %s", device); #else sprintf (command, "fdformat %s", device); #endif } sprintf (title, "Formatting disk %s", device); while ((res = format_disk_SUB (command, title))) { if (!ask_me_yes_or_no ("Failed to format disk. Retry?")) { return (res); } } paranoid_free(title); paranoid_free(command); return (res); } /** * Get the Nth bit of @c array. * @param array The bit-array (as a @c char pointer). * @param N The number of the bit you want. * @return TRUE (bit is set) or FALSE (bit is not set). * @see set_bit_N_of_array * @ingroup utilityGroup */ bool get_bit_N_of_array(char*array, int N) { int element_number; int bit_number; int mask; element_number = N / 8; bit_number = N % 8; mask = 1 << bit_number; if (array[element_number] & mask) { return(TRUE); } else { return(FALSE); } } /** * @addtogroup LLarchiveGroup * @{ */ /** * Start up threads to archive your files. * * This function starts @c ARCH_THREADS threads, * each starting execution in @c create_afio_files_in_background(). * Each thread will archive individual filesets, based on the * pointers passed to it and continually updated, until all files * have been backed up. This function coordinates the threads * and copies their output to the @c scratchdir. * * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_media_type * - @c scratchdir * - @c tmpdir * - @c zip_suffix * * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) */ int make_afioballs_and_images (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ***************************************************/ int retval = 0; long int storing_set_no = 0; int res = 0; bool done_storing=FALSE; char *result_str; char *transfer_block; void*vp; void**pvp; /*@ buffers ***********************************************/ char *storing_filelist_fname; char *storing_afioball_fname; char *tmp; char *media_usage_comment; pthread_t archival_thread[ARCH_THREADS]; char *p_list_of_fileset_flags; int *p_archival_threads_running; int *p_last_set_archived; int *p_next_set_to_archive; int noof_threads; int i; char *curr_xattr_list_fname; char *curr_acl_list_fname; int misc_counter_that_is_not_important=0; log_msg(8, "here"); assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); tmp = malloc(MAX_STR_LEN*2); malloc_string(result_str); malloc_string(curr_xattr_list_fname); malloc_string(curr_acl_list_fname); malloc_string(storing_filelist_fname); malloc_string(media_usage_comment); malloc_string(storing_afioball_fname); transfer_block = malloc(sizeof(struct s_bkpinfo)+BKPINFO_LOC_OFFSET+64); memset((void*)transfer_block, 0, sizeof(struct s_bkpinfo)+BKPINFO_LOC_OFFSET+64); p_last_set_archived = (int*)transfer_block; p_archival_threads_running = (int*)(transfer_block+4); p_next_set_to_archive = (int*)(transfer_block+8); p_list_of_fileset_flags = (char*)(transfer_block+12); memcpy((void*)(transfer_block+BKPINFO_LOC_OFFSET), (void*)bkpinfo, sizeof(struct s_bkpinfo)); pvp=&vp; vp=(void*)result_str; *p_archival_threads_running = 0; *p_last_set_archived = -1; *p_next_set_to_archive = 0; sprintf (tmp, "%s/archives/filelist.full", bkpinfo->scratchdir); log_to_screen ("Archiving regular files"); log_msg (5, "Go, Shorty. It's your birthday."); open_progress_form ("Backing up filesystem", "I am backing up your live filesystem now.", "Please wait. This may take a couple of hours.", "Working...", get_last_filelist_number (bkpinfo) + 1); log_msg (5, "We're gonna party like it's your birthday."); srand((unsigned int)getpid()); g_sem_key = 1234+random()%30000; if ((g_sem_id = semget((key_t)g_sem_key, 1, IPC_CREAT|S_IREAD|S_IWRITE))==-1) { fatal_error("MABAI - unable to semget"); } if (!set_semvalue()) { fatal_error("Unable to init semaphore"); } // initialize semaphore for(noof_threads=0; noof_threadstmpdir, storing_set_no); sprintf (storing_afioball_fname, AFIOBALL_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, storing_set_no, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); sprintf (curr_xattr_list_fname, XATTR_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, storing_set_no); sprintf (curr_acl_list_fname, ACL_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, storing_set_no); log_msg (2, "Storing set %d", storing_set_no); while(!does_file_exist(storing_filelist_fname) || !does_file_exist(storing_afioball_fname)) { log_msg (2, "Warning - either %s or %s doesn't exist yet. I'll pause 5 secs.", storing_filelist_fname, storing_afioball_fname); sleep(5); } strcpy (media_usage_comment, percent_media_full_comment (bkpinfo)); /* copy to CD (scratchdir) ... and an actual CD-R if necessary */ if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { register_in_tape_catalog(fileset, storing_set_no, -1, storing_afioball_fname); maintain_collection_of_recent_archives(bkpinfo->tmpdir, storing_afioball_fname); iamhere("Writing EXAT files"); res += write_EXAT_files_to_tape(bkpinfo, curr_xattr_list_fname, curr_acl_list_fname); // archives themselves res += move_files_to_stream (bkpinfo, storing_afioball_fname, NULL); } else { res = move_files_to_cd (bkpinfo, storing_filelist_fname, curr_xattr_list_fname, curr_acl_list_fname, storing_afioball_fname, NULL); } retval += res; g_current_progress++; update_progress_form (media_usage_comment); if (res) { sprintf (tmp, "Failed to add archive %ld's files to CD dir\n", storing_set_no); log_to_screen (tmp); fatal_error ("Is your hard disk full? If not, please send the author the logfile."); } storing_set_no++; // sleep(2); } } close_progress_form (); sprintf (tmp, "Your regular files have been archived "); log_msg(2, "Joining background threads to foreground thread"); for(i=0; iscratchdir. * * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_media_type * - @c call_after_iso * - @c call_before_iso * - @c call_burn_iso * - @c call_make_iso * - @c make_cd_use_lilo * - @c manual_cd_tray * - @c nonbootable_backup * - @c scratchdir * * @param destfile Where to put the generated ISO image. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) */ int make_iso_fs (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *destfile) { /*@ int ***********************************************/ int retval = 0; int res; /*@ buffers *******************************************/ char *tmp; char *old_pwd; char *result_sz; char *message_to_screen; char *sz_blank_disk; char *fnam; char *tmp2; char *tmp3; bool cd_is_mountable; malloc_string(old_pwd); malloc_string(result_sz); malloc_string(message_to_screen); malloc_string(sz_blank_disk); malloc_string(fnam); tmp = malloc(1200); tmp2 =malloc(1200); tmp3 =malloc(1200); assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(destfile); sprintf(tmp, "%s/isolinux.bin", bkpinfo->scratchdir); sprintf(tmp2,"%s/isolinux.bin", bkpinfo->tmpdir); if (does_file_exist(tmp)) { sprintf(tmp3, "cp -f %s %s", tmp, tmp2); paranoid_system(tmp3); } if (!does_file_exist(tmp) && does_file_exist(tmp2)) { sprintf(tmp3, "cp -f %s %s", tmp2, tmp); paranoid_system(tmp3); } /* if (!does_file_exist(tmp)) { log_msg (2, "Silly bug in Mindi.pl; workaround in progress..."); strcpy(fnam, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output("locate isolinux.bin | tail -n1")); if (strlen(fnam)>0 && does_file_exist(fnam)) { sprintf(tmp, "cp -f %s %s", fnam, bkpinfo->scratchdir); res = run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); } else { res = 1; } if (res) { log_msg (2, "Could not work around silly bug in Mindi.pl - sorry! Isolinux.bin missing"); } } */ free(tmp2); free(tmp3); tmp2 = NULL; tmp3 = NULL; if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type == iso && bkpinfo->manual_cd_tray) { popup_and_OK("Please insert new media and press Enter."); } log_msg (2, "make_iso_fs --- scratchdir=%s --- destfile=%s", bkpinfo->scratchdir, destfile); (void) getcwd (old_pwd, MAX_STR_LEN - 1); sprintf (tmp, "chmod 744 %s", bkpinfo->scratchdir); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); chdir (bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (bkpinfo->call_before_iso[0] != '\0') { sprintf (message_to_screen, "Running pre-ISO call for CD#%d", g_current_media_number); res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, bkpinfo->call_before_iso, destfile, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); if (res) { strcat (message_to_screen, "...failed"); } else { strcat (message_to_screen, "...OK"); } log_to_screen (message_to_screen); retval += res; } if (bkpinfo->call_make_iso[0] != '\0') { log_msg(2, "bkpinfo->call_make_iso = %s", bkpinfo->call_make_iso); sprintf (tmp, "%s/archives/NOT-THE-LAST", bkpinfo->scratchdir); sprintf (message_to_screen, "Making an ISO (%s #%d)", media_descriptor_string(bkpinfo->backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); pause_and_ask_for_cdr (2, &cd_is_mountable); /* if g_current_media_number >= 2 then pause & ask */ if (retval) { log_to_screen("Serious error(s) occurred already. I shan't try to write to media."); } else { res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, bkpinfo->call_make_iso, bkpinfo->scratchdir, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); if (res) { log_to_screen ("%s...failed to write", message_to_screen); } else { log_to_screen ("%s...OK", message_to_screen); if (!run_program_and_log_output("tail -n10 /var/log/mondo-archive.log | fgrep \":-(\"", 1)) { log_to_screen("Despite nonfatal errors, growisofs confirms the write was successful."); } } retval += res; #ifdef DVDRWFORMAT sprintf(tmp, "cat %s | tail -n8 | grep \"blank=full.*dvd-compat.*DAO\"", MONDO_LOGFILE); if (g_backup_media_type == dvd && (res || !run_program_and_log_output(tmp, 1))) { log_to_screen("Failed to write to disk. I shall blank it and then try again."); sleep(5); system("sync"); pause_for_N_seconds(5, "Letting DVD drive settle"); // dvd+rw-format --- OPTION 2 if (!bkpinfo->please_dont_eject) { log_to_screen("Ejecting media to clear drive status."); eject_device(bkpinfo->media_device); inject_device(bkpinfo->media_device); } pause_for_N_seconds(5, "Letting DVD drive settle"); sprintf(sz_blank_disk, "dvd+rw-format %s", bkpinfo->media_device); log_msg(3, "sz_blank_disk = '%s'", sz_blank_disk); res = run_external_binary_with_percentage_indicator_NEW("Blanking DVD disk", sz_blank_disk); if (res) { log_to_screen("Warning - format failed. (Was it a DVD-R?) Sleeping for 5 seconds to take a breath..."); pause_for_N_seconds(5, "Letting DVD drive settle... and trying again."); res = run_external_binary_with_percentage_indicator_NEW("Blanking DVD disk", sz_blank_disk); if (res) { log_to_screen("Format failed a second time."); } } else { log_to_screen("Format succeeded. Sleeping for 5 seconds to take a breath..."); } pause_for_N_seconds(5, "Letting DVD drive settle"); if (!bkpinfo->please_dont_eject) { log_to_screen("Ejecting media to clear drive status."); eject_device(bkpinfo->media_device); inject_device(bkpinfo->media_device); } pause_for_N_seconds(5, "Letting DVD drive settle"); res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, bkpinfo->call_make_iso, bkpinfo->scratchdir, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); retval += res; if (!bkpinfo->please_dont_eject) { log_to_screen("Ejecting media."); eject_device(bkpinfo->media_device); } if (res) { log_to_screen("Dagnabbit. It still failed."); } else { log_to_screen("OK, this time I successfully backed up to DVD."); } } #endif if (g_backup_media_type == dvd && !bkpinfo->please_dont_eject) { eject_device(bkpinfo->media_device); } } } else { sprintf (message_to_screen, "Running mkisofs to make %s #%d", media_descriptor_string(bkpinfo->backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); log_msg (1, message_to_screen); sprintf (result_sz, "Call to mkisofs to make ISO (%s #%d) ", media_descriptor_string(bkpinfo->backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); if (bkpinfo->nonbootable_backup) { log_msg (1, "Making nonbootable backup"); // FIXME --- change mkisofs string to MONDO_MKISOFS_NONBOOTABLE and add ' .' at end res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, "mkisofs -o _ISO_ -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_ .", destfile, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); } else { log_msg (1, "Making bootable backup"); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ bkpinfo->make_cd_use_lilo = TRUE; #endif log_msg(1, "make_cd_use_lilo is actually %d", bkpinfo->make_cd_use_lilo); if (bkpinfo->make_cd_use_lilo) { log_msg(1, "make_cd_use_lilo = TRUE"); // FIXME --- change mkisofs string to MONDO_MKISOFS_REGULAR_SYSLINUX/LILO depending on bkpinfo->make_cd_usE_lilo // and add ' .' at end #ifdef __IA64__ log_msg(1, "IA64 --> elilo"); res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, //-b images/mindi-boot.2880.img "mkisofs -no-emul-boot -b images/mindi-bootroot."IA64_BOOT_SIZE".img -c boot.cat -o _ISO_ -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_ .", destfile, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); #else // FIXME --- change mkisofs string to MONDO_MKISOFS_REGULAR_SYSLINUX/LILO depending on bkpinfo->make_cd_usE_lilo // and add ' .' at end log_msg(1, "Non-ia64 --> lilo"); res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, "mkisofs -b images/mindi-bootroot.2880.img -c boot.cat -o _ISO_ -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_ .", destfile, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); #endif } else { log_msg(1, "make_cd_use_lilo = FALSE"); log_msg(1, "Isolinux"); res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, "mkisofs -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -c boot.cat -o _ISO_ -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher www.mondorescue.org -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V _CD#_ .", destfile, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); } } if (res) { strcat (result_sz, "...failed"); } else { strcat (result_sz, "...OK"); } log_to_screen (result_sz); retval += res; } if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type == cdr || bkpinfo->backup_media_type == cdrw) { if (is_this_device_mounted(bkpinfo->media_device)) { log_msg (2, "Warning - %s mounted. I'm unmounting it before I burn to it.", bkpinfo->media_device); sprintf(tmp, "umount %s", bkpinfo->media_device); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); } } if (bkpinfo->call_burn_iso[0] != '\0') { log_msg (2, "bkpinfo->call_burn_iso = %s", bkpinfo->call_burn_iso); sprintf (message_to_screen, "Burning %s #%d", media_descriptor_string(bkpinfo->backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); pause_and_ask_for_cdr (2, &cd_is_mountable); res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, bkpinfo->call_burn_iso, destfile, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); if (res) { strcat (message_to_screen, "...failed"); } else { strcat (message_to_screen, "...OK"); } log_to_screen (message_to_screen); retval += res; } if (bkpinfo->call_after_iso[0] != '\0') { sprintf (message_to_screen, "Running post-ISO call (%s #%d)", media_descriptor_string(bkpinfo->backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); res = eval_call_to_make_ISO (bkpinfo, bkpinfo->call_after_iso, destfile, g_current_media_number, MONDO_LOGFILE, message_to_screen); if (res) { strcat (message_to_screen, "...failed"); } else { strcat (message_to_screen, "...OK"); } log_to_screen (message_to_screen); retval += res; } chdir (old_pwd); if (retval) { log_msg (1, "WARNING - make_iso_fs returned an error"); } paranoid_free(old_pwd); paranoid_free(result_sz); paranoid_free(message_to_screen); paranoid_free(sz_blank_disk); paranoid_free(fnam); paranoid_free(tmp); return (retval); } bool is_dev_an_NTFS_dev(char *bigfile_fname) { char *tmp; char *command; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(command); sprintf(command, "dd if=%s bs=512 count=1 2> /dev/null | strings | head -n1", bigfile_fname); log_msg(1, "command = '%s'", command); strcpy(tmp, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(command)); log_msg(1, "--> tmp = '%s'", tmp); if (strstr(tmp, "NTFS")) { iamhere("TRUE"); return(TRUE); } else { iamhere("FALSE"); return(FALSE); } } /** * Back up big files by chopping them up. * This function backs up all "big" files (where "big" depends * on your backup media) in "chunks" (whose size again depends * on your media). * * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_media_type * - @c optimal_set_size * @param biggielist_fname The path to a file containing a list of * all "big" files. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @see slice_up_file_etc */ int make_slices_and_images (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *biggielist_fname) { /*@ pointers ********************************************/ FILE *fin; char *p; /*@ buffers *********************************************/ char *tmp; char *bigfile_fname; char *sz_devfile; char *partimagehack_fifo = NULL; /*@ long ************************************************/ long biggie_file_number = 0; long noof_biggie_files = 0; long estimated_total_noof_slices = 0; /*@ int *************************************************/ int retval = 0; int res = 0; pid_t pid; FILE*ftmp=NULL; bool delete_when_done; bool use_partimagehack; /*@ long long *******************************************/ long long biggie_fsize; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(biggielist_fname); malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(bigfile_fname); malloc_string(sz_devfile); estimated_total_noof_slices = size_of_all_biggiefiles_K (bkpinfo) / bkpinfo->optimal_set_size + 1; log_msg (1, "size of all biggiefiles = %ld", size_of_all_biggiefiles_K (bkpinfo)); log_msg (1, "estimated_total_noof_slices = %ld KB / %ld KB = %ld", size_of_all_biggiefiles_K (bkpinfo), bkpinfo->optimal_set_size, estimated_total_noof_slices); if (length_of_file (biggielist_fname) < 6) { log_msg (1, "No biggiefiles; fair enough..."); return (0); } sprintf (tmp, "I am now backing up all large files."); log_to_screen (tmp); noof_biggie_files = count_lines_in_file (biggielist_fname); open_progress_form ("Backing up big files", tmp, "Please wait. This may take some time.", "", estimated_total_noof_slices); if (!(fin = fopen (biggielist_fname, "r"))) { log_OS_error("Unable to openin biggielist"); return(1); } for (fgets (bigfile_fname, MAX_STR_LEN, fin); !feof (fin); fgets (bigfile_fname, MAX_STR_LEN, fin), biggie_file_number++) { use_partimagehack = FALSE; if (bigfile_fname[strlen (bigfile_fname) - 1] < 32) { bigfile_fname[strlen (bigfile_fname) - 1] = '\0'; } biggie_fsize = length_of_file (bigfile_fname); delete_when_done = FALSE; if (!does_file_exist (bigfile_fname)) { ftmp = fopen(bigfile_fname, "w"); paranoid_fclose(ftmp); sprintf (tmp, "bigfile %s was deleted - creating a dummy", bigfile_fname); delete_when_done = TRUE; } else { // Call partimagehack if it's a /dev entry (i.e. a partition to be imaged) log_msg (2, "bigfile_fname = %s", bigfile_fname); use_partimagehack = FALSE; if (!strncmp ( bigfile_fname, "/dev/", 5) && is_dev_an_NTFS_dev(bigfile_fname)) { use_partimagehack = TRUE; log_msg (2, "Calling partimagehack in background because %s is an NTFS partition", bigfile_fname); sprintf(sz_devfile, "/tmp/%d.%d.000", (int)(random()%32768), (int)(random()%32768)); mkfifo(sz_devfile, 0x770); partimagehack_fifo = sz_devfile; switch(pid=fork()) { case -1: fatal_error("Fork failure"); case 0: log_msg (2, "CHILD - fip - calling feed_into_partimage(%s, %s)", bigfile_fname, sz_devfile); res=feed_into_partimage(bigfile_fname, sz_devfile); exit(res); break; default: log_msg (2, "feed_into_partimage() called in background --- pid=%ld", (long int)(pid)); } } // Otherwise, use good old 'dd' and 'bzip2' else { sz_devfile[0] = '\0'; partimagehack_fifo = NULL; } // Whether partition or biggiefile, just do your thang :-) sprintf (tmp, "Bigfile #%ld is '%s' (%ld KB)", biggie_file_number+1, bigfile_fname, (long) biggie_fsize >> 10); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { write_header_block_to_stream (biggie_fsize, bigfile_fname, use_partimagehack?BLK_START_A_PIHBIGGIE:BLK_START_A_NORMBIGGIE); } res = slice_up_file_etc (bkpinfo, bigfile_fname, partimagehack_fifo, biggie_file_number, noof_biggie_files, use_partimagehack); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { write_header_block_to_stream (0, calc_checksum_of_file (bigfile_fname), BLK_STOP_A_BIGGIE); } retval += res; p = strrchr (bigfile_fname, '/'); if (p) { p++; } else { p = bigfile_fname; } sprintf (tmp, "Archiving %s ... ", bigfile_fname); if (res) { strcat (tmp, "Failed!"); } else { strcat (tmp, "OK"); } if (delete_when_done) { unlink(bigfile_fname); delete_when_done=FALSE; } } #ifndef _XWIN if (!g_text_mode) { newtDrawRootText (0, g_noof_rows - 2, tmp); newtRefresh (); } #endif } log_msg (1, "Finished backing up bigfiles"); log_msg (1, "estimated slices = %ld; actual slices = %ld", estimated_total_noof_slices, g_current_progress); close_progress_form (); paranoid_fclose(fin); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(bigfile_fname); paranoid_free(sz_devfile); return (retval); } /** * Single-threaded version of @c make_afioballs_and_images(). * @see make_afioballs_and_images */ int make_afioballs_and_images_OLD (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ***************************************************/ int retval = 0; long int curr_set_no = 0; int res = 0; /*@ buffers ***********************************************/ char *curr_filelist_fname; char *curr_afioball_fname; char *curr_xattr_list_fname; char *curr_acl_list_fname; char *tmp; char *media_usage_comment; malloc_string(curr_afioball_fname); malloc_string(media_usage_comment); malloc_string(curr_filelist_fname); malloc_string(curr_xattr_list_fname); malloc_string(curr_acl_list_fname); tmp = malloc(MAX_STR_LEN*2); sprintf (tmp, "%s/archives/filelist.full", bkpinfo->scratchdir); log_to_screen ("Archiving regular files"); open_progress_form ("Backing up filesystem", "I am backing up your live filesystem now.", "Please wait. This may take a couple of hours.", "Working...", get_last_filelist_number (bkpinfo) + 1); sprintf (curr_filelist_fname, FILELIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, 0L); for (curr_set_no = 0; does_file_exist (curr_filelist_fname); sprintf (curr_filelist_fname, FILELIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, ++curr_set_no)) { /* backup this set of files */ sprintf (curr_filelist_fname, FILELIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, curr_set_no); sprintf (curr_afioball_fname, AFIOBALL_FNAME_RAW_SZ,bkpinfo->tmpdir, curr_set_no, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); log_msg (1, "EXAT'g set %ld", curr_set_no); sprintf (curr_xattr_list_fname, XATTR_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, curr_set_no); sprintf (curr_acl_list_fname, ACL_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, curr_set_no); get_fattr_list(curr_filelist_fname, curr_xattr_list_fname); get_acl_list(curr_filelist_fname, curr_acl_list_fname); log_msg (1, "Archiving set %ld", curr_set_no); res = archive_this_fileset (bkpinfo, curr_filelist_fname, curr_afioball_fname, curr_set_no); retval += res; if (res) { sprintf (tmp, "Errors occurred while archiving set %ld. Perhaps your live filesystem changed?", curr_set_no); log_to_screen (tmp); } strcpy (media_usage_comment, percent_media_full_comment (bkpinfo)); /* copy to CD (scratchdir) ... and an actual CD-R if necessary */ if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { register_in_tape_catalog(fileset, curr_set_no, -1, curr_afioball_fname); maintain_collection_of_recent_archives(bkpinfo->tmpdir, curr_afioball_fname); iamhere("Writing EXAT files"); res += write_EXAT_files_to_tape(bkpinfo, curr_xattr_list_fname, curr_acl_list_fname); // archives themselves res = move_files_to_stream (bkpinfo, curr_afioball_fname, NULL); } else { res = move_files_to_cd (bkpinfo, curr_filelist_fname, curr_xattr_list_fname, curr_acl_list_fname, curr_afioball_fname, NULL); } retval += res; g_current_progress++; update_progress_form (media_usage_comment); if (res) { sprintf (tmp, "Failed to add archive %ld's files to CD dir\n", curr_set_no); log_to_screen (tmp); fatal_error ("Is your hard disk is full? If not, please send the author the logfile."); } } close_progress_form (); sprintf (tmp, "Your regular files have been archived "); if (retval) { strcat (tmp, "(with errors)."); } else { strcat (tmp, "successfully."); } log_to_screen (tmp); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(curr_filelist_fname); paranoid_free(curr_afioball_fname); paranoid_free(media_usage_comment); paranoid_free(curr_xattr_list_fname); paranoid_free(curr_acl_list_fname); return (retval); } /* @} - end of LLarchiveGroup */ /** * Wrapper around @c make_afioballs_and_images(). * @param bkpinfo the backup information structure. Only the * @c backup_media_type field is used within this function. * @return return code of make_afioballs_and_images * @see make_afioballs_and_images * @ingroup MLarchiveGroup */ int make_those_afios_phase (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ********************************************/ int res = 0; int retval = 0; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY, 0, "Archiving regular files to media "); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { write_header_block_to_stream (0, "start-of-afioballs", BLK_START_AFIOBALLS); #if __FreeBSD__ == 5 log_msg (1, "Using single-threaded make_afioballs_and_images() to suit b0rken FreeBSD 5.0"); res = make_afioballs_and_images_OLD (bkpinfo); #else res = make_afioballs_and_images_OLD (bkpinfo); #endif write_header_block_to_stream (0, "stop-afioballs", BLK_STOP_AFIOBALLS); } else { res = make_afioballs_and_images (bkpinfo); } retval += res; if (res) { mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Errors."); log_msg (1, "make_afioballs_and_images returned an error"); } else { mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Done."); } return (retval); } /** * Wrapper around @c make_slices_and_images(). * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_media_type * - @c scratchdir * - @c tmpdir * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @ingroup MLarchiveGroup */ int make_those_slices_phase (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ******************************************************/ int res = 0; int retval = 0; /*@ buffers ***************************************************/ char *biggielist; char *command; char *blah; char *xattr_fname; char *acl_fname; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); /* slice big files */ malloc_string(blah); malloc_string(biggielist); malloc_string(xattr_fname); malloc_string(acl_fname); command = malloc(1200); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY, 0, "Archiving large files to media "); sprintf (biggielist, "%s/archives/biggielist.txt", bkpinfo->scratchdir); sprintf (xattr_fname, XATTR_BIGGLST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir); sprintf (acl_fname, ACL_BIGGLST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir); sprintf (command, "cp %s/biggielist.txt %s", bkpinfo->tmpdir, biggielist); paranoid_system(command); sprintf (blah, "biggielist = %s", biggielist); log_msg (2, blah); if (!does_file_exist (biggielist)) { log_msg (1, "BTW, the biggielist does not exist"); } get_fattr_list(biggielist, xattr_fname); get_acl_list(biggielist, acl_fname); sprintf (command, "cp %s %s/archives/", xattr_fname, bkpinfo->scratchdir); paranoid_system(command); sprintf (command, "cp %s %s/archives/", acl_fname, bkpinfo->scratchdir); paranoid_system(command); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { res += write_EXAT_files_to_tape(bkpinfo, xattr_fname, acl_fname); sprintf (blah, "%ld", count_lines_in_file (biggielist)); write_header_block_to_stream (0, blah, BLK_START_BIGGIEFILES); } res = make_slices_and_images (bkpinfo, biggielist); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { write_header_block_to_stream (0, "end-of-biggiefiles", BLK_STOP_BIGGIEFILES); } retval += res; if (res) { log_msg (1, "make_slices_and_images returned an error"); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Errors."); } else { mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Done."); } paranoid_free(blah); paranoid_free(biggielist); paranoid_free(command); paranoid_free(xattr_fname); paranoid_free(acl_fname); return (retval); } /** * @addtogroup LLarchiveGroup * @{ */ /** * Function pointer to an appropriate @c move_files_to_cd routine. * You can set this to your own function (for example, one to * transfer files over the network) or leave it as is. */ int (*move_files_to_cd) (struct s_bkpinfo *, char *, ...) = _move_files_to_cd; /** * Move some files to the ISO scratch directory. * This function moves files specified as parameters, into the directory * @c bkpinfo->scratchdir, where the files that will be stored on the next * CD are waiting. * * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c media_size * - @c scratchdir * @param files_to_add The files to add to the scratchdir. * @warning The list of @c files_to_add must be terminated with @c NULL. * @note If and when the space occupied by the scratchdir would exceed * the capacity of the current CD, * write_iso_and_go_on(bkpinfo, FALSE) is called and the * scratchdir is emptied. * * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) */ int _move_files_to_cd (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *files_to_add, ...) { /*@ int *************************************************************/ int retval = 0; int res = 0; /*@ buffers *********************************************************/ char *tmp, *curr_file, *cf; /*@ long *************************************************************/ va_list ap; long long would_occupy; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); malloc_string(curr_file); tmp = malloc(1200); would_occupy = space_occupied_by_cd (bkpinfo->scratchdir); va_start(ap, files_to_add); // initialize the variable arguments for(cf = files_to_add; cf!=NULL; cf=va_arg(ap, char*)) { if (!cf) {continue;} strcpy(curr_file, cf); if (!does_file_exist (curr_file)) { log_msg (1, "Warning - you're trying to add a non-existent file - '%s' to the CD", curr_file); } else { log_msg (8, "Trying to add file %s to CD", curr_file); would_occupy += length_of_file (curr_file) / 1024; } } va_end(ap); if (bkpinfo->media_size[g_current_media_number]<=0) { fatal_error( "move_files_to_cd() - unknown media size"); } if (would_occupy / 1024 > bkpinfo->media_size[g_current_media_number]) { res = write_iso_and_go_on (bkpinfo, FALSE); /* FALSE because this is not the last CD we'll write */ retval += res; if (res) { log_msg (1, "WARNING - write_iso_and_go_on returned an error"); } } va_start(ap, files_to_add); // initialize the variable arguments for(cf = files_to_add; cf!=NULL; cf=va_arg(ap, char*)) { if (!cf) {continue;} strcpy(curr_file, cf); sprintf (tmp, "mv -f %s %s/archives/", curr_file, bkpinfo->scratchdir); res = run_program_and_log_output (tmp, 5); retval += res; if (res) { log_msg (1, "(move_files_to_cd) '%s' failed", tmp); } else { log_msg (8, "Moved %s to CD OK", tmp); } // unlink (curr_file); } va_end(ap); if (retval) { log_msg (1, "Warning - errors occurred while I was adding files to CD dir"); } paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(curr_file); return (retval); } /* @} - end of LLarchiveGroup */ /** * Offer to write boot and data disk images to 3.5" floppy disks. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Only the * @c backup_media_type field is used in this function. * @param imagesdir The directory containing the floppy images (usually * /root/images/mindi). * * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @see write_image_to_floppy * @see format_disk * @ingroup MLarchiveGroup */ int offer_to_write_floppies (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *imagesdir) { /*@ buffer *************************************************************/ char *tmp; char *comment; char *bootdisk_dev; char *datadisk_dev; char *bootdisk_file; char *rootdisk_file; /*@ int ****************************************************************/ int i = 0; int res = 0; /*@ bool ***************************************************************/ bool format_first; bool root_disk_exists=FALSE; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(comment); malloc_string(bootdisk_dev); malloc_string(datadisk_dev); malloc_string(rootdisk_file); malloc_string(bootdisk_file); assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(imagesdir); if (!ask_me_yes_or_no ("Write boot and data disk images to 3.5\" floppy disks?")) { return (0); } if (does_device_exist (DEFAULT_1722MB_DISK)) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ // tell the system that this is a 1.72m floppy system ("/usr/sbin/fdcontrol -F 1722 /dev/fd0.1722"); #endif strcpy (bootdisk_dev, DEFAULT_1722MB_DISK); } else if (does_device_exist (BACKUP_1722MB_DISK)) { sprintf (bootdisk_dev, "/dev/fd0H1722"); } else { log_msg( 1, "Warning - can't find a 1.72MB floppy device *sigh*" ); strcpy(bootdisk_dev, DEFAULT_1722MB_DISK); // return (1); } strcpy (datadisk_dev, "/dev/fd0"); if (!does_device_exist (datadisk_dev)) { log_msg( 1, "Warning - can't find a 1.44MB floppy device *sigh*" ); strcpy(datadisk_dev, "/dev/fd0"); // return (1); } format_first = ask_me_yes_or_no ("Do you want me to format the disks before I write to them?"); /* boot disk */ if (ask_me_OK_or_cancel ("About to write boot disk")) { log_to_screen ("Writing boot floppy"); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ sprintf (tmp, "%s/mindi-kern.1722.img", imagesdir); if (format_first) { format_disk (bootdisk_dev); } res += write_image_to_floppy (bootdisk_dev, tmp); if (ask_me_OK_or_cancel ("About to write 1.44MB mfsroot disk")) { log_to_screen ("Writing mfsroot floppy"); if (format_first) { format_disk (datadisk_dev); } sprintf (tmp, "%s/mindi-mfsroot.1440.img", imagesdir); write_image_to_floppy (datadisk_dev, tmp); } #else sprintf (bootdisk_file, "%s/mindi-bootroot.1722.img", imagesdir); if (does_file_exist(bootdisk_file)) { if (format_first) { format_disk (bootdisk_dev); } res += write_image_to_floppy (bootdisk_dev, bootdisk_file); } else { sprintf (bootdisk_file, "%s/mindi-boot.1440.img", imagesdir); sprintf (rootdisk_file, "%s/mindi-root.1440.img", imagesdir); root_disk_exists = TRUE; if (!does_file_exist(rootdisk_file) || !does_file_exist(bootdisk_file)) { popup_and_OK("Cannot write boot/root floppies. Files not found."); log_to_screen("Failed to find boot/root floppy images. Oh dear."); return(1); } if (format_first) { format_disk (datadisk_dev); } /* sprintf(tmp, "cat %s > %s", bootdisk_file, datadisk_dev); res += run_external_binary_with_percentage_indicator_NEW("Writing boot floppy", tmp); */ res += write_image_to_floppy (datadisk_dev, bootdisk_file); if (ask_me_OK_or_cancel ("About to write root disk")) { log_to_screen ("Writing root floppy"); if (format_first) { format_disk (datadisk_dev); } sprintf(tmp, "cat %s > %s", rootdisk_file, datadisk_dev); log_msg(1, "tmp = '%s'", tmp); res += run_external_binary_with_percentage_indicator_NEW("Writing root floppy", tmp); // res += write_image_to_floppy (datadisk_dev, rootdisk_file); } } #endif } if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { log_to_screen ("FYI, the data disks are stored on tape/CD for your convenience."); return (0); } for (i = 1; i < 99; i++) { sprintf (tmp, "%s/mindi-data-%d.img", imagesdir, i); log_msg (3, tmp); if (!does_file_exist (tmp)) { log_msg (3, "...not found"); break; } sprintf (comment, "About to write data disk #%d", i); if (ask_me_OK_or_cancel (comment)) { sprintf (comment, "Writing data disk #%3d", i); log_to_screen (comment); if (format_first) { res += format_disk (datadisk_dev); } res += write_image_to_floppy (datadisk_dev, tmp); } } paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(comment); paranoid_free(bootdisk_dev); paranoid_free(datadisk_dev); return (res); } /** * Wrapper around @c offer_to_write_floppies(). * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Used only * in the call to @c offer_to_write_floppies(). * @return 0 if the boot floppies were found (not necessarily written OK), * 1 otherwise. * @see offer_to_write_floppies * @ingroup MLarchiveGroup */ int offer_to_write_boot_floppies_to_physical_disks(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { int res=0; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY, 0, "Writing boot+data floppy images to disk"); if (!bkpinfo->nonbootable_backup) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (!does_file_exist ("/root/images/mindi/mindi-kern.1722.img")) #else if (!does_file_exist ("/root/images/mindi/mindi-bootroot.1722.img") && !does_file_exist ("/root/images/mindi/mindi-boot.1440.img")) #endif { mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "No Imgs"); if (does_file_exist ("/root/images/mindi/mondorescue.iso")) { popup_and_OK ("Boot+data floppy creation failed. However, FYI, you may burn /root/images/mindi/mondorescue.iso to a CD and boot from that instead if you wish."); res++; } } else { offer_to_write_floppies (bkpinfo, "/root/images/mindi"); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Done."); } } else { popup_and_OK ("Since you opted for a nonbootable backup, no boot floppies were created."); } return(res); } /** * @addtogroup LLarchiveGroup * @{ */ /** * Function pointer to an appropriate @c move_files_to_stream routine. * You can set this to your own function (for example, one to * transfer files over the network) or leave it as is. */ int (*move_files_to_stream) (struct s_bkpinfo *, char *, ...) = _move_files_to_stream; /** * Copy some files to tape. * This function copies the files specified as parameters into the tape stream. * * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Used only in the call to * @c write_file_to_stream_from_file(). * * @param files_to_add The files to copy to the tape stream. * @warning The list of @c files_to_add must be terminated with @c NULL. * @note Files may be split across multiple tapes if necessary. * * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) */ int _move_files_to_stream (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *files_to_add, ...) { /*@ int *************************************************************/ int retval = 0; int res = 0; /*@ buffers *********************************************************/ /*@ char ************************************************************/ char start_chr; char stop_chr; char *curr_file, *cf; /*@ long long *******************************************************/ long long length_of_incoming_file = 0; t_archtype type; va_list ap; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); malloc_string(curr_file); va_start(ap, files_to_add); for(cf = files_to_add; cf!=NULL; cf=va_arg(ap, char*)) { if (!cf) {continue;} strcpy(curr_file, cf); if (!does_file_exist (curr_file)) { log_msg (1, "Warning - you're trying to add a non-existent file - '%s' to the tape", curr_file); } /* create header chars */ start_chr = BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE; stop_chr = BLK_STOP_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE; /* ask for new tape if necessary */ length_of_incoming_file = length_of_file (curr_file); write_header_block_to_stream (length_of_incoming_file, curr_file, start_chr); if (strstr(curr_file, ".afio.") || strstr(curr_file, ".star.")) { type = fileset; } else if (strstr(curr_file, "slice")) { type = biggieslice; } else { type = other; } res = write_file_to_stream_from_file (bkpinfo, curr_file); retval += res; unlink (curr_file); /* write closing header */ write_header_block_to_stream (0, "finished-writing-file", stop_chr); } va_end(ap); if (retval) { log_msg (1, "Warning - errors occurred while I was adding file to tape"); } paranoid_free(curr_file); return (retval); } /* @} - end of LLarchiveGroup */ /** * @addtogroup utilityGroup * @{ */ /** * Make sure the user has a valid CD-R(W) in the CD drive. * @param cdrw_dev Set to the CD-R(W) device checked. * @param keep_looping If TRUE, keep pestering user until they insist * or insert a correct CD; if FALSE, only check once. * @return 0 (there was an OK CD in the drive) or 1 (there wasn't). */ int interrogate_disk_currently_in_cdrw_drive(char*cdrw_dev, bool keep_looping) { char *tmp; int res=0; char *bkp; char *cdrecord; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(bkp); malloc_string(cdrecord); strcpy(bkp, cdrw_dev); if (find_cdrw_device(cdrw_dev)) { strcpy(cdrw_dev, bkp); } else { if (!system("which cdrecord > /dev/null 2> /dev/null")) { sprintf(cdrecord, "cdrecord dev=%s -atip", cdrw_dev); } else if (!system("which dvdrecord > /dev/null 2> /dev/null")) { sprintf(cdrecord, "cdrecord dev=%s -atip", cdrw_dev); } else { cdrecord[0] = '\0'; log_msg(2, "Oh well. I guess I'll just pray then."); } if (cdrecord[0]) { if (!keep_looping) { retract_CD_tray_and_defeat_autorun(); res = run_program_and_log_output(cdrecord, 5); } else { while((res=run_program_and_log_output(cdrecord, 5))) { retract_CD_tray_and_defeat_autorun(); if (ask_me_yes_or_no("Unable to examine CD. Are you sure this is a valid CD-R(W) CD?")) { log_msg(1, "Well, he insisted..."); break; } } } } } // retract_CD_tray_and_defeat_autorun(); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(cdrecord); paranoid_free(bkp); return(res); } /** * Asks the user to put a CD-R(W) in the drive. * @param ask_for_one_if_more_than_this (unused) * @param pmountable If non-NULL, pointed-to value is set to TRUE if the CD is mountable, FALSE otherwise. */ void pause_and_ask_for_cdr (int ask_for_one_if_more_than_this, bool*pmountable) { /*@ buffers **********************************************/ char *tmp; char *szmsg; char *cdrom_dev; char *cdrw_dev; char *our_serial_str; bool ok_go_ahead_burn_it; int cd_number = -1; int attempt_to_mount_returned_this=999; char *mtpt; char *szcdno; char *szserfname; char *szunmount; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(szmsg); malloc_string(cdrom_dev); malloc_string(cdrw_dev); malloc_string(mtpt); malloc_string(szcdno); malloc_string(szserfname); malloc_string(our_serial_str); malloc_string(szunmount); sprintf(szmsg, "I am about to burn %s #%d", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); log_to_screen(szmsg); if (g_current_media_number < ask_for_one_if_more_than_this) { return; } log_to_screen("Scanning CD-ROM drive..."); sprintf(mtpt, "/tmp/cd.mtpt.%ld.%ld", (long int)random(), (long int)random()); make_hole_for_dir(mtpt); gotos_make_me_puke: ok_go_ahead_burn_it = TRUE; if (!find_cdrom_device(cdrom_dev, FALSE)) { /* When enabled, it made CD eject-and-retract when wrong CD inserted.. Weird log_msg(2, "paafcd: Retracting CD-ROM drive if possible" ); retract_CD_tray_and_defeat_autorun(); */ sprintf(tmp, "umount %s", cdrom_dev); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, 1); sprintf(szcdno, "%s/archives/THIS-CD-NUMBER", mtpt); sprintf(szserfname, "%s/archives/SERIAL-STRING", mtpt); sprintf(szunmount, "umount %s", mtpt); cd_number = -1; our_serial_str[0] = '\0'; sprintf(tmp, "mount %s %s", cdrom_dev, mtpt); if ((attempt_to_mount_returned_this=run_program_and_log_output(tmp, 1))) { log_msg(4, "Failed to mount %s at %s", cdrom_dev, mtpt); log_to_screen("If there's a CD/DVD in the drive, it's blank."); /* if (interrogate_disk_currently_in_cdrw_drive(cdrw_dev, FALSE)) { ok_go_ahead_burn_it = FALSE; log_to_screen("There isn't a writable CD/DVD in the drive."); } else { log_to_screen("Confirmed. There is a blank CD/DVD in the drive."); } */ } else if (!does_file_exist(szcdno) || !does_file_exist(szserfname)) { log_to_screen("%s has data on it but it's probably not a Mondo CD.", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); } else { log_to_screen("%s found in drive. It's a Mondo disk.", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); cd_number = atoi(last_line_of_file(szcdno)); sprintf(tmp, "cat %s 2> /dev/null", szserfname); strcpy(our_serial_str, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(tmp)); // FIXME - should be able to use last_line_of_file(), surely? } run_program_and_log_output(szunmount, 1); log_msg(2, "paafcd: cd_number = %d", cd_number); log_msg(2, "our serial str = %s; g_serial_string = %s", our_serial_str, g_serial_string); if (cd_number > 0 && !strcmp(our_serial_str, g_serial_string)) { log_msg(2, "This %s is part of this backup set!", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); ok_go_ahead_burn_it = FALSE; if (cd_number == g_current_media_number-1) { log_to_screen("I think you've left the previous %s in the drive.", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); } else { log_to_screen("Please remove this %s. It is part of the backup set you're making now.", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); } } else { log_to_screen("...but not part of _our_ backup set."); } } else { log_msg(2, "paafcd: Can't find CD-ROM drive. Perhaps it has a blank %s in it?", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); if (interrogate_disk_currently_in_cdrw_drive(cdrw_dev, FALSE)) { ok_go_ahead_burn_it = FALSE; log_to_screen("There isn't a writable %s in the drive.", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); } } /* if (g_current_media_number > ask_for_one_if_more_than_this) { ok_go_ahead_burn_it = FALSE; log_it("paafcd: %d > %d, so I'll definitely pause.", g_current_media_number > ask_for_one_if_more_than_this); } */ if (!ok_go_ahead_burn_it) { eject_device(cdrom_dev); sprintf (tmp, "I am about to burn %s #%d of the backup set. Please insert %s and press Enter.", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type), g_current_media_number, media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); popup_and_OK (tmp); goto gotos_make_me_puke; } else { log_msg(2, "paafcd: OK, going ahead and burning it."); } log_msg (2,"paafcd: OK, I assume I have a blank/reusable %s in the drive...", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); // if (ask_for_one_if_more_than_this>1) { popup_and_OK(szmsg); } log_to_screen ("Proceeding w/ %s in drive.", media_descriptor_string(g_backup_media_type)); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(szmsg); paranoid_free(cdrom_dev); paranoid_free(cdrw_dev); paranoid_free(mtpt); paranoid_free(szcdno); paranoid_free(szserfname); paranoid_free(our_serial_str); paranoid_free(szunmount); if (pmountable) { if (attempt_to_mount_returned_this) { *pmountable = FALSE; } else { *pmountable = TRUE; } } } /** * Set the Nth bit of @c array to @c true_or_false. * @param array The bit array (as a @c char pointer). * @param N The bit number to set or reset. * @param true_or_false If TRUE then set bit @c N, if FALSE then reset bit @c N. * @see get_bit_N_of_array */ void set_bit_N_of_array(char*array, int N, bool true_or_false) { int bit_number; int mask, orig_val, to_add; int element_number; assert(array!=NULL); element_number = N / 8; bit_number = N % 8; to_add = (1 << bit_number); mask = 255 - to_add; orig_val = array[element_number] & mask; // log_it("array[%d]=%02x; %02x&%02x = %02x", element_number, array[element_number], mask, orig_val); if (true_or_false) { array[element_number] = orig_val | to_add; } } /* @} - end of utilityGroup */ /** * Chop up @c filename. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_media_type * - @c compression_level * - @c optimal_set_size * - @c tmpdir * - @c use_lzo * - @c zip_exe * - @c zip_suffix * * @param biggie_filename The file to chop up. * @param partimagehack_fifo The FIFO to partimagehack if this is an imagedev, NULL otherwise. * @param biggie_file_number The sequence number of this biggie file (starting from 0). * @param noof_biggie_files The number of biggie files there are total. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @see make_slices_and_images * @ingroup LLarchiveGroup */ int slice_up_file_etc (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *biggie_filename, char *partimagehack_fifo, long biggie_file_number, long noof_biggie_files, bool use_partimagehack) { /*@ buffers ***************************************************/ char *tmp, *checksum_line, *command; char *tempblock; char *curr_slice_fname_uncompressed; char *curr_slice_fname_compressed; char *file_to_archive; char *file_to_openin; /*@ pointers ***************************************************/ char *pB; FILE *fin, *fout; /*@ bool *******************************************************/ bool finished = FALSE; /*@ long *******************************************************/ size_t blksize = 0; long slice_num = 0; long i; long optimal_set_size; bool should_I_compress_slices; char *suffix; // for compressed slices /*@ long long ***************************************************/ long long totalread = 0; long long totallength = 0; long long length; /*@ int *********************************************************/ int retval = 0; int res = 0; /*@ structures ***************************************************/ struct s_filename_and_lstat_info biggiestruct; // struct stat statbuf; assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(biggie_filename); malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(checksum_line); malloc_string(curr_slice_fname_uncompressed); malloc_string(curr_slice_fname_compressed); malloc_string(file_to_archive); malloc_string(suffix); command = malloc(MAX_STR_LEN*8); biggiestruct.for_backward_compatibility = '\n'; biggiestruct.use_partimagehack = use_partimagehack; if (!(tempblock = (char*)malloc(256*1024))) { fatal_error("malloc error 256*1024"); } optimal_set_size = bkpinfo->optimal_set_size; if (is_this_file_compressed(biggie_filename) || bkpinfo->compression_level == 0) { suffix[0] = '\0'; // log_it("%s is indeed compressed :-)", filename); should_I_compress_slices = FALSE; } else { strcpy(suffix, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); should_I_compress_slices = TRUE; } if (optimal_set_size < 999) { fatal_error ("bkpinfo->optimal_set_size is insanely small"); } if (partimagehack_fifo) { file_to_openin = partimagehack_fifo; strcpy (checksum_line, "IGNORE"); log_msg(2, "Not calculating checksum for %s: it would take too long", biggie_filename); } else { file_to_openin = biggie_filename; sprintf (command, "md5sum \"%s\"", biggie_filename); if (!(fin = popen (command, "r"))) { log_OS_error("Unable to popen-in command"); return(1); } (void) fgets (checksum_line, MAX_STR_LEN, fin); pclose (fin); } lstat (biggie_filename, &biggiestruct.properties); strcpy (biggiestruct.filename, biggie_filename); pB = strchr(checksum_line, ' '); if (!pB) { pB = strchr(checksum_line, '\t'); } if (pB) { *pB='\0'; } strcpy (biggiestruct.checksum, checksum_line); strcpy (tmp, slice_fname (biggie_file_number, 0, bkpinfo->tmpdir, "")); fout = fopen (tmp, "w"); (void) fwrite((void*)&biggiestruct, 1, sizeof(biggiestruct), fout); paranoid_fclose (fout); totallength = length_of_file (biggie_filename); length = totallength / optimal_set_size / 1024; log_msg(1, "Opening in %s; slicing it and writing to CD/tape", file_to_openin); if (!(fin = fopen(file_to_openin, "r"))) { log_OS_error("Unable to openin biggie_filename"); sprintf (tmp, "Cannot archive bigfile '%s': not found", biggie_filename); log_to_screen (tmp); paranoid_free(tempblock); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(checksum_line); paranoid_free(command); return (1); } if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { res = move_files_to_stream (bkpinfo, slice_fname (biggie_file_number, 0, bkpinfo->tmpdir, ""), NULL); } else { res = move_files_to_cd (bkpinfo, slice_fname (biggie_file_number, 0, bkpinfo->tmpdir, ""), NULL); } i = bkpinfo->optimal_set_size / 256; for (slice_num = 1; !finished; slice_num++) { strcpy (curr_slice_fname_uncompressed, slice_fname (biggie_file_number, slice_num, bkpinfo->tmpdir, "")); strcpy (curr_slice_fname_compressed, slice_fname (biggie_file_number, slice_num, bkpinfo->tmpdir, suffix)); strcpy (tmp, percent_media_full_comment (bkpinfo)); update_progress_form (tmp); if (!(fout = fopen (curr_slice_fname_uncompressed, "w"))) { log_OS_error(curr_slice_fname_uncompressed); return(1); } if ( (i == bkpinfo->optimal_set_size / 256) && (totalread < 1.1 * totallength) ) { for (i = 0; i < bkpinfo->optimal_set_size / 256; i++) { blksize = fread (tempblock, 1, 256 * 1024, fin); if (blksize > 0) { totalread = totalread + blksize; (void) fwrite (tempblock, 1, blksize, fout); } else { break; } } } else { i = 0; } paranoid_fclose (fout); if (i > 0) // length_of_file (curr_slice_fname_uncompressed) { if (!does_file_exist (curr_slice_fname_uncompressed)) { log_msg (2, "Warning - '%s' doesn't exist. How can I compress slice?", curr_slice_fname_uncompressed); } if (should_I_compress_slices && bkpinfo->compression_level>0) { sprintf (command, "%s -%d %s", bkpinfo->zip_exe, bkpinfo->compression_level, curr_slice_fname_uncompressed); log_msg (2, command); if ((res = system (command))) { log_OS_error(command); } // did_I_compress_slice = TRUE; } else { sprintf (command, "mv %s %s 2>> %s", curr_slice_fname_uncompressed, curr_slice_fname_compressed, MONDO_LOGFILE); res=0; // don't do it :) // did_I_compress_slice = FALSE; } retval += res; if (res) { log_msg (2, "Failed to compress the slice"); } if (bkpinfo->use_lzo && strcmp(curr_slice_fname_compressed, curr_slice_fname_uncompressed)) { unlink (curr_slice_fname_uncompressed); } if (res) { sprintf (tmp, "Problem with slice # %ld", slice_num); } else { sprintf (tmp, "%s - Bigfile #%ld, slice #%ld compressed OK ", biggie_filename, biggie_file_number + 1, slice_num); } #ifndef _XWIN if (!g_text_mode) { newtDrawRootText (0, g_noof_rows - 2, tmp); newtRefresh (); } else { log_msg (2, tmp); } #else log_msg(2, tmp); #endif strcpy(file_to_archive, curr_slice_fname_compressed); g_current_progress++; } else /* if i==0 then ... */ { finished = TRUE; strcpy (file_to_archive, curr_slice_fname_uncompressed); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { break; } } if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { register_in_tape_catalog(biggieslice, biggie_file_number, slice_num, file_to_archive); maintain_collection_of_recent_archives(bkpinfo->tmpdir, file_to_archive); res = move_files_to_stream (bkpinfo, file_to_archive, NULL); } else { res = move_files_to_cd (bkpinfo, file_to_archive, NULL); } retval += res; if (res) { sprintf (tmp, "Failed to add slice %ld of bigfile %ld to scratchdir", slice_num, biggie_file_number+1); log_to_screen (tmp); fatal_error ("Hard disk full. You should have bought a bigger one."); } } paranoid_fclose (fin); sprintf (tmp, "Sliced bigfile #%ld", biggie_file_number + 1); if (retval) { strcat (tmp, "...FAILED"); } else { strcat (tmp, "...OK!"); } log_msg (1, tmp); paranoid_free(tempblock); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(checksum_line); paranoid_free(command); paranoid_free(curr_slice_fname_uncompressed); paranoid_free(curr_slice_fname_compressed); paranoid_free(file_to_archive); paranoid_free(suffix); return (retval); } /** * Remove the archives in @c d. * This could possibly include any of: * - all afioballs (compressed and not) * - all filelists * - all slices * - all checksums * - a zero filler file * * @param d The directory to wipe the archives from. * @ingroup utilityGroup */ void wipe_archives (char *d) { /*@ buffers **********************************************/ char *tmp; char *dir; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(dir); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(d); sprintf (dir, "%s/archives", d); sprintf (tmp, "find %s -name '*.afio*' -exec rm -f '{}' \\;", dir); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); sprintf (tmp, "find %s -name '*list.[0-9]*' -exec rm -f '{}' \\;", dir); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); sprintf (tmp, "find %s -name 'slice*' -exec rm -f '{}' \\;", dir); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); sprintf (tmp, "rm -f %s/cklist*", dir); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); sprintf (tmp, "rm -f %s/zero", dir); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); log_msg(1, "Wiped %s's archives", dir); sprintf (tmp, "ls -l %s", dir); run_program_and_log_output (tmp, FALSE); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(dir); } /** * @addtogroup LLarchiveGroup * @{ */ /** * Write the final ISO image. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Used only * in the call to @c write_iso_and_go_on(). * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @see write_iso_and_go_on * @see make_iso_fs * @bug The final ISO is written even if there are no files on it. In practice, * however, this occurs rarely. */ int write_final_iso_if_necessary (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ******************************************************/ int res; /*@ buffers ***************************************************/ char *tmp; malloc_string(tmp); assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); // I should really check if there are any slices or tarballs to be copied to CD-R(W)'s; the odds are approx. 1 in a million that there are no files here, so I'll just go ahead & make one more CD anyway sprintf(tmp, "Writing the final ISO"); log_msg(2, tmp); center_string (tmp, 80); #ifndef _XWIN if (!g_text_mode) { newtPushHelpLine (tmp); } #endif res = write_iso_and_go_on (bkpinfo, TRUE); #ifndef _XWIN if (!g_text_mode) { newtPopHelpLine (); } #endif log_msg (2, "Returning from writing final ISO (res=%d)", res); paranoid_free(tmp); return (res); } /** * Write an ISO image to [bkpinfo->isodir]/bkpinfo->prefix-[g_current_media_number].iso. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_media_type * - @c prefix * - @c isodir * - @c manual_cd_tray * - @c media_size * - @c nfs_mount * - @c nfs_remote_dir * - @c scratchdir * - @c verify_data * * @param last_cd If TRUE, this is the last CD to write; if FALSE, it's not. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @see make_iso_fs */ int write_iso_and_go_on (struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, bool last_cd) { /*@ pointers *****************************************************/ FILE *fout; /*@ buffers ******************************************************/ char *tmp; char *cdno_fname; char *lastcd_fname; char *isofile; /*@ bool *********************************************************/ bool that_one_was_ok; bool using_nfs; bool orig_vfy_flag_val; /*@ int ************************************************************/ int res = 0; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(cdno_fname); malloc_string(lastcd_fname); malloc_string(isofile); assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); orig_vfy_flag_val = bkpinfo->verify_data; if (bkpinfo->media_size[g_current_media_number]<=0) { fatal_error( "write_iso_and_go_on() - unknown media size"); } if (strlen (bkpinfo->nfs_mount) > 1) { using_nfs = TRUE; } else { using_nfs = FALSE; } log_msg (1, "OK, time to make %s #%d", media_descriptor_string(bkpinfo->backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); /* label the ISO with its number */ sprintf (cdno_fname, "%s/archives/THIS-CD-NUMBER", bkpinfo->scratchdir); fout = fopen (cdno_fname, "w"); fprintf (fout, "%d", g_current_media_number); paranoid_fclose (fout); sprintf (tmp, "cp -f %s/autorun %s/", g_mondo_home, bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE)) { log_msg(2, "Warning - unable to copy autorun to scratchdir"); } /* last CD or not? Label accordingly */ sprintf (lastcd_fname, "%s/archives/NOT-THE-LAST", bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (last_cd) { unlink (lastcd_fname); log_msg (2, "OK, you're telling me this is the last CD. Fair enough."); } else { fout = fopen (lastcd_fname, "w"); fprintf (fout, "You're listening to 90.3 WPLN, Nashville Public Radio.\n"); paranoid_fclose (fout); } if (space_occupied_by_cd (bkpinfo->scratchdir) / 1024 > bkpinfo->media_size[g_current_media_number]) { sprintf (tmp, "Warning! CD is too big. It occupies %ld KB, which is more than the %ld KB allowed.", (long) space_occupied_by_cd (bkpinfo->scratchdir), (long) bkpinfo->media_size[g_current_media_number]); log_to_screen (tmp); } sprintf (isofile, "%s/%s/%s-%d.iso", bkpinfo->isodir, bkpinfo->nfs_remote_dir, bkpinfo->prefix, g_current_media_number); for (that_one_was_ok = FALSE; !that_one_was_ok;) { res = make_iso_fs (bkpinfo, isofile); if (g_current_media_number==1 && !res && ( bkpinfo->backup_media_type == cdr || bkpinfo->backup_media_type == cdrw) ) { if (find_cdrom_device(tmp, FALSE)) // make sure find_cdrom_device() finds, records CD-R's loc { log_msg(3, "*Sigh* Mike, I hate your computer."); bkpinfo->manual_cd_tray = TRUE; } // if it can't be found then force pausing else { log_msg(3, "Great. Found Mike's CD-ROM drive."); } } if (bkpinfo->verify_data && !res) { log_to_screen ("Please reboot from the 1st CD in Compare Mode, as a precaution."); chdir ("/"); iamhere("Before calling verify_cd_image()"); res += verify_cd_image (bkpinfo); iamhere("After calling verify_cd_image()"); } if (!res) { that_one_was_ok = TRUE; } else { sprintf (tmp, "Failed to burn %s #%d. Retry?", media_descriptor_string(bkpinfo->backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); res = ask_me_yes_or_no (tmp); if (!res) { if (ask_me_yes_or_no ("Abort the backup?")) { fatal_error ("FAILED TO BACKUP"); } else { break; } } else { log_msg (2, "Retrying, at user's request..."); res = 0; } } } /* if (using_nfs) { sprintf(tmp,"mv -f %s %s/%s/", isofile, bkpinfo->isodir, bkpinfo->nfs_remote_dir); if (run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE)) { log_to_screen("Unable to move ISO to NFS dir"); } } */ g_current_media_number++; if (g_current_media_number > MAX_NOOF_MEDIA) { fatal_error("Too many CD-R(W)'s. Use tape or net."); } wipe_archives (bkpinfo->scratchdir); sprintf (tmp, "rm -Rf %s/images/*gz %s/images/*data*img", bkpinfo->scratchdir, bkpinfo->scratchdir); if (system (tmp)) { log_msg (2, "Error occurred when I tried to delete the redundant IMGs and GZs"); } if (last_cd) { log_msg (2, "This was your last CD."); } else { log_msg (2, "Continuing to backup your data..."); } bkpinfo->verify_data = orig_vfy_flag_val; paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(cdno_fname); paranoid_free(lastcd_fname); paranoid_free(isofile); return (0); } /* @} - end of LLarchiveGroup */ /** * Verify the user's data. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c backup_data * - @c backup_media_type * - @c media_device * - @c verify_data * * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @ingroup verifyGroup */ int verify_data(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { int res=0, retval=0, cdno=0; char *tmp; long diffs=0; malloc_string(tmp); assert(bkpinfo!=NULL); if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) { chdir ("/"); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY, 0, "Verifying archives against live filesystem"); if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type == cdstream) { strcpy (bkpinfo->media_device, "/dev/cdrom"); } verify_tape_backups (bkpinfo); mvaddstr_and_log_it (g_currentY++, 74, "Done."); } else if (bkpinfo->backup_data) //bkpinfo->backup_media_type == cdrw || bkpinfo->backup_media_type == cdr)) { log_msg (2, "Not verifying again. Per-CD/ISO verification already carried out."); paranoid_system("cat /tmp/changed.files.* > /tmp/changed.files 2> /dev/null"); } else { g_current_media_number = cdno; if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type != iso) { find_cdrom_device(bkpinfo->media_device, FALSE); // replace 0,0,0 with /dev/cdrom } chdir ("/"); for (cdno = 1; cdno < 99 && bkpinfo->verify_data; cdno++) { if (cdno != g_current_media_number) { log_msg (2, "Warning - had to change g_current_media_number from %d to %d", g_current_media_number, cdno); g_current_media_number = cdno; } if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type != iso) { insist_on_this_cd_number (bkpinfo, cdno); } res = verify_cd_image (bkpinfo); // sets verify_data to FALSE if it's time to stop verifying retval += res; if (res) { sprintf (tmp, "Warnings/errors were reported while checking %s #%d", media_descriptor_string(bkpinfo->backup_media_type), g_current_media_number); log_to_screen (tmp); } } /* sprintf (tmp, "cat %s | grep \"afio: \" | cut -d'\"' -f2 | sort -u | awk '{print \"/\"$0;};' | tr -s '/' '/' | grep -vx \"/afio:.*\" > /tmp/changed.files", MONDO_LOGFILE); system (tmp); */ sprintf (tmp, "cat %s | grep \"afio: \" | sed 's/afio: //' | grep -vx \"/dev/.*\" >> /tmp/changed.files", MONDO_LOGFILE); system (tmp); sprintf (tmp, "cat %s | grep \"star: \" | sed 's/star: //' | grep -vx \"/dev/.*\" >> /tmp/changed.files", MONDO_LOGFILE); system (tmp); run_program_and_log_output("umount "MNT_CDROM, FALSE); // if (bkpinfo->backup_media_type != iso && !bkpinfo->please_dont_eject_when_restoring) //{ eject_device(bkpinfo->media_device); //} } diffs = count_lines_in_file ("/tmp/changed.files"); if (diffs > 0) { if (retval==0) { retval=(int)(-diffs); } } paranoid_free(tmp); return(retval); } /** * @addtogroup utilityGroup * @{ */ /** * Write an image to a real 3.5" floppy disk. * @param device The device to write to (e.g. @c /dev/fd0) * @param datafile The image to write to @p device. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success) * @see write_image_to_floppy */ int write_image_to_floppy_SUB (char *device, char *datafile) { /*@ int ****************************************************************/ int res = 0; int percentage = 0; int blockno = 0; int maxblocks =0; /*@ buffers*************************************************************/ char *tmp; char blk[1024]; char *title; /*@ pointers ***********************************************************/ char *p; FILE *fout, *fin; malloc_string(tmp); malloc_string(title); /* pretty stuff */ if (!(p = strrchr (datafile, '/'))) { p = datafile; } else { p++; } sprintf (title, "Writing %s to floppy", p); open_evalcall_form (title); /* functional stuff */ for (p = device + strlen (device); p != device && isdigit (*(p - 1)); p--); maxblocks = atoi (p); if (!maxblocks) { maxblocks = 1440; } sprintf (tmp, "maxblocks = %d; p=%s", maxblocks, p); log_msg (2, tmp); /* copy data from image to floppy */ if (!(fin = fopen (datafile, "r"))) { log_OS_error ("Cannot open img"); return (1); } if (!(fout = fopen (device, "w"))) { log_OS_error ("Cannot open fdd"); return (1); } for (blockno = 0; blockno < maxblocks; blockno++) { percentage = blockno * 100 / maxblocks; if (fread (blk, 1, 1024, fin) != 1024) { if (feof(fin)) { log_msg(1, "img read err - img ended prematurely - non-fatal error"); sleep(3); return(res); } res++; log_to_screen ("img read err"); } if (fwrite (blk, 1, 1024, fout) != 1024) { res++; log_to_screen ("fdd write err"); } if (((blockno + 1) % 128) == 0) { paranoid_system ("sync"); /* fflush doesn't work; dunno why */ update_evalcall_form (percentage); } } paranoid_fclose (fin); paranoid_fclose(fout); paranoid_free(tmp); paranoid_free(title); close_evalcall_form (); return (res); } /** * Wrapper around @c write_image_to_floppy_SUB(). * This function, unlike @c write_image_to_floppy_SUB(), * gives the user the opportunity to retry if the write fails. * @see write_image_to_floppy_SUB */ int write_image_to_floppy (char *device, char *datafile) { /*@ int ***************************************************************/ int res = 0; assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(device); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(datafile); while ((res = write_image_to_floppy_SUB (device, datafile))) { if (!ask_me_yes_or_no ("Failed to write image to floppy. Retry?")) { return (res); } } return (res); } /* @} - end of utilityGroup */