1 | [project]
2 | name = MondoRescue
3 | descr = GPL disaster recovery solution
4 | footer = The <a href="http://www.mondorescue.org">Mondo Rescue</a> project is hosted <br>by the <a href="http://www.hpintelco.net">HP Intel Solution Center</a> on a <a href="http://www.mandriva.com">Mandriva</a> system.
5 | url = http://trac.mondorescue.org
6 | icon = /mondo/www/html/mondo/favicon.ico
7 |
8 | [logging]
9 | log_file = trac.log
10 | log_level = INFO
11 | log_type = file
12 |
13 | [trac]
14 | default_charset = iso-8859-15
15 | database = sqlite:db/trac.db
16 | templates_dir = /usr/share/trac/templates
17 | htdocs_location = /trac/
18 | repository_dir = /mondo/svn/mondorescue
19 |
20 | [notification]
21 | always_notify_owner = true
22 | smtp_enabled = true
23 | smtp_replyto = trac@svn.mondorescue.org
24 | smtp_always_cc = bruno.cornec@hp.com
25 | smtp_server =
26 | smtp_from = trac@svn.mondorescue.org
27 | always_notify_reporter = true
28 |
29 | [header_logo]
30 | src = http://www.mondorescue.org/images/trac-logo.png
31 | height = 120
32 | width = 350
33 | link = http://www.mondorescue.org
34 | alt = Mondo Rescue
35 |
36 | [mimeviewer]
37 | enscript_path = enscript
38 |
39 | [attachment]
40 | render_unsafe_content = false
41 | max_size = 262144
42 |
43 | [components]
44 | webadmin.* = enabled
45 | acct_mgr.web_ui.registrationmodule = enabled
46 | acct_mgr.web_ui.loginmodule = enabled
47 | acct_mgr.htfile.htdigeststore = enabled
48 | acct_mgr.api.accountmanager = enabled
49 | acct_mgr.web_ui.accountmodule = enabled
50 | acct_mgr.htfile.htpasswdstore = enabled
51 | acct_mgr.htfile.abstractpasswordfilestore = enabled
52 |
53 | [timeline]
54 | changeset_show_files = 0
55 |
56 | [account-manager]
57 | password_format = htpasswd
58 | password_file = /usr/local/etc/trac.htpasswd
59 |
60 | [diff]
61 | tab_width = 4
62 |
63 | [ticket]
64 | default_version = 2.2.0
65 | default_component = mondo
66 | default_milestone = 2.0.9
67 | default_severity = normal
68 | default_priority = normal