/* $Id: libmondo-verify.c 914 2006-11-02 01:00:32Z bruno $ */ /** * @file * Functions for verifying backups (booted from hard drive, not CD). */ #include #include "my-stuff.h" #include "mondostructures.h" #include "libmondo-verify.h" #include "newt-specific-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-files-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-fork-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-stream-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-string-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-devices-EXT.h" #include "libmondo-tools-EXT.h" #include "mr_mem.h" /*@unused@*/ //static char cvsid[] = "$Id: libmondo-verify.c 914 2006-11-02 01:00:32Z bruno $"; char *vfy_tball_fname(struct s_bkpinfo *, char *, int); /** * The number of the most recently verified afioball. * @ingroup globalGroup */ int g_last_afioball_number = -1; /** * Generate a list of the files that have changed, based on @c afio @c -r * messages. * @param changedfiles_fname Filename of the place to put a list of afio's reported changed. * @param ignorefiles_fname Filename of a list of files to ignore (use "" if none). * @param stderr_fname File containing afio's stderr output. * @return The number of differences found (0 for a perfect backup). * @bug This function seems orphaned. * @ingroup utilityGroup */ long generate_list_of_changed_files(char *changedfiles_fname, char *ignorefiles_fname, char *stderr_fname) { /*@ buffer ********************************************************** */ char *command; char *afio_found_changes; /*@ int ************************************************************* */ int res = 0; /*@ long ************************************************************ */ long afio_diffs = 0; assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(changedfiles_fname); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(ignorefiles_fname); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(stderr_fname); mr_asprintf(&afio_found_changes, "%s.afio", ignorefiles_fname); sync(); /* s-printf (command, "grep \"afio: \" %s | awk '{j=substr($0,8); i=index(j,\": \");printf \"/%%s\\n\",substr(j,1,i-2);}' | sort -u | grep -v \"incheckentry.*xwait\" | grep -vx \"/afio:.*\" | grep -vx \"/dev/.*\" > %s", stderr_fname, afio_found_changes); */ log_msg(1, "Now scanning log file for 'afio: ' stuff"); mr_asprintf(&command, "grep \"afio: \" %s | sed 's/afio: //' | grep -vE '^/dev/.*$' >> %s", stderr_fname, afio_found_changes); log_msg(2, command); res = system(command); mr_free(command); if (res) { log_msg(2, "Warning - failed to think"); } log_msg(1, "Now scanning log file for 'star: ' stuff"); mr_asprintf(&command, "grep \"star: \" %s | sed 's/star: //' | grep -vE '^/dev/.*$' >> %s", stderr_fname, afio_found_changes); log_msg(2, command); res = system(command); mr_free(command); if (res) { log_msg(2, "Warning - failed to think"); } // exclude_nonexistent_files (afio_found_changes); afio_diffs = count_lines_in_file(afio_found_changes); mr_asprintf(&command, "sort %s %s %s | uniq -c | awk '{ if ($1==\"2\") {print $2;};}' | grep -v \"incheckentry xwait()\" > %s", ignorefiles_fname, afio_found_changes, afio_found_changes, changedfiles_fname); log_msg(2, command); paranoid_system(command); mr_free(command); mr_free(afio_found_changes); return (afio_diffs); } /** * @addtogroup LLverifyGroup * @{ */ /** * Verify all afioballs stored on the inserted CD (or an ISO image). * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. @c bkpinfo->backup_media_type * is used in this function, and the structure is also passed to verify_an_afioball_from_CD(). * @param mountpoint The location the CD/DVD/ISO is mounted on. * @return The number of sets containing differences (0 for success). */ int verify_afioballs_on_CD(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *mountpoint) { /*@ buffers ********************************************************* */ char *tmp; /*@ int ************************************************************* */ int set_number = 0; int retval = 0; int total_sets = 0; int percentage = 0; assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(mountpoint); assert(bkpinfo != NULL); for (set_number = 0; set_number < 9999 && !does_file_exist(vfy_tball_fname (bkpinfo, mountpoint, set_number)); set_number++); if (!does_file_exist(vfy_tball_fname(bkpinfo, mountpoint, set_number))) { return (0); } if (g_last_afioball_number != set_number - 1) { if (set_number == 0) { log_msg(1, "Weird error in verify_afioballs_on_CD() but it's really a cosmetic error, nothing more"); } else { retval++; mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Warning - missing set(s) between %d and %d\n", g_last_afioball_number, set_number - 1); log_to_screen(tmp); mr_free(tmp); } } mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Verifying %s #%d's tarballs", bkpinfo->backup_media_string, g_current_media_number); open_evalcall_form(tmp); mr_free(tmp); for (total_sets = set_number; does_file_exist(vfy_tball_fname(bkpinfo, mountpoint, total_sets)); total_sets++) { log_msg(1, "total_sets = %d", total_sets); } for (; does_file_exist(vfy_tball_fname(bkpinfo, mountpoint, set_number)); set_number++) { percentage = (set_number - g_last_afioball_number) * 100 / (total_sets - g_last_afioball_number); update_evalcall_form(percentage); log_msg(1, "set = %d", set_number); retval += verify_an_afioball_from_CD(bkpinfo, vfy_tball_fname(bkpinfo, mountpoint, set_number)); } g_last_afioball_number = set_number - 1; close_evalcall_form(); return (retval); } /** * Verify all slices stored on the inserted CD (or a mounted ISO image). * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c compression_level * - @c restore_path * - @c use_lzo * - @c zip_suffix * @param mtpt The mountpoint the CD/DVD/ISO is mounted on. * @return The number of differences (0 for perfect biggiefiles). */ int verify_all_slices_on_CD(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *mtpt) { char *tmp = NULL; char *tmp1 = NULL; char *tmp2 = NULL; char *mountpoint = NULL; char *command = NULL; char *sz_exe = NULL; static char *bufblkA = NULL; static char *bufblkB = NULL; const long maxbufsize = 65536L; long currsizA = 0L; long currsizB = 0L; long j = 0L; long bigfile_num = 0L; long slice_num = -1; int res = 0; static FILE *forig = NULL; static struct s_filename_and_lstat_info biggiestruct; static long last_bigfile_num = -1; static long last_slice_num = -1; FILE *pin = NULL; FILE *fin = NULL; int retval = 0; if (!bufblkA) { if (!(bufblkA = malloc(maxbufsize))) { fatal_error("Cannot malloc bufblkA"); } } if (!bufblkB) { if (!(bufblkB = malloc(maxbufsize))) { fatal_error("Cannot malloc bufblkB"); } } assert(bkpinfo != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(mtpt); if (bkpinfo->compression_level > 0) { if (bkpinfo->use_lzo) { mr_asprintf(&sz_exe, "lzop"); } else { mr_asprintf(&sz_exe, "bzip2"); } } else { mr_asprintf(&sz_exe, " "); } iamhere("before vsbf"); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Verifying %s#%d's big files", bkpinfo->backup_media_string, g_current_media_number); open_evalcall_form(tmp); mr_free(tmp); iamhere("after vsbf"); mr_asprintf(&mountpoint, "%s/archives", mtpt); if (last_bigfile_num == -1) { bigfile_num = 0; slice_num = 0; } else if (slice_num == 0) { bigfile_num = last_bigfile_num + 1; slice_num = 0; } else { bigfile_num = last_bigfile_num; slice_num = last_slice_num + 1; } tmp = slice_fname(bigfile_num, slice_num, mountpoint, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); tmp1 = slice_fname(bigfile_num, slice_num, mountpoint, ""); while (does_file_exist(tmp) || does_file_exist(tmp1)) { // handle slices until end of CD if (slice_num == 0) { log_msg(2, "ISO=%d bigfile=%ld --START--", g_current_media_number, bigfile_num); if (!(fin = fopen(tmp1,"r"))) { log_msg(2, "Cannot open bigfile's info file"); } else { if (fread ((void *) &biggiestruct, 1, sizeof(biggiestruct), fin) < sizeof(biggiestruct)) { log_msg(2, "Unable to get biggiestruct"); } paranoid_fclose(fin); } mr_asprintf(&tmp2, "%s/%s", bkpinfo->restore_path, biggiestruct.filename); log_msg(2, "Opening biggiefile #%ld - '%s'", bigfile_num, tmp2); if (!(forig = fopen(tmp2, "r"))) { log_msg(2, "Failed to open bigfile. Darn."); retval++; } mr_free(tmp2); slice_num++; } else if (does_file_exist(tmp1)) { log_msg(2, "ISO=%d bigfile=%ld ---END---", g_current_media_number, bigfile_num); bigfile_num++; paranoid_fclose(forig); slice_num = 0; } else { log_msg(2, "ISO=%d bigfile=%ld slice=%ld \r", g_current_media_number, bigfile_num, slice_num); if (bkpinfo->compression_level > 0) { mr_asprintf(&command, "%s -dc %s 2>> %s", sz_exe, tmp, MONDO_LOGFILE); } else { mr_asprintf(&command, "cat %s", tmp); } if ((pin = popen(command, "r"))) { res = 0; while (!feof(pin)) { currsizA = fread(bufblkA, 1, maxbufsize, pin); if (currsizA <= 0) { break; } currsizB = fread(bufblkB, 1, currsizA, forig); if (currsizA != currsizB) { res++; } else { for (j = 0; j < currsizA && bufblkA[j] == bufblkB[j]; j++); if (j < currsizA) { res++; } } } paranoid_pclose(pin); if (res && !strncmp(biggiestruct.filename, " /dev/", 5)) { log_msg(3, "Ignoring differences between %s and live filesystem because it's a device and therefore the archives are stored via ntfsclone, not dd.", biggiestruct.filename); log_msg(3, "If you really want verification for %s, please contact the devteam and offer an incentive.", biggiestruct.filename); res = 0; } if (res) { log_msg(0, "afio: \"%s\": Corrupt biggie file, says libmondo-archive.c", biggiestruct.filename); retval++; } } mr_free(command); slice_num++; } } mr_free(tmp); mr_free(tmp1); mr_free(mountpoint); mr_free(sz_exe); last_bigfile_num = bigfile_num; last_slice_num = slice_num - 1; if (last_slice_num < 0) { last_bigfile_num--; } close_evalcall_form(); if (bufblkA) { mr_free(bufblkA); } if (bufblkB) { mr_free(bufblkB); } return (0); } /** * Verify one afioball from the CD. * You should be changed to the root directory (/) for this to work. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c bkpinfo->use_lzo * - @c bkpinfo->tmpdir * - @c bkpinfo->zip_exe * - @c bkpinfo->zip_suffix * @param tarball_fname The filename of the afioball to verify. * @return 0, always. */ int verify_a_tarball(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *tarball_fname) { /*@ buffers ********************************************************* */ char *command; char *outlog; char *tmp = NULL; // char *p; /*@ pointers ******************************************************* */ FILE *pin; size_t n = 0; /*@ long *********************************************************** */ long diffs = 0; assert(bkpinfo != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(tarball_fname); log_it("Verifying fileset '%s'", tarball_fname); /* chdir("/"); */ mr_asprintf(&outlog, "%s/afio.log", bkpinfo->tmpdir); /* if programmer forgot to say which compression thingy to use then find out */ if (strstr(tarball_fname, ".lzo") && strcmp(bkpinfo->zip_suffix, "lzo")) { log_msg(2, "OK, I'm going to start using lzop."); mr_allocstr(bkpinfo->zip_exe, "lzop"); mr_allocstr(bkpinfo->zip_suffix, "lzo"); bkpinfo->use_lzo = TRUE; } if (strstr(tarball_fname, ".bz2") && strcmp(bkpinfo->zip_suffix, "bz2")) { log_msg(2, "OK, I'm going to start using bzip2."); mr_allocstr(bkpinfo->zip_exe, "bzip2"); mr_allocstr(bkpinfo->zip_suffix, "bz2"); bkpinfo->use_lzo = FALSE; } unlink(outlog); if (strstr(tarball_fname, ".star")) { bkpinfo->use_star = TRUE; if (strstr(tarball_fname, ".bz2")) mr_asprintf(&command, "star -diff diffopts=mode,size,data file=%s %s >> %s 2>> %s", tarball_fname, (strstr(tarball_fname, ".bz2")) ? "-bz" : " ", outlog, outlog); } else { bkpinfo->use_star = FALSE; mr_asprintf(&command, "afio -r -P %s -Z %s >> %s 2>> %s", bkpinfo->zip_exe, tarball_fname, outlog, outlog); } log_msg(6, "command=%s", command); paranoid_system(command); mr_free(command); if (length_of_file(outlog) < 10) { mr_asprintf(&command, "cat %s >> %s", outlog, MONDO_LOGFILE); } else { mr_asprintf(&command, "cut -d':' -f%d %s | sort -u", (bkpinfo->use_star) ? 1 : 2, outlog); pin = popen(command, "r"); if (pin) { for (mr_getline(&tmp, &n, pin); !feof(pin); mr_getline(&tmp, &n, pin)) { if (bkpinfo->use_star) { if (!strstr(tmp, "diffopts=")) { while (strlen(tmp) > 0 && tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] < 32) { tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; } if (strchr(tmp, '/')) { if (!diffs) { log_msg(0, "'%s' - differences found", tarball_fname); } log_msg(0, "star: /%s", strip_afio_output_line(tmp)); diffs++; } } } else { if (!diffs) { log_msg(0, "'%s' - differences found", tarball_fname); } log_msg(0, "afio: /%s", strip_afio_output_line(tmp)); diffs++; } } paranoid_pclose(pin); mr_free(tmp); } else { log_OS_error(command); } } mr_free(outlog); mr_free(command); /* chdir(old_pwd); */ // s-printf (tmp, "uniq -u %s >> %s", "/tmp/mondo-verify.err", MONDO_LOGFILE); // paranoid_system (tmp); // unlink ("/tmp/mondo-verify.err"); return (0); } /** * Verify one afioball from the CD. * Checks for existence (calls fatal_error() if it does not exist) and * then calls verify_an_afioball(). * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Passed to verify_an_afioball(). * @param tarball_fname The filename of the afioball to verify. * @return The return value of verify_an_afioball(). * @see verify_an_afioball */ int verify_an_afioball_from_CD(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *tarball_fname) { /*@ int ************************************************************* */ int res = 0; assert(bkpinfo != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(tarball_fname); log_msg(1, "Verifying %s", tarball_fname); if (!does_file_exist(tarball_fname)) { fatal_error("Cannot verify nonexistent afioball"); } res = verify_a_tarball(bkpinfo, tarball_fname); return (res); } /** * Verify one afioball from the opened tape/CD stream. * Copies the file from tape to tmpdir and then calls verify_an_afioball(). * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Passed to verify_an_afioball(). * @param orig_fname The original filename of the afioball to verify. * @param size The size of the afioball to verify. * @return The return value of verify_an_afioball(). * @see verify_an_afioball */ int verify_an_afioball_from_stream(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *orig_fname, long long size) { /*@ int ************************************************************** */ int retval = 0; int res = 0; /*@ buffers ********************************************************** */ char *tmp; char *tarball_fname; /*@ pointers ********************************************************* */ char *p; assert(bkpinfo != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(orig_fname); p = strrchr(orig_fname, '/'); if (!p) { p = orig_fname; } else { p++; } mr_asprintf(&tmp, "mkdir -p %s/tmpfs", bkpinfo->tmpdir); paranoid_system(tmp); mr_free(tmp); mr_asprintf(&tarball_fname, "%s/tmpfs/temporary-%s", bkpinfo->tmpdir, p); /* BERLIOS : useless mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Temporarily copying file from tape to '%s'", tarball_fname); log_it(tmp); mr_free(tmp); */ read_file_from_stream_to_file(bkpinfo, tarball_fname, size); res = verify_a_tarball(bkpinfo, tarball_fname); if (res) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Afioball '%s' no longer matches your live filesystem", p); log_msg(0, tmp); mr_free(tmp); retval++; } unlink(tarball_fname); mr_free(tarball_fname); return (retval); } /** * Verify one biggiefile form the opened tape/CD stream. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. @c bkpinfo->tmpdir is the only field used. * @param biggie_fname The filename of the biggiefile to verify. * @param size The size in bytes of said biggiefile. * @return 0 for success (even if the file doesn't match); nonzero for a tape error. */ int verify_a_biggiefile_from_stream(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *biggie_fname, long long size) { /*@ int ************************************************************* */ int retval = 0; int res = 0; int current_slice_number = 0; int ctrl_chr = '\0'; /*@ char ************************************************************ */ char *test_file; char *biggie_cksum; char *orig_cksum; char *tmp; char *slice_fnam = (char *) &res; /*@ pointers ******************************************************** */ char *p; /*@ long long ******************************************************* */ long long slice_siz; assert(bkpinfo != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(biggie_fname); p = strrchr(biggie_fname, '/'); if (!p) { p = biggie_fname; } else { p++; } mr_asprintf(&test_file, "%s/temporary-%s", bkpinfo->tmpdir, p); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Temporarily copying biggiefile %s's slices from tape to '%s'", p, test_file); log_it(tmp); mr_free(tmp); for (res = read_header_block_from_stream(&slice_siz, slice_fnam, &ctrl_chr); ctrl_chr != BLK_STOP_A_BIGGIE; res = read_header_block_from_stream(&slice_siz, slice_fnam, &ctrl_chr)) { if (ctrl_chr != BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE) { wrong_marker(BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE, ctrl_chr); } res = read_file_from_stream_to_file(bkpinfo, test_file, slice_siz); unlink(test_file); mr_free(slice_fnam); slice_fnam = (char *) &res; res = read_header_block_from_stream(&slice_siz, slice_fnam, &ctrl_chr); if (ctrl_chr != BLK_STOP_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE) { log_msg(2, "test_file = %s", test_file); wrong_marker(BLK_STOP_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE, ctrl_chr); } current_slice_number++; retval += res; mr_free(slice_fnam); slice_fnam = (char *) &res; } mr_free(test_file); mr_asprintf(&biggie_cksum, slice_fnam); mr_free(slice_fnam); if (biggie_cksum[0] != '\0') { orig_cksum = calc_checksum_of_file(biggie_fname); if (strcmp(biggie_cksum, orig_cksum)) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "orig cksum=%s; curr cksum=%s", biggie_cksum, orig_cksum); log_msg(2, tmp); mr_free(tmp); mr_asprintf(&tmp, _("%s has changed on live filesystem"), biggie_fname); log_to_screen(tmp); mr_free(tmp); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "echo \"%s\" >> /tmp/biggies.changed", biggie_fname); system(tmp); mr_free(tmp); } mr_free(orig_cksum); } mr_free(biggie_cksum); return (retval); } /** * Verify all afioballs from the opened tape/CD stream. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c bkpinfo->restore_path * - @c bkpinfo->tmpdir * * @return 0 for success (even if there are differences); nonzero for a tape error. */ int verify_afioballs_from_stream(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ********************************************************** */ int retval = 0; int res = 0; long current_afioball_number = 0; int ctrl_chr = 0; int total_afioballs = 0; /*@ buffers ***************************************************** */ char *tmp; char *fname = (char *) &res; /* Should NOT be NULL */ char *curr_xattr_list_fname; char *curr_acl_list_fname; /*@ long long *************************************************** */ long long size = 0; assert(bkpinfo != NULL); mr_asprintf(&curr_xattr_list_fname, XATTR_BIGGLST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir); mr_asprintf(&curr_acl_list_fname, ACL_BIGGLST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir); log_to_screen(_("Verifying regular archives on tape")); total_afioballs = get_last_filelist_number(bkpinfo) + 1; open_progress_form(_("Verifying filesystem"), _("I am verifying archives against your live filesystem now."), _("Please wait. This may take a couple of hours."), "", total_afioballs); res = read_header_block_from_stream(&size, NULL, &ctrl_chr); if (ctrl_chr != BLK_START_AFIOBALLS) { iamhere("YOU SHOULD NOT GET HERE"); iamhere("Grabbing the EXAT files"); if (ctrl_chr == BLK_START_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES) { res = read_EXAT_files_from_tape(bkpinfo, &size, NULL, &ctrl_chr, curr_xattr_list_fname, curr_acl_list_fname); } } if (ctrl_chr != BLK_START_AFIOBALLS) { wrong_marker(BLK_START_AFIOBALLS, ctrl_chr); } mr_free(curr_xattr_list_fname); mr_free(curr_acl_list_fname); for (res = read_header_block_from_stream(&size, fname, &ctrl_chr); ctrl_chr != BLK_STOP_AFIOBALLS; res = read_header_block_from_stream(&size, fname, &ctrl_chr)) { mr_asprintf(&curr_xattr_list_fname, XATTR_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, current_afioball_number); mr_asprintf(&curr_acl_list_fname, ACL_LIST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir, current_afioball_number); if (ctrl_chr == BLK_START_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES) { iamhere("Reading EXAT files from tape"); mr_free(fname); fname = (char *) &res; res = read_EXAT_files_from_tape(bkpinfo, &size, fname, &ctrl_chr, curr_xattr_list_fname, curr_acl_list_fname); } mr_free(curr_xattr_list_fname); mr_free(curr_acl_list_fname); if (ctrl_chr != BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE) { wrong_marker(BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE, ctrl_chr); } mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Verifying fileset #%ld", current_afioball_number); /*log_it(tmp); */ update_progress_form(tmp); mr_free(tmp); res = verify_an_afioball_from_stream(bkpinfo, fname, size); if (res) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, _("Afioball %ld differs from live filesystem"), current_afioball_number); log_to_screen(tmp); mr_free(tmp); } retval += res; current_afioball_number++; g_current_progress++; mr_free(fname); fname = (char *) &res; res = read_header_block_from_stream(&size, fname, &ctrl_chr); if (ctrl_chr != BLK_STOP_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE) { wrong_marker(BLK_STOP_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE, ctrl_chr); } mr_free(fname); fname = (char *) &res; } log_msg(1, "All done with afioballs"); close_progress_form(); mr_free(fname); return (retval); } /** * Verify all biggiefiles on the opened CD/tape stream. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c bkpinfo->restore_path * - @c bkpinfo->tmpdir * * @return 0 for success (even if there are differences); nonzero for a tape error. */ int verify_biggiefiles_from_stream(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ************************************************************ */ int retval = 0; int res = 0; int ctrl_chr = 0; /*@ long *********************************************************** */ long noof_biggiefiles = 0; long current_biggiefile_number = 0; /*@ buffers ******************************************************** */ char *orig_fname = (char *) &ctrl_chr; /* Should NOT be NULL */ char *logical_fname; char *comment; char *curr_xattr_list_fname; char *curr_acl_list_fname; /*@ pointers ******************************************************* */ char *p; /*@ long long size ************************************************* */ long long size = 0; assert(bkpinfo != NULL); mr_asprintf(&curr_xattr_list_fname, XATTR_BIGGLST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir); mr_asprintf(&curr_acl_list_fname, ACL_BIGGLST_FNAME_RAW_SZ, bkpinfo->tmpdir); mr_asprintf(&comment, "Verifying all bigfiles."); log_to_screen(comment); res = read_header_block_from_stream(&size, orig_fname, &ctrl_chr); if (ctrl_chr != BLK_START_BIGGIEFILES) { if (ctrl_chr == BLK_START_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES) { iamhere("Grabbing the EXAT biggiefiles"); mr_free(orig_fname); orig_fname = (char *) &ctrl_chr; res = read_EXAT_files_from_tape(bkpinfo, &size, orig_fname, &ctrl_chr, curr_xattr_list_fname, curr_acl_list_fname); } } mr_free(curr_xattr_list_fname); mr_free(curr_acl_list_fname); mr_free(orig_fname); orig_fname = (char *) &ctrl_chr; if (ctrl_chr != BLK_START_BIGGIEFILES) { wrong_marker(BLK_START_BIGGIEFILES, ctrl_chr); } noof_biggiefiles = (long) size; log_msg(1, "noof_biggiefiles = %ld", noof_biggiefiles); open_progress_form(_("Verifying big files"), comment, _("Please wait. This may take some time."), "", noof_biggiefiles); mr_free(comment); for (res = read_header_block_from_stream(&size, orig_fname, &ctrl_chr); ctrl_chr != BLK_STOP_BIGGIEFILES; res = read_header_block_from_stream(&size, orig_fname, &ctrl_chr)) { if (ctrl_chr != BLK_START_A_NORMBIGGIE && ctrl_chr != BLK_START_A_PIHBIGGIE) { wrong_marker(BLK_START_A_NORMBIGGIE, ctrl_chr); } p = strrchr(orig_fname, '/'); if (!p) { p = orig_fname; } else { p++; } mr_asprintf(&comment, _("Verifying bigfile #%ld (%ld K)"), current_biggiefile_number, (long) size >> 10); update_progress_form(comment); mr_free(comment); mr_asprintf(&logical_fname, "%s/%s", bkpinfo->restore_path, orig_fname); res = verify_a_biggiefile_from_stream(bkpinfo, logical_fname, size); mr_free(logical_fname); retval += res; current_biggiefile_number++; g_current_progress++; mr_free(orig_fname); orig_fname = (char *) &ctrl_chr; } close_progress_form(); return (retval); } /* @} - end of LLverifyGroup */ /** * Verify the CD indicated by @c g_current_media_number. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used: * - @c bkpinfo->isodir * - @c bkpinfo->prefix * - @c bkpinfo->manual_cd_tray * - @c bkpinfo->media_device * - @c bkpinfo->nfs_remote_dir * - @c bkpinfo->tmpdir * - @c bkpinfo->verify_data * * @return 0 for success (even if differences are found), nonzero for failure. * @ingroup verifyGroup */ int verify_cd_image(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ************************************************************ */ int retval = 0; /*@ buffers ******************************************************** */ char *mountpoint; char *command; char *tmp; char *fname; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ char mdd[32]; char *mddevice = mdd; int ret = 0; int vndev = 2; #else //skip #endif assert(bkpinfo != NULL); mr_asprintf(&mountpoint, "%s/cdrom", bkpinfo->tmpdir); mr_asprintf(&fname, "%s/%s/%s-%d.iso", bkpinfo->isodir, bkpinfo->nfs_remote_dir, bkpinfo->prefix, g_current_media_number); mkdir(mountpoint, 1777); sync(); if (!does_file_exist(fname)) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%s not found; assuming you backed up to CD; verifying CD...", fname); log_msg(2, tmp); mr_free(tmp); if (bkpinfo->manual_cd_tray) { popup_and_OK(_("Please push CD tray closed.")); } if (find_and_mount_actual_cd(bkpinfo, mountpoint)) { log_to_screen(_("failed to mount actual CD")); return (1); } } else { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%s found; verifying ISO...", fname); log_to_screen(tmp); mr_free(tmp); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ ret = 0; vndev = 2; mddevice = make_vn(fname); if (ret) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, _("make_vn of %s failed; unable to verify ISO\n"), fname); log_to_screen(tmp); mr_free(tmp); return (1); } mr_asprintf(&command, "mount_cd9660 %s %s", mddevice, mountpoint); #else mr_asprintf(&command, "mount -o loop,ro -t iso9660 %s %s", fname, mountpoint); #endif if (run_program_and_log_output(command, FALSE)) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, _("%s failed; unable to mount ISO image\n"), command); log_to_screen(tmp); mr_free(tmp); return (1); } mr_free(command); } log_msg(2, "OK, I've mounted the ISO/CD\n"); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%s/archives/NOT-THE-LAST", mountpoint); if (!does_file_exist(tmp)) { log_msg (2, "This is the last CD. I am therefore setting bkpinfo->verify_data to FALSE."); bkpinfo->verify_data = FALSE; /* (a) It's an easy way to tell the calling subroutine that we've finished & there are no more CD's to be verified; (b) It stops the post-backup verifier from running after the per-CD verifier has run too. */ } mr_free(tmp); verify_afioballs_on_CD(bkpinfo, mountpoint); iamhere("before verify_all_slices"); verify_all_slices_on_CD(bkpinfo, mountpoint); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ ret = 0; mr_asprintf(&command, "umount %s", mountpoint); ret += system(command); ret += kick_vn(mddevice); if (ret) #else mr_asprintf(&command, "umount %s", mountpoint); if (system(command)) #endif { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%s failed; unable to unmount ISO image\n", command); log_to_screen(tmp); mr_free(tmp); retval++; } else { log_msg(2, "OK, I've unmounted the ISO file\n"); } mr_free(command); mr_free(mountpoint); if (!does_file_exist(fname)) { mr_asprintf(&command, "umount %s", bkpinfo->media_device); run_program_and_log_output(command, 2); mr_free(command); if (!bkpinfo->please_dont_eject && eject_device(bkpinfo->media_device)) { log_msg(2, "Failed to eject CD-ROM drive"); } } mr_free(fname); return (retval); } /** * Verify all backups on tape. * This should be done after the backup process has already closed the tape. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Passed to various helper functions. * @return 0 for success (even if thee were differences), nonzero for failure. * @ingroup verifyGroup */ int verify_tape_backups(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo) { /*@ int ************************************************************ */ int retval = 0; /*@ buffers ******************************************************** */ char *tmp; char *changed_files_fname; /*@ long *********************************************************** */ long diffs = 0; assert(bkpinfo != NULL); log_msg(3, "verify_tape_backups --- starting"); log_to_screen(_("Verifying backups")); openin_tape(bkpinfo); /* verify archives themselves */ retval += verify_afioballs_from_stream(bkpinfo); retval += verify_biggiefiles_from_stream(bkpinfo); /* find the final blocks */ sync(); sleep(2); closein_tape(bkpinfo); /* close tape; exit */ // fclose(g_tape_stream); <-- not needed; is handled by closein_tape() paranoid_system ("rm -f /tmp/biggies.changed /tmp/changed.files.[0-9]* 2> /dev/null"); mr_asprintf(&changed_files_fname, "/tmp/changed.files.%d", (int) (random() % 32767)); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "grep -E '^%s:.*$' %s | cut -d'\"' -f2 | sort -u | awk '{print \"/\"$0;};' | tr -s '/' '/' | grep -v \"(total of\" | grep -v \"incheckentry.*xwait\" | grep -vE '^/afio:.*$' | grep -vE '^dev/.*$' > %s", (bkpinfo->use_star) ? "star" : "afio", MONDO_LOGFILE, changed_files_fname); log_msg(2, "Running command to derive list of changed files"); log_msg(2, tmp); if (system(tmp)) { if (does_file_exist(changed_files_fname) && length_of_file(changed_files_fname) > 2) { log_to_screen (_("Warning - unable to check logfile to derive list of changed files")); } else { log_to_screen (_("No differences found. Therefore, no 'changed.files' text file.")); } } mr_free(tmp); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "cat /tmp/biggies.changed >> %s", changed_files_fname); paranoid_system(tmp); mr_free(tmp); diffs = count_lines_in_file(changed_files_fname); if (diffs > 0) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "cp -f %s %s", changed_files_fname, "/tmp/changed.files"); run_program_and_log_output(tmp, FALSE); mr_free(tmp); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%ld files differed from live filesystem; type less %s or less %s to see", diffs, changed_files_fname, "/tmp/changed.files"); log_msg(0, tmp); mr_free(tmp); log_to_screen (_("See /tmp/changed.files for a list of nonmatching files.")); log_to_screen (_("The files probably changed on filesystem, not on backup media.")); // retval++; } mr_free(changed_files_fname); return (retval); } /** * Generate the filename of a tarball to verify. * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. @c bkpinfo->zip_suffix is the only field used. * @param mountpoint The directory where the CD/DVD/ISO is mounted. * @param setno The afioball number to get the location of. * @return The absolute path to the afioball. * @note The returned string points to static data that will be overwritten with each call. * @ingroup stringGroup */ char *vfy_tball_fname(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, char *mountpoint, int setno) { /*@ buffers ******************************************************* */ static char *output; assert(bkpinfo != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(mountpoint); mr_asprintf(&output, "%s/archives/%d.star.%s", mountpoint, setno, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); if (!does_file_exist(output)) { mr_free(output); mr_asprintf(&output, "%s/archives/%d.afio.%s", mountpoint, setno, bkpinfo->zip_suffix); } return (output); }