#!/bin/sh # # 04/20/2005 # - fix for 'skip the tape datadisks' bug (Joseph Smith) # # 10/13/2004 # - echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield to disable exec-shield # # 07/25 # - removed sbminst # # 06/25 # - klogd -c 2 (was -c 5) # # 06/21 # - experimented w/ calling ctrlaltdel to setup soft reset # - don't softlink /var/log # # 06/16 # - insmod dm_mod as well as dm-mod # # 05/24 # - added Andree's vc.tgz # # 05/14 # - open => openvt (part of busybox) # - nash removed. dm.tgz added # # 04/21 # - compare original lsmod output w/ new lsmod output # # 04/13 # - mount /sys if appropriate # # 04/03 # - use 'dd if=$tapedev bs=32k count=1024' instead of 'tar -zxf $tapedev' # to extract aux datadisk files from tape # # 25/03 # - wait 7s, not 2s, while installing modules # # 18/01/2004 # - logging mondo-restore.cfg, not mondo-restore.log --- FIXED # # 11/23/2003 # - if find-and-mount-cdrom fails once, try again # - open scrolling log of /tmp/mondo-restore.log later than previously # # 11/18 # - disabled clear()'s # - reboot at end # # 11/15 # - softlink /var/log to /tmp/tmpfs/var/log # - klogd -c 5 now (was -c 1) # # 11/10 # - don't call mondorestore if backup-media-type is not specified in # config file /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg # # 10/21 # - softlink nano to pico if nano found # # 10/16 # - create /dev/md/* softlinks if necessary # # 10/12 # - start devfs if /tmp/USE-DEVFS found # - create simple /etc/devfsd.conf file # # 10/09 # - try various mount commands to get tmpfs online (use initiative) # # 09/24 # - also try /dev/st0, /dev/osst0, /dev/ht0 if [tapedev] fails # - modify media-dev in mondo-restore.cfg if we succeed :) # # 09/15 # - create /tmp/null and /tmp/stdout and /tmp/stderr # as copies of the real thing, just in case partimagehack # still uses them # # 08/01 # - tmpfs ramdisk is now 48m # # 07/14 # - added mkdirs at start # # 06/04 # - remount root as rw just in case # # 05/04 # - replaced /mnt/groovy-stuff with $GROOVY # # 04/30 # - if your CD was created by Mondoarchive when it backed up # to ISO(s) then re-jig tmp/mondo-restore.cfg accordingly; # this is nec. if you backup to a hard disk directory but # then burn the ISOs to physical CDs # # 04/26 # - offer user the chance to specify another tape device, if # the one they specified at backup-time refuses to act as # aux data disk at boot-time # # 04/21 # - start scsi if cciss # - use ataraid.tgz too # # 05/03 # - mount / -o rw,remount at end, just in case # RH9 futzes with the mountpoint # # 04/04 # - increased tmpfs ramdisk size from 34m to 38m # # 01/01 - 01/31/2003 # - fixed issue with LVM and SW Raid devices (Brian Borgeson) # - friendlier 'upgrade your ram' msg # - better fallback msg # - if /tmp/2880.siz exists then assume boot CD # # 11/01 - 12/31/2002 # - updated intro msg # - if /dev/boot_device and /BOOTLOADER.DEVICE exist then # copy device /dev/boot_device to pathname contained # in /BOOTLOADER.DEVICE text file # # 04/01 - 08/31/2002 # - handle new 'backup_media_type' entry in mondo-restore.cfg # - added 'sleep 2' at start of WelcomeMessage # - disabled a silly 'abort' line at end # - better handling of devfs (DuckX) --- new RunDevfsd() # - assume start-nfs is in /sbin # - extract rd.tgz, raw.tgz, ida.tgz, cciss.tgz to /; they include # /dev entries which would otherwise fill up the ramdisk at bkp-time # # 01/01 - 03/31/2002 # - Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom disabled exec sh; replaced with exit 1 # - if you are an idiot & your computer has very little RAM, # this script will no longer abort; it will merely warn you # - run chmod 755 `which start-nfs` before running start-nfs # - use a ramdisk for /tmp (after copying old /tmp stuff into it) # - fixed segfaults ('open') by replacing 'sh' call with '/bin/sh' call # - changed LaunchTerminals() to try to work with newly-compiled 'open' # - don't write 'start-nfs error' if start-nfs doesn't exist; just go on # - added tmpfs and some space-checking # - cleaned up script # - added stuff to start NFS services if necessary # - reordered some of the main() stuff, for elegance's sake # - added Petris and 'tail -f /tmp/mondo-restore.log' to LaunchTerminals() # - changed /usr/share/ to /usr/local/ # # 2001 # - fix some typos # - added lots of cool stuff to make Mindi _nearly_ boot from tape # - restructured the welcome msg echoed to screen # - broke up spaghetti code; made lots of subroutines # #------------------------------------------------------------ CaughtSoftReset() { trap SIGTERM reboot } ConfigureLoggingDaemons() { echo -en "Running klogd..." klogd -c 2 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null echo -en "Done.\nRunning syslogd..." syslogd > /dev/null 2> /dev/null echo "Done." LogIt "klogd and syslogd have been started." } CopyBootDevEntry() { local outfile devfile devfile=/dev/boot_device outfile=`cat /BOOTLOADER.DEVICE 2> /dev/null` [ ! "$outfile" ] && return 0 echo -en "Copying boot device to $outfile..." if [ -e "$outfile" ] ; then echo "OK." return 0 fi mkdir -p $outfile rmdir $outfile cp -pRdf $devfile $outfile if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then echo "Failed." return 1 else echo "OK." return 0 fi } Die() { LogIt "Fatal error! $1" 1 exit 1 } ExtractDevTarballs() { cd / for fname in ataraid.tgz ida.tgz rd.tgz raw.tgz cciss.tgz nst.tgz dm.tgz vc.tgz ; do if [ ! -e "/$fname" ] ; then LogIt "/$fname not found; cannot extract to /." 1 else echo -en "\rExtracting /$fname... " tar -zxf /$fname || LogIt "Error occurred while extracting /$fname" fi done echo -en "\r" LogIt "Extracted additional /dev entries OK. " 1 } LaunchTerminals() { openvt 2 /bin/sh openvt 3 /bin/sh openvt 4 /bin/sh openvt 5 /bin/sh openvt 6 /bin/sh openvt 7 /bin/sh /sbin/wait-for-petris # openvt 8 /usr/bin/tail -f /tmp/mondo-restore.log } LoadKeymap() { local fname fname=`cat /tmp/KEYMAP-LIVES-HERE 2> /dev/null` [ "$fname" = "" ] && return if which loadkeys > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then loadkeys $fname # loadkmap != loadkeys # elif which loadkmap > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then # loadkmap < $fname else LogIt "Using default keyboard map." 1 fi } UntarTapeStuff() { local old_pwd res old_pwd=`pwd` cd $GROOVY [ "$1" != "" ] && tapedev=$1 [ ! "$tapedev" ] && tapedev=`cat /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg | grep media-dev | tr -s ' ' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2` # tar -zxf $tapedev dd if=$tapedev bs=32k count=1024 | tar -zx res=$? if [ "$res" -eq "0" ] ; then cat /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg | grep -v media-dev > /tmp/mr.cfg echo "media-dev $tapedev" >> /tmp/mr.cfg cp -f /tmp/mr.cfg /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg fi cd $old_pwd return $res } HandleTape() { local res tapedev tapedev="" ; # will be set by UntarTapeStuff() cd $GROOVY UntarTapeStuff $tapedev || UntarTapeStuff /dev/st0 || UntarTapeStuff /dev/osst0 || UntarTapeStuff /dev/ht0 res=$? while [ "$res" -ne "0" ] ; do LogIt "$tapedev failed to act as extended data disk for booting." 1 LogIt "Please specify an alternate tape device," 1 LogIt "or hit to boot from CD/floppies." 1 echo -en "---> " read tapedev if [ "$tapedev" ] ; then LogIt "User specified $tapedev instead" UntarTapeStuff $tapedev res=$? else LogIt "User opted not to specify an alternate tapedev" res=1 break fi done if [ "$res" -ne "0" ] ; then cd / LogIt "Failed to use tape as extended datadisk. Reverting to floppies." 1 HandleCDROMorFloppies res=$? else # clear LogIt "Using tape as extended datadisk. Good." 3 echo "Using tape as extd ddisk." > /tmp/TAPEDEV-HAS-DATA-DISKS res=0 CD_MOUNTED_OK=yes fi return $res } HandleCDROMorFloppies() { find-and-mount-cdrom res=$? if [ "$res" -ne "0" ] ; then LogIt "First call to find-and-mount-cdrom failed." 1 LogIt "Sleeping for 3 seconds and trying again." 1 sleep 3 find-and-mount-cdrom res=$? fi if [ "$res" -eq "0" ] ; then # clear LogIt "OK, I am running on a CD-ROM. Good." 3 CD_MOUNTED_OK=yes elif [ "$res" -eq "1" ] ; then # clear LogIt "OK, I am running on floppies. Good." 3 CD_MOUNTED_OK="" else LogIt "OK, I am falling back to floppy mode." 3 LogIt "That means you'll have to copy the data disk images from" 3 LogIt "the CD/hard disk/whatever to physical 1.44MB disks and" 3 LogIt "insert them, one after the other. Please see the manual." 3 LogIt "The images are in /images on the CD, or /root/images/mindi" 3 LogIt "on your hard disk. Your archives are probably fine but" 3 LogIt "your tape streamer and/or CD-ROM drive are eccentric. :-)" 3 CD_MOUNTED_OK="" fi return 0 } HowMuchFreeSpaceOnRamdisk() { df -m | grep /dev/ram | head -n1 | tr -s '\t' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f4 } InsertEssentialModules() { for j in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do for i in `ls /*.*o* 2> /dev/null` ; do [ -f "$i" ] && MyInsmod $i > /dev/null 2> /dev/null done done } PauseForRaids() { if [ "`dmesg | grep -i "RAID Controller"`" != "" ] || [ "`dmesg | grep -i "Vendor: 3ware"`" != "" ] ; then LogIt "RAID controller(s) detected. Pausing 10 seconds to let them warm up." 1 echo -en "Pausing..." for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ; do sleep 1 echo -en "$(($i*10))%..." done echo "Done." fi } # 06/13/2002 --- DuckX's & Hugo's new routine # 10/11/2003 --- added a simple devfsd.conf file # 01/24/2005 --- cater for arbitrary locations of devfsd.conf by using the # config file path compiled into devfsd RunDevfsd() { loc=`which devfsd 2> /dev/null` if [ "$loc" != "" ] ; then LogIt "Devfs found. Testing kernel support..." if [ ! -e "/dev/.devfsd" ] ; then mount -t devfs devfs /dev 2>> /tmp/mondo-restore.log if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then LogIt "Error while trying to mount devfs" else LogIt "Devfs mounted OK" fi fi #check if the kernel supports devfs if [ -e "/dev/.devfsd" ] ; then [ -d "/proc/1" ] || mount -n /proc LogIt "Kernel support found. Creating config file and starting devfsd" conffile=`strings $loc | grep "devfsd.conf$"` [ "$conffile" ] || conffile="/etc/devfsd.conf" confpath=`echo $conffile | sed "s/\/devfsd\.conf$//"` [ -d "$confpath" ] || mkdir -p $confpath echo -en "REGISTER .* MKOLDCOMPAT\nUNREGISTER .* RMOLDCOMPAT\n" > $conffile devfsd /dev & sleep 5 else LogIt "No devfs kernel support." fi fi } #RunDevfsd() { # loc=`which devfsd 2> /dev/null` # if [ "$loc" != "" ] ; then # LogIt "Starting devfsd" # devfsd /dev & # sleep 5 # fi #} SpaceTests() { [ -e "/tmp/filelist.full" ] && cp /tmp/filelist.full /tmp/FLF if [ "`HowMuchFreeSpaceOnRamdisk`" -le "3" ] ; then LogIt "Ramdisk is a bit smaller than I would like." 1 LogIt "Please re-run Mondo/Mindi but edit /usr/local/mindi first" 1 LogIt "and set EXTRA_SPACE to something high, e.g. 8000" 1 Die "Aborting. Please reboot." fi rm -f /tmp/FLF } StartLvms() { if [ -e "/tmp/i-want-my-lvm" ] ; then LogIt "Scanning LVM's..." 1 if which lvm ; then MyInsmod dm-mod MyInsmod dm_mod lvm vgscan --mknodes else vgscan fi cat /tmp/i-want-my-lvm | grep -E "^#.*vgchange" | sed s/#// > /tmp/start-lvm chmod +x /tmp/start-lvm echo -en "Starting LVM's..." /tmp/start-lvm & for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do echo -en "." sleep 1 done echo "Done." fi # If necessary, cannibalize 'analyze-my-lvm'; copy some of its code here, # pipe vgscan's output, strip it, run 'vgchange' on its output, etc.etc. LogIt "LVM's have been started." } StartNfs() { # using mount -o nolock avoids portmap requirement #if which portmap > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then #LogIt "Running portmap" #portmap #[ "$?" -eq "0" ] && LogIt "Portmap started OK" || LogIt "Portmap error" if [ -e "/sbin/start-nfs" ] ; then chmod 755 /sbin/start-nfs LogIt "Starting NFS..." /sbin/start-nfs fi #fi } StartRaids() { local raid_devices i raid_devices=`cat /tmp/mountlist.txt | grep /dev/md | cut -d' ' -f1` for i in $raid_devices ; do if cat /proc/mdstat | grep `basename $i` > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then LogIt "$i is started already; no need to run 'raidstart $i'" 1 else LogIt "Running 'raidstart $i'" 1 raidstart $i fi # sleep 1 done # [ "$raid_devices" != "" ] && PauseForRaid } SwapTheMountExecs() { if [ -e "/bin/mount.libc5" ] ; then LogIt "Swapping busybox's mount with libc5 mount" mv /bin/mount /bin/mount.bb mv /bin/mount.libc5 /bin/mount sync fi } TryAgainToFindCD() { local res mount | grep /mnt/cdrom && return 0 [ "`cat /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg | grep "backup_media_type" | grep "cdstream"`" ] && return LogIt "Trying to mount CD-ROM a 2nd time..." find-and-mount-cdrom --second-try res=$? if [ "$res" -eq "0" ] ; then CD_MOUNTED_OK=yes LogIt "CD-ROM drive mounted successfully." 1 else LogIt "I still cannot find or mount the CD-ROM drive, by the way." fi } UseTmpfs() { local mount_cmd echo -en "Mounting /tmp/tmpfs..." mkdir -p /tmp/tmpfs # For technical reasons, some sets are as large as 16MB. # I am allowing 32MB because selective restore occupies a lot of space. for size in 64m 48m 40m 32m ; do mount_cmd="mount /dev/shm -t tmpfs -o size=$size" ; # was 34m until 04/2003 LogIt "Trying '$mount_cmd'" $mount_cmd /tmp/tmpfs 2>> /tmp/mondo-restore.log res=$? [ "$res" -eq "0" ] && break done if [ "$res" -ne "0" ] ; then LogIt "Failed. I could not run '$mount_cmd /tmp/tmpfs'. Your kernel is BROKEN or you do not have enough RAM." 1 umount /tmp/tmpfs > /dev/null 2> /dev/null rmdir /tmp/tmpfs ln -sf /mnt/RESTORING/tmp /tmp/tmpfs; # used by mondo-restore LogIt "Failed to mount /tmp/tmpfs; using ugly softlink instead" else LogIt "Great. Pivot succeeded w/ size=$size" 1 echo -en "Pivoting /tmp..." umount /tmp/tmpfs mkdir -p /tmp.old mv -f /tmp/* /tmp.old/ $mount_cmd /tmp mv /tmp.old/* /tmp/ rmdir /tmp.old mkdir -p /tmp/tmpfs mkdir -p $GROOVY echo "Done." LogIt "Successfully mounted dynamic /tmp ramdisk" # mkdir -p /tmp/tmpfs/var # mv -f /var/log /tmp/tmpfs/var/log # ln -sf /tmp/tmpfs/var/log /var/log fi } WelcomeMessage() { echo "********************************************************************" echo "MINDI-LINUX by Hugo Rabson --- web site: http://www.mondorescue.org" echo "Boot disk based on AlfaLinux & Trinux. BusyBox by Erik Andersen." which petris > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && echo "Petris was written by Peter Seidler ." echo "Executables and source code are covered by the GNU GPL. No warranty." echo "running on $ARCH" echo "********************************************************************" } EnableCcissIfAppropriate() { local i fname for i in 0 1 2 3 ; do fname="/proc/driver/cciss/cciss$i" if [ -e "$fname" ] ; then LogIt "Engaging $fname" echo "engage scsi" > $fname LogIt "...result=$?" fi done } # ------------------------ main ----------------------- trap CaughtSoftReset SIGTERM LOGFILE=/tmp/mondo-restore.log PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/mondo:/usr/local/mondo:/usr/local/mindi:. GROOVY=/tmp/groovy-stuff USER=root export PATH GROOVY USER mount -o remount rw / [ ! "$GROOVY" ] && Die "I'm not groovy!" for i in $GROOVY /mnt/floppy /mnt/cdrom /mnt/isodir /var/local/petris /tmp/isodir; do mkdir -p $i done #/bin/update mount /proc/ /proc -v -t proc mkdir /sys 2> /dev/null mount /sys/ /sys -v -t sysfs 2>> $LOGFILE rm -f /foozero echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield 2>> /dev/null ExtractDevTarballs LaunchTerminals InsertEssentialModules EnableCcissIfAppropriate #------------------------------- #WHOLIVESINAPINEAPPLEUNDERTHESEA#;# --- don't touch this :) #------------------------------- UseTmpfs # Allows PXE boot by starting NFS earlier StartNfs if [ ! -e "/tmp/mondo-restore.cfg" ] ; then LogIt "Warning - /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg not found" fi #if [ -e "/tmp/2880.siz" ] ; then # HandleCDROMorFloppies #el if [ "`grep -i 'tape ' /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg`" ] || [ "`grep -i udev /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg`" ] ; then HandleTape else if [ "`cat /proc/cmdline | grep -i pxe`" ] || [ "`grep -i iso-prefix /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg`" ] ; then LogIt "PXE boot found" imgname=`grep iso-prefix /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg | cut -d' ' -f2-` if [ "$imgname" = "" ]; then imgname="mondorescue" fi if [ "`cat /proc/cmdline | grep -i prefix`" ] ; then for i in `cat /proc/cmdline` ; do if [ "`echo $i | grep -i prefix`" ] ; then imgname=`echo $i | cut -d'=' -f2` fi done fi LogIt "Mounting NFS image $imgname.iso on /mnt/cdrom in loopback" losetup /dev/loop7 /tmp/isodir/$imgname.iso mount -t iso9660 /dev/loop7 /mnt/cdrom # Simulate a local CD echo "/mnt/cdrom" > /tmp/CDROM-LIVES-HERE else HandleCDROMorFloppies fi fi res=$? echo "Please wait." insert-all-my-modules > /dev/null & sleep 7 install-additional-tools SwapTheMountExecs ConfigureLoggingDaemons echo "Please wait." insert-all-my-modules & sleep 7 if [ -e "/tmp/USE-DEVFS" ] ; then umount /mnt/cdrom 2> /dev/null mv /dev/cdrom /cdrom.lnk 2> /dev/null CD_MOUNTED_OK="" RunDevfsd fi PauseForRaids StartRaids StartLvms CopyBootDevEntry LoadKeymap mkdir -p /tmp/tmpfs sleep 2 #clear if [ -e "/dev/md0" ] && [ ! -e "/dev/md/0" ] && [ "`cat /tmp/mountlist.txt | grep /dev/md/`" != "" ] ; then LogIt "Creating /dev/md/* softlinks just in case." 1 mkdir -p /dev/md cp -af /dev/md0 /dev/md/0 2> /dev/null cp -af /dev/md1 /dev/md/1 2> /dev/null cp -af /dev/md2 /dev/md/2 2> /dev/null fi export ARCH=`/bin/arch` WelcomeMessage # SpaceTests; # Mandrake Linux 8.1 doesn't like this [ -e "/tmp/mountlist.txt" ] && cp -f /tmp/mountlist.txt /tmp/mountlist.original if ! [ "`cat /proc/cmdline | grep -i "pxe"`" ] ; then res="`cat /mnt/cdrom/archives/THIS-CD-NUMBER 2> /dev/null`" [ "$res" != "1" ] && [ "$res" != "" ] && Die "This is CD #$res in the series. Please insert CD #1." [ -e "/cdrom.lnk" ] && mv -f /cdrom.lnk /dev/cdrom && mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom && CD_MOUNTED_OK=yes [ "$CD_MOUNTED_OK" != "yes" ] && TryAgainToFindCD #mount | grep cdrom > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom >> $LOGFILE 2>> $LOGFILE fi hack-cfg-if-necessary || LogIt "Cannot find hack-cfg-if-necessary" openvt 8 /usr/bin/tail -f /tmp/mondo-restore.log #------------------------------- #ABSORBENTANDYELLOWANDPOROUSISHE#;# --- don't touch this either :) #------------------------------- lsmod > /tmp/ramdisk-lsmod.txt 2> /dev/null cat /tmp/original-lsmod.txt /tmp/original-lsmod.txt /tmp/ramdisk-lsmod.txt | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -d > /tmp/missing-modules.txt echo "Warning - these modules did not make it onto the ramdisk" >> $LOGFILE cat /tmp/missing-modules.txt >> $LOGFILE #ctrlaltdel soft for path in /usr.bin /usr/bin ; do fname=$path/nano [ -e "$fname" ] && ln -sf $fname /usr/bin/pico done res=`which nano 2> /dev/null` [ "$res" ] && ln -sf /usr/bin/ for i in null stdout stdin stderr ; do cp -af /dev/$i /tmp done if grep "backup-media-type" /tmp/mondo-restore.cfg > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then LogIt "backup-media-type is specified in config file - great." LogIt "Calling post-init $mountlist" post-init else LogIt "backup-media-type is not specified in config file." LogIt "I think this CD/floppy has no archives on it." fi echo -en "Type 'exit' to reboot the PC\r" umount /mnt/cdrom 2> /dev/null mount / -o rw,remount > /dev/null 2> /dev/null sh CaughtSoftReset # reboot