/*************************************************************************** * $Id: mondo-prep.c 1842 2007-12-15 01:24:34Z bruno $ */ /** * @file * Functions for prepping hard drives: partitioning, formatting, etc. */ #include "my-stuff.h" #include "mondostructures.h" #include "mondoprep.h" #include "libmondo.h" #include "mondo-rstr-tools-EXT.h" #include #include #include #include #include "mr_mem.h" #include "mr_msg.h" #include "mr_gettext.h" #define FDISK_LOG "/tmp/fdisk.log" #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #define DKTYPENAMES #define FSTYPENAMES #include #include #include #include #define OSSWAP(x,y) y #else #define OSSWAP(x,y) x #endif #define ARCHIVES_PATH MNT_CDROM"/archives" #define MONDO_WAS_HERE "MONDOWOZEREMONDOWOZEREMONDOWOZEREhahahaMOJOJOJO" //static char cvsid[] = "$Id: mondo-prep.c 1842 2007-12-15 01:24:34Z bruno $"; extern char *g_mountlist_fname; extern long g_current_progress, g_maximum_progress; extern bool g_text_mode; extern void pause_for_N_seconds(int, char *); extern char *MONDO_LOGFILE; FILE *g_fprep = NULL; int g_partition_table_locked_up = 0; void wipe_MBRs_and_reboot_if_necessary(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist) { char *command = NULL; int lino = 0; int res = 0; FILE *fout = NULL; char *buf = NULL; struct list_of_disks *drivelist = NULL; // If LVMs are present and a zero-and-reboot wasn't recently undertaken // then zero & insist on reboot. if (does_file_exist("/tmp/i-want-my-lvm")) // FIXME - cheating :) { drivelist = mr_malloc(sizeof(struct list_of_disks)); make_list_of_drives_in_mountlist(mountlist, drivelist); for (lino = 0; lino < drivelist->entries; lino++) { mr_asprintf(&command, "dd if=%s bs=512 count=1 2> /dev/null | grep \"%s\"", drivelist->el[lino].device, MONDO_WAS_HERE); res = run_program_and_log_output(command, 1); mr_free(command); if (!res) { mr_msg(1, "Found MONDO_WAS_HERE marker on drive#%d (%s)", lino, drivelist->el[lino].device); break; } } if (lino == drivelist->entries) { // zero & reboot log_to_screen (_ ("I am sorry for the inconvenience but I must ask you to reboot.")); log_to_screen(_ ("I need to reset the Master Boot Record; in order to be")); log_to_screen(_ ("sure the kernel notices, I must reboot after doing it.")); log_to_screen("Please hit 'Enter' to reboot."); for (lino = 0; lino < drivelist->entries; lino++) { mr_asprintf(&buf, "%s\n", MONDO_WAS_HERE); fout = fopen(drivelist->el[lino].device, "w+"); if (!fout) { mr_msg(1, "Unable to open+wipe %s", drivelist->el[lino].device); } else { if (1 != fwrite(buf, strlen(buf)+1, 1, fout)) { mr_msg(1, "Failed to wipe %s", drivelist->el[lino].device); } else { mr_msg(1, "Successfully wiped %s", drivelist->el[lino].device); } fclose(fout); } mr_free(buf); } sync(); sync(); sync(); popup_and_OK (_ ("I must reboot now. Please leave the boot media in the drive and repeat your actions - e.g. type 'nuke' - and it should work fine.")); system("reboot"); } } // Still here? Cool! mr_msg(1, "Cool. I didn't have to wipe anything."); } int fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(FILE * fout, char *str) { int i = 0, j = 0; FILE *fq = NULL; if (ferror(fout)) { return (-1); } mr_msg(5, "Writing string '%s', one char at a time", str); j = strlen(str); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { mr_msg(6, "Writing %d ('%c')", str[i], str[i]); if ((fq = fopen(FDISK_LOG, "a+"))) { fputc(str[i], fq); fclose(fq); } fputc(str[i], fout); fflush(fout); usleep(1000L * 100L); if (str[i] < 32) { usleep(1000L * 10L); } } mr_msg(5, "Returning"); return (i); } /** * @addtogroup prepGroup * @{ */ /** * Execute the commands in /tmp/i-want-my-lvm. * These should probably be commands to set up LVM. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success). */ int do_my_funky_lvm_stuff(bool just_erase_existing_volumes, bool vacuum_pack) { char *tmp = NULL; char *tmp1 = NULL; char *incoming = NULL; char *command = NULL; char *lvscan_sz = NULL; char *lvremove_sz = NULL; char *pvscan_sz = NULL; char *vgscan_sz = NULL; char *vgchange_sz = NULL; char *vgremove_sz = NULL; char *p = NULL; char *q = NULL; /** int ***************************************************/ int retval = 0; int res = 0; int i = 0; int lvmversion = 1; long extents = 0L; fpos_t orig_pos; size_t n = 0; size_t n1 = 0; /** pointers **********************************************/ FILE *fin = NULL; /** end *****************************************************/ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ return (0); #endif if (!(fin = fopen("/tmp/i-want-my-lvm", "r"))) { log_OS_error("/tmp/i-want-my-lvm"); return (1); } iamhere("STARTING"); mr_msg(1, "OK, opened i-want-my-lvm. Shutting down LVM volumes..."); if (find_home_of_exe("lvm")) // found it :) cool { mr_asprintf(&lvscan_sz, "lvm lvscan"); mr_asprintf(&lvremove_sz, "lvm lvremove"); mr_asprintf(&vgscan_sz, "lvm vgscan"); mr_asprintf(&pvscan_sz, "lvm pvscan"); mr_asprintf(&vgchange_sz, "lvm vgchange"); mr_asprintf(&vgremove_sz, "lvm vgremove"); } else { mr_asprintf(&lvscan_sz, "lvscan"); mr_asprintf(&lvremove_sz, "lvremove"); mr_asprintf(&vgscan_sz, "vgscan"); mr_asprintf(&pvscan_sz, "pvscan"); mr_asprintf(&vgchange_sz, "vgchange"); mr_asprintf(&vgremove_sz, "vgremove"); } mr_asprintf(&command, "for i in `%s | cut -d\"'\" -f2 | sort -r` ; do echo \"Shutting down lv $i\" >> %s ; %s -f $i; done", lvscan_sz, MONDO_LOGFILE, lvremove_sz); mr_free(lvscan_sz); mr_free(lvremove_sz); run_program_and_log_output(command, 5); mr_free(command); sleep(1); mr_asprintf(&command, "for i in `%s | grep -i lvm | cut -d'\"' -f2` ; do %s -a n $i ; %s $i; echo \"Shutting down vg $i\" >> %s ; done", vgscan_sz, vgchange_sz, vgremove_sz, MONDO_LOGFILE); mr_free(vgchange_sz); mr_free(vgremove_sz); run_program_and_log_output(command, 5); mr_free(command); if (just_erase_existing_volumes) { paranoid_fclose(fin); mr_msg(1, "Closed i-want-my-lvm. Finished erasing LVMs."); sync(); sync(); sync(); sleep(1); iamhere("ENDING"); mr_msg(1, "Not many errors. Returning 0."); return (0); } mr_msg(1, "OK, rewound i-want-my-lvm. Doing funky stuff..."); rewind(fin); for (mr_getline(&incoming, &n1, fin); !feof(fin); mr_getline(&incoming, &n1, fin)) { fgetpos(fin, &orig_pos); /* we want to execute lines begining with a # */ if (incoming[0] != '#') { continue; } if ((p = strstr(incoming, "vgcreate"))) { // include next line(s) if they end in /dev (cos we've got a broken i-want-my-lvm) for (mr_getline(&tmp, &n, fin); !feof(fin); mr_getline(&tmp, &n, fin)) { if (tmp[0] == '#') { fsetpos(fin, &orig_pos); break; } else { fgetpos(fin, &orig_pos); mr_strcat(incoming, tmp); } } mr_free(tmp); for (q = incoming; *q != '\0'; q++) { if (*q < 32) { *q = ' '; } } mr_asprintf(&tmp1, p + strlen("vgcreate") + 1); for (q = tmp1; *q > 32; q++); *q = '\0'; mr_msg(1, "Deleting old entries at /dev/%s", tmp1); mr_asprintf(&command, "rm -Rf /dev/%s", tmp1); mr_free(tmp1); run_program_and_log_output(command, 1); mr_free(command); run_program_and_log_output(vgscan_sz, 1); run_program_and_log_output(pvscan_sz, 1); mr_msg(3, "After working around potentially broken i-want-my-lvm, incoming[] is now '%s'", incoming); } for (p = incoming + 1; *p == ' '; p++); mr_asprintf(&command,p); for (p = command; *p != '\0'; p++); for (; (*(p - 1) < 32) && (p > command) ; p--); *p = '\0'; /* BERLIOS: we should rather define LVMv1 or v2 and use it */ res = run_program_and_log_output(command, 5); if (res > 0 && (p = strstr(command, "lvm "))) { *p = *(p + 1) = *(p + 2) = ' '; res = run_program_and_log_output(command, 5); } mr_msg(0, "%s --> %d", command, res); if (res > 0) { res = 1; } if (res && strstr(command, "lvcreate") && vacuum_pack) { res = 0; if (strstr(command, "lvm lvcreate")) lvmversion = 2; if (lvmversion == 2) { mr_asprintf(&tmp1, "tail -n5 %s | grep Insufficient | tail -n1", MONDO_LOGFILE); mr_asprintf(&tmp, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(tmp1)); free(tmp1); } else { mr_asprintf(&tmp1, "tail -n5 %s | grep lvcreate | tail -n1", MONDO_LOGFILE); mr_asprintf(&tmp, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(tmp1)); free(tmp1); } for (p = tmp; *p != '\0' && !isdigit(*p); p++); extents = atol(p); mr_msg(5, "p='%s' --> extents=%ld", p, extents); mr_free(tmp); p = strstr(command, "-L"); if (!p) { mr_msg(0, "Fiddlesticks. '%s' returned %d", command, res); } else { if (lvmversion == 2) { *p++ = '-'; *p++ = 'l'; *p++ = ' '; for (q = p; *q != ' '; q++) { *q = ' '; } /* BERLIOS: Dangerous: no size control !! */ sprintf(p, "%ld", extents); i = strlen(p); *(p + i) = ' '; } else { p++; p++; p++; for (q = p; *q != ' '; q++) { *(q - 1) = ' '; } /* BERLIOS: Dangerous: no size control !! */ sprintf(p, "%ld%c", extents, 'm'); i = strlen(p); *(p + i) = ' '; } mr_msg(5, "Retrying with '%s'", command); res = run_program_and_log_output(command, 5); if (res > 0) { res = 1; } if (g_fprep) { fprintf(g_fprep, "%s\n", command); } mr_msg(0, "%s --> %d", command, res); if (!res) { mr_msg(5, "Yep! This time, it succeeded."); } } } if (strstr(command, "vgcreate")) { mr_msg(0, "In case you're interested..."); run_program_and_log_output(vgscan_sz, 1); run_program_and_log_output(pvscan_sz, 1); } if (res != 0 && !strstr(command, "insmod")) { retval++; } mr_asprintf(&tmp, "echo \"%s\" >> /tmp/out.sh", command); system(tmp); mr_free(tmp); sleep(1); } paranoid_fclose(fin); mr_free(vgscan_sz); mr_free(pvscan_sz); mr_free(command); mr_free(incoming); mr_msg(1, "Closed i-want-my-lvm. Finished doing funky stuff."); sync(); sync(); sync(); sleep(1); iamhere("ENDING"); if (retval > 2) { mr_msg(1, "%d errors. I'm reporting this.", retval); return (retval); } else { mr_msg(1, "Not many errors. Returning 0."); return (0); } } /** * Add RAID partitions while copying @p old_mountlist to @p new_mountlist. * We go through @p old_mountlist and check if any RAID device (/dev/md? on Linux) * is in it; if it is, then we put the disks contained within that RAID device * into the mountlist as well. * @param old_mountlist The mountlist to read. * @param new_mountlist The mountlist to write, with the RAID partitions added. * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure. */ int extrapolate_mountlist_to_include_raid_partitions(struct mountlist_itself *new_mountlist, struct mountlist_itself *old_mountlist) { FILE *fin = NULL; int lino = 0; int j = 0; char *incoming = NULL; char *p = NULL; size_t n = 0; /** init *************************************************************/ new_mountlist->entries = 0; /** end **************************************************************/ assert(new_mountlist != NULL); assert(old_mountlist != NULL); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ log_to_screen (_ ("I don't know how to extrapolate the mountlist on FreeBSD. Sorry.")); return (1); #endif for (lino = 0; lino < old_mountlist->entries; lino++) { if (strstr(old_mountlist->el[lino].device, RAID_DEVICE_STUB)) // raid { if (!does_file_exist("/etc/raidtab")) { log_to_screen (_ ("Cannot find /etc/raidtab - cannot extrapolate the fdisk entries")); finish(1); } if (!(fin = fopen("/etc/raidtab", "r"))) { log_OS_error("Cannot open /etc/raidtab"); finish(1); } for (mr_getline(&incoming, &n, fin); !feof(fin) && !strstr(incoming, old_mountlist->el[lino].device); mr_getline(&incoming, &n, fin)); if (!feof(fin)) { log_it("Investigating %s", old_mountlist->el[lino].device); for (mr_getline(&incoming, &n, fin); !feof(fin) && !strstr(incoming, "raiddev"); mr_getline(&incoming, &n, fin)) { if (strstr(incoming, OSSWAP("device", "drive")) && !strchr(incoming, '#')) { for (p = incoming + strlen(incoming); (*(p - 1) <= 32) && (p >= incoming) ; p--); *p = '\0'; for (p--; (p >= incoming) && (*(p - 1) > 32); p--); log_it("Extrapolating %s", p); for (j = 0; j < new_mountlist->entries && strcmp(new_mountlist->el[j].device, p); j++); if (j >= new_mountlist->entries) { strcpy(new_mountlist-> el[new_mountlist->entries].device, p); strcpy(new_mountlist-> el[new_mountlist->entries].mountpoint, "raid"); strcpy(new_mountlist-> el[new_mountlist->entries].format, "raid"); new_mountlist->el[new_mountlist->entries]. size = old_mountlist->el[lino].size; new_mountlist->entries++; } else { log_it("Not adding %s to mountlist: it's already there", p); } } } } mr_free(incoming); paranoid_fclose(fin); } else { strcpy(new_mountlist->el[new_mountlist->entries].device, old_mountlist->el[lino].device); strcpy(new_mountlist->el[new_mountlist->entries].mountpoint, old_mountlist->el[lino].mountpoint); strcpy(new_mountlist->el[new_mountlist->entries].format, old_mountlist->el[lino].format); new_mountlist->el[new_mountlist->entries].size = old_mountlist->el[lino].size; new_mountlist->entries++; } } return (0); } /** * Create @p RAID device using information from @p structure. * This will create the specified RAID devive using information provided in * raidlist by means of the mdadm tool. * @param raidlist The structure containing all RAID information * @param device The RAID device to create. * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure. */ int create_raid_device_via_mdadm(struct raidlist_itself *raidlist, char *device) { /** int **************************************************************/ int i = 0; int j = 0; int res = 0; /** buffers ***********************************************************/ char *devices = NULL; char *level = NULL; char *program = NULL; // leave straight away if raidlist is initial or has no entries if (!raidlist || raidlist->entries == 0) { mr_msg(1, "No RAID arrays found."); return 1; } else { mr_msg(1, "%d RAID arrays found.", raidlist->entries); } // find raidlist entry for requested device for (i = 0; i < raidlist->entries; i++) { if (!strcmp(raidlist->el[i].raid_device, device)) break; } // check whether RAID device was found in raidlist if (i == raidlist->entries) { mr_msg(1, "RAID device %s not found in list.", device); return 1; } // create device list from normal disks followed by spare ones mr_asprintf(&devices, raidlist->el[i].data_disks.el[0].device); for (j = 1; j < raidlist->el[i].data_disks.entries; j++) { mr_strcat(devices, " %s", raidlist->el[i].data_disks.el[j].device); } for (j = 0; j < raidlist->el[i].spare_disks.entries; j++) { mr_strcat(devices, " %s", raidlist->el[i].spare_disks.el[j].device); } // translate RAID level if (raidlist->el[i].raid_level == -2) { mr_asprintf(&level, "multipath"); } else if (raidlist->el[i].raid_level == -1) { mr_asprintf(&level, "linear"); } else { mr_asprintf(&level, "raid%d", raidlist->el[i].raid_level); } // create RAID device: // - RAID device, number of devices and devices mandatory // - parity algorithm, chunk size and spare devices optional // - faulty devices ignored // - persistent superblock always used as this is recommended mr_asprintf(&program, "mdadm --create --force --run --auto=yes %s --level=%s --raid-devices=%d", raidlist->el[i].raid_device, level, raidlist->el[i].data_disks.entries); mr_free(level); if (raidlist->el[i].parity != -1) { switch(raidlist->el[i].parity) { case 0: mr_strcat(program, " --parity=%s", "la"); break; case 1: mr_strcat(program, " --parity=%s", "ra"); break; case 2: mr_strcat(program, " --parity=%s", "ls"); break; case 3: mr_strcat(program, " --parity=%s", "rs"); break; default: fatal_error("Unknown RAID parity algorithm."); break; } } if (raidlist->el[i].chunk_size != -1) { mr_strcat(program, " --chunk=%d", raidlist->el[i].chunk_size); } if (raidlist->el[i].spare_disks.entries > 0) { mr_strcat(program, " --spare-devices=%d", raidlist->el[i].spare_disks.entries); } mr_strcat(program, " %s", devices); res = run_program_and_log_output(program, 1); // free memory mr_free(devices); mr_free(program); // return to calling instance return(res); } /** * Format @p device as a @p format filesystem. * This will use the format command returned by which_format_command_do_i_need(). * If @p device is an LVM PV, it will not be formatted, and LVM will be started * (if not already done). If it's an imagedev, software RAID component, or * (under BSD) swap partition, no format will be done. * @param device The device to format. * @param format The filesystem type to format it as. * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure. */ int format_device(char *device, char *format, struct raidlist_itself *raidlist) { /** int **************************************************************/ int res = 0; int retval = 0; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ static bool vinum_started_yet = FALSE; #endif /** buffers ***********************************************************/ char *program = NULL; char *program2 = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ char *line = NULL; char *status = NULL; FILE *pin = NULL; FILE *fin = NULL; size_t n = 0; size_t n1 = 0; #endif /** end ****************************************************************/ assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(device); assert(format != NULL); if (strstr(format, "raid")) { // do not form RAID disks; do it to /dev/md* instead log_it("Not formatting %s (it is a RAID disk)", device); return (0); } #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (strcmp(format, "swap") == 0) { log_it("Not formatting %s - it's swap", device); return (0); } #endif if (strlen(format) <= 2) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%s has a really small format type ('%s') - this is probably a hexadecimal string, which would suggest the partition is an image --- I shouldn't format it", device, format); return (0); } if (is_this_device_mounted(device)) { log_to_screen(_("%s is mounted - cannot format it "), device); return (1); } if (strstr(device, RAID_DEVICE_STUB)) { newtSuspend(); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (!vinum_started_yet) { if (!does_file_exist("/tmp/raidconf.txt")) { log_to_screen (_ ("/tmp/raidconf.txt does not exist. I therefore cannot start Vinum.")); } else { int res; res = run_program_and_log_output ("vinum create /tmp/raidconf.txt", TRUE); if (res) { log_to_screen (_ ("`vinum create /tmp/raidconf.txt' returned errors. Please fix them and re-run mondorestore.")); finish(1); } vinum_started_yet = TRUE; } } if (vinum_started_yet) { log_to_screen(_("Initializing Vinum device %s (this may take a *long* time)"), device); /* format raid partition */ mr_asprintf(&program, "for plex in `vinum lv -r %s | grep '^P' | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2`; do echo $plex; done > /tmp/plexes", basename(device)); system(program); if (g_fprep) { fprintf(g_fprep, "%s\n", program); } mr_free(program); fin = fopen("/tmp/plexes", "r"); while (mr_getline(&line, &n, fin)) { if (strchr(line, '\n')) *(strchr(line, '\n')) = '\0'; // get rid of the \n on the end mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Initializing plex: %s", line); open_evalcall_form(tmp); mr_free(tmp); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "vinum init %s", line); system(tmp); mr_free(tmp); while (1) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "vinum lp -r %s | grep '^S' | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d: -f2 | cut -f1 | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/I //' | sed 's/%%//'", line); pin = popen(tmp, "r"); mr_free(tmp); mr_getline(&status, &n1, pin); pclose(pin); if (!strcmp(status, "up")) { break; /* it's done */ } update_evalcall_form(atoi(status)); usleep(250000); mr_free(status); } close_evalcall_form(); } mr_free(line); fclose(fin); unlink("/tmp/plexes"); /* retval+=res; */ } #else log_to_screen(_("Initializing RAID device %s"), device); // Shouldn't be necessary. log_to_screen(_("Stopping %s"), device); stop_raid_device(device); sync(); sleep(1); mr_msg(1, "Making %s", device); // use mkraid if it exists, otherwise use mdadm if (run_program_and_log_output("which mkraid", FALSE)) { res = create_raid_device_via_mdadm(raidlist, device); mr_msg(1, "Creating RAID device %s via mdadm returned %d", device, res); } else { mr_asprintf(&program, "mkraid --really-force %s", device); res = run_program_and_log_output(program, 1); mr_msg(1, "%s returned %d", program, res); sync(); sleep(3); start_raid_device(device); if (g_fprep) { fprintf(g_fprep, "%s\n", program); } mr_free(program); } sync(); sleep(2); #endif sync(); sleep(1); newtResume(); } if (!strcmp(format, "lvm")) { mr_msg(1, "Don't format %s - it's part of an lvm volume", device); return (0); } malloc_string(program2); res = which_format_command_do_i_need(format, program2); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%s %s", program2, device); if (strstr(program2, "kludge")) { mr_strcat(tmp, " /"); } mr_free(program2); mr_asprintf(&program, "sh -c 'echo -en \"y\\ny\\ny\\n\" | %s'", tmp); mr_free(tmp); mr_asprintf(&tmp, _("Formatting %s as %s"), device, format); update_progress_form(tmp); res = run_program_and_log_output(program, FALSE); if (res && strstr(program, "kludge")) { mr_free(tmp); mr_asprintf(&tmp, _("Kludge failed; using regular mkfs.%s to format %s"), format, device); mr_free(program); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ mr_asprintf(&program, "newfs_msdos -F 32 %s", device); #else #ifdef __IA64__ /* For EFI partitions take fat16 * as we want to make small ones */ mr_asprintf(&program, "mkfs -t %s -F 16 %s", format, device); #else mr_asprintf(&program, "mkfs -t %s -F 32 %s", format, device); #endif #endif res = run_program_and_log_output(program, FALSE); if (g_fprep) { fprintf(g_fprep, "%s\n", program); } } mr_free(program); retval += res; if (retval) { mr_strcat(tmp, _("...failed")); } else { mr_strcat(tmp, _("...OK")); } log_to_screen(tmp); mr_free(tmp); sync(); sleep(1); return (retval); } /** * Format all drives (except those excluded by format_device()) in @p mountlist. * @param mountlist The mountlist containing partitions to be formatted. * @param interactively If TRUE, then prompt the user before each partition. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success). */ int format_everything(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist, bool interactively, struct raidlist_itself *raidlist) { /** int **************************************************************/ int retval = 0; int lino = 0; int res = 0; /** long *************************************************************/ long progress_step = 0L; /** bools ************************************************************/ bool do_it = FALSE; /** buffers **********************************************************/ char *tmp = NULL; /** pointers *********************************************************/ struct mountlist_line *me = NULL; // mountlist entry /** end **************************************************************/ assert(mountlist != NULL); log_it("format_everything (mountlist, interactively = %s", (interactively) ? "true" : "false"); mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY, 0, _("Formatting partitions ")); open_progress_form(_("Formatting partitions"), _("I am now formatting your hard disk partitions."), _("This may take up to five minutes."), "", mountlist->entries + 1); progress_step = (mountlist->entries > 0) ? g_maximum_progress / mountlist->entries : 1; // start soft-raids now (because LVM might depend on them) // ...and for simplicity's sake, let's format them at the same time :) mr_msg(1, "Stopping all RAID devices"); stop_all_raid_devices(mountlist); sync(); sync(); sync(); sleep(2); mr_msg(1, "Prepare soft-RAIDs"); // prep and format too for (lino = 0; lino < mountlist->entries; lino++) { me = &mountlist->el[lino]; // the current mountlist entry mr_msg(2, "Examining %s", me->device); if (!strncmp(me->device, "/dev/md", 7)) { if (interactively) { // ask user if we should format the current device mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Shall I format %s (%s) ?", me->device, me->mountpoint); do_it = ask_me_yes_or_no(tmp); mr_free(tmp); } else { do_it = TRUE; } if (do_it) { // NB: format_device() also stops/starts RAID device if necessary retval += format_device(me->device, me->format, raidlist); } g_current_progress += progress_step; } } sync(); sync(); sync(); sleep(2); // This last step is probably necessary // log_to_screen("Re-starting software RAIDs..."); // start_all_raid_devices(mountlist); // system("sync"); system("sync"); system("sync"); // sleep(5); // do LVMs now mr_msg(1, "Creating LVMs"); if (does_file_exist("/tmp/i-want-my-lvm")) { wait_until_software_raids_are_prepped(100); log_to_screen(_("Configuring LVM")); if (!g_text_mode) { newtSuspend(); } res = do_my_funky_lvm_stuff(FALSE, TRUE); if (!g_text_mode) { newtResume(); } if (!res) { log_to_screen("LVM initialized OK"); } else { log_to_screen("Failed to initialize LVM"); } if (res) { retval++; } sleep(3); } // do regulars at last sleep(2); // woo! mr_msg(1, "Formatting regulars"); for (lino = 0; lino < mountlist->entries; lino++) { me = &mountlist->el[lino]; // the current mountlist entry if (!strcmp(me->mountpoint, "image")) { log_it("Not formatting %s - it's an image", me->device); } else if (!strcmp(me->format, "raid")) { log_it("Not formatting %s - it's a raid-let", me->device); continue; } else if (!strcmp(me->format, "lvm")) { log_it("Not formatting %s - it's an LVM", me->device); continue; } else if (!strncmp(me->device, "/dev/md", 7)) { log_it("Already formatted %s - it's a soft-RAID dev", me->device); continue; } else if (!does_file_exist(me->device) && strncmp(me->device, "/dev/hd", 7) && strncmp(me->device, "/dev/sd", 7)) { log_it("Not formatting %s yet - doesn't exist - probably an LVM", me->device); continue; } else { if (interactively) { // ask user if we should format the current device mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Shall I format %s (%s) ?", me->device, me->mountpoint); do_it = ask_me_yes_or_no(tmp); mr_free(tmp); } else { do_it = TRUE; } if (do_it) retval += format_device(me->device, me->format, raidlist); } // update progress bar g_current_progress += progress_step; } // update progress bar to 100% to compensate for // rounding errors of the progress_step calculation if (lino >= mountlist->entries) g_current_progress = g_maximum_progress; close_progress_form(); if (retval) { mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, 74, _("Failed.")); log_to_screen (_ ("Errors occurred during the formatting of your hard drives.")); } else { mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, 74, _("Done.")); } log_it("format_everything () - %s", (retval) ? "failed!" : "finished successfully"); if (g_partition_table_locked_up > 0) { if (retval > 0 && !interactively) { //123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 log_to_screen (_ ("Partition table locked up %d times. At least one 'mkfs' (format) command"), g_partition_table_locked_up); log_to_screen(_ ("failed. I think these two events are related. Sometimes, fdisk's ioctl() call")); log_to_screen(_ ("to refresh its copy of the partition table causes the kernel to lock the ")); log_to_screen(_ ("partition table. I believe this has just happened.")); if (ask_me_yes_or_no (_ ("Please choose 'yes' to reboot and try again; or 'no' to ignore this warning and continue."))) { sync(); sync(); sync(); system("reboot"); } } else { log_to_screen (_ ("Partition table locked up %d time%c. However, disk formatting succeeded."), g_partition_table_locked_up, (g_partition_table_locked_up == 1) ? '.' : 's'); } } newtSuspend(); system("clear"); newtResume(); return (retval); } /** * Create small dummy partitions to fill in the gaps in partition numbering for @p drivename. * Each partition created is 32k in size. * @param drivename The drive to create the dummy partitions on. * @param devno_we_must_allow_for The lowest-numbered real partition; create * dummies up to (this - 1). * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success). */ int make_dummy_partitions(FILE * pout_to_fdisk, char *drivename, int devno_we_must_allow_for) { /** int **************************************************************/ int current_devno = 0; int previous_devno = 0; int retval = 0; int res = 0; /** end **************************************************************/ assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(drivename); if (devno_we_must_allow_for >= 5) { log_it("Making dummy primary 1 on %s", drivename); g_maximum_progress++; res = partition_device(pout_to_fdisk, drivename, 1, 0, "ext2", 32000); retval += res; previous_devno = 1; current_devno = 5; } else { previous_devno = 0; current_devno = 1; } for (; current_devno < devno_we_must_allow_for; current_devno++) { log_it("Creating dummy partition %d on %s", current_devno, drivename); g_maximum_progress++; res = partition_device(pout_to_fdisk, drivename, current_devno, previous_devno, OSSWAP("ext2", "ufs"), 32000); retval += res; previous_devno = current_devno; } return (previous_devno); } /** * Decide whether @p mountlist contains any RAID devices. * @param mountlist The mountlist to examine. * @return TRUE if it does, FALSE if it doesn't. */ bool mountlist_contains_raid_devices(struct mountlist_itself * mountlist) { /** int *************************************************************/ int i; int matching = 0; /** end **************************************************************/ assert(mountlist != NULL); for (i = 0; i < mountlist->entries; i++) { if (strstr(mountlist->el[i].device, RAID_DEVICE_STUB)) { matching++; } } if (matching) { return (TRUE); } else { return (FALSE); } } /* The following 2 functions are stolen from /usr/src/sbin/disklabel/disklabel.c */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ static void display_disklabel(FILE * f, const struct disklabel *lp) { int i, j; const struct partition *pp; fprintf(f, "# %s\n", "Generated by Mondo Rescue"); if (lp->d_type < DKMAXTYPES) fprintf(f, "type: %s\n", dktypenames[lp->d_type]); else fprintf(f, "type: %u\n", lp->d_type); fprintf(f, "disk: %.*s\n", (int) sizeof(lp->d_typename), lp->d_typename); fprintf(f, "label: %.*s\n", (int) sizeof(lp->d_packname), lp->d_packname); fprintf(f, "flags:"); if (lp->d_flags & D_REMOVABLE) fprintf(f, " removeable"); if (lp->d_flags & D_ECC) fprintf(f, " ecc"); if (lp->d_flags & D_BADSECT) fprintf(f, " badsect"); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "bytes/sector: %lu\n", (u_long) lp->d_secsize); fprintf(f, "sectors/track: %lu\n", (u_long) lp->d_nsectors); fprintf(f, "tracks/cylinder: %lu\n", (u_long) lp->d_ntracks); fprintf(f, "sectors/cylinder: %lu\n", (u_long) lp->d_secpercyl); fprintf(f, "cylinders: %lu\n", (u_long) lp->d_ncylinders); fprintf(f, "sectors/unit: %lu\n", (u_long) lp->d_secperunit); fprintf(f, "rpm: %u\n", lp->d_rpm); fprintf(f, "interleave: %u\n", lp->d_interleave); fprintf(f, "trackskew: %u\n", lp->d_trackskew); fprintf(f, "cylinderskew: %u\n", lp->d_cylskew); fprintf(f, "headswitch: %lu\t\t# milliseconds\n", (u_long) lp->d_headswitch); fprintf(f, "track-to-track seek: %ld\t# milliseconds\n", (u_long) lp->d_trkseek); fprintf(f, "drivedata: "); for (i = NDDATA - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (lp->d_drivedata[i]) break; if (i < 0) i = 0; for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) fprintf(f, "%lu ", (u_long) lp->d_drivedata[j]); fprintf(f, "\n\n%u partitions:\n", lp->d_npartitions); fprintf(f, "# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]\n"); pp = lp->d_partitions; for (i = 0; i < lp->d_npartitions; i++, pp++) { if (pp->p_size) { fprintf(f, " %c: %8lu %8lu ", 'a' + i, (u_long) pp->p_size, (u_long) pp->p_offset); if (pp->p_fstype < FSMAXTYPES) fprintf(f, "%8.8s", fstypenames[pp->p_fstype]); else fprintf(f, "%8d", pp->p_fstype); switch (pp->p_fstype) { case FS_UNUSED: /* XXX */ fprintf(f, " %5lu %5lu %5.5s ", (u_long) pp->p_fsize, (u_long) (pp->p_fsize * pp->p_frag), ""); break; case FS_BSDFFS: fprintf(f, " %5lu %5lu %5u ", (u_long) pp->p_fsize, (u_long) (pp->p_fsize * pp->p_frag), pp->p_cpg); break; case FS_BSDLFS: fprintf(f, " %5lu %5lu %5d", (u_long) pp->p_fsize, (u_long) (pp->p_fsize * pp->p_frag), pp->p_cpg); break; default: fprintf(f, "%20.20s", ""); break; } fprintf(f, "\t# (Cyl. %4lu", (u_long) (pp->p_offset / lp->d_secpercyl)); if (pp->p_offset % lp->d_secpercyl) putc('*', f); else putc(' ', f); fprintf(f, "- %lu", (u_long) ((pp->p_offset + pp->p_size + lp->d_secpercyl - 1) / lp->d_secpercyl - 1)); if (pp->p_size % lp->d_secpercyl) putc('*', f); fprintf(f, ")\n"); } } fflush(f); } static struct disklabel *get_virgin_disklabel(char *dkname) { static struct disklabel loclab; struct partition *dp = NULL; char *lnamebuf = NULL; int f; u_int secsize, u; off_t mediasize; mr_asprintf(&lnamebuf, "%s", dkname); if ((f = open(lnamebuf, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { warn("cannot open %s", lnamebuf); mr_free(lnamebuf); return (NULL); } mr_free(lnamebuf); /* New world order */ if ((ioctl(f, DIOCGMEDIASIZE, &mediasize) != 0) || (ioctl(f, DIOCGSECTORSIZE, &secsize) != 0)) { close(f); return (NULL); } memset(&loclab, 0, sizeof loclab); loclab.d_magic = DISKMAGIC; loclab.d_magic2 = DISKMAGIC; loclab.d_secsize = secsize; loclab.d_secperunit = mediasize / secsize; /* * Nobody in these enligthened days uses the CHS geometry for * anything, but nontheless try to get it right. If we fail * to get any good ideas from the device, construct something * which is IBM-PC friendly. */ if (ioctl(f, DIOCGFWSECTORS, &u) == 0) loclab.d_nsectors = u; else loclab.d_nsectors = 63; if (ioctl(f, DIOCGFWHEADS, &u) == 0) loclab.d_ntracks = u; else if (loclab.d_secperunit <= 63 * 1 * 1024) loclab.d_ntracks = 1; else if (loclab.d_secperunit <= 63 * 16 * 1024) loclab.d_ntracks = 16; else loclab.d_ntracks = 255; loclab.d_secpercyl = loclab.d_ntracks * loclab.d_nsectors; loclab.d_ncylinders = loclab.d_secperunit / loclab.d_secpercyl; loclab.d_npartitions = MAXPARTITIONS; /* Various (unneeded) compat stuff */ loclab.d_rpm = 3600; loclab.d_bbsize = BBSIZE; loclab.d_interleave = 1;; strncpy(loclab.d_typename, "amnesiac", sizeof(loclab.d_typename)); dp = &loclab.d_partitions[RAW_PART]; dp->p_size = loclab.d_secperunit; loclab.d_checksum = dkcksum(&loclab); close(f); return (&loclab); } /* End stolen from /usr/src/sbin/disklabel/disklabel.c. */ char *canonical_name(char *drivename) { if (drivename) { if (strncmp(drivename, "/dev/", 5) == 0) { return drivename + 5; } } return drivename; } /** * (BSD only) Create a disklabel on @p drivename according to @p mountlist. * @param mountlist The mountlist to get the subpartition information from. * @param drivename The drive or slice to create a disklabel on. * @param ret If non-NULL, store the created disklabel here. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success). */ int label_drive_or_slice(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist, char *drivename, struct disklabel *ret) { char *subdev_str = NULL; char *command = NULL; struct disklabel *lp = NULL; int i, lo = 0; int retval = 0; char c = ' '; FILE *ftmp = NULL; lp = get_virgin_disklabel(drivename); for (c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) { int idx; mr_asprintf(&subdev_str, "%s%c", drivename, c); if ((idx = find_device_in_mountlist(mountlist, subdev_str)) < 0) { lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_size = 0; lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_fstype = FS_UNUSED; } else { lo = c - 'a'; lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_size = mountlist->el[idx].size * 2; lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_fsize = 0; lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_frag = 0; lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_cpg = 0; if (!strcmp(mountlist->el[idx].format, "ufs") || !strcmp(mountlist->el[idx].format, "ffs") || !strcmp(mountlist->el[idx].format, "4.2BSD")) { lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_fstype = FS_BSDFFS; lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_fsize = 2048; lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_frag = 8; lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_cpg = 64; } else if (!strcasecmp(mountlist->el[idx].format, "raid") || !strcasecmp(mountlist->el[idx].format, "vinum")) { lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_fstype = FS_VINUM; } else if (!strcmp(mountlist->el[idx].format, "swap")) { lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_fstype = FS_SWAP; } else lp->d_partitions[c - 'a'].p_fstype = FS_OTHER; } mr_free(subdev_str); } // fix up the offsets lp->d_partitions[0].p_offset = 0; lp->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_offset = 0; lp->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_size = lp->d_secperunit; lp->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_fstype = FS_UNUSED; for (i = 1; i < lp->d_npartitions; ++i) { int lastone; if ((i == RAW_PART) || (lp->d_partitions[i].p_size == 0)) continue; for (lastone = i - 1; lastone >= 0; lastone--) { if ((lp->d_partitions[lastone].p_size) && (lastone != RAW_PART)) break; } lp->d_partitions[i].p_offset = lp->d_partitions[lastone].p_offset + lp->d_partitions[lastone].p_size; } if (lp->d_partitions[lo].p_offset + lp->d_partitions[lo].p_size > lp->d_secperunit) { lp->d_partitions[lo].p_size = lp->d_secperunit - lp->d_partitions[lo].p_offset; } ftmp = fopen("/tmp/disklabel", "w"); display_disklabel(ftmp, lp); fclose(ftmp); mr_asprintf(&command, "disklabel -wr %s auto", canonical_name(drivename)); retval += run_program_and_log_output(command, TRUE); mr_free(command); mr_asprintf(&command, "disklabel -R %s /tmp/disklabel", canonical_name(drivename)); retval += run_program_and_log_output(command, TRUE); mr_free(command); if (ret) *ret = *lp; return retval; } #endif /** * Partition @p drivename based on @p mountlist. * @param mountlist The mountlist to use to guide the partitioning. * @param drivename The drive to partition. * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure. */ int partition_drive(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist, char *drivename) { /** int *************************************************************/ int current_devno = 0; int previous_devno = 0; int lino = 0; int retval = 0; int i = 0; FILE *pout_to_fdisk = NULL; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ bool fbsd_part = FALSE; char *subdev_str = NULL; #endif /** long long *******************************************************/ long long partsize; /** buffers *********************************************************/ char *device_str = NULL; char *format = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; /** end *************************************************************/ assert(mountlist != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(drivename); log_it("Partitioning drive %s", drivename); #if __FreeBSD__ log_it("(Not opening fdisk now; that's the Linux guy's job)"); pout_to_fdisk = NULL; #else make_hole_for_file(FDISK_LOG); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "parted2fdisk %s >> %s 2>> %s", drivename, FDISK_LOG, FDISK_LOG); pout_to_fdisk = popen(tmp, "w"); mr_free(tmp); if (!pout_to_fdisk) { log_to_screen(_("Cannot call parted2fdisk to configure %s"), drivename); return (1); } #endif malloc_string(device_str); for (current_devno = 1; current_devno < 99; current_devno++) { build_partition_name(device_str, drivename, current_devno); lino = find_device_in_mountlist(mountlist, device_str); if (lino < 0) { // device not found in mountlist #if __FreeBSD__ // If this is the first partition (just as a sentinel value), // then see if the user has picked 'dangerously-dedicated' mode. // If so, then we just call label_drive_or_slice() and return. char c = ' '; char *command = NULL; if (current_devno == 1) { // try DangerouslyDedicated mode for (c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) { mr_asprintf(&subdev_str, "%s%c", drivename, c); if (find_device_in_mountlist(mountlist, subdev_str) > 0) { fbsd_part = TRUE; } mr_free(subdev_str); } if (fbsd_part) { int r = label_drive_or_slice(mountlist, drivename, 0); mr_asprintf(&command, "disklabel -B %s", basename(drivename)); if (system(command)) { log_to_screen (_ ("Warning! Unable to make the drive bootable.")); } mr_free(command); mr_free(device_str); return r; } } for (c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) { mr_asprintf(&subdev_str, "%s%c", device_str, c); if (find_device_in_mountlist(mountlist, subdev_str) > 0) { fbsd_part = TRUE; } mr_free(subdev_str); } // Now we check the subpartitions of the current partition. if (fbsd_part) { int i, line; mr_asprintf(&format, "ufs"); partsize = 0; for (i = 'a'; i < 'z'; ++i) { mr_asprintf(&subdev_str, "%s%c", device_str, i); line = find_device_in_mountlist(mountlist, subdev_str); mr_free(subdev_str); if (line > 0) { // We found one! Add its size to the total size. partsize += mountlist->el[line].size; } } } else { continue; } #else continue; #endif } /* OK, we've found partition /dev/hdxN in mountlist; let's prep it */ /* For FreeBSD, that is /dev/adXsY */ log_it("Found partition %s in mountlist", device_str); if (!previous_devno) { log_it("Wiping %s's partition table", drivename); #if __FreeBSD__ // FreeBSD doesn't let you write to blk devices in <512byte chunks. file = open(drivename, O_WRONLY); if (!file) { log_to_screen(_("Warning - unable to open %s for wiping it's partition table"), drivename); } for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) { if (!write(file, "\0", 1)) { log_to_screen(_("Warning - unable to write to %s"), drivename); } } sync(); #else iamhere("New, kernel-friendly partition remover"); for (i = 20; i > 0; i--) { fprintf(pout_to_fdisk, "d\n%d\n", i); fflush(pout_to_fdisk); } #endif if (current_devno > 1) { previous_devno = make_dummy_partitions(pout_to_fdisk, drivename, current_devno); } } #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (!fbsd_part) { #endif mr_free(format); mr_asprintf(&format, mountlist->el[lino].format); partsize = mountlist->el[lino].size; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ } #endif #ifndef __IA64__ if (current_devno == 5 && previous_devno == 4) { log_to_screen (_ ("You must leave at least one partition spare as the Extended partition.")); mr_free(device_str); mr_free(format); return (1); } #endif retval += partition_device(pout_to_fdisk, drivename, current_devno, previous_devno, format, partsize); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if ((current_devno <= 4) && fbsd_part) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "disklabel -B %s", basename(device_str)); retval += label_drive_or_slice(mountlist, device_str, 0); if (system(tmp)) { log_to_screen (_("Warning! Unable to make the slice bootable.")); } mr_free(tmp); } #endif previous_devno = current_devno; } mr_free(device_str); mr_free(format); if (pout_to_fdisk) { // mark relevant partition as bootable mr_asprintf(&tmp, "a\n%s\n", call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output ("make-me-bootable /tmp/mountlist.txt dummy")); fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, tmp); mr_free(tmp); // close fdisk fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, "w\n"); sync(); paranoid_pclose(pout_to_fdisk); mr_msg(0, "------------------- fdisk.log looks like this ------------------"); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "cat %s >> %s", FDISK_LOG, MONDO_LOGFILE); system(tmp); mr_free(tmp); mr_msg(0, "------------------- end of fdisk.log... word! ------------------"); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "tail -n6 %s | grep -F \"16: \"", FDISK_LOG); if (!run_program_and_log_output(tmp, 5)) { g_partition_table_locked_up++; log_to_screen (_ ("A flaw in the Linux kernel has locked the partition table.")); } mr_free(tmp); } return (retval); } /** * Create partition number @p partno on @p drive with @p fdisk. * @param drive The drive to create the partition on. // * @param partno The partition number of the new partition (1-4 are primary, >=5 is logical). * @param prev_partno The partition number of the most recently prepped partition. * @param format The filesystem type of this partition (used to set the type). * @param partsize The size of the partition in @e bytes. * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure. */ int partition_device(FILE * pout_to_fdisk, const char *drive, int partno, int prev_partno, const char *format, long long partsize) { /** int **************************************************************/ int retval = 0; int res = 0; /** buffers **********************************************************/ char *program = NULL; char *partition_name = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; char *output = NULL; /** pointers **********************************************************/ char *p = NULL; char *part_table_fmt = NULL; FILE *fout = NULL; /** end ***************************************************************/ assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(drive); assert(format != NULL); log_it("partition_device('%s', %d, %d, '%s', %lld) --- starting", drive, partno, prev_partno, format, partsize); if (!strncmp(drive, RAID_DEVICE_STUB, strlen(RAID_DEVICE_STUB))) { log_it("Not partitioning %s - it is a virtual drive", drive); return (0); } malloc_string(partition_name); build_partition_name(partition_name, drive, partno); if (partsize <= 0) { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Partitioning device %s (max size)", partition_name); } else { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Partitioning device %s (%lld MB)", partition_name, (long long) partsize / 1024); } update_progress_form(tmp); log_it(tmp); mr_free(tmp); if (is_this_device_mounted(partition_name)) { log_to_screen("%s is mounted, and should not be partitioned", partition_name); mr_free(partition_name); return (1); } p = (char *) strrchr(partition_name, '/'); /* BERLIOS: should not be called each time */ part_table_fmt = which_partition_format(drive); /* make it a primary/extended/logical */ if (partno <= 4) { mr_asprintf(&output,"n\np\n%d\n", partno); } else { /* MBR needs an extended partition if more than 4 partitions */ if (strcmp(part_table_fmt, "MBR") == 0) { if (partno == 5) { if (prev_partno >= 4) { log_to_screen (_ ("You need to leave at least one partition free, for 'extended/logical'")); mr_free(partition_name); return (1); } else { mr_asprintf(&output,"n\ne\n%d\n\n\n",prev_partno + 1); } } mr_strcat(output, "n\nl\n"); } else { /* GPT allows more than 4 primary partitions */ mr_asprintf(&output,"n\np\n%d\n",partno); } } /*start block (ENTER for next free blk */ mr_strcat(output, "\n"); if (partsize > 0) { if (!strcmp(format, "7")) { mr_msg(1, "Adding 512K, just in case"); partsize += 512; } mr_strcat(output, "+%lldK", (long long) (partsize)); } mr_strcat(output, "\n"); #if 0 /* #endif log_it("PARTSIZE = +%ld",(long)partsize); log_it("---fdisk command---"); log_it(output); log_it("---end of fdisk---"); #if 0 */ #endif if (pout_to_fdisk) { mr_msg(1, "Doing the new all-in-one fdisk thing"); mr_msg(1, "output = '%s'", output); fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, output); fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, "\n\np\n"); mr_asprintf(&tmp, last_line_of_file(FDISK_LOG)); if (strstr(tmp, " (m ")) { mr_msg(1, "Successfully created partition %d on %s", partno, drive); } else { mr_msg(1, "last line = %s", tmp); mr_msg(1, "Failed to create partition %d on %s; sending 'Enter'...", partno, drive); } mr_free(tmp); if (!retval) { mr_msg(1, "Trying to set partition %d type now on %s", partno, drive); retval = set_partition_type(pout_to_fdisk, drive, partno, format, partsize); if (retval) { mr_msg(1, "Failed. Trying again..."); retval = set_partition_type(pout_to_fdisk, drive, partno, format, partsize); } } if (retval) { mr_msg(1, "...but failed to set type"); } } else { mr_strcat(output, "w\n\n"); mr_asprintf(&program, "parted2fdisk %s >> %s 2>> %s", drive, MONDO_LOGFILE, MONDO_LOGFILE); if (g_fprep) { fprintf(g_fprep, "echo \"%s\" | %s\n", output, program); } /* write to disk; close fdisk's stream */ if (!(fout = popen(program, "w"))) { log_OS_error("can't popen-out to program"); } else { fputs(output, fout); paranoid_pclose(fout); } mr_free(program); if (!does_partition_exist(drive, partno) && partsize > 0) { log_it("Vaccum-packing"); g_current_progress--; res = partition_device(pout_to_fdisk, drive, partno, prev_partno, format, -1); if (res) { log_it("Failed to vacuum-pack %s", partition_name); retval++; } else { retval = 0; } } if (does_partition_exist(drive, partno)) { retval = set_partition_type(pout_to_fdisk, drive, partno, format, partsize); if (retval) { log_it("Partitioned %s but failed to set its type", partition_name); } else { if (partsize > 0) { log_to_screen(_("Partition %s created+configured OK"), partition_name); } else { log_it("Returning from a successful vacuum-pack"); } } } else { mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Failed to partition %s", partition_name); if (partsize > 0) { log_to_screen(tmp); } else { log_it(tmp); } mr_free(tmp); retval++; } } g_current_progress++; log_it("partition_device() --- leaving"); mr_free(partition_name); mr_free(output); return (retval); } /** * Create all partitions listed in @p mountlist. * @param mountlist The mountlist to use to guide the partitioning. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success). * @note This sets the partition types but doesn't actually do the formatting. * Use format_everything() for that. */ int partition_everything(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist) { /** int ************************************************************/ int lino = 0; int retval = 0; int i = 0; int res = 0; /** buffer *********************************************************/ struct list_of_disks *drivelist = NULL; /** end ************************************************************/ drivelist = mr_malloc(sizeof(struct list_of_disks)); assert(mountlist != NULL); log_it("partition_everything() --- starting"); mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY, 0, "Partitioning hard drives "); if (mountlist_contains_raid_devices(mountlist)) { /* mountlist=&new_mtlist; */ /* extrapolate_mountlist_to_include_raid_partitions(mountlist,orig_mtlist); */ mr_msg(0, "Mountlist, including the partitions incorporated in RAID devices:-"); for (i = 0; i < mountlist->entries; i++) { log_it(mountlist->el[i].device); } mr_msg(0, "End of mountlist."); } mr_msg(0, "Stopping all LVMs, just in case"); if (!g_text_mode) { newtSuspend(); } do_my_funky_lvm_stuff(TRUE, FALSE); // just remove old partitions if (!g_text_mode) { newtResume(); } mr_msg(0, "Stopping all software RAID devices, just in case"); stop_all_raid_devices(mountlist); mr_msg(0, "Done."); open_progress_form(_("Partitioning devices"), _("I am now going to partition all your drives."), _("This should not take more than five minutes."), "", mountlist->entries); make_list_of_drives_in_mountlist(mountlist, drivelist); /* partition each drive */ for (lino = 0; lino < drivelist->entries; lino++) { res = partition_drive(mountlist, drivelist->el[lino].device); retval += res; } close_progress_form(); if (retval) { mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, 74, _("Failed.")); log_to_screen (_ ("Errors occurred during the partitioning of your hard drives.")); } else { mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, 74, _("Done.")); paranoid_system("rm -f /tmp/fdisk*.log 2> /dev/null"); } newtSuspend(); system("clear"); newtResume(); mr_free(drivelist); return (retval); } /** * Set the type of partition number @p partno on @p drive to @p format. * @param drive The drive to change the type of a partition on. * @param partno The partition number on @p drive to change the type of. * @param format The filesystem type this partition will eventually contain. * @param partsize The size of this partition, in @e bytes (used for vfat * type calculations). * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure. */ int set_partition_type(FILE * pout_to_fdisk, const char *drive, int partno, const char *format, long long partsize) { /** buffers *********************************************************/ char *partition = NULL; char *command = NULL; char *output = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; char *partcode = NULL; /** pointers *********************************************************/ char *p = NULL; FILE *fout = NULL; /** int **************************************************************/ int res = 0; /** end **************************************************************/ assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(drive); assert(format != NULL); malloc_string(partition); build_partition_name(partition, drive, partno); p = (char *) strrchr(partition, '/'); if (strcmp(format, "swap") == 0) { mr_asprintf(&partcode, "82"); } else if (strcmp(format, "vfat") == 0) { if (partsize / 1024 > 8192) { mr_asprintf(&partcode, "c"); } else { mr_asprintf(&partcode, "b"); } } else if (strcmp(format, "ext2") == 0 || strcmp(format, "reiserfs") == 0 || strcmp(format, "ext3") == 0 || strcmp(format, "xfs") == 0 || strcmp(format, "jfs") == 0) { mr_asprintf(&partcode, "83"); } else if (strcmp(format, "minix") == 0) { mr_asprintf(&partcode, "81"); } else if (strcmp(format, "vmfs3") == 0) { strcpy(partcode, "fb"); } else if (strcmp(format, "vmkcore") == 0) { strcpy(partcode, "fc"); } else if (strcmp(format, "raid") == 0) { mr_asprintf(&partcode, "fd"); } else if ((strcmp(format, "ufs") == 0) || (strcmp(format, "ffs") == 0)) { /* raid autodetect */ mr_asprintf(&partcode, "a5"); } else if (strcmp(format, "lvm") == 0) { mr_asprintf(&partcode, "8e"); } else if (format[0] == '\0') { /* LVM physical partition */ mr_asprintf(&partcode, ""); } else if (strlen(format) >= 1 && strlen(format) <= 2) { mr_asprintf(&partcode, format); } else { /* probably an image */ mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Unknown format ('%s') - using supplied string anyway", format); mvaddstr_and_log_it(g_currentY++, 0, tmp); mr_free(tmp); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ mr_asprintf(&partcode, format); // was a5 #else mr_asprintf(&partcode, format); // was 83 #endif } mr_asprintf(&tmp, "Setting %s's type to %s (%s)", partition, format, partcode); mr_msg(1, tmp); mr_free(tmp); if (partcode[0] != '\0' && strcmp(partcode, "83")) { /* no need to set type if 83: 83 is default */ if (pout_to_fdisk) { res = 0; fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, "t\n"); if (partno > 1 || strstr(last_line_of_file(FDISK_LOG), " (1-4)")) { mr_msg(5, "Specifying partno (%d) - yay", partno); mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%d\n", partno); fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, tmp); mr_msg(5, "A - last line = '%s'", last_line_of_file(FDISK_LOG)); mr_free(tmp); } mr_asprintf(&tmp, "%s\n", partcode); fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, tmp); mr_free(tmp); mr_msg(5, "B - last line = '%s'", last_line_of_file(FDISK_LOG)); fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, "\n"); mr_msg(5, "C - last line = '%s'", last_line_of_file(FDISK_LOG)); mr_asprintf(&tmp, last_line_of_file(FDISK_LOG)); if (!strstr(tmp, " (m ")) { mr_msg(1, "last line = '%s'; part type set failed", tmp); res++; fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, "\n"); } mr_free(tmp); fput_string_one_char_at_a_time(pout_to_fdisk, "p\n"); } else { mr_asprintf(&output, "t\n%d\n%s\nw\n", partno, partcode); mr_asprintf(&command, "parted2fdisk %s >> %s 2>> %s", drive, MONDO_LOGFILE, MONDO_LOGFILE); mr_msg(5, "output = '%s'", output); mr_msg(5, "partno=%d; partcode=%s", partno, partcode); mr_msg(5, "command = '%s'", command); fout = popen(command, "w"); if (!fout) { log_OS_error(command); res = 1; } else { res = 0; fprintf(fout, output); paranoid_pclose(fout); } mr_free(command); mr_free(output); } /* BERLIOS: Useless as command not initialized in all cases if (res) { log_OS_error(command); } */ } mr_free(partition); mr_free(partcode); return (res); } int start_raid_device(char *raid_device) { /** int *************************************************************/ int res = 0; int retval = 0; /** buffers *********************************************************/ char *program = NULL; /** end *************************************************************/ assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(raid_device); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (is_this_device_mounted(raid_device)) { log_it("Can't start %s when it's mounted!", raid_device); return 1; } mr_asprintf(&program, "vinum start -f %s", raid_device); #else // use raidstart if it exists, otherwise use mdadm if (run_program_and_log_output("which raidstart", FALSE)) { // BERLIOS: Not sure it's sufficient mr_asprintf(&program, "mdadm -A %s", raid_device); } else { mr_asprintf(&program, "raidstart %s", raid_device); } #endif mr_msg(1, "program = %s", program); res = run_program_and_log_output(program, 1); if (g_fprep) { fprintf(g_fprep, "%s\n", program); } mr_free(program); if (res) { mr_msg(1, "Warning - failed to start RAID device %s", raid_device); } retval += res; sleep(1); return (retval); } /** * Stop @p raid_device using @p raidstop. * @param raid_device The software RAID device to stop. * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure. */ int stop_raid_device(char *raid_device) { /** int *************************************************************/ int res = 0; int retval = 0; /** buffers *********************************************************/ char *program = NULL; /** end *************************************************************/ assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(raid_device); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (is_this_device_mounted(raid_device)) { log_it("Can't stop %s when it's mounted!", raid_device); return 1; } mr_asprintf(&program, "vinum stop -f %s", raid_device); #else // use raidstop if it exists, otherwise use mdadm if (run_program_and_log_output("which raidstop", FALSE)) { mr_asprintf(&program, "mdadm -S %s", raid_device); } else { mr_asprintf(&program, "raidstop %s", raid_device); } #endif mr_msg(1, "program = %s", program); res = run_program_and_log_output(program, 1); if (g_fprep) { fprintf(g_fprep, "%s\n", program); } mr_free(program); if (res) { mr_msg(1, "Warning - failed to stop RAID device %s", raid_device); } retval += res; return (retval); } int start_all_raid_devices(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist) { int i = 0; int retval = 0; int res = 0; for (i = 0; i < mountlist->entries; i++) { if (!strncmp (mountlist->el[i].device, RAID_DEVICE_STUB, strlen(RAID_DEVICE_STUB))) { mr_msg(1, "Starting %s", mountlist->el[i].device); res = start_raid_device(mountlist->el[i].device); retval += res; } } if (retval) { mr_msg(1, "Started all s/w raid devices OK"); } else { mr_msg(1, "Failed to start some/all s/w raid devices"); } return (retval); } /** * Stop all software RAID devices listed in @p mountlist. * @param mountlist The mountlist to stop the RAID devices in. * @return The number of errors encountered (0 for success). * @bug @p mountlist is not used. */ int stop_all_raid_devices(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist) { /** int *************************************************************/ int retval = 0; #ifndef __FreeBSD__ int res = 0; #endif /** char ************************************************************/ char *incoming = NULL; #ifndef __FreeBSD__ char *dev = NULL; #endif /** pointers ********************************************************/ #ifndef __FreeBSD__ char *p = NULL; #endif FILE *fin = NULL; int i = 0; size_t n = 0; /** end ****************************************************************/ assert(mountlist != NULL); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ fin = popen ("vinum list | grep '^[PVS]' | sed 's/S/1/;s/P/2/;s/V/3/' | sort | cut -d' ' -f2", "r"); if (!fin) { return (1); } for (mr_getline(&incoming, &n, fin); !feof(fin); mr_getline(&incoming, &n, fin)) { retval += stop_raid_device(incoming); } #else fin = fopen(MDSTAT_FILE, "r"); if (!fin) { log_OS_error(MDSTAT_FILE); return (1); } for (mr_getline(&incoming, &n, fin); !feof(fin); mr_getline(&incoming, &n, fin)) { for (p = incoming; *p != '\0' && (*p != 'm' || *(p + 1) != 'd' || !isdigit(*(p + 2))); p++); if (*p != '\0') { mr_asprintf(&dev, "/dev/%s", p); /* BERLIOS : 32 Hard coded value */ for (p = dev; *p > 32; p++); *p = '\0'; res = stop_raid_device(dev); mr_free(dev); } } #endif mr_free(incoming); } paranoid_fclose(fin); if (retval) { mr_msg(1, "Warning - unable to stop some RAID devices"); } sync(); sync(); sync(); sleep(1); return (retval); } /** * Decide which command we need to use to format a device of type @p format. * @param format The filesystem type we are about to format. * @param program Where to put the binary name for this format. * @return 0 for success, nonzero for failure. */ int which_format_command_do_i_need(char *format, char *program) { /** int *************************************************************/ int res = 0; /** end ***************************************************************/ assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(format); assert(program != NULL); if (strcmp(format, "swap") == 0) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ strcpy(program, "true"); #else strcpy(program, "mkswap"); #endif } else if (strcmp(format, "vfat") == 0) { strcpy(program, "format-and-kludge-vfat"); #ifndef __FreeBSD__ } else if (strcmp(format, "reiserfs") == 0) { strcpy(program, "mkreiserfs -ff"); } else if (strcmp(format, "xfs") == 0) { strcpy(program, "mkfs.xfs -f -q"); } else if (strcmp(format, "jfs") == 0) { strcpy(program, "mkfs.jfs"); } else if (strcmp(format, "ext3") == 0) { strcpy(program, "mkfs -t ext3 -F -q"); } else if (strcmp(format, "minix") == 0) { strcpy(program, "mkfs.minix"); } else if (strcmp(format, "vmfs") == 0) { strcpy(program, "mkfs -t vmfs"); #endif } else if (strcmp(format, "ext2") == 0) { strcpy(program, "mke2fs -F -q"); } else { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ sprintf(program, "newfs_%s", format); #else sprintf(program, "mkfs -t %s -c", format); // -c checks for bad blocks #endif log_it("Unknown format (%s) - assuming '%s' will do", format, program); res = 0; } return (res); } /** * Calculate the probable size of @p drive_name by adding up sizes in * @p mountlist. * @param mountlist The mountlist to use to calculate the size. * @param drive_name The drive to calculate the original size of. * @return The size of @p drive_name in kilobytes. */ long calc_orig_size_of_drive_from_mountlist(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist, char *drive_name) { /** long ************************************************************/ long original_size_of_drive = 0L; /** int *************************************************************/ int partno = 0; /** end *************************************************************/ assert(mountlist != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(drive_name); for (original_size_of_drive = 0, partno = 0; partno < mountlist->entries; partno++) { if (strncmp (mountlist->el[partno].device, drive_name, strlen(drive_name)) == 0) { original_size_of_drive += mountlist->el[partno].size; } else { log_to_screen("Skipping %s", mountlist->el[partno].device); } } original_size_of_drive = original_size_of_drive / 1024; return (original_size_of_drive); } /** * Resize a drive's entries in @p mountlist proportionately to fit its new size. * There are a few problems with this function: * - It won't work if there was any unallocated space on the user's hard drive * when it was backed up. * - It won't work if the user's hard drive lies about its size (more common * than you'd think). * * @param mountlist The mountlist to use for resizing @p drive_name. * @param drive_name The drive to resize. */ void resize_drive_proportionately_to_suit_new_drives(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist, char *drive_name) { /** int *************************************************************/ int partno = 0, lastpart = 0; /** remove driveno, noof_drives stan benoit apr 2002**/ /** float ***********************************************************/ float factor; float new_size; /** long *************************************************************/ long newsizL = 0L; long current_size_of_drive = 0L; long original_size_of_drive = 0L; long final_size = 0L; /* all in Megabytes */ struct mountlist_reference *drivemntlist = NULL; /** structures *******************************************************/ /** end **************************************************************/ assert(mountlist != NULL); assert_string_is_neither_NULL_nor_zerolength(drive_name); if (strlen(drive_name) >= strlen(RAID_DEVICE_STUB)) { if (strncmp(drive_name, RAID_DEVICE_STUB, strlen(RAID_DEVICE_STUB)) == 0) { return; } } current_size_of_drive = get_phys_size_of_drive(drive_name); if (current_size_of_drive <= 0) { log_it("Not resizing to match %s - can't find drive", drive_name); return; } log_to_screen("Expanding entries to suit drive %s (%ld MB)", drive_name, current_size_of_drive); drivemntlist = mr_malloc(sizeof(struct mountlist_reference)); drivemntlist->el = mr_malloc(sizeof(struct mountlist_line *) * MAX_TAPECATALOG_ENTRIES); create_mountlist_for_drive(mountlist, drive_name, drivemntlist); for (partno = 0; partno < drivemntlist->entries; partno++) { original_size_of_drive += drivemntlist->el[partno]->size; } original_size_of_drive = original_size_of_drive / 1024; if (original_size_of_drive <= 0) { log_to_screen(_("Cannot resize %s's entries. Drive not found."), drive_name); return; } factor = (float) (current_size_of_drive) / (float) (original_size_of_drive); log_to_screen(_("Disk %s was %ld MB; is now %ld MB; factor = %f"), drive_name, original_size_of_drive, current_size_of_drive, factor); lastpart = drivemntlist->entries - 1; for (partno = 0; partno < drivemntlist->entries; partno++) { /* the 'atoi' thing is to make sure we don't try to resize _images_, whose formats will be numeric */ if (!atoi(drivemntlist->el[partno]->format)) { new_size = (float) (drivemntlist->el[partno]->size) * factor; } else { new_size = drivemntlist->el[partno]->size; } if (!strcmp(drivemntlist->el[partno]->mountpoint, "image")) { mr_msg(1, "Skipping %s (%s) because it's an image", drivemntlist->el[partno]->device, drivemntlist->el[partno]->mountpoint); newsizL = (long) new_size; // It looks wrong but it's not } else { newsizL = (long) new_size; } log_to_screen(_("Changing %s from %lld KB to %ld KB"), drivemntlist->el[partno]->device, drivemntlist->el[partno]->size, newsizL); drivemntlist->el[partno]->size = newsizL; } final_size = get_phys_size_of_drive(drive_name); log_to_screen(_("final_size = %ld MB"), final_size); } /** * Resize all partitions in @p mountlist proportionately (each one * grows or shrinks by the same percentage) to fit them into the new * drives (presumably different from the old ones). * @param mountlist The mountlist to resize the drives in. */ void resize_mountlist_proportionately_to_suit_new_drives(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist) { /** buffers *********************************************************/ struct list_of_disks *drivelist = NULL; /** int *************************************************************/ int driveno = 0; /** end *************************************************************/ drivelist = mr_malloc(sizeof(struct list_of_disks)); if (g_mountlist_fname[0] == '\0') { log_it ("resize_mountlist_prop...() - warning - mountlist fname is blank"); log_it("That does NOT affect the functioning of this subroutine."); } iamhere("Resizing mountlist"); make_list_of_drives_in_mountlist(mountlist, drivelist); iamhere("Back from MLoDiM"); for (driveno = 0; driveno < drivelist->entries; driveno++) { resize_drive_proportionately_to_suit_new_drives(mountlist, drivelist-> el[driveno]. device); } log_to_screen(_("Mountlist adjusted to suit current hard drive(s)")); mr_free(drivelist); } /** * Create a mountlist_reference structure for @p drive_name in @p mountlist. * @param mountlist The complete mountlist to get the drive references from. * @param drive_name The drive to put in @p drivemntlist. * @param drivemntlist The mountlist_reference structure to put the drive's entries in. * @note @p drivemntlist and @p drivemntlist->el must be allocated by the caller. * @author Ralph Grewe */ void create_mountlist_for_drive(struct mountlist_itself *mountlist, char *drive_name, struct mountlist_reference *drivemntlist) { int partno = 0; char *tmp_drive_name = NULL, *c = NULL; assert(mountlist != NULL); assert(drive_name != NULL); assert(drivemntlist != NULL); mr_msg(1, "Creating list of partitions for drive %s", drive_name); mr_asprintf(&tmp_drive_name, drive_name); /* devfs devices? */ c = strrchr(tmp_drive_name, '/'); if (c && strncmp(c, "/disc", 5) == 0) { /* yup its devfs, change the "disc" to "part" so the existing code works */ strncpy(c + 1, "part", (size_t)5); } drivemntlist->entries = 0; for (partno = 0; partno < mountlist->entries; partno++) { if (strncmp (mountlist->el[partno].device, tmp_drive_name, strlen(tmp_drive_name)) == 0) { drivemntlist->el[drivemntlist->entries] = &mountlist->el[partno]; drivemntlist->entries++; } } mr_free(tmp_drive_name); } /* @} - end of prepGroup */