--- - name: Check that docutils is installed urpmi: name=python-docutils state=installed no_recommends=yes - name: Check that pip is installed urpmi: name=python-pip state=installed no_recommends=yes - name: Install trac with fcgi urpmi: name=trac-fcgi state=installed no_recommends=yes - name: Install trac plugins dir file: path=/prj/trac/plugins mode=0775 owner=apache group=apache state=directory # Do it only at upgrade of trac: #- name: Install trac plugins #command: pip install --no-deps --upgrade -t /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ {{ item }} #with_items: #- TracAccountManager #- TracTags #- TracRobotsTxt #- TracSpamFilter #- TracStats #notify: upgrade trac # Do it only at upgrade of trac: #- name: Upgrade trac with new plugins # command: trac-admin /prj/trac/{{ item }}.env upgrade # loop: "{{ prj }}" - name: Configure trac template: src=templates/trac.ini dest=/prj/trac/trac.ini owner=apache group=apache mode=0644 backup=yes notify: - restart httpd - name: Configure trac svn hook copy: src=templates/trac-svn-hook dest=/prj/trac/trac-svn-hook owner=apache group=apache mode=0755 backup=yes - name: Configure svn post-commit hook lineinfile: path="/prj/svn/{{ item }}/hooks/post-commit" state=present line='/prj/trac/trac-svn-hook $1 $2 $3 $4' owner=bruno group=bruno mode=0755 backup=yes create=true loop: "{{ prj }}" - name: "Configure trac ini file for the projects" copy: src="files/{{ item }}.ini" dest="/prj/trac/{{ item }}.env/conf/trac.ini" owner=apache group=apache mode=0644 backup=yes loop: "{{ prj }}" notify: - restart httpd - name: "Configure trac log file for the projects" file: path="/prj/trac/{{ item }}.env/log/trac.log" owner=apache group=bruno mode=0660 loop: "{{ prj }}" - name: "Configure trac db file for the projects" file: path="/prj/trac/{{ item }}.env/db/trac.db" owner=apache group=bruno mode=0664 loop: "{{ prj }}" - name: Check that trac is running and enabled service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes