# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- [account-manager] htpasswd_file = /usr/local/etc/uuwl.htpasswd [header_logo] alt = UUWL height = 120 link = http://uuwl.project-builder.org width = 350 [inherit] file = /prj/trac/trac.ini [notification] smtp_from = trac@project-builder.org [project] descr = LGPL/MIT library to ease porting code from one Unix to another footer = The project-builder project is hosted
by the HPE Customer Innovation Center on a Mageia system. icon = /prj/www/html/project-builder/favicon.ico name = UUWL url = http://uuwl.project-builder.org [ticket] default_component = libuuwl default_milestone = 0.1 default_priority = major default_severity = normal default_version = 0.1 [trac] base_url = http://uuwl.project-builder.org/ repository_dir = /prj/svn/uuwl