use 5.006001; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( NAME => 'PBPKG', DISTNAME => 'PBPKG', VERSION => 'PBVER', INST_SCRIPT => 'blib/bin', INSTALLDIRS => 'vendor', PREREQ_PM => { #HTTP::Headers => 1.59, #Template => 0, }, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 #ABSTRACT_FROM => 'bin/', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => 'Bruno Cornec ', EXE_FILES => [ qw( bin/mr-analyze-lvm bin/mr-check-lvm bin/mr-device-mounted bin/mr-process-ldd bin/mr-read-all-link bin/mr-kernel-get-modules bin/mr-net-get-config bin/mr-label ) ], ); package MY; sub postamble { # Determine location of etc conf files my $text =""; # Grab out any CONFDIR or other build param my $confdir = undef; my $target = undef; my $mandir = undef; my $cachedir = undef; my $sharedir = undef; while (my $arg = shift @ARGV) { my ($key, $value) = split /=/, $arg; if ($key =~ /^CONFDIR$/) { $confdir = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^MANDIR$/) { $mandir = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^CACHEDIR$/) { $cachedir = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^SHAREDIR$/) { $sharedir = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^TARGET$/) { $target = $value; } } if (not defined $target) { $target = "/usr/local"; if (not defined $confdir) { $confdir = "$target/etc"; } if (not defined $cachedir) { $cachedir = "$target/var/cache"; } } else { $cachedir = $cachedir || "$target/var/cache"; if (not defined $confdir) { die "CONFDIR should be defined if PREFIX is defined"; } if (not defined $cachedir) { die "CACHEDIR should be defined if PREFIX is defined"; } } $sharedir = $sharedir || "$target/share"; $mandir = $mandir || "$sharedir/man"; my $conff = "etc/PBPROJ.conf"; open(CONF, ">> $conff") || die "Unable to append to $conff"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # Configuration information added at install time # # # installation target # mr_install_dir default = $target # # conf dir # mr_conf_dir default = $confdir/PBPROJ # # cache directory # mr_cache_dir default = $cachedir/PBPROJ # # share directory # mr_share_dir default = $sharedir/PBPROJ # # version # mr_version default = PBVER-rPBREV EOF close(CONF); # Create the dynamic content for MondoRescue my $dynf = "lib/MondoRescue/"; open(DYN, "> $dynf") || die "Unable to create $dynf"; $text .= "install ::\n"; $text .= "\t".'@echo PBPKG PBVER-rPBREV will be installed under $(DESTDIR)'."\n"; $text .= "\t".'install -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)'."$confdir/PBPROJ".' $(DESTDIR)'."$cachedir/PBPROJ".' $(DESTDIR)'."$sharedir/PBPROJ\n"; $text .= "\t".'cp etc/PBPROJ.conf $(DESTDIR)'."$confdir/PBPROJ/PBPROJ.conf.dist ; install -m 755 -d ".' $(DESTDIR)'."$mandir/man5 ; perl -p -e 's/^# //; s/^#//' etc/PBPROJ.conf | pod2man --name=PBPROJ.conf --release=PBVER-rPBREV --section=5 > ".'$(DESTDIR)'."$mandir/man5/PBPROJ.conf.5\n"; $text .= "\t".'(cd $(DESTDIR)'."$confdir/PBPROJ/ ; md5sum PBPROJ.conf.dist > ".'$(DESTDIR)'."$confdir/PBPROJ/PBPROJ.conf.dist.md5)\n"; $text .= "\t".'if [ ! -f "'.'$(DESTDIR)'."$confdir/PBPROJ/PBPROJ.conf".'" ]; then echo "# Local configuration file for Mondorescue" > $(DESTDIR)'."$confdir/PBPROJ/PBPROJ.conf".'; echo "# Adapt content taken from the distribution conf file PBPROJ.conf.dist which should remain untouched" >> $(DESTDIR)'."$confdir/PBPROJ/PBPROJ.conf ; fi\n"; $text .= "\t".'cp lib/MondoRescue/ $(DESTDIR)/$(VENDORLIBEXP)/MondoRescue/'."\n"; # Now generate a perl module used by every other one in the project print DYN << "EOF"; #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Declare variables for the MondoRescue project # This module has been GENERATED at installation time # DO NOT MODIFY WITHOUT GOOD REASONS. # # Copyright B. Cornec 2008-2014 # Provided under the GPL v2 # package MondoRescue::DynConf; use strict 'vars'; # Inherit from the "Exporter" module which handles exporting functions. use Exporter; # Export, by default, all the functions into the namespace of # any code which uses this module. our \@ISA = qw(Exporter); our \@EXPORT = qw(mr_dynconf_init); =pod =head1 NAME MondoRescue::DynConf, part of the project =head1 DESCRIPTION This modules provides environment variables setup for the Mondorescue project =head1 USAGE =over 4 =item B This function returns all the installation PATH info needed by the project It takes no parameter and returns 2 values First value is the conf dir Second value is the project name =cut sub mr_dynconf_init { return("$confdir/PBPROJ","PBPROJ"); } 1; =pod =back =head1 WEB SITES The main Web site of the project is available at L. Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at L. =head1 USER MAILING LIST The mailing list of the project is available at L =head1 AUTHORS The team L lead by Bruno Cornec L. =head1 COPYRIGHT mrmini is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license described in the file C included with the distribution. =cut EOF close(DYN); return($text); }