/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ /* * Copyright (C) 2003 Glenn L. McGrath * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Erik Andersen * * Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this source tree. */ #include "libbb.h" /* This is a NOEXEC applet. Be very careful! */ enum { /* 4th letter of applet_name is... */ HASH_MD5 = 's', /* "md5>s 0) { update(&context, in_buf, count); } if (count == 0) { final(&context, in_buf); hash_value = hash_bin_to_hex(in_buf, hash_len); } RELEASE_CONFIG_BUFFER(in_buf); if (src_fd != STDIN_FILENO) { close(src_fd); } return hash_value; } int md5_sha1_sum_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE; int md5_sha1_sum_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) { int return_value = EXIT_SUCCESS; unsigned flags; if (ENABLE_FEATURE_MD5_SHA1_SUM_CHECK) { /* -b "binary", -t "text" are ignored (shaNNNsum compat) */ flags = getopt32(argv, "scwbt"); argv += optind; //argc -= optind; } else { argv += 1; //argc -= 1; } if (!*argv) *--argv = (char*)"-"; if (ENABLE_FEATURE_MD5_SHA1_SUM_CHECK && !(flags & FLAG_CHECK)) { if (flags & FLAG_SILENT) { bb_error_msg_and_die("-%c is meaningful only with -c", 's'); } if (flags & FLAG_WARN) { bb_error_msg_and_die("-%c is meaningful only with -c", 'w'); } } if (ENABLE_FEATURE_MD5_SHA1_SUM_CHECK && (flags & FLAG_CHECK)) { FILE *pre_computed_stream; int count_total = 0; int count_failed = 0; char *line; if (argv[1]) { bb_error_msg_and_die("only one argument may be specified with -c"); } pre_computed_stream = xfopen_stdin(argv[0]); while ((line = xmalloc_fgetline(pre_computed_stream)) != NULL) { uint8_t *hash_value; char *filename_ptr; count_total++; filename_ptr = strstr(line, " "); /* handle format for binary checksums */ if (filename_ptr == NULL) { filename_ptr = strstr(line, " *"); } if (filename_ptr == NULL) { if (flags & FLAG_WARN) { bb_error_msg("invalid format"); } count_failed++; return_value = EXIT_FAILURE; free(line); continue; } *filename_ptr = '\0'; filename_ptr += 2; hash_value = hash_file(filename_ptr); if (hash_value && (strcmp((char*)hash_value, line) == 0)) { if (!(flags & FLAG_SILENT)) printf("%s: OK\n", filename_ptr); } else { if (!(flags & FLAG_SILENT)) printf("%s: FAILED\n", filename_ptr); count_failed++; return_value = EXIT_FAILURE; } /* possible free(NULL) */ free(hash_value); free(line); } if (count_failed && !(flags & FLAG_SILENT)) { bb_error_msg("WARNING: %d of %d computed checksums did NOT match", count_failed, count_total); } /* if (fclose_if_not_stdin(pre_computed_stream) == EOF) { bb_perror_msg_and_die("can't close file %s", file_ptr); } */ } else { do { uint8_t *hash_value = hash_file(*argv); if (hash_value == NULL) { return_value = EXIT_FAILURE; } else { printf("%s %s\n", hash_value, *argv); free(hash_value); } } while (*++argv); } return return_value; }