Mindi Mondo Rescue and Mindi Linux HOWTO Prev Chapter 5. Installation Next 5.1. Mindi 5.1.1. TGZ If you are installing from a tarball then copy it to wherever you have enough space, for example /tmp and type: bash# cd /tmpbash# tar -zxvf mindi-0.7x.tgzbash# cd mindi-0.7xbash# ./install.sh This installs mindi into /usr/local/share/mindi and installs links to the programs into /usr/local/sbin 5.1.2. RPM Or, if you are installing from an RPM then copy it to wherever you have enough space, for example /tmp and type: bash# rpm -Uvh /tmp/mindi-0.7x-x.i386.rpm This installs mindi into /usr/share/mindi and installs links to the programs into /usr/sbin. This may be /usr/local/share/mindi and /usr/local/sbin, depending on the package you use. Different Linux distributions put system files in different places. The funny thing is, each distribution claims it is right and the others are wrong. Oh, and they all agree that I mustn't have read the LFS! :-) 5.1.3. DEB Debian users may wish to first create a .deb file and then use the debian package manager: bash# cd /tmpbash# alien mindi*.rpmbash# dpkg -i mindi*.deb This installs mindi into /usr/share/mindi and installs links to the programs into /usr/sbin Prev Home Next Installation Up Mondo